人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第二册 Unit4 Reading and Thinking 名师教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第二册 Unit4 Reading and Thinking 名师教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 713.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-12 17:52:48



Unit 4 PeriodⅠReading and Thinking名师教学设计
Learn about a rail journey across Canada
Step I 学习理解
1. Questions for thinking.
·What do you know about rail journeys?
·When and where are these photos taken?Guess with your partner.
Suggested answers:
·Rail journeys used to take a long time—people often took them because they were cheaper than flying. However, now with high speed rail, they are much shorter, but also more expensive.
2. Read and discuss.
Ask students to read the two passages Canada and Flag of Canada. Work in groups of four and discuss the following questions.
·What is the main idea of each passage
·Which passage impresses you most Why
·What else do you know about Canada Share with your group members.
Suggested answers:
·The first passage gives us a brief introduction of Canada, including the area, population, official languages, natural resources, people’s living conditions, economy. etc. The second passage mainly tells about how the maple leaf became the symbol of the National Flag of Canada.
3. Talk about the title.
Ask students to look at the title on Page 38 and guess the following questions.
·What is the type of the article And what will be introduced in the article?
·What do you think you will see if you go on a rail journey across Canada
Suggested answers:
·This article is a travel journal. From the title students can find it is a article about a rail journey to Vancouver and the heart of Canada. And it tells us some amazing sights about Canada.
·I would expect to see beautiful mountains and lots of pretty scenery.
1. Read the article and complete the table below with information from the article.
Place Information
①________ often rains; a harbour; beautiful mountains looking out over the city; a forest just a short distance away
the Canadian Rockies ②____________________________________
③________ centre of Canada’s huge oil and gas industry; cold in winter, with daily temperatures averaging -10℃; home one of the largest shopping malls in North America
the Canadian Prairie ④____________________________________
⑤________ a land of forests, lakes, and rolling hills; four Great Lakes on its southern border; capital is Toronto
Suggested answers:
②blue water of Lake Louise; spectacular mountain peaks and forests; different creatures such as deer, mountain goats, grizzly bears, and eagles
④an open country; two wheat-growing provinces; a bunch of farms that covered a very large area
2. Discourse markers.
(1)Learning strategy.
Go through the sentences and make sure students understand their meanings.
Use discourse markers to show relationships
Discourse markers are also known as “linking words”. They are used to show relationships between ideas. Relationships can range from adding something(e.g., also, besides, additionally), to showing contrast(e.g., however, on the other hand), to explaining a reason(e.g., because, since), or to showing a result(e.g., therefore, as a result). without discourse markers, the connections between sentences and paragraphs would be less obvious.
(2)Read the article and underline the discourse markers.
Suggested answers:
then; despite; later; when; in addition to; since; in fact;
eventually; however; finally; rather than; before; after; all in all
(3)Match each of these discourse markers with the correct purpose.
①however A. to add something
②since B. to show contrast
③when C. to explain a reason
④in addition to D. to show an end point in time
⑤in fact E. to show time
⑥later F. to emphasise
⑦eventually G. to describe the order of events
Suggested answers:
①B ②C ③E ④A ⑤F ⑥G ⑦D
(4)Ask students to give more examples of discourse markers.
Suggested answers:
·Adding something: and, also, besides, additionally, moreover, in addition to…
·Contrast: however, but, on the other hand, by contrast, on the contrary, despite, although, though, rather than…
·Reason: since, as, because, for, thanks to, owing to, due to…
·Result: therefore, as a result, consequently, accordingly, thus, so…
·Emphasis: indeed, above all, in fact, as a matter of fact…
·Order of events: first, second, next…
·Time: as soon as, meanwhile, while, when, as, later, then, at first, finally, eventually…
·Giving examples: for example, such as
·Comparing: similarly, likewise…
·Concluding: to conclude, in summary, all in all, in a word, in the end, to sum up...
1. Share feelings of reading.
(1)Ask students to share the feelings of reading by answering the e following question.
·What made the description of the journey so smooth
(2)Ask students to find evidence from the article to support their opinion.
2. Write a summary.
Ask students to write a summary of the article in less than 60 words.
Step Ⅱ 应用实践
After reading the article, ask students to think about the following questions.
·How does this article develop
·If you write an article to describe a place of interest or a country you have visited, how will you arrange your article
Suggested answers:
·By following the order of time.
·I may arrange my article by the time when I visited.
Ask students to work in groups of four and discuss the following questions.
·Would you be interested in taking the same trip as Li Daiyu and Liu Qian Why or why not?
·How is a rail journey different from other forms of travel, such as by plane or car
Suggested answers:
·I would love to take such a journey. It seems so wonderful and relaxing, and I would get to see so many beautiful sites.
·A rail journey is different from a car journey in that with a car journey, if you see something interesting, you can stop and take a look. A journey by plane will get you to your destination much faster than a trip by train or car. However, usually you cannot see much interesting from a plane window, and a plane gives much less space and fewer opportunities to get up and walk around than on a train.
Complete the passage below with correct discourse markers.
In order to visit their cousins in Halifax, Li Daiyu and Liu Qian went to Canada. ①________ starting out, they spent a couple of days in Vancouver. When passing through the Canadian Rockies, they were amazed at its exceptional natural scenery ②________ diverse lovely animals. ③________, the train got to Edmonton which is home to many shopping malls ④________ its freezing cold weather. When crossing the great Canadian Prairie, they were impressed by the extremely vast land. ⑤________, they reached Toronto after the 4-day rail trip.
Suggested answers:
①Before ②and/ as well as ③Then/ Later
④for/ because of/ owing to/ due to/as a result of
⑤Finally/ Eventually/ In the end/ At last
Step Ⅲ 迁移创新
Ask students to work in groups and explore the following.
·What is the purpose of the article
·How does the author make the article clear
Suggested answers:
·The author aimed to introduce Canada to us by the rail journey made by Li Daiyu and Liu Qian.
·The author makes the article clear by using proper discourse markers, without which the connections between sentences and paragraphs would be less obvious.
Ask students to write a short passage to introduce a tour by using proper discourse markers to make the connections between sentences and paragraphs more obvious.
Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land Period I Reading and Thinking Ⅰ.学习理解 活动一:感知与注意 1. Questions for thinking. 2. Read and discuss. 3. Talk about the title. 活动二:获取与梳理 1. Read the article and complete the table. 2. Discourse markers. 活动三:概括与整合 1. Share feelings of reading. 2. Write a summary. Ⅱ.应用实践 活动四:描述与阐释 活动五:分析与判断 活动六:内化与运用 Ⅲ.迁移创新 活动七:推理与论证 活动八:想象与创造
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