人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 3 Fascinating Parks Video Time and Assessing Your Progress名师教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 3 Fascinating Parks Video Time and Assessing Your Progress名师教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 659.4KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-11 19:38:09



Unit3 Video Time and Assessing Your Progress 名师教学设计
Video Time and Assessing Your Progress
本节课分两部分:第一部分为 Video Time,介绍了在美国华盛顿特区的岩溪公园(Rock Creek Park)开展的一次名为 BioBlitz的活动。第二部分为 Assessing Your Progress,活动1围绕本单元主题介绍贝加尔湖,设置选词填空练习,复习重要词汇;活动2列出我国的一些风景名胜,如张掖丹霞地质公园、张家界、桂林漓江、云南丽江,要求学生使用动词-ing形式回答问题。最后对本单元进行总的反思和评价。
1.通过观看视频,了解在华盛顿特区的岩溪公园(Rock Creek Park)开展的 BioBlitz活动的相关信息。
介绍在华盛顿特区的岩溪公园(Rock Creek Park)开展的 Bioblitz活动的视频和播放设备。
Video Time
Step I 学习理解
Before watching,ask students to discuss what they know about BioBlitz.They can also read the brief introduction on Page 36.
BioBlitz: Life in 24 Hours This video shows a BioBlitz in Rock Creek Park, which runs through Washington, DC. “Bio” means life, while “blitz” means a quick, energetic effort to do something.
【设计意图】在观看视频之前,让学生讨论 BioBlitz,激活学生已有认知和观看视频的兴趣,有助于提高观看视频的注意力。
1.Discussion.(Before You Watch)
Ask students to work in groups and use the phrases in the box to describe what is going on in the photos,and len ask them to discuss what they think a BioBlitz is.
·park ranger ·people wearing orange vests ·a person holding a frog ·a woman showing how to use a butterfly net ·an insect trying to escape a Petri dish ·a man taking photos
Suggested answers:
In the first picture, a woman is standing outside in a natural area, wearing an orange vest saying “bioblitz”. In the second, there is a park ranger riding a horse. In the next picture, a man is taking photos of something small. Next, we have a woman showing young people how to use a butterfly net. Then there is a photo of an insect trying to escape from a Petri dish. Finally, we have a person holding a small frog. My guess is that a group of people have gathered together in a park to collect samples of insects and small animals.
2.True or false. (While You watch)
(1)Go through the sentences on Page 36 in While You Watch with students and make sure they understand the meanings.
(2)Play the video for students to watch and decide if the following statements are true(T)or false(F).
①Dr Pimm says, “The extraordinary thing about this BioBlitz is just how little stuff there is here! There really aren’t many wild animals here.” ②Park rangers show a group how to catch frogs. ③David Littschwager is taking photos of insects. He says, “I don’t like spiders.” ④Even at the end, there were a lot of plants and creatures that they couldn’t identify. ⑤The real purpose of the BioBlitz is to get people interested in the biodiversity that’s all around them, even in their own backyards.
(3)Share the answers with the whole class,and if necessary,play the video again for students to check the answers.
Suggested answers:
①F ②F ③F ④T ⑤T
Step Ⅱ 应用实践
Ask students to work in groups of four and discuss the following questions.(After You Watch)
(1)This BioBlitz was conducted in the middle of a large city. Do you think there is as much biodiversity in your city or town?Why or why not?
(2)Are there any parks in your city or town where you can find many different kinds of plants and animals?What activities can you do there?
Suggested answers:
(1)I think there is a lot of biodiversity in my town, because there are mountains,a lake,and plenty of parks and green space.
(2)Behind my home there is a large park which is filled with trees. There are all sorts of plants and insects there,but not so many other animals. It is a good place to take a walk,or to sit and enjoy the view t of the nearby lake.
Assessing Your Progress
1.Go through the words in the box and make sure students understand their meanings.
vast remote fascinating territory bless accompany appeal to
My name is Svetlana and I have worked as a guide at Lake Baikal for more than 10 years. Lying in a pretty ________ location in Siberia, the deep and ________ lake with more than 300 rivers flowing into it is one of the world’s greatest natural wonders. Every season, I ________ and guide tourists. Baikal is a ________ with unique wildlife, breathtaking beauty, and ________ local culture. Ancient, inspiring, mysterious, and beautiful, Lake Baikal ________ visitors like no other place on the earth. I feel ________ to have been born here, and I am looking forward to many more years of welcoming visitors to an unforgettable experience at Baikal.
2.Ask students to read the passage and fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.
3.Share the answers first in pairs or groups and then with the whole class.
Suggested answers:
remote;vast;accompany;territory;fascinating;appeals to;blessed
活动五:语法再现(Read and answer)(Part2,P34)
1.Answer the questions using the -ing form of the verb phrases in brackets.
①What impressed you most when visiting Zhangye Danxia Geopark (see the colourful mountains and rocky landscape) ②What tops the list of tourists' favourite activities in Zhangjiajie (admire the magnificent peaks/landscape, take a raft ride, experience the local customs of the Tujia people and the Miao people) ③What do tourists like to do at Guilin's Li River (take a boat tour, admire the karst landscape) ④What activities would appeal to adventurous tourists in Lijiang, Yunnan Province (view glaciers at Yulong Snow Mountain, listen to the sound of rushing water at Tiger Leaping Gorge)
2.Then write down at least two more questions and answers of your own.
3.Share the answers first in pairs or groups and then with the whole class.
Suggested answers:
①Seeing the colourful mountains and rocky landscape impressed me most.
②Admiring the magnificent landscape, taking a raft ride, and experiencing the local customs of the Tujia people and the Miao people top the list of tourists' favourite activities in Zhangjiajie.
③Taking a boat tour and admiring the karst landscape are things that tourists like to do on Guilin's Li river.
④Viewing glaciers at Yulong Snow Mountain and listening to the sound of rushing water at Tiger Leaping Gorge appeal to adventurous tourists in Lijiang, Yunnan Province.
Step Ⅲ 迁移创新
1.Go through the tasks with students and make sure they know what to do.
◎What did you learn about parks that you did not know before ◎What else would you like to learn about parks ◎Of the parks in this unit, which would you like to visit most Why ◎What problems did you or your friends have in studying this unit How did you solve them What advice did you give each other ◎Overall, I thought this unit was □ interesting □ useful □ so-so □ difficult.
2.Let students do the tasks by themselves.
3.Ask students to work in groups and share what they write. The answers may vary from one student to another.
Unit 3 Fascinating Parks Period Ⅵ Video Time and Assessing Your Progress Video Time I.学习理解 活动一:感知与注意(Brainstorm) 活动二:描述与阐释 1.Discussion.(Before You Watch) 2.True or false.(While You watch)) Ⅱ.应用实践 活动三:分析与判断(Discussion) Assessing Your Progress 活动四:词汇复习(Complete) 活动五:语法再现(Read and answer) Ⅲ.迁移创新 活动六:单元反思(Reflecting)
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