人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第二册 Unit5 First Aid Using language2 名师教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第二册 Unit5 First Aid Using language2 名师教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 20.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-12 19:58:53



Unit5 Using language2 名师教学设计
本单元的主题是“急救”,该板块是单元主题下的其中一个活动--分享你实施急救的故事。通过一个具体的故事展现急救的意义,弘扬见义勇为的行为,传递人道主义精神,呼吁本单元的引言“It’s a great honour to save a life.”--救人一命,善莫大焉。本单元的其他活动板块侧重向学生传授有关急救的知识,该板块则培养学生的仁爱之心,使学生认识到:通过自己的努力挽救生命是一件光荣的事情,更是人道主义、博爱和奉献精神的体现。此外,该故事彰显了学习急救知识的必要性,展现了面对紧急情况时应有的沉着应变能力。通过学习这样的故事之后,旨在要求学生模仿该故事写一篇叙事性的文章。写作任务不仅有助于培养学生的语言表达能力,还有助于学生深刻理解生命的意义和珍爱生命的重要性,学会关爱他人,传递友爱,培养学生正确的人生观和价值观。
该文章讲述了一位名叫Chen Wei的高中生运用Heimlich manoeuvre 救人的事迹,不仅叙述了Chen救助窒息的Zhang Tao的过程,还介绍了Heimlich manoeuvre。该阅读语篇逻辑清晰,可分为三部分:第一部分陈述Chen救人的过程,第二部分介绍Heimlich manoeuvre的历史和操作方法,第三部分对Chen的事迹进行了评价。其中第一部分和第三部分是典型的记叙文写法,语言生动,精准。通常记叙文包括三个部分:事情的起因(set-up)、经过(conflict)和结果(conclusion), 本文最后一段还引用了Chen Wei的话,对全文起到了总结概况的作用。本文的第二部分更接近说明文的写法,简洁明了地说明步骤和要领,便于读者理解操作,减少失误概率。
这节课旨在体现读写技能的整合,通过学习该急救故事,希望学生能够模仿该故事写一篇叙事性的文章。读前看图预测,通过读前活动,自然地过渡到目标文章的阅读当中,并铺垫话题相关词汇:victim, choking, desperate,为接下去课堂有效的语言输入和输出活动做好情感和知识上的铺垫。读时阶段理解语言材料,进行文本信息的加工和处理,把握语篇结构、主旨大意及主要信息等,通过层层递进的活动,训练阅读技能,研读文中动词、短语、句式等语言知识,提高思维层次。先是从整体上认识、解读篇章的组织模式,再从段着手,深入词汇、句子,关注语言现象,最后用添加标题的形式总结全文,为后续环节中学生能创造性地运用文本新语言搭建支架。读后活动是综合性的语言运用环节,侧重检查阅读效果以及所学新语言的巩固和使用,使学生能在阅读基础上将阅读材料相关的主题内容和所学语言知识结合起来,进行语言输出。通过和学生分享一则发生在身边溺水急救新闻,激活学生的写作兴趣,巩固该板块听力活动所学的关于溺水急救知识的词汇,让学生从记者的角度去模仿编写一个急救故事,引导学生创造性借鉴和运用文本结构,话题词汇,为学生充分搭建好语言支架,以确保高质量的语言输出。
通过梳理全文的篇章结构,掌握文章大意,了解Heimlich manoeuvre,掌握急救知识;
通过深入解读文章,掌握记叙文篇章特征, 运用话题核心词汇,仿写急救故事。
Step1:Lead in
T: Look at the two pictures, what is the boy on the right suffering from How does the victim feel Actually, choking can be deadly.
(choking, victim, desperate 下划线词写到黑板上,下同)
Step2: Read for the structure and main idea
T: We are going to read a story about providing first aid for choking. For a story, it usually consists of three parts: the set-up, the conflict, the process. The set up tells us about who, what and where. Now read Para 1 and find out the set-up of the story.
T: Read the whole article, first put A-E(five sentences) in the correct places and then divide it into 3 parts. Several minutes later, check the answers. What is your reason of the choice Pay attention to the linking words. They make the article coherent.
Step3: Read for detailed information
T: This time we will go deep into part 1 for more detailed information. How did Chen save Zhang What was the end Please circle the key words.
HOW: wasted no time, got up, ran to... at once, help...to his feet, standing behind, ...did the Heimlich manoeuvre
WHAT: was instantly forced out, breathe again
T: What do you think of Chen’s reaction Why must he react so quickly How does the writer present it was an urgent situation Read Para 1 to circle the key words.
scream, hold his throat with his face turning red, desperate, slap
T: Thanks to the Heimlich manoeuvre, Zhang Tao was saved. So, what is the Heimlich manoeuvre How is it performed Please go to part 2 and find out the answers. Ask two students to show and explain it.
T: Is it performed the same on everyone Why is it performed differently on a small child Why should we make sure the victim is really choking
T: Because the victim is very likely to be injured if performed the Heimlich manoeuvre, for example the victim may get his bones broken, let alone a small child. What does “this” refer to Generally speaking, first trying five slaps, if it does not work, we should then perform the Heimlich manoeuvre.
T: Now, let’s read what did Chen comment on the choking incident. What does the quote mean What is the purpose of the quote
Step4: Read for thinking
T: Obviously, at the beginning, five sentences are missing in the article. What else is also missing Can you think of a suitable title for the story After reading the story, we can find the writer adopted a series of verbs to make the story vivid and accurate.
Step5: Read for writing
T: well, I’d like to share a piece of recent news about providing first aid with you. It is also about providing first aid. Several days ago, a man was drowning in the Puyang river. Seeing this, several strangers took off the clothes and jumped into the water to save the drowning man without hesitation. Suppose you were the reporter, write the story about providing first aid for drowning. Use what you've learnt in this class.
T: Like all good stories, it should have three parts: the set-up, the conflict, the conclusion. As for the set-up, what should be included What useful expression can you find By using the past continuous tense, the writer makes the story vivid. Now let’s polish part 1 to make it vivid. Present students’ works.
A sample writing:
Cai Zuning,a 73-year-old retired worker, was strolling when he heard someone screaming. A fellow jumped into the water from the bridge. The drowning man was struggling in the water desperately.
T: Discuss with your partners, what should be included in other parts of the story. You can refer to the useful expressions in the article. We can find the writer adopted a series of verbs to make the story vivid and accurate. As for this article, the writer also added some comments by using a quote.
Structure Questions useful expressions
Part1 set-up Who What Where scream; desperate; be doing
Part2 conflict How waste no time; call for an ambulance; ran to... at once; help..to his feet; lay the victim on his back; pat his shoulders; check for a response;perform CPR; blow air in; push down on the centre of his chest
Part3 conclusion What was instantly forced out; breathe again
Part4 comments What Seeing..., he remained calm and reacted immediately; ...later said about the incident...
Step6: Homework
1.Finish the rest of the story and add a proper title to it.
2. Exchange your article with your partner.
3.Polish your article with the help of the checklist on page 57.
A sample writing:
A Drowning Man Saved by Passers-by
Cai Zuning,a 73-year-old retired worker, was strolling when he heard someone screaming. A fellow jumped into the water from the bridge. The drowning man was struggling in the water desperately.
Cai wasted no time. Regardless of his own safety, he took off the clothes and dived into the freezing cold water at once. Unfortunately, Cai was too weak to draw the drowning man out of water. Seeing the urgent situation, four passers-by joined the rescue instantly. They first succeeded in carrying them onto the pavement. After laying the victims on the back, they pat their shoulders to check for a response. They made sure the drowning man was fine, but there was an urgent need to perform CPR on Cai by blowing air in and pushing down on the centre of his chest. Several minutes later, an ambulance and the police arrived.
Seeing two men drowning, Meng remained calm and reacted immediately. He later said about the incident, “It's a great honour to save a life.”
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