人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 学案Unit2 Healthy Lifestyle 单元考点突破(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 学案Unit2 Healthy Lifestyle 单元考点突破(含答案)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-12 23:43:40



名师原创:Unit2 单元考点突破
1. abuse n. 滥用;虐待;辱骂 vt. 滥用;虐待;辱骂
For example,some of them may become involved in tobacco or alcohol abuse,which can lead to physical and mental health problems. (教材原句P14)
abuse one's power 滥用某人的权利
alcohol/drug abuse 酗酒/嗜毒
scream/shout abuse 高声谩骂/大声辱骂
child abuse 虐待儿童
social abuse社会弊端
What went on here was an abuse of power.
He turned round and directed a torrent of abuse at me.
All the children had been physically and emotionally abused.
Janet ___________ (abuse) by her father since she was eleven. (山东卷) (had/has been abused)
He abused ________ (he) privileges in activities outside his official capacity. (his)
2. in response to…作为对….回答/反应
Secondly,there is a “routine”,the regular action you take in response to the cue. (教材原句P14)
respond vt&vi. 回答;响应,有反应
response n. 回答,反应
a quick response 迅速的答复
make a/no response to the question 对/没有提问作答; 对…做出回应/不予回答
bring/produce response 引起/产生反响
respond to a letter 回信
respond to….with a smile 报以微信
When asked about the company’s future, the director responded that he remained optimistic. 当被问到公司的未来是时,经理回答说他依然乐观
Knowing basic first-aid techniques will help you respond quickly to emergencies.
The government acted in response to economic pressure.
The quick recovery was truly in response to medication.
His letter in response to her request had contained a firm refusal.
The changes are in response to demand from our customers.
The officials should respond _____ the doubt of all the villagers. (江西课改卷) (to)
We made a quick response ______ these concerns. (to)
3. reward n.回报;奖励;报酬vt. 奖励;奖赏;给以报酬
Thirdly,there is the “reward”,the good thing or feeling we get from the routine. (教材原句P14)
as a reward for…. 作为(对某事的)报酬/奖赏
give/offer a reward to sb. for sth. 因为某事而给某人报酬
in reward of ….为酬谢……;作为对……的奖励
in reward=in return 作为回报/报答
reward sb. for sth. 为某事而以……报答某人
The old lady is offering a reward of $50 to anyone who finds her cat for her!
She was rewarded for her efforts with a cash bonus.
We should reward them generously for a hard day's work.
The old man gave the little boy a doll as a reward for his help. ______ reward,the boy gave him a hug. (青海卷) (In)
He was given a medal as a reward _______ his service. (for)
His effort was rewarded ______ remarkable success. (with)
4. rely on/upon….. 依靠;依赖
The reward makes us much more likely to continue the cycle,and the bad habit of relying on unhealthy snacks is formed. (教材原句P15)
reliable adj. 可信赖的;可靠的
a reliable friend 可靠的朋友
be reliable as….作为……是可靠的
rely v. 信任;信赖;依赖;依靠
rely on it that... 相信…..
rely on/upon sb./sth. = depend on/upon sb./sth. 依靠/依赖某人/某事
rely on/upon sb. to do sth. = depend on/upon sb. to do sth. 依靠某人做某事
The young man is honest, cooperative, and is always there when you need his help. In short, he's reliable.
It has a highly reliable control system.
He's a good musician and totally reliable.
The land, the essential means of production, is the most reliable living security that the peasants can rely on.
It would be better to rely _______ ourselves than on others. (天津卷) (on/upon)
This statement is not reliable _______ evidence. (as)
You may rely on _______ that he will help you. (it)
5. examine vt.(仔细) 检查;审查;测验
To facilitate a positive change in our bad habits,we must first examine our bad habit cycles and then try to adapt them. (教材原句P15)
examine sb. in/on... 测验某人……
examination n. 审查;调查;考查;考察; (仔细的)检查,检验
physical examination 体检
These ideas will be examined in more detail in Chapter 10.
The goods were examined for damage on arrival.
The students will be examined in all subjects at the end of term.
The plans will _____ (examine) by EU environment ministers. (河北卷) (be examined)
A physical _____ (examine) is a preliminary to joining the army. (examination)
6. straight away 立即;马上
Many of us try to change bad habits quickly and if we are not successful straight away,we often become pessimistic and give up. (教材原句P15)
straight off/out毫不犹豫;直率
straight up (询问或强调所说的话的真实性) 真的,确实
温馨告知:表示“立刻,马上”的词组:at once;right now;right away
I told him straight away what I thought of the matter.
Let's go to the meeting straight away!
I suggest you give her a call straight away.
She asked him straight ______ what he thought about it all. (甘肃卷)(off)
So for me,I would straight ______ tell them. (up)
7. decide on/upon… 决定;选定
However, there is no “ magic pill” or delete button that will help you; you have to think about your bad habits and decide on some changes. 教材原句P15
decide (wh-) to do 决定….
decide to do sth. 决定做…
decide + that+从句 决定做……
decide + wh- 从句 决定做…
decide against sth./doing sth. 决定不做某事
decision n. 决定;决心
make/take a decision 做出决定
come to/arrive at/reach a decision 做出决定
decisive adj. 决定性的;关键性的;果断的
It’s difficult to decide between the two.
It’s the people who decide the fate of mankind.
We decided against going on a holiday abroad for lack of money.
I can’t decide which to choose
The last game will decide who is to be the champion.
After leaving university,Therese decided on a career in publishing.
We're still trying to decide on a venue.
I am already an adult,so I should decide on my own life.
They have chewed the problem over for hours and hope to reach a ______ (decide) soon.
(福建卷) (decision)
Choosing your future career is an extremely important ______ (decide)
Now that you decide _______ (go),you'd better go at once. (to go)
8. make up one's mind下定决心;决定
We need to make up our minds and show some discipline,and make small changes over time. (教材原句P16)
change one's mind 改变主意
keep/bear/have... in mind记住;牢记在心头
speak one's mind 直言不讳
read one's mind 看出某人的心思
温馨告知:在短语make up one's mind中,mind的单复数要随其前one's的单复数而变化。
Once she has made up her mind,nothing can change it.
It is early days yet to make up our minds.
We have made up our minds to finish the work before dark.
You must keep it _____ mind that these exams will affect your final result. (湖北卷) (in)
If you think it over,maybe you will change ______ (you) mind. (your)
9. compose vt.&vi. 组成;作曲;撰写
(教材原句P16) Life is composed of many elements,such as family,friends,study,work,entertainment and so on.
be composed of…=be made up of…=consist of…= be comprised of…由……组成
composer n. 作曲家
composition n.作品;作曲;作文
Ten men compose the committee.
Mozart composed his last opera shortly before he died.
She composed a letter of protest.
Ludwig van Beethoven was a German ____ (compose) and pianist. (福建卷)(composer)
The sea water is mainly composed _____ water and salt. (of)
The teacher singled out one ______ (compose) for class discussion. (composition)
10. disturb vt. 打扰;搅乱;使烦恼
Ti was not polite to disturb your neighbors with loud music last night. (教材原句P17 )
disturbing adj. 引起烦恼的;令人不安的
a disturbing piece of news 令人不安的消息
disturbed adj. 不安的;烦恼的
disturb one’s plans/work/thoughts 打断某人的计划/工作/思想
disturb the peace 扰乱治安
disturbance n. 打扰;不安;风潮;骚乱
A light wind disturbed the surface of the lake.
That is disturbing news.
I was disturbed to hear of his illness.
Sorry to disturb you, but can I talk to you for a minute
The old man was ______ (disturb) to hear that his son was badly injured in the accident. (重庆卷) (disturbed)
We were all disturbed at the ________ (disturb) news. (disturbing)
11. stress vt. 强调;着重;重读;n. 压力;紧张;重要性;强调;重音
After starting high school, I felt stressed out and always relaxed by playing computer games. (教材原句 P20)
relieve stress 缓解压力
under stress 在压力之下
lay/place/put stress on/upon 强调;着重于….
primary/secondary stress 主/次重音
stress the importance of…. 强调….的重要性
stressed adj. 焦虑的;无法放松的(不可用于名词前)
stressful adj. 充满压力的;紧张的
The research suggests that stress may change the way people make choices.
He stressed the importance of kindness, duty and order in society.
It is vital for bridge designers to know about stress.
The teacher stressed the point that we should not be late.
The word should be stressed in this sentence.
One of the most effective ways to reduce _____ is to talk about feelings with someone you trust. (浙江卷)
A. production B. stress C. energy D. power (B)
They were all ______ (stress) out when they finished the difficult task. (stressed)
12. absorb vt. 吸收;了解,掌握;吸引,使专心
To absorb stress effectively, however, you must be sure to do something that completely takes your mind off everything else. (教材P22)
be absorbed in…专心于…;专注于…
absorb new knowledge/information 掌握新知识/新信息
A transparent object doesn’t absorb light. 透明的物体不吸收光
Service work absorbed a great number of women who arrive in the cities from the country.
I have just been so busy studying and trying to absorb all the new things around me.
The work has absorbed him for years. 多年来,他一直专注于这项工作
When deeply absorbed in work, he always forgets all about eating or sleeping.
______ in painting, John didn’t notice evening approaching. (天津卷)
A. To absorb B. To be absorbed C. Absorbed D. Absorbing ( C)
All the students were absorbed _____ their test paper. (in)
1. 状语从句的省略
These bad habits,if left unchecked,could lead to more serious ones when they become adults. (教材原句P14)
句式分析:if left unchecked是if they are left unchecked的省略形式;if条件句中如果从句主语和句子主语一致,可以直接跟分词形式。
When completed, the museum will be open to the public next year.
When comparing different cultures,we often notice the differences but ignore the similarities.
If asked,I would say that I belong to the generation of hope.
If invited to a wedding,you will receive an invitation six to eight weeks before the event.
If told properly,stories should reveal a lot of facts about your personality and background.
The research is so designed that once _______ (begin) nothing can be done to change it.
(陕西卷) (begun)
Unless _____ (invite) to speak,you should remain silent at the conference. (invited)
2. rather than 连接并列谓语
So,when we feel unhappy again (cue),rather than eat snacks,we could listen to some of our favorite music instead (routine), which will make us feel relaxed (reward).(教材原句P15)
句式分析:句中的rather than连接并列谓语,listen to和eat。
※ rather than用作连词,连接两个平行结构。它构成的句型结构有:
prefer to do...rather than do...    宁愿做……而不愿意做……
would do...rather than do... 宁愿做……而不愿意做……
would rather do...than do... 宁愿做……而不愿意做……
※ rather than用作介词,与instead of同义。
※ A rather than B作主语时,谓语要与A在人称、数上保持一致。
Much of the food pleases rather than excites.
He decided to write rather than telephone.
Let's get it over with as soon as possible,rather than drag it out.
I prefer to get up early rather than _____ (go) to school without breakfast. (湖北卷) (go)
You rather than I ______ (be) going to go camping. (are)
I prefer _______ (play) basketball rather than go fishing. (to play)
The children would walk there rather than ______ (take) a bus.
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