人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册 Unit2 Bridging Cultures Video Time and Assessing Your Progress 名师教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册 Unit2 Bridging Cultures Video Time and Assessing Your Progress 名师教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 25.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-12 14:34:24



Unit2 Video Time & Assessing Your Progress名师教学
Video Time & Assessing Your Progress
[What]本节课分两部分:第一部分为 Video time,其内容为四个国际留学生谈论在中国学习和生活的时光。第二部分为 Assessing Your Progress,通过设置改写句子、句子匹配等题型练习重要词汇和名词性从句,并对本单元进行总的反思和评价。
Video Time
Step I 学习理解
Before watching,ask students to predict what they think the foreign students in the video enjoy most about China. And tick the items that they think will be mentioned.
□ calligraphy □ fast delivery service
□ food □ history
□ language □ music
□ online shopping □ kung fu
□ poems □scenic spots
□ folk art □ Peking Opera
1.Watch and fill in the table
(1)Play the video for students to watch and fill in the table with information about each person.
Student Country What impressed him/her
(2) Share the answers with the whole class. If necessary, play the video again for students to check the answers.
Suggested answers
·Karim: Pakistan; Chinese language, calligraphy
·Kathy: Peru; Chinese language, Chinese friends and birthday customs
·Stella: Rwanda; Peking Opera
·Anthony the UK; kung fu (tai chi)
2. Watch and complete.
(1) Play the video again for students to complete these quotes with the words they hear in the video.
① I think calligraphy is a wonderful expression of ________ and________. ② I especially like ________. You can figure out every characters personality and status through ________ and ________! ③ I’ve found that almost everything in Chinese culture is connected to ________. When I do tai chi, I feel ________ come over me. ④ They told me that in China, people won’t ________ without these noodles, because long noodles represent________.
(2) Share the answers with students. If necessary, play the video again for them to check the answers.
Suggested answers:
① Freedom; respect for individuality
② the facial makeup; the colours; symbols on their faces
③ the life wisdom of kung fu; a real sense of peace
④ celebrate a birthday the longevity of life
Step Ⅱ 应用实践
Ask students to work in groups of four and discuss the following questions.
·Imagine that your family is hosting an international student .What would you want to share with him/her about China?
·If you had a chance to go overseas as an international student, which country would you go to?Why?
Suggested answers:
·First of all. I would want to take them to the great Wall. the Palace Museum, and the Terracotta Warriors Museum. I think these are cultural and historical places that they will be very interested in visiting Then I would suggest that they try some Chinese food-it is possible they haven’t tried authentic Chinese food before. I think they will love Beijing Roast Duck, maybe some fried eggplant, and many, many dumplings. I would also take them to a traditional tea house to experience some local culture -it's certainly different from a coffee shop they may be used to back in their home country! These are some of the things that
·I would want to share with them about China would go to England, as I find their history fascinating and I like the people.
Assessing Your Progress
① The maths problem is too ________(复杂的)for me to work out. ② You must be _______(有雄心的)to succeed in business. ③ The driving test will ________(使具备资格)you to drive. ④ His father employed two ________(家庭教师)for him. ⑤ This is similar to the example ________(引用)a bove. ⑥ Members will be admitted on ________(出示)of a membership card. ⑦ No one really knows what ________(激发)him to do so. ⑧ His parents have some great ________(期望)for his future. ⑨ Many students choose to study abroad for they want to ________(使体验)themselves to another culture.
Suggested answers:
① complex② ambitious③ qualify④ tutors⑤ cited
⑥ presentation⑦ motivated⑧ expectations⑨ expose
2. Rewrite
(1) Go through the sentences and make sure students understand their meanings.
① He is still too young to know how to act and talk on such occasions. (mature, behave) ② I have to admit that I spent too much time on social activities. (deny, take up) ③ If you care for others sincerely, they will come to trust you, and your relationship will grow stronger. (strengthen, gradually) ④ She considered the current situation in a reasonable way and decided to be positive about the outcome. (logically , optimistic) ⑤ Most of the people who had applied for this position were turned down, but he stood out because he was good at working with others. (applicant, cooperate) ⑥ The mother worried about her daughter who was studying abroad in a totally new environment, but she felt less anxious because of the fact that people there were friendly and helpful. (surroundings, take comfort)
(2) Ask students to rewrite the sentences with the correct forms of the words or phrases in brackets.
(3) Share the answers first in pairs or groups and then with whole class.
Suggested answers
① He is still not mature enough to know how to behave on such occasions.
② I can't deny that social activities took up too much of my time.
③ If you care for others sincerely, they will gradually trust you, and your relationship will strengthen.
④ She considered the current situation logically and became optimistic about the outcome.
⑤ Most of the applicants were turned down, but he stood out because he was good at cooperating.
⑥ The mother worried about her daughter who was studying abroad in totally new surroundings, but she took comfort in the fact that people there were friendly and helpful.
3. Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in the box.
gain cooperation strength angle surround depress behave competent dramatic Studying abroad in Amman, Jordan, was a life changing experience for me. Every day was an adventure because life there was ①________ different from that at home. As you know, Jordan is in the Middle East. There were so many challenges and cultural norms I had to adapt to, and I needed to learn how to ②________ in new ③________and④________with people from different cultural backgrounds. Fortunately, everyone I met there was understanding and welcoming. I applied through International Studies Abroad (ISA), and they were incredibly helpful and made the process less ⑤________ and overwhelming. Studying abroad let me see things from new ⑥________ and learn more about cultures around me. I hope everyone gets the opportunity to pursue further studies abroad and to ⑦________ an understanding of different cultures, too. I believe studying abroad can help you ⑧________ your abilities in cross-cultural communication and improve your genera ⑨________.
Suggested answers:
① dramatically② behave③ surrounding④ cooperate⑤ depressing
⑥ angles⑦gain⑧ strengthen⑨ competence
1.Choose the best answers.
① There is clear evidence ________ the most difficult feeling of all to interpret is bodily pain. A. what B. if C. how D. that ② The message you intend to convey through words may be the exact opposite of ________others actually understand. A. why B. that C which D. what ③ One reason for her preference for city life is ________ she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants. A. that B. how C. what D. why ④ When changing lanes, a driver should use his turning signal to let other drivers know ________. A. he is entering which lane B. which lane he is entering C is he entering which lane D. which lane is he entering ⑤ Tina was hesitating about the job offer as she did not know ________ the company was an established one. A whether B what C. until D. although ⑥ There is no evidence ________ there is life on any other planet in the solar system. A which B that C. how D. where ⑦ As a new diplomat, he often thinks of ________ he can react more appropriately on such occasions. A. what B. which C. that D. how ⑧ ________ we are sure about is the need to prevent children from being spoiled. A. What B Which C. Whether D. That ⑨ The news ________ our athletes won another gold medal was reported in yesterday's newspaper. A which B. whether C. what D. that ⑩ As his best friend, I can make accurate guesses about ________ he will do or think. A. what B which C whom D. that
Suggested answers:
2. Read and choose.
(1) Go through the phrases and clauses and make sure students understand their meanings.
① My suggestion for avoiding any cultural misunderstanding is…. ② No matter which country you go to, you will end up feeling like an outsider. That… ③ What he said about the school was… ④ Taking a year off from school to travel abroad is… ⑤ What I saw when I arrived was… ⑥ That he was forgetting his mother tongue… ⑦ Why the school denied his application is… ⑧ Perhaps the most obvious challenge of studying abroad 1s… ⑨ I'm afraid… ⑩ It remains to be seen…
A beyond description. B perfectly true. C that you have to overcome the language barrier. D still unknown. E that I don't know how to acknowledge all the sources in my research paper correctly. F that you should observe what others do and how they do it. G what's generally called a gap year. H is probably why many people do not want to live abroad. I whether my research paper will be well received. J worried him a bit.
(2) Ask students to match the phrases or clauses above to make complete sentences.
(3) Share the answers first in pairs or groups and then with the whole class.
Suggested answers:
3. Complete the passage with the words from the box.
what that who when whatever because ①________ people move to a new country, they often feel worried and stressed ②________ they don’t know the customs and traditions of the new place. This feeling is ③________ is generally called “culture shock”. Kalervo Oberg was the one ④________ first used this phrase. According to Oberg, the ere are several stages of culture shock. First there is the honeymoon period. During this period, ⑤________ people experience is fresh and exciting to them. In the next stage, frustration, people notice more differences between their own culture and the new one. ⑥________ people usually do about these differences is either to change their behaviour or return to their home country. If people stay, they come to the third stage which occurs ⑦________ they begin to adjust to the new culture. They begin to become familiar with the customs, the thinking, and the habits of the new place. Acceptance is the fourth stage. People finally begin to fit into the new culture. Differences no longer trouble them as much, and they feel ⑧________they might actually belong in the new place.
1.Go through the questions with students and make sure they understand their meanings.
· What have you learnt in this unit about the benefits of cultural exchange?
· What do you think are some of the differences between studying in your own country and studying abroad?
· If there are overseas students visiting your school,can you use what you have learnt to communicate with them?
· Overall,I thought this unit was ○ cool ○ helpful ○so-so ○ difficult.
2.Ask students to work in groups and discuss the questions.
3.Ask students to share the answers.
Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Period Ⅵ Video Time Assessing Your Progress Video Time I.学习理解 活动一:感知与注意 活动二:获取与梳理 1.Watch and fill in the table 2.Watch and complete. Ⅱ.应用实践 活动三:分析与判断 Assessing Your Progress 活动四:词汇复习 活动五:语法再现 活动六:单元反思