人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第二册 Unit5First Aid Video Time and Assessing Your Progress 名师教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第二册 Unit5First Aid Video Time and Assessing Your Progress 名师教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 26.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-12 20:00:28



Unit 5 Period Ⅵ Video Time & Assessing Your Progress名师教学设计
Video Time & Assessing Your Progress
[What]本节课分两部分:第一部分为 Ⅴideo Time,介绍了巴西里约热内卢的一种特殊的海上救援方式——使用滑翔伞搜救溺水者。第二部分为Assessing Your Progress,设置了词语辨析题来练习重要词汇,情境中练习动词-ing形式的用法,最后对本单元进行总的反思和评价。
Video Time
Step I 学习理解
Before watching, ask students to complete the sentences with the correct words.
A paramotor, A life preserver, Copacabana Beach, Ruy Marra ①________ is a type of aircraft with a lightweight engine and a large propeller strapped to the pilot. ②________ is in Brazil. ③________ is a man who started the Para-Life rescue service business in 1995. ④________ is something that can be worn in the water to prevent you from sinking.
Suggested answers:
①A paramotor ②Copacabana beach ③Ruy Marra
④A life preserver
1. True or false.
(1)Go through the questions below.
①Marra has a staff of twenty people working for him. ②Marra’s company has saved the lives of more than eighty people. ③Marra did not need government approval to set up hi Is company. ④Marra communicates with the paramotor pilots through two-way radios. ⑤A rip current is a dangerous flow of water that moves away from the beach.
(2)Play the video for students to decide if the statements are true(T)or false (F).
(3)Share the answers with the whole class, and if necessary, play the video again for students to check the answers.
Suggested answers:
2. Number.
Play the video for students to number the following steps in the correct order.
________ The pilot calls the lifeguards. ________ The pilot manoeuvres close enough to drop the life preserver to the swimmer. ________ The pilot sees a victim. ________ Para-Life pilots strap themselves into the paramotor. ________ The pilot then continues to fly above the victim until the lifeguards arrive. ________ The pilot flies against the wind to reduce flight speed.
Suggested answers:
Step Ⅱ 应用实践
Ask students to work in groups of four and discuss the following questions.
·What are some advantages of paramotors over traditional forms of water rescue What are some disadvantages
·As a business, how might the Para-Life rescue service make money Is it right to charge victims for rescue If so, how much should they be charged What if they cannot pay
·What other interesting or new kinds of rescue are there How do they work
Suggested answers:
·The main advantage is the ability to spot the person who is in trouble and get there quickly. The main disadvantage is that the paramotor cannot land and pick the person up.
·It could make money through a contract with the government. While it does not seem right to charge the victims money, in fact ambulance services, doctors, nurses, and hospitals charge victims money all the time. If people are charged money, it should be based on the time and expense required to rescue them, but that amount is hard to determine. As the victim would be billed after the rescue, if the victim cannot pay it will be just like any other bill the victim might have,
·One kind of rescue involves dogs that can sniff out people trapped in buildings after an earthquake. The dog just wanders over the ruined building sniffing the ground. If it smells a person, it makes a sign or begins to bark. Rescuers then know where to dig. As a person can survive for as long as three days without water, so long as the person can breathe and is not too badly injured there is still a good chance of rescue in this situation.
Assessing Your Progress
1. Complete
(1)Circle the correct word in each sentence.
①The cloth/fabric of this bag is soft and light. What is it made of ②The Red Cross is looking for volunteers who are concerned about the welfare/happiness of their fellow men. ③When Lisa noticed the fire, she rushed to grab/grasp the fire extinguisher outside the door of the flat. ④These trousers are too loose/lose—I’m having trouble keeping them up. ⑤After the theft, the police were called to investigate the accident/incident. ⑥I heard desperate/serious cries for help when I walked past that old building. I reacted quickly by rushing into the building. ⑦John’s alarm didn’t go off, so he slept in and was awoken by the radiations/rays of sunlight coming in through his window. ⑧We should always do what we can to take care of the elderly/old and any others who might be in need.
(2)Share the answers first in pairs or groups and then with the whole class.
Suggested answers:
①fabric ②welfare ③grab ④loose ⑤incident
⑥desperate ⑦rays ⑧elderly
scream, grab, collapse, choke, justify, practical, interrupt, desperate, tight, foggy ①Thousands of buildings ________ in the earthquake. ②I can’t really ________ taking another day of work. ③The book is full of good ideas to ________ your students’ attention. ④I felt as if there was a weight on my chest, ________ me. ⑤After the first few shots, people started to ________. ⑥Don’t wear ________ clothes, particularly non-cotton underwear or pants. ⑦I want to gain some ________ experience of the work. ⑧I heard sounds of a ________ struggle in the next room. ⑨It was now the middle of November, cold and often ________. ⑩Sorry to ________, but there’s someone to see you.
Suggested answers:
①collapsed ②justify ③grab ④choking
⑤scream ⑥tight ⑦practical ⑧desperate
⑨foggy ⑩interrupt
①Can you imagine yourself ________(stay)in a lonely island ②I can’t understand your ________(laugh)at that poor child. ③She didn’t mind ________(work)overtime. ④To make a living, he tried write ________(paint), and various other things, but he had failed in all. ⑤We are looking forward to Mary’s come ________(come). ⑥She was praised for ________(save)the life of the child. ⑦She ought to be praised instead of ________(criticise). ⑧Is there any possibility of our ________(win)the championship ⑨He came to the party without ________(invite). ⑩She is afraid of ________(take)to the public.
Suggested answers:
①staying ②laughing ③working
④writing; painting ⑤coming ⑥having saved
⑦being criticized ⑧Winning ⑨being invited
⑩being taken
①No one enjoys ________ at. A. laughing B. to laugh C. being laughed D. to be laughed ②You must do something to prevent your house ________. A. to be broken in B. from being broken in C. to break in D. from breaking in ③They insisted on ________ another chance to try. A. given B. giving C. being given D. to be given ④—Where is my passport I remember ________ it here. —You shouldn’t have left it here. Remember ________ it with you all the time. A. to put; to take B. putting; taking C. putting; to take D. to put; taking ⑤His room needs ________, so he must have it ________. A. painting; painted B. painted; painting C. painting; painting D. painted; painted ⑥After finishing his homework he went on ________ a letter to his parents. A. write B. writing C. wrote D. to write ⑦The young trees we planted last week require ________ with great care. A. looking after B. to look after C. to be looked after D. taken good care of ⑧Only ________ English doesn’t mean ________ the language. A. to learn; to learn B. learning; learning C. learning about; learn D. learning about; learning ⑨She returned home only to find the door open and something ________. A. missed B. to be missing C. missing D. to be missed ⑩She decided to devote herself ________ the problem of old age. A. to study B. studying C. to studying D. study
Suggested answers:
(1)Go through the passage with students and make sure they understand its meaning.
________(sit)for long hours every day in an office for several years, Nancy Jones felt that she was getting out of shape and decided that she needed to get some exercise. So, instead of going to and from work every day by bus, she started riding a bike because ________(ride)was an enjoyable activity for her. One night she had to work till late and it was foggy outside when she left the office. Her bike did not have a light, so ________(return)home by bike would be dangerous. ________(not, want)to risk having her bike stolen, however, she decided to ride it home anyway. The first few kilometres had plenty of street lights, but ________(turn) onto a side road in the suburbs she found herself in the dark. ________(slow)down, she tried to see in front of her, but it was impossible. Then without warning, her bike hit a rock, ________(throw)her to the ground. Trying to get up, she discovered that her ankle was broken. Unable to stand or walk, she found herself in alarming pain. Fortunately, she was able to call an ambulance with her mobile phone, and they took her to a hospital. However, it was several months before her ankle recovered and she found ________(walk)easy again. ________(get)a gym membership near her office, Nancy decided that there were other ways of keeping fit.
(2)Ask students to complete the passage with the correct forms of the words in brackets.
(3)Share the answers first in pairs or groups and then with the whole class.
Suggested answers:
Having sit; riding; returning; Not wanting; turning;
Slowing; throwing; walking; Getting
1. Go through the questions with students and make sure they understand their meanings.
◎What did you learn about first aid that you didn’t know before?
◎What do you think we should be like if we want to work as a first-aid doctor or volunteer
◎What could we do to warn people of various dangers and to prepare them for different emergencies
◎Has the unit encouraged you in any way to want to look after the welfare of others
◎Verall, I thought this unit was ○ Interesting ○ Useful ○ so-so ○ difficult.
2.Ask students to work in groups and discuss the questions.
3. Ask students to share the answers.
Unit 5 First Aid Period Ⅵ Video Time & Assessing Your Progress Video Time I.学习理解 活动一:感知与注意 活动二:获取与梳理 1. True or false. 2. Number. Ⅱ.应用实践 活动三:分析与判断 Discussion. Assessing Your Progress 活动四:词汇复习 1. Complete 2.单词语境填空。 活动五:语法再现 1.用所给动词的适当形式填空。 2.单项选择。 3.语段语法填空。 活动六:单元反思
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