人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册 Unit4Journey Across a Vast Land Reading and Thinking 名师教学设


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册 Unit4Journey Across a Vast Land Reading and Thinking 名师教学设
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文件大小 1.1MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-12 17:42:19



Unit4 Reading and Thinking 名师教学设计
课题:人教版新教材选择性必修二 Unit 4 Journey Across A Vast Land
课型:Reading and Thinking
人与自然 —— 了解乘坐火车横跨加拿大的旅行
本文是一篇游记,以时间和空间的顺序记述了Li Daiyu和Liu Qian两姐妹乘坐火车自西向东横跨加拿大的旅行经历。
本文是一篇游记,以时间和空间的顺序记述了Li Daiyu和Liu Qian两姐妹乘坐火车自西向东横跨加拿大的旅行经历,包括他们沿途所看到的自然美景、野生动物等,她们对加拿大美丽的自然风光和丰富的自然资源发出的赞叹。文章第一段介绍了此次旅行的起点---西部港口城市温哥华和终点哈利法克斯。第二段叙述了她们在温哥华游玩的几天。第三段主人公开始了令人兴奋的旅行。她们穿过加拿大落基山脉欣赏各路美景。第四段讲述她们途径加拿大的石油和天然气开采中心Edmonton。由于冬日寒冷,不适宜户外活动,这里拥有许多购物中心。第五段她们横穿广袤辽阔、人烟稀少的加拿大草原,惊叹不已。最后一段,火车途径遍布森林和湖泊的安大略省,窗外满眼是火红、金黄、橙色枫叶和遍地秋霜的加拿大胜景。
步骤 教学活动 设计意图
Stage 1 Lead-in
Step1 Watch a videoSs watch a video that introduces the author’s exciting trip in Canada and ask Ss to guess where it is. 利用视频,创设语境,导入主题,通过视频了解加拿大生活的不同方面,激活学生背景知识并引出问题让学生思考。
Stage 2 Pre-reading
Step 2 Watch a videoT shows a video that introduces different aspects of Canada in order to motivate Ss to think about the question: what transportation will you choose when you are travelling in Canada 利用视频及提问的方式,创设情境,引出主题:火车之旅;引起学生的共鸣并激发学生学习兴趣。
Step3 Watch a video Ss watch a video about the Canada rail travel. 利用视频,创设语境,导入主题,了解加拿大火车旅行是什么样子的,激活学生背景知识并引出问题让学生思考。
Stage 3 While-reading
Step4 Read for titleT introduces the title of the text.T guides Ss to find out the key words of the title and predict the main idea of the text. 引导学生通过标题关键词感知文本,预测文本内容。
Step5 Fast reading Ss read the passage quickly to find out the following questions: Who are the main characters How did they go there Where did they go T shows several mind map that Ss made before the class, so that they could know the destination and route of the journey better. 学生通过快速阅读,了解文章的基本信息,为接下来的阅读活动做准备。
Step6 Read for contentT guides Ss to read the first paragraph. Specially, T invites Ss to think and find out the elements of the travel journal: place, transportation, time, activities and feeling. While reading and analyzing, T helps Ss summarize each paragraph by using key words. 老师先引导学生阅读第一段,找到这篇旅行日志的基本要素:地点,交通工具,时间,活动及感受。接下来让学生自己从这个五个角度分析旅程。
Step 7 Read for languageT instructs Ss to analyze the language features of the text with a focus on verbs, adjs, nouns and sentence structures. Ss compare the reading passage with T’s example. T makes a conclusion of language, particularly the highlight of the tour. 学生分析学习其中描述两段旅途所使用的语言,从动词、形容词、名词及语言结构入手。学会如何描写展开一段旅途,提升语言表达力,对下一个口语环节做准备。
Stage 4 Speaking
Step8 Sharing: your journeyT summarize the clues of the reading passage by the following table:T teacher will show an example of journey. Ss will share their interesting journey with the whole class. 学生能够利用文本信息,并结合自身经历,分享自己的旅行经历。学生能够对话题进行迁移,表达自己的观点。鼓励学生用英语表达想法,培养学生的交际能力及合作能力。
Stage 5 Summary
Step9 Show the opening pictureT guides Ss to focus on the unit beginning page and the unit’s topic: travel. T motivate Ss to think about the meaning of travel and encourage them to enjoy the world. 呼应全文,深化主题:思考读万卷书行万里路,鼓励他们走进社会和大自然。鼓励学生开启长途旅行,并在旅行中探寻自我的价值,思考人生的意义。
Stage 6 Homework
Step10 1. Talk about journeys with your partners.2. Write down your interesting journeys.
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