人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册 Unit2 Looking into the Future 核心词汇互动学(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册 Unit2 Looking into the Future 核心词汇互动学(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 56.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-11 12:08:43



【新教材】2020学年高一下学期英语选择性必修第一册教材基础夯实全攻略 (人教版)
选修第一册unit2 Looking into the future
I.高频单词 默写
_____________________ vt. 劝说;说服
________________ vt. 转换;交换vi&vt.(使)改变;转变n.开关;转换器;改变
__________________ adj. 遥远的;远处的;疏远的;心不在焉的
__________________ adj 安全的;安心的;可靠的;牢固的vt.获得;拴牢;保护
__________________ n. 电器;器具
__________________ a. 远程的;偏远的
__________________ adj. 自动的
__________________ adj. 各部分密切协调的;综合的
__________________ vi.&vt.使)合并;成为一体
__________________ adj. 效率高的;有功效的
__________________ n. 常规;正常顺序adj.常规的;日常的
__________________ n. 爱好;偏爱
__________________. 瞬间;片刻adj.立即的;速食的;速溶的
__________________ n. 指令;命令;控制vt.命令;控制
__________________ n. 警告;警示;先兆
__________________ adj. 不断的;重复的;不变的n.常数;常量
__________________ adj. 不正常的;反常的
__________________ adj. 严重的;关键的;批判性的
__________________ adv. 潜在地;可能地
__________________ adj. 可能的;潜在的n.潜力;可能性
__________________ vi&vt.漏;渗漏;透露n.漏洞;裂缝;透露
__________________ adj. 电的;用电的
__________________ vt. 发现;查明
__________________ adj. 有关的;有意义的
__________________ n. 幻想;想象
__________________ n. 创新;创造
__________________ adj. 可获得的;可购得的;人)有空的
__________________ adj.尽管如此;不过;然而
__________________ n. 结构;体系.系统安排;精心组织
__________________ n. 保护描施;安全工作
__________________ n. 犯罪活动;不法行为
__________________ vt.vi.(使)结合;混合
__________________ adj. 人工的;人造的;假的
__________________ vt. 克隆;以无性繁殖技术复制n.克隆动物(或植物)
__________________ vt. 预测;预言;预料
__________________ n. 预测;预
__________________ vt.n. 预测;预报
__________________ n. 职业;占领
__________________ vt. 反对;抵制;阻挠
__________________ adv. 因此;由此
__________________ vi.&vt.(使)停止;终止
__________________ adj. 已死的;亡故的
__________________ n. 不存在;缺乏;缺席
__________________ adj. 乡村的;农村的
__________________ n. 提倡;支持;拥护n.提倡者;支持者;拥护者
__________________ n. 强调;重视;重要性
__________________ n. 奢华
__________________ n. 职业;事业
__________________ n. 可能性;前景
__________________ vi.&vt.抵制;反抗;抵挡
__________________ n. 抵制;反对;抗拒
__________________ n. 路标
__________________ n. 文章
__________________ adj 精确的;准确的
__________________ n. 图书管理员;图书馆馆长
1.persuade _____________ __________ 2.distant __________ 3.secure __________ vt. 劝说,说服 n. 劝说,说服 adj. 有说服力的 adj. 遥远的,远处的;疏远的;心不在焉的 n. 距离;远方 adj. 安全的;安心的;可靠的;牢固的; vt. 获得;栓牢;保护n.安全
4.appliance __________ __________ __________ 5.automatic __________ 6.efficient __________ 7.preference __________ 8.obey __________ 9.constant __________ 10.abnormal __________ 11.potential __________ 12.ectrical __________ 13.detect __________ __________ 14.fantasy __________ n. 电器;器具 vt. 涂;敷;搽;应用;申请 n. 申请人 n.应用程序(app.); 应用;用途;申请 adj. 自动的 adv. 自动地 adj. 效率高的;有功效的 n.效率 n. 爱好;偏爱 v. 更喜欢 vt. & vi. 服从,遵守 adj. 服从的,顺从的 adj. 不断的;重复的;不变的 n. 常数;常量 adv. 始终;一直;重复不断地 adj. 不正常的;反常的adj. 正常的 adj. 可能的;潜在的; n. 潜力;可能性 adv. 潜在地;可能地 adj. 电的;用电的 n. 电 vt. 发现;查明 n. 探测器 adj. 侦查的;刑侦的 n. 侦探 n. 幻想;想象 adj. 怪诞的;异想天开的;了不起的,极好的
1.I just want you to answer the question in a concrete and believable      (短语).
2.Her father tried to p      her to go back home with him,but in vain. (劝说)
3.Mary told me that she spent her childhood in the r      mountain area. (遥远的)
4.It is said that this heating system has an a      temperature control. (自动的)
5. I      (使融合) the kids with the community as well as finding them a role,is essential.
6.They include the floor exercises as a regular part of their fitness r      (常规).
7.The Official Guide App is a      (可获得的) for free in both the App Store and Google Play.
8.We have suffered a serious setback. N     ,we must not be discouraged. (然而)
9.Computer s     systems will be designed by independent technicians. (安全)
10.In English study, intensive reading must be c      extensive reading. (结合)
11.Seeing in the d     ,we can find our school stadium more splendid.(距离)
12.After working well for a year, the air c      (空调) suddenly started kicking up.
13.The Internet is a very e      (效率) medium for spreading information.
14.This should serve as a w      (警告) that people should be aware of their surroundings.
15 . her father tried to p      her to go back home with him, but in vain. (劝说)
1.persuade vt.劝说;说服
【教材原句】For example, the phrase in my opinion tells us that the passage is likely meant to persuade.比如,in my opinion这个短语告诉我们,这篇文章可能意在说服。
【词汇精讲】persuade vt.劝说;说服
If she doesn’t’t want to go, nothing you can say will persuade her.
It was hard to persuade him to give up/into giving up smoking.
Many customers are persuaded into buying something they don’t need.
In the end I persuaded him of its truth.
2.distant adj. 遥远的;远处的;疏远的;心不在焉的
【教材原句】However, in the not-too-distant future, we will be living in smart homes that will lock the door for us when we are away and remember to switch off the TV when we forget.然而,在不太遥远的未来,我们将生活在智能家居里,它能在我们离开时锁门,在我们忘了关掉电视的时候记得关掉它。
【词汇精讲】distant adj. 遥远的;远处的;疏远的;心不在焉的
There is little doubt, however, that things will improve in the not-too-distant future.
There was a distant look in her eyes from time to time, her thoughts elsewhere.
My parents live within walking distance of me.
It is said that the mountain is more beautiful when seen from/at a distance.
The noise of the car died away in the distance.
3.secure adj.安全的;安心的;可靠的;牢固的
【教材原句】These smart homes will keep us secure, save us energy, and provide a more comfortable environment to live in.这些智能家居将保护我们的安全,节省能源,并提供一个更舒适的生活环境。
【词汇精讲】secure adj.安全的;安心的;可靠的;牢固的 vt.获得;拴牢;保护
It was enough money to make us feel financially secure.
The house isn’t very secure—we need some new locks.
4.preference n.爱好;偏爱
【教材原句】Your home will also learn your daily routine and preferences, so everything will be ready for you when you get home each evening.你的家也会了解你的日常习惯和喜好,所以每天晚上你回家时,一切都会为你准备就绪。
【词汇精讲】preference n.爱好;偏爱
Parents can express a preference for the school their child attends.
Which is your preference, tea or coffee
6.detect vt.发现;查明
relevant adj.有关的;有意义的
【教材原句】...your smart home will detect it and provide you with the relevant information.……你的智能家居将检测到它,并向你提供相关信息。
【词汇精讲1】detect vt.发现;查明
The tests are designed to detect the disease early.
Arnold could detect a certain sadness in the old man’s face.
【新教材】2020学年高一下学期英语选择性必修第一册教材基础夯实全攻略 (人教版)
选修第一册unit2 Looking into the future答案解析
I.高频单词 默写
_____________________ vt. 劝说;说服
________________ vt. 转换;交换vi&vt.(使)改变;转变n.开关;转换器;改变
__________________ adj. 遥远的;远处的;疏远的;心不在焉的
__________________ adj 安全的;安心的;可靠的;牢固的vt.获得;拴牢;保护
__________________ n. 电器;器具
__________________ a. 远程的;偏远的
__________________ adj. 自动的
__________________ adj. 各部分密切协调的;综合的
__________________ vi.&vt.使)合并;成为一体
__________________ adj. 效率高的;有功效的
__________________ n. 常规;正常顺序adj.常规的;日常的
__________________ n. 爱好;偏爱
__________________. 瞬间;片刻adj.立即的;速食的;速溶的
__________________ n. 指令;命令;控制vt.命令;控制
__________________ n. 警告;警示;先兆
__________________ adj. 不断的;重复的;不变的n.常数;常量
__________________ adj. 不正常的;反常的
__________________ adj. 严重的;关键的;批判性的
__________________ adv. 潜在地;可能地
__________________ adj. 可能的;潜在的n.潜力;可能性
__________________ vi&vt.漏;渗漏;透露n.漏洞;裂缝;透露
__________________ adj. 电的;用电的
__________________ vt. 发现;查明
__________________ adj. 有关的;有意义的
__________________ n. 幻想;想象
__________________ n. 创新;创造
__________________ adj. 可获得的;可购得的;人)有空的
__________________ adj.尽管如此;不过;然而
__________________ n. 结构;体系.系统安排;精心组织
__________________ n. 保护描施;安全工作
__________________ n. 犯罪活动;不法行为
__________________ vt.vi.(使)结合;混合
__________________ adj. 人工的;人造的;假的
__________________ vt. 克隆;以无性繁殖技术复制n.克隆动物(或植物)
__________________ vt. 预测;预言;预料
__________________ n. 预测;预
__________________ vt.n. 预测;预报
__________________ n. 职业;占领
__________________ vt. 反对;抵制;阻挠
__________________ adv. 因此;由此
__________________ vi.&vt.(使)停止;终止
__________________ adj. 已死的;亡故的
__________________ n. 不存在;缺乏;缺席
__________________ adj. 乡村的;农村的
__________________ n. 提倡;支持;拥护n.提倡者;支持者;拥护者
__________________ n. 强调;重视;重要性
__________________ n. 奢华
__________________ n. 职业;事业
__________________ n. 可能性;前景
__________________ vi.&vt.抵制;反抗;抵挡
__________________ n. 抵制;反对;抗拒
__________________ n. 路标
__________________ n. 文章
__________________ adj 精确的;准确的
__________________ n. 图书管理员;图书馆馆长
persuade vt. 劝说;说服
switch vt. 转换;交换vi&vt.(使)改变;转变n.开关;转换器;改变
distant adj. 遥远的;远处的;疏远的;心不在焉的
secure adj 安全的;安心的;可靠的;牢固的vt.获得;拴牢;保护
appliance n. 电器;器具
remote a. 远程的;偏远的
automatic adj. 自动的
integrated adj. 各部分密切协调的;综合的
integrate vi.&vt.使)合并;成为一体
efficient adj. 效率高的;有功效的
routine n. 常规;正常顺序adj.常规的;日常的
preference n. 爱好;偏爱
instant n. 瞬间;片刻adj.立即的;速食的;速溶的
command n. 指令;命令;控制vt.命令;控制
warning n. 警告;警示;先兆
constant adj. 不断的;重复的;不变的n.常数;常量
abnormal adj. 不正常的;反常的
critical adj. 严重的;关键的;批判性的
potentially adv. 潜在地;可能地
potential adj. 可能的;潜在的n.潜力;可能性
leak vi&vt.漏;渗漏;透露n.漏洞;裂缝;透露
electrical adj. 电的;用电的
detect vt. 发现;查明
relevant adj. 有关的;有意义的
fantasy n. 幻想;想象
innovation n. 创新;创造
available adj. 可获得的;可购得的;人)有空的
nevertheless adj.尽管如此;不过;然而
structure n. 结构;体系.系统安排;精心组织
security n. 保护描施;安全工作
crime n. 犯罪活动;不法行为
combine vt.vi.(使)结合;混合
artificial adj. 人工的;人造的;假的
clone vt. 克隆;以无性繁殖技术复制n.克隆动物(或植物)
predict vt. 预测;预言;预料
prediction n. 预测;预
forecast vt.n. 预测;预报
occupation n. 职业;占领
oppose vt. 反对;抵制;阻挠
hence adv. 因此;由此
cease vi.&vt.(使)停止;终止
deceased adj. 已死的;亡故的
absence n. 不存在;缺乏;缺席
rural adj. 乡村的;农村的
advocate n. 提倡;支持;拥护n.提倡者;支持者;拥护者
emphasis n. 强调;重视;重要性
luxury n. 奢华
career n. 职业;事业
prospect n. 可能性;前景
resist vi.&vt.抵制;反抗;抵挡
resistance n. 抵制;反对;抗拒
signpost n. 路标
essay n. 文章
accurate adj 精确的;准确的
librarian n. 图书管理员;图书馆馆长
persuade persuasion persuasive distant distance secure security vt. 劝说,说服 n. 劝说,说服 adj. 有说服力的 adj. 遥远的,远处的;疏远的;心不在焉的 n. 距离;远方 adj. 安全的;安心的;可靠的;牢固的; vt. 获得;栓牢;保护n.安全
appliance apply applicant application automatic automatically efficient efficiency preference prefer obey obedient constant constantly abnormal normal potential potentially electrical electricity detect detector detective fantasy fantastic n. 电器;器具 vt. 涂;敷;搽;应用;申请 n. 申请人 n.应用程序(app.); 应用;用途;申请 adj. 自动的 adv. 自动地 adj. 效率高的;有功效的 n.效率 n. 爱好;偏爱 v. 更喜欢 vt. & vi. 服从,遵守 adj. 服从的,顺从的 adj. 不断的;重复的;不变的 n. 常数;常量 adv. 始终;一直;重复不断地 adj. 不正常的;反常的adj. 正常的 adj. 可能的;潜在的; n. 潜力;可能性 adv. 潜在地;可能地 adj. 电的;用电的 n. 电 vt. 发现;查明 n. 探测器 adj. 侦查的;刑侦的 n. 侦探 n. 幻想;想象 adj. 怪诞的;异想天开的;了不起的,极好的
1.I just want you to answer the question in a concrete and believable      (短语).
2.Her father tried to p      her to go back home with him,but in vain. (劝说)
3.Mary told me that she spent her childhood in the r      mountain area. (遥远的)
4.It is said that this heating system has an a      temperature control. (自动的)
5. I      (使融合) the kids with the community as well as finding them a role,is essential.
6.They include the floor exercises as a regular part of their fitness r      (常规).
7.The Official Guide App is a      (可获得的) for free in both the App Store and Google Play.
8.We have suffered a serious setback. N     ,we must not be discouraged. (然而)
9.Computer s     systems will be designed by independent technicians. (安全)
10.In English study, intensive reading must be c      extensive reading. (结合)
11.Seeing in the d     ,we can find our school stadium more splendid.(距离)
12.After working well for a year, the air c      (空调) suddenly started kicking up.
13.The Internet is a very e      (效率) medium for spreading information.
14.This should serve as a w      (警告) that people should be aware of their surroundings.
15 . her father tried to p      her to go back home with him, but in vain. (劝说)
2. persuade
5. Integrating
15 . persuade
1.persuade vt.劝说;说服
【教材原句】For example,the phrase in my opinion tells us that the passage is likely meant to persuade.比如,in my opinion这个短语告诉我们,这篇文章可能意在说服。
【词汇精讲】persuade vt.劝说;说服
If she doesn’t want to go,nothing you can say will persuade her.
It was hard to persuade him to give up/into giving up smoking.
Many customers are persuaded into buying something they don’t need.
In the end I persuaded him of its truth.
2.distant adj. 遥远的;远处的;疏远的;心不在焉的
【教材原句】However,in the not-too-distant future,we will be living in smart homes that will lock the door for us when we are away and remember to switch off the TV when we forget.然而,在不太遥远的未来,我们将生活在智能家居里,它能在我们离开时锁门,在我们忘了关掉电视的时候记得关掉它。
【词汇精讲】distant adj. 遥远的;远处的;疏远的;心不在焉的
There is little doubt,however,that things will improve in the not-too-distant future.
There was a distant look in her eyes from time to time,her thoughts elsewhere.
My parents live within walking distance of me.
It is said that the mountain is more beautiful when seen from/at a distance.
The noise of the car died away in the distance.
3.secure adj.安全的;安心的;可靠的;牢固的
【教材原句】These smart homes will keep us secure,save us energy,and provide a more comfortable environment to live in.这些智能家居将保护我们的安全,节省能源,并提供一个更舒适的生活环境。
【词汇精讲】secure adj.安全的;安心的;可靠的;牢固的 vt.获得;拴牢;保护
It was enough money to make us feel financially secure.
The house isn’t very secure—we need some new locks.
4.preference n.爱好;偏爱
【教材原句】Your home will also learn your daily routine and preferences, so everything will be ready for you when you get home each evening.你的家也会了解你的日常习惯和喜好,所以每天晚上你回家时,一切都会为你准备就绪。
【词汇精讲】preference n.爱好;偏爱
Parents can express a preference for the school their child attends.
Which is your preference, tea or coffee
6.detect vt.发现;查明
relevant adj.有关的;有意义的
【教材原句】...your smart home will detect it and provide you with the relevant information.……你的智能家居将检测到它,并向你提供相关信息。
【词汇精讲1】detect vt.发现;查明
The tests are designed to detect the disease early.
Arnold could detect a certain sadness in the old man’s face.