人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册 Unit5 Working the Land 单元考点突破学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第一册 Unit5 Working the Land 单元考点突破学案(含答案)
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文件大小 102.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-11 23:05:27



名师原创:Unit5 单元考点突破
1. devote vt. 奉献;致力; 专心
Indeed, his slim but strong body is just like that of millions of Chinese farmers,to whom he has devoted his life. (教材P50)
devotion n. 献身;忠诚;热爱;专心
devotion to duty 忠于职守
devote onself/sth. to sth./doing sth. 把…奉献于…;致力于…
be devoted to sth./doing sth. 专心于…;致力于….
devoted n. adj. 忠诚的,忠实的
She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children.
The old man devoted his life to helping the poor. 这位老人为救济穷人耗尽了毕生精力
If you have a job, do devote yourself to it and finally you’ll succeed.
He devoted himself entirely/all his life to education.
We should devote everything we have.
He devoted a great sum of money to books.
Her son, to whom she was so ____, went abroad ten years ago. (湖北课改卷)
A. loved B. cared C. devoted D. affected (C)
The scientist devoted all his energy to _______ (do) research on the project. (doing)
2. convince vt. 使相信;使确信;说服
Yuan was convinced that the answer could be found in the creation of hybrid rice. (教材P50)
convince sb. of sth.使某人确信/明白某事
convince sb. that... 使某人相信……
convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事
convincing adj. 令人信服的
convinced adj. 确信的;坚信的
be convinced of ….. 相信……
be convinced (that)... (某人)相信……
We've been trying to convince him to give up the plan.
What she said convinced me that I was mistaken.
I'm not going to believe it myself, never mind convince anyone else
Robert's expression had obviously convinced her of his innocence.
She needed to find a way to convince Michel he was wrong.
I don’t believe what you said, but if you can prove it, you may be able to _____ me. (江西卷)
A. convince B. inform C. guarantee D. refuse (A)
I am quite convinced ______ her experience in it. (of)
I'm not completely _______ (that)he knew the importance of practice. (convinced)
His speech was so _______ (convince) that everyone present believed what he said. (convincing)
3. assumption n.假定;设定;(责任的)承担;(权利的)获得
The common assumption then was that it could not be done. (教材P50)
assumption n. 假定; 假设
it is assumed + that…..从句… (人们/一般) 认为
make an assumption 认为;假定
on the assumption that... 假定……
assume v. 假定;设想
assume sb./sth. to be 假定/假设某人/某事为
assuming (that)... conj.假设/假定……
We think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves, regardless of the cold.
It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work.
I made a mistake and I will assume responsibility for it. 我错了,我愿意为此承担责任
The assumption that human clones have already been born hasn't been proved yet.
We are working on the assumption that everyone invited will turn up .
The project was predicated on the _________ (assume) that the economy was expanding. (江苏卷) (assumption)
Assuming (assume) that you're chosen to be the leader, what will you do? (Assuming)
It is generally ____ (assume) that too much work will cause stress. (assumed)
4. overcome vt. (overcame, overcome) 克服;解决;战胜
Through intense effort, Yuan overcame enormous technical difficulties to develop the first hybrid rice that could be used for farming in 1974. (教材P50)
overcome difficulties 战胜困难
be overcome with…. 因……而受不了
He overcame all kinds of difficulties and succeeded at last.
She overcame injury to win the Olympic gold medal.
In the final game Sweden easily overcame France.
I would overcome any weakness, any despair, any fear.
He was suddenly overcome ______ the harm he had done. (山东卷) (with)
We ________ (overcome) all kinds of difficulties in these activities last year. (overcame)
5. expand vt.& vi. 扩大;增加;vt. 扩展;发展 (业务)
This hybrid enabled farmers to expand their output greatly. (教材P50)
expand ...into... 把……扩展/发展成……
expand into... 发展成/扩大成……
expand on sth. 细说(阐述)……
The information industries are rapidly expanding in China.
The petals of many flowers expand in the sunshine.
The business has expanded greatly over the last year.
His studio ________ (expand) into a big company. (湖北卷) (was expanded)
Could you expand ________ this point, please? (on)
6. be comprised of… 包括;包含;由……组成(或构成)
Today, it is estimated that about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China is comprised of crops generated from Yuan's hybrid strains. (教材P50~51)
be composed of…..由……组成
consist of…. 由……组成
be made up ….由……组成,构成
The medical team is comprised of 12 people, including 3 women.
A week consists of seven days.
The committee is comprised of representatives from both public and private sectors.
Groups are comprised of two or more people.
The rescue team is composed ______ eight soldiers and two doctors.(陕西卷)(of)
The rescue team ______ (consist) of eight soldiers and two doctors. (consists/consisted)
The rescue team ________ (make) up of eight soldiers and two doctors. (is/was made)
7. damage vt. 损害;损坏;n. 损坏;损害;损失;损害赔偿金
For example, pesticides can damage the land by killing not only harmful bacteria and insects, but also helpful ones. (教材P55)
storm damage to the trees 暴风雨对树木造成的损害
do/cause damage to…对….造成/引起损害
He was hit by a car and suffered serious brain damage.他被车撞了,脑部严重损伤
The problem is clear: man has done great damage to his home over the years.
问题显而易见; 多年来,人类已经严重破坏了自己的家园(全国卷)
The heavy rain had caused serious damage to the roof. 大雨严重损坏了房顶
He was ordered to pay damages of S30,000.他被责令支付3万美元的损害赔偿金
Don t damage your health for a good figure. 不要为了好身材而损害健康
My car was badly damaged, but luckily the kids were not seriously hurt.
辨析:damage, destroy, ruin, spoil 四者都有“破坏”之意。 damage通常指部分性的损坏,往往指价值、用途降低或外表损坏等,往往表示可以修复的破坏;destroy指彻底的毁坏、毁掉或毁灭,往往无法或很难修复;ruin强调“毁坏”,使美好的事物失去优良的特性或特征,不能恢复。与spoil同义且常可换用,只是语气比spoil稍强; spoil强调“损坏”,与ruin同义,语气不如ruin强; 还有“宠坏”、“ 溺爱”之意
Smoking will damage your health. 抽烟会损害你的健康
That town was destroyed in the earthquake.那个城镇在地震中毁掉了
He knocked over a bottle of ink and ruined the table cloth.
The bad weather ruined spoilt our trip. 恶劣的天气破坏了我们的旅行
She spoils those kids of hers. 她那几个孩子被她宠坏了
The accident caused some to my car, but it's nothing serious. (辽宁卷)
A. harm B. injury C. ruin D. damage (D)
The earthquake did much damage ____ the village. (to)
8. shortage n.短缺,不足,缺乏
However, what concerned him most was that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious shortage of food to eat. (教材P50)
short adj. 短的;不足的;矮的,低的
shorts 短裤
shorten vt. 使变短,缩短;反义词是:lengthen
shortly adv. 立刻,不久
shortly after… ….后不久
shortcoming n. 缺点,短处
overcome shortcomings 克服缺点
in short 总之,简言之
cut/make a long story short 长话短说
food/water/housing shortage. 食物/用/住房短缺
be short for 是…简称,缩写
be short of 缺少……
He is too short to become a basketball player. 他太矮,当不了篮球运动员
The bus stop is a short way off. 公交站离这里不远
His answer was short and to the point. 他的回答简明切题
UN is short for United Nations. UN是United Nations 的缩写
He is short of funds right now. 他目前缺资金
The report seemed to be short of facts. 这个报告似乎缺乏事实依据
In short, I will do my best to help make the sports meeting a success.
To overcome a shortage of medical staff, 10 doctors have been employed from overseas.
Smoking shortens your life. 吸烟会减寿
He finished a difficult task on his own shortly after he entered the company.
1. -- Why didn’t you buy the camera you had longed for?
-- I had planned to, but I was £50 ______
A. fewer B. less C. cheap D. short (D)
2. The shopkeeper gave us _____ weight we got 9 kilos instead of 10 kilos.
A. scarce B. short C. light D. slight (B)
WHO is short _____ World Health Organization,which is devoted to helping improve the world’s health condition. But now it is short ______ enough experienced medical workers. And it also finds the ______ of freshwater made the living conditions worse in some countries. (for; of; shortage)
9. switch vt. 转换;交换 vt. & vi. (使)改变;转变 n.开关;转换器;改变
As an alternative, some farmers have switched to organic farming, and many customers have turned to organic food when they shop at the local grocery. (教材P55)
make a switch 改变
switch off 关 (电灯、机器等);切断(电流、气体等)
switch on 开(电灯、机器等);打开(开关);接通(电流等)
switch (from...)to... (从……) 转变成,(从……) 转换到
switch sth. with sb. 和某人交换某物
We asked them if they would switch places with us.
Switch off the TV before you go out.
The remote control allows you to switch easily between TV channels.
Where is the light switch?
We had to make a switch in our arrangements.
These students switched _______ the lamps because it was dark in the classroom. (江苏卷) (on)
He was so stubborn that he refused to make _______ switch. (a)
10. range n. 一系列;范围;界限;距离;山脉;vt.包括,处于…范围内
Finally, he suggested that farmers grow a diversity range of crops next to each other in the field. (教材P58)
a full/wide range of…. 各种各样的;范围广泛的;一套;一系列
a range of services / products 一整套服务/一系列产品
in / within range (of) 在…范围之内
beyond/out of range (of) 超出…范围
range from A to B 范围从…到…
range between A and B 在A和B之间范围变动
College students come from a wide range of social, cultural and economic backgrounds.
Most of the students are in the 16-19 age range. 大部分学生的年龄在16-19之间
The price was beyond our range, so we declined.
Do not miss this opportunity to see whales at close range 别错过了近距离看鲸的机会
Between Italy and France, there is a mountain range called the Alps.
The national park has a large collection of wildlife, ______ (range) from butterflies to elephants. (北京卷) (ranging)
This restaurant has become popular for its wide _____ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets. (陕西卷)
A. division B. area C. range D. circle (A)
The show had a massive audience, _____ (range) from children to grandparents. (ranging)
When driving on highways, the driver must control his or her speed ____ a range of speed-limiting. (in/within)
11. protect vt. 保护
In class, they also learn about ecology, which is the study of how to protect the natural balance of the environment. (教材P60)
protect sb./sth. from (doing) sth. 保护…免遭/免受….
protection n. 保护;呵护
protective adj. 给予保护的;保护的
environment protection 环境保护
fire/flood/sun protection 防火/防洪/防晒
under the protection of ….在….保护下
protect sb/sth. against sth. = protect sb./sth. from (doing) sth.保护某人免受/免遭…
If we don’t act now to protect the environment, we’ll live to regret it.
Intellectual property rights protect the artist from having his/her creative ideas copied by another. 知识产权保护艺术家的创意不会被别人抄袭
Something must be done to protect the environment from being polluted.
Waxing your car will help protect against rust. 给车打蜡可以防止生锈
Physical exercise can protect you against heart disease.
He’s very protective of his younger brother. 他很爱护他的弟弟
He was wearing dark glasses to protect his eyes ______ the sunlight. (江西卷) (from/against)
We all should protect the children _____ being hurt. (from/against)
12. impress. vt.使钦佩,给……留下深刻印象 vi.留下印象;引人注目
What impresses people most about Yuan Longping is his ongoing ability to fulfil his dreams. (教材P51)
impression. n.印象;感想
have/leave/make a(n)...impression on/upon sb给某人留下……的印象
impress sb with/by sth 使某人对某事印象深刻
sb. be impressed by/with ...为……所感动;对……有印象
impress sth. on/upon sb. 使某人意识到某事的重要性
impressive .adj. 给人印象深的;令人赞叹的
He wishes his book to make a good impression on all the readers.
We were so impressed by what he said and what he did.他的言行让我们感动
The teacher impressed the importance of English on/upon us
The boy was very impressive in the speech contest. 他在演讲比赛中表现很出色
My first ____ of him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.(山东卷)
A. expression B. attention C. satisfaction D. impression (D)
What was so ____ about Jasmine Westland’s Victory was that she came first in the marathon bare-footed. (湖北卷)
A. awful B. essential C. impressive D. obvious (C)
The teachers were very impressed ______ your performance in the exam. (with/by)
Her words are strongly impressed ______ my memory. (on)
13. reality n. 现实
His latest vision for “ seawater rice” has also become a reality, and potentially opened up nearly one million square kilometers of salty land in China for rice production. (教材P51)
realize/realise vt. 实现;使…成为现实;认识到,意识到
realization/realisation 实现
real adj. 真的,真实的,天然的
really adv. 真实地,确实;当真
in reality 实际上,事实上
in real life 在现实生活中
not really 不是
realize one’s dreams/hopes/ambitions 实现某人的梦想/希望/抱负
realise + that/wh- 从句,认识到;意识到
This is not imagination, but reality. 这不是想象,而是事实
Outwardly she seemed confident but in reality she felt extremely nervous.
Her wish to become a movie star was finally realized. 她当明星的愿望终于实现了
Only when I left my parents for Italy did I realize how much I loved them.
I have realized it is your personality that decides who you truly are.
I never realized how hard it is to run on sand. 我从没有意识到在沙滩上跑有多困难
1. -- You know,I met my girlfriend’s parents for the first time only yesterday. (陕西卷)
-- _____? I thought you’d met them before.
A. So what B. Pardon C. Really D. What for (C)
2. -- This apple pie is so sweet, don’t you think so? (山东卷)
-- ____. I think it’s just right, actually.
A. Not really B. I hope so C. Sounds good D. No wonder (A)
When I got on the bus, I _____ (realize) I had left my wallet at home.(山东课改卷)
14. vision n. 视力,视觉
His latest vision for “ seawater rice” has also become a reality, and potentially opened up nearly one million square kilometers of salty land in China for rice production. (教材P51)
visible adj. 看得见的;可见的
be visible to... ……能看见
have good/bad vision 视力好/差
We cut the trees down to make the lake visible from the house.
The sea was now out, leaving the wreck fully visible.
It is a visible star in the sky.
She stood, half visible in the dim light.
Its contents are visible ________ all of them. (湖北卷) (to)
The stars in the sky during a clear night are visible ______ us. (to)
15. deep down 实际上;在心底
Deep down, Yuan is still very much a farmer at heart. (教材P51)
He tried to behave as an adult, but deep down he was still a child.
16. in turn 相应地;转而;依次/轮流
This affects the crops grown on the land and, in turn, the animals and humans who digest them. (教材P55)
Please come to the factory on duty in turn.
17. for instance
For instance, they may grow corn or wheat in a field one year, and then grow beans there the next. (教材P56)
For instance, peanuts grow on the ground’s surface, but many other vegetables put down deep roots.
1. what引导主语从句
However,what concerned him most was that farmers often had poor harvests and sometimes even had a serious shortage of food to eat. (教材P50)
句式分析:句中what concerned him most为what引导的主语从句。
He wanted to know what the manager had said at the meeting.
What we need is money.
What I want to know is this.
It's the best that you should work hard.
The young girl was too frightened to speak, standing there for ______ seemed like hours.
(陕西卷) (what)
Show me _______ you have bought. (what)
________ made her angry was not clear. (What)
2. It is/was+过去分词+that...
Today,it is estimated that about 60 percent of domestic rice consumption in China is comprised of crops generated from Yuan's hybrid strains. (教材P50~51)
句式分析:句中it is estimated that“据估算”为 “It is/was+过去分词+that...” 结构。it作形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的主语从句。
※ 常用于此结构的动词有say,report,think,hope,suggest,believe,require,announce等。
※ 此句型可改写为“sb./sth.+be said/believed/thought+to do”或“people say/think...(that)...”结构。
It is reported that one third of citizens plan to buy a private car.
It is said that he has passed the driving test.
It ________ (estimate) that the meeting will last four days. (山东卷) (is estimated)
It ________ (hope) that the terrible disease will soon be controlled. (is hoped)
3. given that...引导的状语从句
Given that Yuan's hybrids have made him quite wealthy, one might think he would retire to a life of leisure. (教材P51)
句式分析:given that...意为“考虑到……”,引导的是一个状语从句。
※ 用作give 的过去分词,引出过去分词短语作状语,意为“如果有……”,“假定……”等义,此时要注意其逻辑主语与句子主语保持一致。
※ 可用作介词,后接名词或代词,意为“考虑到”或“鉴于”。
※ 用作形容词,意为“特定的”“一定的”“规定的”等,通常用作定语。
※ given 后也可接 that 从句,表示“考虑到”。
Given that they're inexperienced, they've done a good job.
在缺乏经验的情况下, 他们的工作已经算是做得相当不错了。
Given that he gracefully apologized, the woman accepted his apology.
_______ (give) that she is interested in children, I'm sure teaching is the right career for her. (湖北卷) (Given)
The work must be done within the ________ (give) time. (given)
______ (give) her interest in children, I'm sure teaching is the right career for her. (Given)
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