人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit2 Healthy Lifestyle 知识-清单破(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit2 Healthy Lifestyle 知识-清单破(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 19.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-13 00:11:16



Unit2 知识-清单破
1. ________ adj.消极的;有害的;否定的
2. ________ n.自制力;纪律;学科ⅵ自我控制;管教;处罚
3. ________ n.药丸;药片
4. ________ n.外科医生
5. ________ n.外科手术;外科学
6. ________ vi., vt.&n.剃(须发);刮脸
7. ________ n.胡须;络腮胡子
8. ________ n.香烟;卷烟
9. ________n.专科医生;专家
10. ________ n.毒品;药物
11. ________ vt.跳过;不参加;悄悄溜走ⅵ.蹦蹦跳跳地走;跳绳n.蹦跳
12. ________ adj.头晕目眩的
13. ________ n.流感
14. ________ n.牙科医生
15. ________ n.坚果
16. ________ adj.充满活力的;精力充沛的;动态的
17. ________ n.病毒;病毒性疾病
1. tobacco n. ________
2. alcohol n. ________
3. abuse n.& vt. ________
4. psychology n. ________
5. cue n. ________ vt. ________
6. facilitate vt. ________
7. escalator n. ________
8. pessimistic adj. ________
9. skateboard n. ________ vi. ________
10. bowling n. ________
11. comedy n. ________
12. enhance vt. ________
1. ________ adj.身体的;客观存在的;物理学的→adv.身体上,根本上→________ n.物理学;物理现象→________ n.物理学家
2. ________ vt.&ⅵ.支配;控制;占有优势→ ________ adj.占主导地位的→________ n.(被)控制;支配
3. ________ adv.重复地→________ adj.重复的;反复发生的→________vt.&vi.重复→________ n.重复
4. ________ n.回报;奖励;报酬vt.奖励;奖赏;给以报酬→________ adj.有益的,值得做的;报酬高的
5. ________ vi.依赖;依靠;信赖→________ adj.可靠的;可信赖的→________ adv.可靠地;确实地→________ n.可靠性
6. ________ vt.(仔细)检查;审查;测验→ ________n.考试;检查→________ n.检查人;主考人→________ n.应试人;参加考试者
7. ________ vt.&vi.组成;作曲;撰写→________ n.作文,作曲→________ n.作曲家
8. ________ n.解放;摆脱→________ vt.解放;使自由→________ n.解放者→________ adj.解放的;开放的
9. ________ vt.打扰;搅乱;使烦恼→________ adj.令人不安的;引起烦恼的→________ adj.被扰乱的→________ n.干扰;骚乱
10. ________ n.顾问;高级顾问医师→________ vt.&vi.商议;查阅;请教→________ adj.咨询的
11. ________ adj.含糖的;甜的→________ n.糖;食糖
12. ________ adv.&adj.每月;每月一次的n.月刊→________ n.月;一个月的时间
13. ________ vt.使恢复精力;使凉爽;刷新→________ adj.令人耳目一新的;使人精力充沛的→________ n.饮料,小食;恢复活力→________ n.使人恢复活力的东西
14. ________ vt.吸引全部注意力;吸收→________ adj.被……吸引住;全神贯注的→________n.吸收;全神贯注
1. ________ 回答;答复
2. rely on ________
3. ________而不是
4. aside from ________
5. straight away ________
6. decide on ________
7. ________下定决心
8. be composed of ________
9. ________剃掉;刮去
10. be in control of ________
11. stick to ________
12. ________熬夜
13. stress out ________
14. worn out ________
15. try out ________
16. change…for the better ________
17. ________转移一下注意力;暂时将某事忘记
________ ________ ________ ________, they become more independent and start making their own decisions.
These bad habits, ________ ________ ________, could lead to more serious ones when they become adults.
________ the Chinese philosopher Lao Zi wrote, “A journey of a thousand miles ________ ________ a single step.”
A healthy lifestyle is generally a balanced life ________ ________ you make wise choices.
________ ________ ________ each day ________ your lifestyle will become healthier.
________ ________ though, I got the flu easily and experienced many toothaches, too.
As I took part in the summer camp about personal life choices, I started to analyse my choices, ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ and how it was affecting my whole life.
1. So, when we feel unhappy again (cue), rather than eat snacks we could listen to some of our favourite music instead (routine), which will make us feel relaxed (reward).
分析:本句是一个主从复合句。句中when引导________从句,we could listen to some of our favourite music instead是________,which引导________从句,修饰先行词________。
2. For example, when we come to an escalator (cue), our normal routine is to ride it, but we could change this routine into something more positive by taking the stairs instead.
分析:本句是一个并列复合句。句中________连接两个并列分句,第一个并列分句中________引导时间状语从句,其中 to ride it是________作表语;第二个分句中 by taking the stairs instead是介词短语作________。change sth. into sth.意为把……变成……”。
3. A fact is what really is true, while an opinion is what you believe, often using phrases like “I think/believe”, “In my opinion”, “to me” and so on.
分析:本句是一个并列复合句。句中 while是并列连词,意为“________”,连接两个并列分句,表示情况的________, 在第一个分句中 what really is true是________从句,在第二个分句中 what you believe是________从句,often using phrases like “I think/believe”,“In my opinion”,“to me” and soon是现在分词短语作________。
4. Whenever I went out with friends, I brought snacks from home,things that didn’t have any added sugar: fruit, nuts, dried meat, etc.
分析:本句是一个主从复合句。句中 Whenever引导________从句,things that didn’t have any added sugar: fruit, nuts, dried meat, etc是名词短语作________, 用来________snacks。
1. After all, it is not easy ________ (break) bad habits.
2. ________ (change) bad habits is never easy.
3. It took the surgeon three hours ________ (finish) my mother’s lung surgery.
4. Well, first, it’s necessary ________ (begin) with what you eat.
I.(A). negative 2. discipline 3. pill 4. surgeon 5. surgery 6. shave 7. beard 8. cigarette
9. specialist 10. drug 11. skip 12. dizzy 13. flu 14. dentist 15. nut 16. dynamic 17. virus
(C)1. physical; physically; physics; physicist
2. dominate; dominated; domination
3. repeatedly; repeated; repeat; repetition
4. reward; rewarding
5. rely; reliable; reliably; reliability
6. examine; examination; examiner; examinee
7. compose;composition;composer
8. liberation; liberate; liberator; liberated
9. disturb; disturbing; disturbed; disturbance
10. consultant; consult; consultative
11. sugary; sugar
12. monthly; month
13. refresh; refreshing; refreshment; refresher
14. absorb; absorbed; absorption
Ⅱ.1. In response to 2.依赖;依靠;信赖3. rather than
7. make up one’s mind 8. 由……组成(或构成)的
9. shave off 10.控制11.坚持12. stay up13.焦虑不安;疲惫不堪
14.筋疲力尽的;疲惫的15.尝试 16.好转;改善17. take one’s mind off sth
III.1. As teenagers grow up 2. if left unchecked 3. As; begins with 4. in which
5. Make small changes; and 6. Most worrying 7. especially what I did to relax
Ⅳ.1.时间状语;主句;非限制性定语; music
2. but;when;不定式短语;方式状语
V. 1. to break 2. To change 3. to finish 4. to begin
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