人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册 Unit3Food and Culture Video Time and Assessing Your Progress 名师教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册 Unit3Food and Culture Video Time and Assessing Your Progress 名师教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 25.7KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-12 15:53:23



Unit 3 Period Ⅵ Video Time & Assessing Your Progress名师教学设计
Video Time Assessing Your Progress
[What]本节课分两部分:第一部分为 Video time,其内容为澳大利亚新奇食物的介绍。第二部分为 Assessing Your Progress,围绕本单元主题设置习题,练习重要词汇和过去完成时主动语态和被动语态的用法,并对本单元进行总的反思和评价。
Video Time
Step I 学习理解
Before watching, ask students to complete the sentences with the words from the box.
challenging crawling onto flying out of proving starting to
①There’s an unfamiliar cuisine ________ menus. ②It’s ________ the bravest of diners. ③A twist of lime and a dash of salt has these crickets ________ the kitchen. ④Insects remain a hard sell, but bug by bug, that could be ________ change. ⑤The unique treat is ________ popular at farmer’s markets and trendy eateries.
Suggested answers:
①crawling onto ②challenging ③flying out of
④starting to ⑤proving
1. Watch and choose.
(1)Go through the sentences below.
①Insects are ________ in protein, cheaper, and ________ sustainable than beef. A. lower, less B. higher, more C. equal, just as ②More than ________ people worldwide eat insects as a part of their diets. A. two billion B. two million C. a few billion ③Insects are a common part of people’s diets in parts of Asia, ________ America and Africa. A. North B. Central C. Latin ④Bugs ________ a regular feature on Aussie dinner tables. A are not yet B. are already C. will soon be
(2)Play the video for students to watch and choose the best words to complete the sentences.
(3)Share the answers with the whole class, and if necessary, play the video again for students to check the answers.
Suggested answers:
①B ②A ③C ④A
2. Watch and complete.
Play the video for students to complete these quotes with the words they hear in the video.
①Nowshad Alam Aasel, Chef:“…they’re asking _______. Yeah, it’s very _______.” ②Skye Blackburn, Entomologist:“… some of them will try edible ______ and some of them won’t, but they’ll go away and talk about _______...” ③Guy McEwan:“So I’m going to go ______ gob...” Yean, ______!” ④Danny Stagnitta: “Sometimes ______ the packet, it looks like ______.”
Suggested answers:
①for it; famous here
②insects; eating insects
③a big; it’s great
④when you move; they’re alive
Step Ⅱ 应用实践
Ask students to work in groups of four and discuss the following questions.
·Has anyone in your group ever eaten an insect What was it like
·Would you ever eat an insect Why or why not
·What is the strangest thing you have ever eaten Why was it strange What makes a food strange
Suggested answers:
·Yes, I once ate a chocolate covered grasshopper! It was crunchy and delicious!
·I think I could eat one. I wouldn’t mind the crunchy legs, but I can’t even imagine the squishy middles.
·I once ate a fried cockroach. I started to eat the legs and they were OK, but the wings just moved too much when I bit into them. It freaked me out! Strange food has an unusual texture, colour, or taste that not everyone is used to.
Assessing Your Progress
①No doubt he must have called her ________(在……之前)his arrival. ②He went ahead and did it, ________(不顾)the consequences. ③The beauty of the city ________(在于)its magnificent buildings. ④The committee ________(由……组成)ten members. ⑤I’m working ________(与……联合)another person. ⑥The data is limited in terms of both quality and ________(数量). ⑦The police found ________(大量的)drugs at his home. ⑧There is a ________(根本的)difference between the two points of view.
Suggested answers:
①prior to ②regardless of ③consists in
④consists of ⑤in association with ⑥quantity
⑦a quantity of/ quantities of ⑧fundamental
2. Read and complete.
(1)Ask students to read the conversations and the words in the box.
minimum elegant fibre desserts recipe exceptional chef prior to
①A: Why do you eat so many bananas B: Because bananas offer an excellent source of ________ and vitamins. ②A: How do you manage to stay so slim and fit B: I have brought my consumption of sweets and ________ down to the bare ________. ③A: How do you like your new cooking classes B: They’re ________ ! The teacher used to be a famous ________ in a big hotel. ④A: What is Jessie busy with in the kitchen B: She is trying a new ________ for pumpkin pie. ⑤A: Why did they refuse the dinner invitation B: They had to refuse the dinner invitation because of an engagement made ________ it. ⑥A: How did you find the restaurant you visited yesterday B: It was beautiful and ________! We’ve never been to such an attractive restaurant before.
(2)Ask students to choose the suitable words to complete the conversations.
(3)Ask students to share the answers first in pairs or groups and then with the whole class.
Suggested answers:
①fibre ②desserts; minimum ③exceptional; chef
④recipe ⑤prior to ⑥elegant
1. Read and fill.
(1)Go through the conversations which take place in restaurants and make sure students understand their meanings.
①A: Could you tell that she ________ (cry) B: Sure. Her eyes were very red. Maybe she had just had a quarrel with her brother. A: But I thought it was because she ________ red curry.(eat) B: Oh, maybe you’re right. ②A: I wish you ________ me earlier. I know a buffet restaurant nearby which is really nice. You could have taken your parents there.(tell) B: What a pity! But I ________ that they were coming for the weekend. They said they wanted to surprise me. Anyway, it’s very nice of you to offer.(not inform)
(2)Ask students to complete the conversations using the correct forms of the words in brackets.
(3)Share the answers first in pairs or groups and then with the whole class.
Suggested answers:
①cried; had eaten
②had told; hadn’t been informed/wasn’t informed
①—It is said that the Cultural Variety Show is a real success. How I wish I ________ it. —What a pity! Guest performers from Southeast University also came onto the stage. A. went to B. have gone to C. had gone to D. would go to ②When the reporter interviewed him, he said that it was his parents’ high expectations that ________ pressure on him to study hard in the past three years. A. put B. had put C. were putting D. would put ③In Zhejiang’s Zhoushan, all water traffic and tourist attractions ________ by Tuesday because the third typhoon of this year was on the way. A. as been closed B. were closed C. had been closed D. have closed ④My friend Tom ________ Japanese for six years before he ________ Japan. I’ve just received a letter from him. It says he has been studying Chinese for three months and ________ for China in a month. A. studied; had visited; leaves B. had been studying; visited; is leaving C. has studied; visited; would leave D. was studying; has visited; leaves ⑤The woman insisted that she ________ the mobile phone but none of the supermarket guards would believe her. A. should not have stolen B. should not steal C. not have stolen D. had not stolen ⑥He ________ to go to Beijing today, but he postponed the trip when he heard that there would be a downpour at noon. A. was intending B. would intend C. had intended D. intended ⑦This Monday morning I was informed I ________ as one of three exchange students from our college. A. had been choosing B. was chosen C. had been chosen D. was choosing ⑧—Are you glad that you came to Changsha —Yes, indeed. I ________ going to Shanghai or Shenzhen, but I’ve never regretted my decision. A. have considered B. am considering C. had considered D. was considering ⑨When the old man ________ to walk back to his house, the sun ________ itself behind the mountain. A. started; had already hidden B. was starting; hid C. had started; had already hidden D. had started; was hiding ⑩I wish that I ________ him yesterday, but it was a pity that I fell ill and the doctor told me to take it easy ________ three days. A. visited; to B. would visit; in C. had visited; for D. visited; at
Suggested answers:
1. Go through the questions with students and make sure they understand their meanings.
◎What cuisine and/or culture in this unit impressed you most Why
◎What useful vocabulary or structures did you learn in this unit
◎Do you think “understanding cause and effect” was a useful strategy
◎Could you talk with your friends about foods restaurants, and/or cultures after doing this unit
◎What aspect of food and culture would you like to learn more about
◎Overall, I thought this unit was ○ Interesting ○ practical ○ so-so ○ difficult.
2. Ask students to work in groups and discuss the questions.
3. Ask students to share their answers.
Unit 3 Food and Culture Period Ⅵ video Time & Assessing Your Progress Video Time I.学习理解 活动一:感知与注意 活动二:获取与梳理 1. Watch and choose. 2. Watch and complete. Ⅱ.应用实践 活动三:分析与判断 Assessing Your Progress 活动四:词汇复习 活动五:语法再现 活动六:单元反思
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