人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册 Unit4 Journey Across a Vast Land Reading and Thinking 名师教学设计1(表格式)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册 Unit4 Journey Across a Vast Land Reading and Thinking 名师教学设计1(表格式)
格式 docx
文件大小 24.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-12 17:52:58



Unit4 Reading and Thinking 名师教学设计
课题 OCB2U4 Journey Across a Vast Land
课时 第一课时 课型 Reading and Thinking
班级 人数
教材分析 本单元的主题是长途旅行,本课的活动主题是“了解乘坐火车横跨加拿大的旅行”,阅读文本的体裁是游记,以时间和空间的顺序记述了Li Daiyu 和 Liu Qian 两姐妹自西向东横跨加拿大的旅行经历,包括两人在此过程中的所见所闻、所思所想等。在 discourse markers 的引导下,文章总分结构清晰,第 1 段介绍了此次旅行的目的、起点和终点,第 2 段叙述了他们乘火车去 Halifax 之前在温哥华的活动,3-6 段则分别介绍了乘坐火车沿途地区的风景及感想。结合单元主题,本课阅读的重点在归纳概括加拿大不同地区的自然风光和人文风情上,最 终落脚于探索长途旅行对个人成长的意义。
学情分析 本次授课对象是区龙头学校的学生,英语水平普遍较好,学习英语兴趣浓厚,但本次是借班上课,教师对学生的详细情况不熟悉。基于学生的语言能力,本课在聚焦对文本信息的理解、梳理、分析、整合的基础上,希望引导学生结合自身经历和知识储备,将阅读文本与生活经历、现实世界联系在一起,综合思考、分析、评判乘火 车长途旅行对个人成长的意义。
教学目标 By the end of the class, students will be able to sort out the travel experience in a rail journey across Canada; identify the discourse markers and their functions; figure out the significance of a long journey.
教学重点 Working out the route and experience along the journey
教学难点 Understanding the significance of a long journey
教学方法 Task-based approach; Cooperative teaching method; Multi-modal teaching.
教学工具 Blackboard, projector and handout
教学步骤 学生课堂活动 设计意图 核心素养提升点
Step 1 Lead-in (2 mins) Look at the topic and answer: How much do you know about Canada What do you know about rail journeys To familiarize students with Canada and bring up the topic of a rail journey across a vast land 文化意识:增加对 Canada 和 rail journey 的了解
Step 2 Predict (2 mins) Answer: Based on the picture and the title, what can you know about the journey To practice Ss’ prediction skill and raise their interest in the travel experience 语言能力:培养主动思考、合理 猜测能力
Step 3 Read for main idea (3 mins) Read the 1st paragraph. Find out the basic information about the trip. Use one sentence to summarize the main idea. Answer: What is the genre of the text How is the text organized To practice Ss’ ability of extracting key words and summarizing main ideas 学习能力:培养学生通过识别关键词归纳主要内容的能力
Step 4 Read for the travel route (1+1+1 mins) Understand discourse markers. Based on discourse markers, scan the text and find out the travel route. Understand “the heart of Canada based on the title. To practice Ss’ ability of scanning for the travel route based on discourse markers 学习能力:根据语篇标记词整理文章结构的能力
Step 5 Read for travel experience (2+5+3mins) Task 1 Draw a mind map about their travel experience including: hat they did/saw/learnt; how they felt (if any). Use para. 2 as a demonstration. Read para. 3-6 and continue drawing the travel map. 【G1-3: para. 3-4; G4-6: para. 5-6】 Introduce his/her mind map. To help Ss sort out the travel experience of the journey To practice they ability of summarizing and retelling 学习能力: 提升分析梳理信息的能力; 提升根据现有信息概括复述的能力
Step 6 Discuss in groups (2+5mins) Task 2 Discuss in groups about what they have gained from the rail journey. To guide Ss to draw the significance of a journey from what they saw and what they learnt 思维品质:提升学生分析、综合和评价的能力
Step 7 Share in pairs (3+5 mins) Share your own travel experience of a long journey with your partner, including the following information: The places you visited What you saw and learnt How you felt What you have gained To encourage Ss to relate what they read to their real life 思维品质:将课堂所学、生活经验迁移到日常情境中并表达出来
Step 8 Summary (3 mins) Understand the quote in the theme picture: “travel far enough, you meet yourself” To encourage Ss to go on a long journey and find the meaning of self and life 文化意识:鼓励学生深入思考旅行的意义
Assignment (2 mins) Write down your travel experience about a long journey and talk about what you gain from it. To encourage Ss to reorganize and transform the ideas into writing. 语言能力:将课堂迁移到生活实际,提高学生的 书面表达能力
板书设计 Genre: travel journal Order: time & space order discourse markers Travel route: China-Vancouver-Lake Louise- Jasper-Edmonton-Canadian Prairie-Winnipeg-Ontario-Toronto What they saw: shops selling crafts and antiques home to shopping malls beautiful mountains & peaks & forest &lakes &blue water &creatures & rolling hills & orange bushes and male trees… oil and gas drilling industry 2 wheat-growing provinces; farms How they felt: excited, pleased, awesome, amazed… What they gain: (现场生成):