人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit3 Environmental Protection Using Language(1) 名师教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit3 Environmental Protection Using Language(1) 名师教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 345.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-13 07:55:21



Unit3 Using Language(1) 名师教学设计
Talk about air pollution
1. 利用边听边记的方法获取听力文本的主要内容。
2. 掌握听力技巧中总结信息的方法,提取文本信息中的关键内容。
3. 用“Referring to common knowledge”中的句型阐述自己关于环境保护的观点。
1. 能边听边记下重点信息。
2. 用“Referring to common knowledge”中的句型阐述自己关于环境保护的想法。
1. 能根据记下的关键信息总结文本大意。
2. 总结政府和市民为解决当地“烟雾”问题而采取的措施。
1. 预习本课词汇。
2. 通过多渠道提前了解当地的“烟雾”问题。
Step I 学习理解
Group work.
(1) Show students the pictures below and ask them to talk about the questions.
What information can you get from these pictures
How do these situations influence your life
(2) Invite several students to share their opinions with the class.
Suggested answers: I can get information about where the pictures were taken, for example, the bridge is in London, and the chimneys are in a power station. Both places look very polluted. I can see that the car is powered by electricity as it is plugged in. I can see some coal being burnt. These pictures tell me that the interview is probably about energy and pollution. These situations influence my life not only by providing electricity for me, and transporting me, but also by polluting the air I breathe.
Listen for understanding.
(1) Ask students to read the statements before listening.
①The expression “smog” originated in Britain and means a combination of “smoke” and “fog”. ②Smog became a severe problem in Britain because people at that time burnt lots of fossil fuels. ③The worst smog in British history happened in London in 1942. ④The Great Smog of London claimed 5,000 lives. ⑤Later, the UK government ordered people not to burn wood in their homes.
(2) Have students listen to an interview with an air pollution expert and decide whether the statements are true(T) or false (F).
(3) Check answers as a class.
Suggested answers: ①T ②T ③F ④F ⑤F
Step II 应用实践
Listen again and take notes.
(1) Ask students to read the summary of the information below before listening.
Ben Drake, an expert on air pollution, is being interviewed on the radio. He said that smog was a severe problem ________ century in Britain. At that time, Britain was experiencing a boom in ________. Factories and homes ________, which created smog. He also mentioned the heavy smog in London ________ in 1952. Later the UK government restricted ________ in homes and forced factories to ________. As smog is harmful to everyone, the expert advised us to ________, use ________, and further develop ________.
(2) Ask them to listen to the interview again and take notes on what the expert said.
(3) Play the audio again if needed.
(4) Ask students to share their answers. Then review the answers as a class.
(5) Invite some students to summarise the information they got from the interview.
Suggested answers: in the early 20th; industry; used lots of coal; was particularly bad and caused over 4,000 deaths; burning coal; move away from city centres; replace coal with cleaner forms of energy; new energy-efficient vehicles; green technology
Step III迁移创新
Group work.
(1) Divide the whole class into several groups, and encourage each group to discuss the questions below.
·Have you experienced heavy smog where you live
Have you seen photos of big cities under clouds of smog What is it like
·What do you think are the major causes of smog in China
·What measures have the government and citizens taken to help address the problem
(2) Tell students that the following expressions may help them.
Referring to common knowledge ·Everyone knows that… ·There is no doubt that… ·Most people think that... ·We all know that.… ·As is known to all, ... ·It is obvious that...
(3) Inspire two groups to share their ideas with the class.
Suggested answers: ·I have occasionally experienced heavy smog where I live. I have also seen pictures of heavy smog over cities. It is very thick and hard to see through the heavy smog, which is really annoying. ·Industries and vehicles are the major causes of smog in China. ·The government is taking some measures to keep it under control by developing green energy solutions and controlling factory and vehicle emissions. The citizens also help to reduce the use of their own cars to decrease vehicle emissions.
Unit 3 Environmental Protection Period IV Using Language (1) Ⅰ. 学习理解 活动一:感知与注意 Group work. 活动二:获取与梳理 Listen for understanding. Ⅱ. 应用实践 活动三:内化与应用 Listen again and take notes. Ⅲ. 迁移创新 活动四:想象与创造 Group work.
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