Unit3 Using Language2 名师教学设计
本节课围绕“主题公园”,从“explore theme parks”到“write about a theme park”为主线设计教学活动,以小标题“Fun and more than fun”为依托剖析主题公园的意义和文本段落结构,梳理文本内容和语言特色,帮助学生了解三个有代表性的主题公园,即迪士尼乐园、多莉山公园和珠海长隆海洋王国,引导学生关注景点介绍的内容要点、语言表达特征及写作方法技巧,并指导学生模仿文本结构和语言特色来创作一篇介绍主题公园的文稿。
语篇采取“总—分”的文本结构。全文共四个段落,第一段介绍了主题公园的概况综述,第二段重点介绍迪士尼乐园,如位置、主题、特色活动项目与设施、宣传推荐,第三段介绍了多莉山公园,第四段介绍珠海长隆海洋王国。三个公园各具特色,都围绕着“fun and more than fun”这个主题,在用文字吸引读者的同时,启发读者对这些主题公园所含文化意义的思考。从语言特点上来看,整篇文章注重形容词在描写景点方面的运用,兼顾五感官体验的描写手法。
Step 1: Greeting and lead-in
Introduce myself and a theme park in Zhuji.
[Activity 1] Let Ss share their favorite parks ( what /why / how) and I share mine.
Ss enjoy some pictures of the Chinese torreya forest park, get to know the attractions in it and learn to get the meaning of a theme park: have fun and more than fun. Meanwhile, they can get familiar with relevant verbs and adjectives covered in the reading text.
[设计意图] 教师让学生欣赏中国香榧森林主题公园的图片,感知公园里可以进行的活动,激发学生的学习乐趣和欲望,并通过提问的方式,引导学生总结主题公园的意义和定义,并导入阅读环节。
Step 2:Predict
[Activity 2] Ss look at the title, subtitle, and illustrations to predict .
Q1:How would the writer organize the passage
Q2:What aspects would the writer include to write about a theme park
Q3:How could the writer show a theme park is fun and more than fun
[设计意图] 观察和思考标题,小标题以及插图之间的意义关联,引导学生预测文章结构,内容和语言。
Step 3:Read to check
[Activity 3] Ss skim the text to check whether their prediction for its structure and content is correct.
[设计意图] 让学生通过略读进一步验证自己对文本猜测,并在活动2的基础上引导学生梳理文本结构,以思维导图的形式让学生对“总—分”结构的文章有更视觉化的认识。
Step 4:Read for writing
[Activity 4] Ss scan the paragraph 2-4, and identify corresponding information to fill in the form.
Parks language (patterns/wording) Writing techniques
More than fun
[设计意图] 借助表格让学生关注每个段落内部要点构成及其相应词汇和句型表达,总结写作方法技巧,为之后的写作环节做好内容、语言和方法的铺设。
Step 5:Summarize how to introduce and recommend a park.
[Activity 5] Ss conclude the writing skills they have learned from the author to introduce and recommend a theme park.
Reference answers:
By using if-clauses and imperatives, we can can motivate readers to visit the parks.
By using various verbs, we can get readers experience all kinds of attractions in mind.
With plenty of adjectives, we can stir up readers’ interest.
[设计意图] 学生总结景点介绍类短文的写作方法,积累相关的写作技能,实现“以读促写”。在学生分散的个体总结后,教师需要整合他们零散的个人经验,进行系统化总结和指导写作方法。
Step 6:Apply what have been learned to writing about a theme park.
Location / Theme
Keys for reference :
The Torreya Forest Park in the beautiful Guiji Mountains in northeast Zhuji, is a forest-themed park.
The Torreya Forest Park, which lies in the beautiful Guiji Mountains in northeast Zhuji, is a forest-themed park featuring many ancient torreya trees dating back to more than 1300 years ago.
Fun activities
Keys for reference :
Camping on the grass, hiking in the forest or picnicking in the shade are all possible here.
The park has many exciting activities to amuse you, from camping on the grass to hiking in the forest.
The park has more attractions than you can imagine: camp on the grass, hike in the forest, or picnic in the shade.
Keys for reference :
As you wander in the park, you will meet adorable dinosaurs and you can even touch their enormous bodies!
You can breathe in fresh air and enjoying breathtaking natural scenery while admiring those ancient torreya trees.
Keys for reference :
Walking on the scary suspension bridge across two peaks is indeed an exciting experience.
Joining locals picking torreya fruit and trying torreya nuts is a special treat
More-than-fun activities
Keys for reference :
Visiting the torreya museum in the park is both educational and fun.
In the torreya museum in the park, you can have fun learning about detailed knowledge of torreya trees.
Keys for reference :
If you want to have fun and more than fun, come to the Torreya Forest Park.
Come the Torreya Forest Park to have fun learning all about those ancient torreya trees.
If it is forest entertainment that you are looking for, come to the Torreya Forest Park.
[设计意图] 创设新语境,以给出提示词模仿造句的形式引导学生运用句型和相关词汇表达,将所学的知识运用到新语境中,再次体验景点介绍类写作的内容,语言,五感法体验的描写手法,形容词的巧妙运用以及相应的写作技巧,学以致用,注重语篇知识的迁移。
Step 7. Homework
Choose or create a theme park you wish to write about.
[设计意图] 读写课最后一环就是“写作输出”。在进行有效的阅读输入之后,学生独立完成一篇景点介绍类的短文,巩固本堂课的学习内容,达成“以读促写”的终端目标。
The theme parks — Fun and more than fun
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