人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness课件(共33张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第一册Unit 3 Sports and Fitness课件(共33张ppt)
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文件大小 8.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-12 20:09:39



Book1 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness
Step 1 学习目标 1'
1. Learn to write a page in a wellness book.
2. Learn the structure and related words and expressions.
Which lifestyle is healthy Why
Lead in
1.Read the text on page 42 and answer the questions.
2.What does a page in a wellness book consist of
3.What expressions are used to show similarities and differences
Step 2 问题导学 10'
Step 2 问题导学一 2'
Read the text on page 42 and answer the following questions.
1. What problem did Kayla have in the past
2. What does the sentence “I almost went bananas” mean
3. What made her change her thinking
1. What problem did Kayla have
in the past
Weight and appearance.

She was nearly mad/crazy, hopeless and angry.
a turning point
2. What does the sentence “I almost went bananas” mean
3. What made her change her thinking
An article that said instead of asking “Am I fat ”, people should be asking “Am I fit ” .
Step 3 点拨运用(一)6'
教材原句p.42 I always wanted to look like the slim girls on TV even though I knew ...
1 even if / though 引导让步状语从句
even if/though 意为“尽管,虽然”
Anyhow one should have a dream,even if the dream seems impossible to come true.
as if/though 意为“好像,仿佛”,引导表语从句或方式状语从句。如果所述的情况与事实不符,从句用虚拟语气。
She looks so frightened as if she met devil.她看上去那么恐惧,仿佛遇见了鬼。
教材原句p.42 GOING POSITIVE积极向上
1 positive adj. 积极的;正面的;乐观的;肯定的
搭配 be positive about 对……有信心 / 积极乐观 / 充分肯定
be positive that... 对……有把握
—It was him—I saw him take it. 是他——我看到他拿的。
—Are you positive about that 你对此肯定吗?
positive + -ly → positively adv. 积极地
negative adj. 负面的;消极的;否定的 [ 反义词 ]
教材原句p.42 I worried about my weight and tried every new diet I read about online .
2 diet (1)n. 规定饮食;日常饮食
go/be on a diet 节食
a balanced /healthy diet 均衡 / 健康饮食
My mother always tries her best to provide a balanced diet for Dad and me.
(2)vi. 节食;进行规定饮食
You ought to diet and take more exercise. 你应该节食并多做运动。
教材原句p.42 I had no idea a letter could make such a difference !不知道,不了解
3 make a difference 有作用或影响
make a great difference 起很大的作用
搭配 make no difference 没有关系,没有影响
make a difference to 对 …… 有影响,对……起作用
It makes a/no difference + what/whether/how... (it 作形式主语)
Exploring the outer space makes a big difference.探索外太空很重要。 [词汇复现]
It doesn’t make a difference to you,does it 这对你方没有多大区别,对不对?
It makes no difference to me how you make up your story.
你如何编造自己的故事与我无关。 [词汇复现]
教材原句p.42 Once I started thinking about fitness rather than weight ...
4 rather than 而不是(用于连接两个并列成分)
He is a biologist rather than a physicist.他是生物学家,而不是物理学家。
would do... rather than do... = would rather do... than do...宁愿做……也不愿做……
prefer to do... rather than do... 宁愿做……也不愿做……
I would walk there rather than go by bus.我宁愿步行去那儿也不愿乘公共汽车。
I would walk up the stairs rather than take the lift. = I would rather walk up the stairs than take the lift. 我宁愿走楼梯也不愿乘坐电梯。
教材原句p.42 Rather than cutting out the foods I enjoyed ,I added healthy foods to my meals . 我不再拒绝我喜爱的食物,而是在自己的三餐中添加健康食品。
5 cut... out 停止做(或使用、食用);剪下
cut out sweets in order to lose weight 为了减肥而戒食糖果
cut out alcohol/smoking 戒酒 / 戒烟
cut an article out of the newspaper 从报纸上剪下一篇文章
cut off 切掉;中断;使隔绝 cut up 切碎 cut in 插嘴;插入
cut down 减少;砍倒(树木) cut through 从……穿过 cut across 抄近路穿过
We are cut off in the middle of our conversation.我们电话打到一半,线路就中断了。
Cut the meat up into small pieces. 把肉切成小片。
You had better cut down on coffee and cigarettes,and eat a balanced diet.
你最好少喝咖啡,少抽烟,均衡饮食。 [词汇复现]
教材原句p.42 I could still have a burger now and then ...我仍然能偶尔吃个汉堡……
6 now and then 有时;偶尔
I go to visit my uncle now and then. 我偶尔去看望我叔叔。
from time to time 我时不时去慢跑一下
once in a while我偶尔上班
at times每个人都时不时犯错
教材原句p.42 Finally , I stopped comparing myself with actresses and models ...
7 compare...with/to... 与……比较
compared with/to 与……相比 compare A to B 把A比作B
compare notes(with sb.)(和某人)交换看法、交换意见
Compared to the traditional ones,they have three new unique functions.
和传统的相比较,它们有三个独特的新功能。 [词汇复现]
He compared the girl to his favourite cookie.他把那个姑娘比作他最喜欢的饼干。
comparison n. 比较 by/in comparison with 与……相比
make a comparison 进行对比
What does a page in a wellness book健康簿 consist of
Step 2 问题导学(二)1'
The past
The present
The result
Step 3 点拨运用(二)8'
worried about _______
and tried ________.
The past
new diets
The present
think about ___________.
_____________the things I like about myself.
make a list of
The result
stop _________ myself _______ actress and ________ for things that were wrong with my face or body.
What expressions are used to show similarities and differences
Step 2 问题导学(三)1'
Underline the words that show similarities相同 and differences.不同
look like, too, still, both… and
instead of, rather than, instead, make such a difference, but
Step 3 点拨运用(三)13'
Choose one of the following questions and write a page for your class wellness book.
What can you do to make exercise like jogging more enjoyable有趣的
Find a partner
Play sports with friends
Listen to music
Wear comfortable clothes and shoes
Be flexible
Drink plenty of water
Choose an exercise that you enjoy
Step 1: Draw a chart to show your changes.
Step 2: Write a short passage
1. Start with a sentence about your problem
2. Tell the reader how and why you changed or want to change
3.Describe the changes
4. Show the result after changing
(or possible result)
like; so; too; still; similarly; similar to; in common with; both..and
instead; instead of; rather than; however/but; different from...
Write a short passage based on your discussion and share it with class
[e ] 发这个音的字母和字母组合air ear
air: hair chair pair
ear:pear bear wear
Paragraph 1 your problem+ how/why you change
I always wanted to lose weight and keep healthy so I chose to do some jogging everyday. However, I
gradually found it became boring and a chore. I once wanted to give up. Then I felt it necessary to find some way to make jogging more enjoyable.
Paragraph 2 Describe your change
I talked to my friends what troubled me. He recommended that I should find an exercise partner. I followed his suggestion and managed to make my classmate Lily as my exercise buddy because she also had trouble keeping on doing exercise. Instead of running alone, I began to do the jogging with Jim. We encouraged each other rather than felt lonely. We sometimes listen to music together when jogging, making it more fun.
Paragraph 3 show the result
Having an exercise buddy made a huge difference to overall experience. We became more interested in jogging and didn’t consider it dull or tiring any longer. After jogging for several days, I became more energetic and controlled my weight which helped me performed my work better. I felt better and more confident about myself.
Step 4 课堂小结 2'
1.What does a page in a wellness book consist of
2.What expressions are used to show similarities and differences
Write a page for a class wellness book.
Step 5 当堂检测15’
① 我年幼时,我的身体如此虚弱以至于经常感冒。(so…that…)
② 因此(therefore,as a result),对我来说很难像其他孩子们一样正常上学。
③ 然后我读到一篇文章说慢跑对健康有作用。
④ 在那之后,我养成了早起和慢跑半小时的习惯。(form the habit of)
⑤ 并且,我对自己和自己的身体有更积极的态度。
⑥ 现在,通过每天锻炼,我的身体正逐步强壮。
— Translation
Step 6 课后作业1’