人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第二册 Unit3 Food and Culture拓展阅读专项训练(二)(有答案)


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第二册 Unit3 Food and Culture拓展阅读专项训练(二)(有答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 21.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-12 15:21:03



Unit3 拓展阅读专项训练(二)
体裁:说明文 题材:社会现象 词数:374 难度:中 建议用时:8分钟
[安徽七校2021高二联考]Online eating shows,or Mukbang(吃播),originated in South Korea,have gained popularity globally.
Many hosts of such shows have become popular for their ability to eat large amounts of food. But these shows have also received criticism for their waste of food. While some hosts actually do consume the amount of food shown,others may be faking it.
On Aug 12,CCTV exposed several Chinese hosts who were pretending to eat large amounts of food while on camera,but actually later threw it away.
To discourage this practice,many video and live-streaming platforms,including Douyin,Kuaishou and Bilibili,have removed videos that show food waste,and have promoted the message to “stop food waste and eat reasonably”.
In June 2020,the United Nations warned that the world is on the verge of the worst food crisis in 50 years. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,about a third of the world's food—1.3 billion tons—is wasted every year. In China alone,50 million tons of food ends up in landfills every year,according to Beijing News.
Recently,campaigns against food waste have been further promoted. In August,President Xi Jinping stressed the need for safeguarding food security and stopping food waste.
According to China Daily,restaurants and catering associations in more than 18 provinces and all 4 municipal cities have issued guidelines to control food waste.
In Shanxi Province,local restaurants have been asked to serve half portions to avoid waste. The Wuhan Catering Association proposed that restaurants adopt the"N-1 mode". For example,a group of 10 diners should only order food enough for nine people first. More food is only brought to the table if required.
In addition,a nationwide “Clear Your Plate" campaign has been launched online. Users of Sina Weibo are encouraged to share photos or videos of empty plates after finishing their meals.
Meanwhile,new laws are also being considered,according to China Daily. "We will make new laws that give clear instructions on avoiding food waste,"said Zhang Guilong from the Legislative Affairs Committee of the National People's Congress. The instructions will be detailed in every part of food production, purchasing, storage, transport, processing and consumption, according to Zhang.
1. What is CCTV's attitude towards the food waste in online eating shows
A. Supportive.
B. Critical.
C. Objective.
D. Unclear.
2. What can we infer from Paragraph 4
A. Most video media are contributing to stopping food waste.
B. We should eat up all the food on the table.
C. It's hard to carry out the "Clear Your Plate" campaign.
D. All the videos that show food waste have been removed.
3. What can we do to avoid food waste
A. We can adopt the"N+1 mode".
B. We can eat more food than we need.
C. We can choose not to watch online eating shows.
D. We can ask the restaurants to serve us half portions.
4. What's the passage mainly about
A. Online eating shows should be banned.
B. New laws should be made to avoid food waste.
C. Measures are being taken to stop food waste.
D. We should share photos or videos of empty plates.
体裁:记叙文 题材:个人经历 词数:279 难度:中 建议用时:15分钟
[河北邢台2021高二月考]Today I went to my daughter's school and spoke about kindness to 60 kids and teachers and teacher assistants. After a talk about the meaning of 1 ,I gave a 2 to the children—I told them to 3 a small story about an act of kindness that they had done and how that made them feel,or if they had 4 an act of kindness and how that made them feel,and in what way had that act 5 them. Then I and the headmaster will choose the 6 ones,which will stand out for their feelings of sympathy and love towards others.
When I was waiting for my 7 I saw some teachers that were at the assembly(集会)passing by and I was 8 that they would tell me if they liked the 9 or not,but they didn't say anything.
Then one little boy came to me and said,“You know, I enjoyed the 10 today.” “Okay, then are you going to write a lovely 11 "I asked. "I'm not good at writing, "the boy responded. So I explained that I would be 12 if he could just write a phrase or two about an act of kindness.
I didn't have 13 to talk to him because he was in a hurry to 14 his friends who were waiting for him, but in my heart that was a beautiful act of kindness. The fact that he was able to stop to 15 me for two minutes, to let me know that he had enjoyed the assembly was worth all the effort I had put into preparing the talk for them.
1. A. happiness B. business C. kindness D. loneliness
2. A. challenge B. book C. reference D. gift
3. A. read B. write C. tell D. recite
4. A. received B. refused C. recovered D. ignored
5. A. helped B. attracted C. changed D. delighted
6. A. worst B. best C. cleverest D. youngest
7. A. daughter B. son C. friend D. sister
8. A. thinking B. searching C. suspecting D. hoping
9. A. conflict B. credit C. talk D. agreement
10. A. school B. assembly C. teacher D. headmaster
11. A. composition B. diary C. journal D. story
12. A. happy B. sad C. disappointed D. lucky
13. A. money B. place C. energy D. time
14. A. recognise B. meet C. understand D. visit
15. A. look forward to B. listen to C. talk to D. turn to
1.B推理判断题。根据文章第三段的内容On Aug 12,CCTV exposed several Chinese hosts who were pretending to eat large amounts of food while on camera,but actually later threw it away.可知,在8月12日,央视曝光了几个中国主播在镜头前假装吃大量食物但后来却把食物扔掉的行为。由此可推知,央视对吃播中的食物浪费行为持“批评”的态度。故选B项。
2.A推理判断题。根据文章第四段内容 To discourage this practice,many video and live-streaming platforms,including Douyin,Kuaishou and Bilibili,have removed videos that show foodwaste,and have promoted the message to"stop food waste and eat reasonably”.可知,为了阻止虚假吃播、浪费粮食的行为,抖音、快手、哗哩哗哩等多家视频和直播平台已经删除了表现出浪费食物的视频,并宣传“停止食物浪费,合理饮食”。由此可推知,大多数视频媒体正在为阻止食物浪费做着贡献。故选A项。
3.D细节理解题。根据文章第九段中的In Shanxi Province,local restaurants have been asked to serve half portions to avoid waste.可知,在山西省,餐厅被要求提供“半份菜”服务来避免浪费。由此可知,为了避免浪费,我们可以要求餐厅给我们一半分量的食物。故选D项。
2.A challenge意为“挑战”;reference意为“提及”。根据后文可知,作者让孩子们写一个关于他们所做善举的小故事,这对他们来说是一个挑战。故选A项。
3.B句意为:……我让他们写一个关于他们所做善举的小故事和他们的感受……根据文章第三段中的“Okay,then are you going to write a lovely?”可知,作者让孩子们写一个小故事。故选B项。
4.A句意为:……是否他们曾经接受过一个善意的行为以及他们的感受和那次善举以什么方式改变了他们。receive意为“收到”;refuse意为“拒绝”;recover 意为“康复”;ignore意为“忽视”。
6.B句意为:然后,我和校长会挑选出最好的故事,表现出他们对他人的同情和爱的故事将脱颖而出。下文中stand out 意为“出色,突出”,由此可知,所选出的故事是出色的,所以应该是挑选出最好的故事。故选B项。
7.A句意为:当我在等女儿时,我看到一些在集会上的老师路过,我希望他们能告诉我他们是否喜欢这次讲话,但他们什么也没说。根据上文Today I went to my daughter's school可知,作者是去了女儿的学校,所以作者应该是在等女儿。故选A项。
8.D think意为“认为”;search意为“搜索”;suspect意为“怀疑”;hope 意为“希望”。根据下文if they liked the or not可知,作者希望得到他们关于演讲的反馈。故选D项。
9.C conflict意为“冲突”;credit意为“信誉”;talk意为“讲话”;agreement意为“协议”。根据文章最后一段最后一句话中preparing the talk for them可知,此处指作者为他们做的讲话。故选C项。
10.B句意为:这时一个小男孩过来对我说:“你知道吗,我喜欢今天的集会。”assembly意为“集会”,根据文章最后一段的 let me know that he had enjoyed the assembly可知,男孩喜欢这次集会。故选B项。
11.D句意为:“好吧,那你打算写一个可爱的故事吗?”我问道。composition意为“作文”;diary意为“日记”;journal意为“日志”;story意为“故事”。根据文章第一段的I told them to a small story可知,作者是在问男孩是否会写一个小故事。故选D项。
14.B根据下文his friends who were waiting for him可知,他是去见等他的朋友。故选B项。
15.C句意为:他能停下来和我谈两分钟,让我知道他很喜欢那个集会,这一点值得我为他们准备这次讲话所付出的一切努力。根据第三段中的one little boy came to me and said可知,此处指男孩停下来和作者交谈。故选C项。
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