Unit 3 Diverse Cultures 基础知识检测 含答案 新人教版必修三


名称 Unit 3 Diverse Cultures 基础知识检测 含答案 新人教版必修三
格式 zip
文件大小 2.4MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-11 22:11:05


Unit 3 Diverse Cultures
1.diverse adj. 不同的;多种多样的→ ____________n. 差异(性);不同(点);多样性
2.fortune n. 机会;运气→ ____________adv. 幸运地
3.admit vi.&vt. 承认 vt. 准许进入(或加入)→ ___________n. 承认,供认→_____________adv. 诚然,不可否认地
4.historical adj. (有关)历史的→____________n. 历史→______________adj. 历史上重要的;可名垂青史的
5.journal n. 日志;日记;报纸;刊物→ ______________n. 新闻工作者;记日志者
6.minority n. 少数民族;少数派;少数人→______________adj. 次要的;较小的
7.financial adj. 财政的;财务的;金融的→_____________n. 财政,金融;资金;财源,财力 v. 提供资金
8.poison n. 毒物;毒药;毒素 vt. 毒死;毒害→ _____________adj. 引起中毒的;有毒的;分泌毒素的
9.percentage n. 百分率;百分比→_______________ n. 百分之…… adj. 百分之……的
10.construction n. 建筑;建造;建造物;(句子、短语等的)结构→____________v. 建造,修建;组成 n. 构想,观念
11. fortune n. 机会;运气→_________ adj. 幸运的→__________ adv. 不幸地
12. definitely adv. 肯定;确实→________ adj. 肯定的→_______ v. 下定义→_______ n. 定义
13. seek vt.&vi. (过去式________;过去分词________) 寻找;寻求;争取;(向人)请求
14. immigrant n. (外来)移民;外侨→________ vi.& vt. 移民;移居外国;迁移;移入
15. poetry n. 诗集;诗歌;诗作→_________ n. 诗人→_______ n. 诗 →_______ adj. 有诗意的
16. settle vt.& vi. 定居;结束(争论);解决(纠纷) →_________ n. 移民;殖民者→__________ n. 居民点;清算;解决
be forced to do ___________________
thousands of ____________________
at least _______________________
on top of ____________________
open up _________________
walk around _____________________
(at) first hand__________________
varieties of ______________________
tourist draw _______________________
1.He is in the library gathering ________ (材料) for what he is writing.
2. Women were only ______(准许加入) into the club last year.
3.But these things come together because of our ability to work with one another and find common purpose no matter how d__________ (不同的,多种多样的 )we might be.
4.Because of the ___________ (金融的) crisis, a lot of people are out of work.
5.A man who c________ (宣称) to be a policeman took the recording away.
6.Mike ________ (折叠) his arms over his chest and turned his head away.
7.This kind of plant has __________ (有毒的) roots.
8.He is the man who is always _________ (追求) after truth.
9.Five excellent students were _________ (精选) to take part in the Spoken English Competition for our school.
10.He suffered from a m______ (轻度的/轻微的) heart attack.
11.Some of the earliest __________ (移民, 殖民者) of this land were sheep farmers.
12.I was stopped by an old man in a blue ______ (套装,西装).
13.There has been a rise in the number of _________ (移民) who come from Eastern Europe, especially Poland to our country.
14.My uncle's house located_____________ (在市中心) is much smaller than ours, but it is twice as expensive。
15.Strawberries __________ (包含)much vitamin C and are beneficial to people's health.
16.I don't have anything s_________ (适合的) to wear for the party.
17.His strength lies in literature and his favorite is _________ (诗歌).
18.I don't want to set down a _________ (连续) of facts in a diary as most people do.
19.His father's ________(收集) of ancient coins will be displayed nationwide.
20.These new teaching methods will d__________ (肯定) help improve students' motivation and interest.
21.We know that the planet's ________(气候) is changing.
22.Nowadays only a _________ (少数) of students show interests in politics.
23.We can draw a conclusion that knowledge can change our _________ (命运).
24.It's said that the suicide bombing o______ in the evening among the crowd.
25.It is a pity that farmland in this area has been completely p__________ by chemicals.
26.Yesterday, I met my former classmate, but his name e_________ me, which made me embarrassed.
27.Over 300,000 lives were c_________ (失去生命) in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the series of fires that occurred after it.
28.It was a pity that she eventually chose to give up her dream to be a __________(记者), which had once been such a great attraction for her.
29.Although Tom is very young, he _________(赚) as much as $20,000 a month.
30.Each living d________(区域) in this city is fenced round with trees.
1.It took more than two decades until 1951 for regular colour TV broadcasts __________(construct) in the USA.
2.Of the two readable books, which do you think is ______ (suit) one for me to read
3.______ (fortunate), disaster came in 1995 when he fell from his horse and broke his back.
4.The players ______ (select) from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this summer game.
5.If you read ______ (frequent), you'll likely have an easier time with remembering the text.
6.Workers have been on strike for a week. It is said that the boss of the factory will meet the workers in order to reach a ______ (settle).
7.Faced with a difficult legal matter, they intended ________(seek) professional help.
8.His goal is to get as great a_________ (diverse) of material relating to the latest research on medicine as possible.
9.He took a seat, ____________(fold) the newspaper and began to read.
10.The government provides _____________(finance) support for poor students who can't afford tuition fees.
11.That old man lives on the __________ (earn) of his daughter.
12.She selected a diamond ring from the ______ (collect).
13.The scientists_____________(claim) that they had made a great discovery in the fight against cancer last month.
14.The ______ (select) of the date for the picnic was arbitrary(随意的), for it mattered little to most of the club members who were free during the holidays.
15.People who can speak English are in the ______ (minor) in this country.
16. ______ (seek) to find out the real cause of the accident was what he was eager to do.
17. He (admit) to the hospital suffering from burns yesterday.
18. He ______ (head) for the bus stop as soon as he had breakfast.
19. She offered ________ (guide) to black people on their legal problems.
20. When I entered his house, he was buried in ______ (fold) paper.
21.We ran out of all the wood and I was selected ____________(go) and gather more.
22.The whole experience was _____________(definite) more positive than negative.
23.I believed the plan would bring____________good results.
24.Only a minority_____________the voters approved the tax increase.
25.I have saved up my three years' ___________(earn) and have it all safe in my pocket.
26.Few countries have as rich a _____________(diverse) of habitats as South Africa.
27.The menu is based on classic French ___________(cook).
28.They succeeded in ____________they set out to do.
29._____________(fortune), my application for a grant was accepted.
30.They are descendants of the original English and Scottish_____________(settle).
31.He is writing a _____________(history) novel about nineteenth century France.
32.They admitted ____________(steal) something from the store.
33.They were heading_____________London when their car broke down.
34.I sought ___________(change) this, and I thought, why can't I try to find a solution to this
35.___________(immigrate) tales have always been popular themes in fiction.
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Unit 3 Diverse Cultures
1.diverse adj. 不同的;多种多样的→ ____________n. 差异(性);不同(点);多样性
2.fortune n. 机会;运气→ ____________adv. 幸运地
3.admit vi.&vt. 承认 vt. 准许进入(或加入)→ ___________n. 承认,供认→_____________adv. 诚然,不可否认地
4.historical adj. (有关)历史的→____________n. 历史→______________adj. 历史上重要的;可名垂青史的
5.journal n. 日志;日记;报纸;刊物→ ______________n. 新闻工作者;记日志者
6.minority n. 少数民族;少数派;少数人→______________adj. 次要的;较小的
7.financial adj. 财政的;财务的;金融的→_____________n. 财政,金融;资金;财源,财力 v. 提供资金
8.poison n. 毒物;毒药;毒素 vt. 毒死;毒害→ _____________adj. 引起中毒的;有毒的;分泌毒素的
9.percentage n. 百分率;百分比→_______________ n. 百分之…… adj. 百分之……的
10.construction n. 建筑;建造;建造物;(句子、短语等的)结构→____________v. 建造,修建;组成 n. 构想,观念
11. fortune n. 机会;运气→_________ adj. 幸运的→__________ adv. 不幸地
12. definitely adv. 肯定;确实→________ adj. 肯定的→_______ v. 下定义→_______ n. 定义
13. seek vt.&vi. (过去式________;过去分词________) 寻找;寻求;争取;(向人)请求
14. immigrant n. (外来)移民;外侨→________ vi.& vt. 移民;移居外国;迁移;移入
15. poetry n. 诗集;诗歌;诗作→_________ n. 诗人→_______ n. 诗 →_______ adj. 有诗意的
16. settle vt.& vi. 定居;结束(争论);解决(纠纷) →_________ n. 移民;殖民者→__________ n. 居民点;清算;解决
1.diversity 2.fortunately 3.admission admittedly 4.history historic 5.journalist 6.minor 7.finance 8.poisonous 9.percent 10.construct 11. fortunate; unfortunately 12.definite; define definition 13.sought;sought 14. immigrate 15. poet; poem; poetic 16. settler; settlement
be forced to do ___________________
thousands of ____________________
at least _______________________
on top of ____________________
open up _________________
walk around _____________________
(at) first hand__________________
varieties of ______________________
tourist draw _______________________
die of/from
in addition
head to
seek one's fortune
earn a/one's living
series of
apart from
bring about
to name but a few
1.He is in the library gathering ________ (材料) for what he is writing.
2. Women were only ______(准许加入) into the club last year.
3.But these things come together because of our ability to work with one another and find common purpose no matter how d__________ (不同的,多种多样的 )we might be.
4.Because of the ___________ (金融的) crisis, a lot of people are out of work.
5.A man who c________ (宣称) to be a policeman took the recording away.
6.Mike ________ (折叠) his arms over his chest and turned his head away.
7.This kind of plant has __________ (有毒的) roots.
8.He is the man who is always _________ (追求) after truth.
9.Five excellent students were _________ (精选) to take part in the Spoken English Competition for our school.
10.He suffered from a m______ (轻度的/轻微的) heart attack.
11.Some of the earliest __________ (移民, 殖民者) of this land were sheep farmers.
12.I was stopped by an old man in a blue ______ (套装,西装).
13.There has been a rise in the number of _________ (移民) who come from Eastern Europe, especially Poland to our country.
14.My uncle's house located_____________ (在市中心) is much smaller than ours, but it is twice as expensive。
15.Strawberries __________ (包含)much vitamin C and are beneficial to people's health.
16.I don't have anything s_________ (适合的) to wear for the party.
17.His strength lies in literature and his favorite is _________ (诗歌).
18.I don't want to set down a _________ (连续) of facts in a diary as most people do.
19.His father's ________(收集) of ancient coins will be displayed nationwide.
20.These new teaching methods will d__________ (肯定) help improve students' motivation and interest.
21.We know that the planet's ________(气候) is changing.
22.Nowadays only a _________ (少数) of students show interests in politics.
23.We can draw a conclusion that knowledge can change our _________ (命运).
24.It's said that the suicide bombing o______ in the evening among the crowd.
25.It is a pity that farmland in this area has been completely p__________ by chemicals.
26.Yesterday, I met my former classmate, but his name e_________ me, which made me embarrassed.
27.Over 300,000 lives were c_________ (失去生命) in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and the series of fires that occurred after it.
28.It was a pity that she eventually chose to give up her dream to be a __________(记者), which had once been such a great attraction for her.
29.Although Tom is very young, he _________(赚) as much as $20,000 a month.
30.Each living d________(区域) in this city is fenced round with trees.
1. material/materials 2. admitted 3. diverse 4. financial 5. claimed 6.folded 7. poisonous 8. seeking 9 selected 10. mild 11. settlers 12. suit 13. immigrants 14. downtown 15. contain 16. suitable 17. poetry 18. series 19. collection 20. definitely
21. climate 22. minority 23. fortunes 24. occurred 25. poisoned 26. escaped 27. claimed 28. journalist 29. earns 30. district
1.It took more than two decades until 1951 for regular colour TV broadcasts __________(construct) in the USA.
2.Of the two readable books, which do you think is ______ (suit) one for me to read
3.______ (fortunate), disaster came in 1995 when he fell from his horse and broke his back.
4.The players ______ (select) from the whole country are expected to bring us honor in this summer game.
5.If you read ______ (frequent), you'll likely have an easier time with remembering the text.
6.Workers have been on strike for a week. It is said that the boss of the factory will meet the workers in order to reach a ______ (settle).
7.Faced with a difficult legal matter, they intended ________(seek) professional help.
8.His goal is to get as great a_________ (diverse) of material relating to the latest research on medicine as possible.
9.He took a seat, ____________(fold) the newspaper and began to read.
10.The government provides _____________(finance) support for poor students who can't afford tuition fees.
11.That old man lives on the __________ (earn) of his daughter.
12.She selected a diamond ring from the ______ (collect).
13.The scientists_____________(claim) that they had made a great discovery in the fight against cancer last month.
14.The ______ (select) of the date for the picnic was arbitrary(随意的), for it mattered little to most of the club members who were free during the holidays.
15.People who can speak English are in the ______ (minor) in this country.
16. ______ (seek) to find out the real cause of the accident was what he was eager to do.
17. He (admit) to the hospital suffering from burns yesterday.
18. He ______ (head) for the bus stop as soon as he had breakfast.
19. She offered ________ (guide) to black people on their legal problems.
20. When I entered his house, he was buried in ______ (fold) paper.
21.We ran out of all the wood and I was selected ____________(go) and gather more.
22.The whole experience was _____________(definite) more positive than negative.
23.I believed the plan would bring____________good results.
24.Only a minority_____________the voters approved the tax increase.
25.I have saved up my three years' ___________(earn) and have it all safe in my pocket.
26.Few countries have as rich a _____________(diverse) of habitats as South Africa.
27.The menu is based on classic French ___________(cook).
28.They succeeded in ____________they set out to do.
29._____________(fortune), my application for a grant was accepted.
30.They are descendants of the original English and Scottish_____________(settle).
31.He is writing a _____________(history) novel about nineteenth century France.
32.They admitted ____________(steal) something from the store.
33.They were heading_____________London when their car broke down.
34.I sought ___________(change) this, and I thought, why can't I try to find a solution to this
35.___________(immigrate) tales have always been popular themes in fiction.
1. to be constructed 2. suitable 3. Unfortunately 4. selected 5. frequently 6. settlement 7.to seek
8. diversity 9. unfolded 10. financial 11. earnings 12. collection 13. claimed 14. selection 15. minority 16. Seeking 17. was admitted 18. headed 19. guidance 20. folding 21.to go 22.definitely 23.about 24.of 25.earnings 26.diversity 27.cooking 28.what 29.Fortunately 30.settlers 31.historical 32.stealing/having stolen 33.to 34.to change 35.Immigrant
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