人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit5 Poems核心知识同步(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit5 Poems核心知识同步(含答案)
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文件大小 129.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-13 22:28:42



人教(2019版)选择性必修第三册Unit 5 Poems
核心词汇默写 短语英汉互译 高级句子背诵(课文精选) 课文语法填空(原创精编)
Part 1核心词汇默写+:(每个1分)
_____________ / drɑ m /n.戏;剧;戏剧艺术
_____________ / s r / n.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事vi.感到悲伤
_____________ / m d ri / n.形象的描述;意象;像
_____________ / l t r ri] / adj.文学的;爱好文学的;有文学作品特征的
_____________ / ra m / n.押韵词;押韵的短诗vi. & vt. (使)押韵
_____________ / r m / n.节奏;韵律;规律
_____________ / n s ri / adj.幼儿教育的n.托儿所;保育室
_____________ / f k / adj.民间的;民俗的;普通百姓的
_____________ / r sa t / vt.背诵;吟诵;列举
_____________ / dju dr p / n.露珠;水珠
_____________ / d n / n.黎明;开端;萌芽
_____________ / l n / n.草坪;草地
_____________ / m t (r) / n.业余爱好者adj.业余的;业余爱好的
_____________ / mu d / n.情绪;心情;语气
_____________ / ti z / vi. & vt.取笑(某人);揶揄;逗弄
_____________ / s l bl / n.音节
_____________ / f m t / n.格式;总体安排;(出版物的)版式 vt.格式化
_____________ /r spekt vli/ adv.分别;各自;依次为
_____________ / r spekt v / adj.分别的;各自的
_____________ / bl s m / n.花朵;花簇
_____________ / del k t / adj.精美的;精致的;脆弱的
_____________ / we t / vt.等候;期待;将发生在
_____________ / r v lv / vi.旋转;环绕;转动
_____________ / t (r)/ vt.出声;说;讲adj.完全的;十足的;彻底的
_____________ / k mpr hen n / n.理解力;领悟力;理解练习
_____________ / elf / n. (pl. _____________ / elvz/ ) 架子;搁板
_____________ / k / n.核心;精髓;(水果的)核儿
_____________ / bl k / adj.空白的;无图画(或韵律、装饰)的;没表情的 n.空白;空格
_____________ / v s / n.诗;韵文;诗节
_____________ /s v li n/ n.平民;老百姓
_____________ / pr z / n.散文
_____________ / s mp θet k / adj.同情的;有同情心的;赞同的
_____________ / s mp θi / n.同情;赞同
_____________ / v n / n.版本;(从不同角度的)说法
_____________ / n sns / n.天真;单纯;无罪
_____________ / n snt / adj. 天真无邪的;无辜的;无恶意的
_____________ / r / n.时代;年代;纪元
_____________ / k r sp nd ns / n.来往信件;通信联系
_____________ / k r sp nd / vi.相一致;符合;相当于;通信
_____________ / s / vt. & vi.( _____________ /s n/ or _____________ ) 播种;种
_____________ / si d / n.种子;起源;萌芽
_____________ / d m n nt / adj.首要的;占支配地位的;显著的
_____________ / s n t / n.十四行诗
_____________ / dedla n / n.最后期限;截止日期
_____________ / k ntest / n.比赛;竞赛;竞争/ k n test / vt.争取赢得(比赛、选举等);争辩
_____________ / p l / vt.修改;润色;抛光 n.上光剂;抛光;擦亮
_____________ /str / n.细绳;线;一串 vt. (_____________ / str /,_____________)悬挂;系adj.弦乐器的;线织的
_____________ / b r n / adj.贫瘠的;不结果实的
_____________ /ɡri f / n.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事
_____________ / k mpl ke t d / adj.复杂的;难懂的
_____________ / ve ri e n/ / n.变化;变体;变奏曲;
_____________ / re l / adj.种族的;人种的
_____________ / pred d s / n.偏见;成见vt.使怀有(或形成)偏见
Part II:词块中英文背诵。
Step1 :背诵清单
nursery rhyme 童谣;儿歌
be made up of由……组成(构成)
compared with/to... 与……相比(多在句中作状语)
a sorrowful occasion.一种令人悲伤的场合
express concerns about 对……表示忧虑
express one’s regret for 对……表示遗憾
express one’s thanks/gratitude to sb. 向某人表达谢意
express my congratulations to you 对你表达我的祝贺
to the point 切题的;中肯的
off the point 跑题
come/get straight to the point 直奔主题/ 开门见山
make sense 讲得通;有道理;是明智的
make sense of 明白;弄懂……的意思
in a sense 在某种意义上
in no sense 决不(位于句首时,句子用倒装语序)
There is no sense in doing sth. 做某事毫无意义
由……组成(整体由部分构成):be made up of;be composed of ;consist of
tease sb. about sth. 拿……开某人的玩笑
go blank(脑子里)突然一片空白;出现空白(指没有图像、文字等)
a blank look/expression 毫无表情的眼神 / 木然的表情
polish their technique改进一下自己的技艺
keep up with 跟上
catch up with 赶上
end up with 结束;以……告终
come up with 想出
hold onto 握住;抓紧;保住(优势);(替别人或更长时间地)保存
make a living 谋生
prejudice sb. against sth. 使某人对……产生偏见
step 2:短语默写。
___________________ 向某人表达谢意
___________________直奔主题/ 开门见山
___________________ 做某事毫无意义
be ___________________of;be c___________________ of ;c___________________ of
___________________ 毫无表情的眼神 / 木然的表情
___________________ 赶上
___________________ 结束;以……告终
___________________ 握住;抓紧;保住(优势);(替别人或更长时间地)保存
___________________ 谋生
___________________ 使某人对……产生偏见
Part III.好句子背诵。
After a day of outdoor activities,you should be in the mood for a good meal. 在户外活动了一天之后,你应该想好好吃一顿。
We usually compare books to friends. 我们通常把书比喻成朋友。
We often compare a teacher to a gardener. 我们常常把老师比喻成园丁。
Compared with other forms of literature...what are the characteristics of poetry 与其他的文学形式相比……,诗歌有什么特点呢?
Hearing the news,my mind went blank. 听到这个消息,我的大脑一片空白。
When he learned that his son was addicted to computer games,great sorrow dominated him.听说儿子迷上了电脑游戏时,他难掩悲伤。
Others try to convey certain feelings such as joy and sorrow. 其他诗歌则试图表达某些感情,如欢喜和悲伤。
It is easy to write and,like the cinquain, can give a clear picture and create a special feeling using very few words. 它容易写,就像五行诗一样,可以用很少的 文字描绘出一幅清晰的画面并创造出一种特别的感觉。
If I knew her number,I would ring her up.如果我知道她的号码,我会给她打电话。(与现在事实相反)
If you had studied hard,you would have passed the exam.如果你努力学习了,你就会通过考试了。(与过去事实相反)
If it were fine tomorrow,I would go on a trip.如果明天天气好的话,我要去旅游。(与将来事实相反)
Wherever he goes,I’ll go with him.不管他去哪里,我都会跟他一起去。
Being recognized wherever you go is the price you pay for being famous. 不管你走到哪里,都会被人认出来是出名所付出的代价。
Wherever you go,whatever you do,I will be right here waiting for you. 无论你去哪里,无论你做什么,我都会在这里等你。
The question is difficult to answer. 这个问题很难回答。
The sentence is not easy to understand. 这个句子不容易理解。
The surroundings are difficult to tolerate. 周围的环境令人难以忍受。
Hearing their teacher’s voice,the pupils stopped talking at once.听到老师的声音,学生们立刻停止了讲话。
Being ill,she didn’t go to school as usual today. 因为生病,她今天没像往常一样去上学。
Turning right,you will find the circus you want. 向右转,你会找到你想要找的马戏团。
Though knowing all this,they made me pay for the damages.尽管知道了这一切,他们还是让我赔偿损失。
The mother died,leaving a lot of money for her children.那位母亲去世了,给她的孩子们留下了一大笔钱。
Fifteen million trees had been blown down by the high winds,blocking roads. 1 500 万棵树被狂风刮倒,堵塞了道路。
I hurried to his house,only to find him not in.我匆匆赶到他家,却发现他不在家。
Not recovering from the operation,I couldn’t keep pace with you.由于尚未从手术中康复,我跟不上你的步伐。
Step 2:默写句子。
它容易写,就像五行诗一样,可以用很少的 文字描绘出一幅清晰的画面并创造出一种特别的感觉。
1500 万棵树被狂风刮倒,堵塞了道路。
Part IV: 课文语法填空。
There are various reasons __1_________ people compose poetry. Some poems tell a story or describe a certain image in the reader’s mind. _2___________try to convey certain feelings such as joy and sorrow. The distinctive characteristics of poetry often include economical use of words,__3___________(describe) and vivid language,integrated imagery,literary devices such as similes and metaphors,and arrangement of words,lines,rhymes,and rhythm. Poets use many different forms of poetry to express___4___________(them). Now we will look at a few of the simpler forms.
Some of the first poems a young child learns in English are nursery rhymes. They are usually the traditional poems or folk songs. The language of these rhymes,like Poem A,is to the point __5__________has a storyline. Many children enjoy nursery rhymes because they rhyme,have a strong rhythm,and often repeat the same words. The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory,but they are easy ___6________(learn) and recite. By playing with the words in nursery rhymes,children learn about language.
One of ____7_____________(simple) kinds of poem is the“list poem”,which contains a list of things,people,ideas,or descriptions that develop a particular theme. List poems have a flexible line length and repeated phrases _8_________give both a pattern and a rhythm to the poem. Some rhyme (like B and C),while others do not.
__9___________simple form of poem that amateurs can easily write is the cinquain,which is made up of five lines. With these,you can convey a strong picture or a certain mood in just a few words. Look at the example(D).
Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that consists of 17 syllables. It has a format of three lines,___10_____________(contain) 5,7,and 5 syllables respectively. It is not a traditional form of English poetry,but is very popular with English writers. It is easy to write and,like the cinquain,can give a clear picture and create a special feeling using very few words. The haiku poem
With so many different forms of poetry _____11____________(choose) from,you may _____12___________(eventual) want to write poems of your own. Give it a try!
There are various reasons 1     people write poetry. Some poems give the reader a strong 2     __________(impress). Others try to convey certain emotions. In this text,some simpler forms of English poems 3     (introduce),such 4   nursery rhymes,which may seem
5     (contradict). But they are easy to learn and recite. List poems have a flexible line length and 6    (repeat) phrases. Students can also write the cinquain,a form of poem
7    (make)up of five lines. Haiku is 8     Japanese form of poetry with 17 syllables. English speakers also enjoy Tang poetry. With so many different forms of poetry 9    (choose) from,students may 10     (eventual) want to write poems of their own.
人教(2019版)选择性必修第三册Unit 5 Poems答案解析
核心词汇默写 短语英汉互译 高级句子背诵(课文精选) 课文语法填空(原创精编)
Part 1核心词汇默写+:(每个1分)
_____________ / drɑ m /n.戏;剧;戏剧艺术
_____________ / s r / n.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事vi.感到悲伤
_____________ / m d ri / n.形象的描述;意象;像
_____________ / l t r ri] / adj.文学的;爱好文学的;有文学作品特征的
_____________ / ra m / n.押韵词;押韵的短诗vi. & vt. (使)押韵
_____________ / r m / n.节奏;韵律;规律
_____________ / n s ri / adj.幼儿教育的n.托儿所;保育室
_____________ / f k / adj.民间的;民俗的;普通百姓的
_____________ / r sa t / vt.背诵;吟诵;列举
_____________ / dju dr p / n.露珠;水珠
_____________ / d n / n.黎明;开端;萌芽
_____________ / l n / n.草坪;草地
_____________ / m t (r) / n.业余爱好者adj.业余的;业余爱好的
_____________ / mu d / n.情绪;心情;语气
_____________ / ti z / vi. & vt.取笑(某人);揶揄;逗弄
_____________ / s l bl / n.音节
_____________ / f m t / n.格式;总体安排;(出版物的)版式 vt.格式化
_____________ /r spekt vli/ adv.分别;各自;依次为
_____________ / r spekt v / adj.分别的;各自的
_____________ / bl s m / n.花朵;花簇
_____________ / del k t / adj.精美的;精致的;脆弱的
_____________ / we t / vt.等候;期待;将发生在
_____________ / r v lv / vi.旋转;环绕;转动
_____________ / t (r)/ vt.出声;说;讲adj.完全的;十足的;彻底的
_____________ / k mpr hen n / n.理解力;领悟力;理解练习
_____________ / elf / n. (pl. _____________ / elvz/ ) 架子;搁板
_____________ / k / n.核心;精髓;(水果的)核儿
_____________ / bl k / adj.空白的;无图画(或韵律、装饰)的;没表情的 n.空白;空格
_____________ / v s / n.诗;韵文;诗节
_____________ /s v li n/ n.平民;老百姓
_____________ / pr z / n.散文
_____________ / s mp θet k / adj.同情的;有同情心的;赞同的
_____________ / s mp θi / n.同情;赞同
_____________ / v n / n.版本;(从不同角度的)说法
_____________ / n sns / n.天真;单纯;无罪
_____________ / n snt / adj. 天真无邪的;无辜的;无恶意的
_____________ / r / n.时代;年代;纪元
_____________ / k r sp nd ns / n.来往信件;通信联系
_____________ / k r sp nd / vi.相一致;符合;相当于;通信
_____________ / s / vt. & vi.( _____________ /s n/ or _____________ ) 播种;种
_____________ / si d / n.种子;起源;萌芽
_____________ / d m n nt / adj.首要的;占支配地位的;显著的
_____________ / s n t / n.十四行诗
_____________ / dedla n / n.最后期限;截止日期
_____________ / k ntest / n.比赛;竞赛;竞争/ k n test / vt.争取赢得(比赛、选举等);争辩
_____________ / p l / vt.修改;润色;抛光 n.上光剂;抛光;擦亮
_____________ /str / n.细绳;线;一串 vt. (_____________ / str /,_____________)悬挂;系adj.弦乐器的;线织的
_____________ / b r n / adj.贫瘠的;不结果实的
_____________ /ɡri f / n.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事
_____________ / k mpl ke t d / adj.复杂的;难懂的
_____________ / ve ri e n/ / n.变化;变体;变奏曲;
_____________ / re l / adj.种族的;人种的
_____________ / pred d s / n.偏见;成见vt.使怀有(或形成)偏见
drama / drɑ m /n.戏;剧;戏剧艺术
sorrow/ s r / n.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事vi.感到悲伤
imagery / m d ri / n.形象的描述;意象;像
literary / l t r ri] / adj.文学的;爱好文学的;有文学作品特征的
rhyme / ra m / n.押韵词;押韵的短诗vi. & vt. (使)押韵
rhythm / r m / n.节奏;韵律;规律
nursery/ n s ri / adj.幼儿教育的n.托儿所;保育室
folk/ f k / adj.民间的;民俗的;普通百姓的
recite/ r sa t / vt.背诵;吟诵;列举
dewdrop / dju dr p / n.露珠;水珠
dawn/ d n / n.黎明;开端;萌芽
lawn / l n / n.草坪;草地
amateur / m t (r) / n.业余爱好者adj.业余的;业余爱好的
mood / mu d / n.情绪;心情;语气
tease/ ti z / vi. & vt.取笑(某人);揶揄;逗弄
syllable/ s l bl / n.音节
format / f m t / n.格式;总体安排;(出版物的)版式 vt.格式化
respectively /r spekt vli/ adv.分别;各自;依次为
respective / r spekt v / adj.分别的;各自的
blossom / bl s m / n.花朵;花簇
delicate/ del k t / adj.精美的;精致的;脆弱的
await/ we t / vt.等候;期待;将发生在
revolve/ r v lv / vi.旋转;环绕;转动
utter/ t (r)/ vt.出声;说;讲adj.完全的;十足的;彻底的
comprehension/ k mpr hen n / n.理解力;领悟力;理解练习
shelf/ elf / n. (pl. shelves / elvz/ ) 架子;搁板
core / k / n.核心;精髓;(水果的)核儿
blank / bl k / adj.空白的;无图画(或韵律、装饰)的;没表情的 n.空白;空格
verse/ v s / n.诗;韵文;诗节
civilian /s v li n/ n.平民;老百姓
prose / pr z / n.散文
sympathetic/ s mp θet k / adj.同情的;有同情心的;赞同的
sympathy / s mp θi / n.同情;赞同
version / v n / n.版本;(从不同角度的)说法
innocence/ n sns / n.天真;单纯;无罪
innocent / n snt / adj. 天真无邪的;无辜的;无恶意的
era / r / n.时代;年代;纪元
correspondence / k r sp nd ns / n.来往信件;通信联系
correspond / k r sp nd / vi.相一致;符合;相当于;通信
sow / s / vt. & vi.( sowed, sown /s n/ or sowed ) 播种;种
seed/ si d / n.种子;起源;萌芽
dominant / d m n nt / adj.首要的;占支配地位的;显著的
sonnet / s n t / n.十四行诗
deadline/ dedla n / n.最后期限;截止日期
contest/ k ntest / n.比赛;竞赛;竞争/ k n test / vt.争取赢得(比赛、选举等);争辩
polish / p l / vt.修改;润色;抛光 n.上光剂;抛光;擦亮
string/str / n.细绳;线;一串 vt. ( strung / str /,strung )悬挂;系adj.弦乐器的;线织的
barren/ b r n / adj.贫瘠的;不结果实的
grief/ɡri f / n.悲伤;悲痛;伤心事
complicated / k mpl ke t d / adj.复杂的;难懂的
variation/ ve ri e n/ / n.变化;变体;变奏曲;
racial / re l / adj.种族的;人种的
prejudice/ pred d s / n.偏见;成见vt.使怀有(或形成)偏见
Part II:词块中英文背诵。
Step1 :背诵清单
nursery rhyme 童谣;儿歌
be made up of由……组成(构成)
compared with/to... 与……相比(多在句中作状语)
a sorrowful occasion.一种令人悲伤的场合
express concerns about 对……表示忧虑
express one’s regret for 对……表示遗憾
express one’s thanks/gratitude to sb. 向某人表达谢意
express my congratulations to you 对你表达我的祝贺
to the point 切题的;中肯的
off the point 跑题
come/get straight to the point 直奔主题/ 开门见山
make sense 讲得通;有道理;是明智的
make sense of 明白;弄懂……的意思
in a sense 在某种意义上
in no sense 决不(位于句首时,句子用倒装语序)
There is no sense in doing sth. 做某事毫无意义
由……组成(整体由部分构成):be made up of;be composed of ;consist of
tease sb. about sth. 拿……开某人的玩笑
go blank(脑子里)突然一片空白;出现空白(指没有图像、文字等)
a blank look/expression 毫无表情的眼神 / 木然的表情
polish their technique改进一下自己的技艺
keep up with 跟上
catch up with 赶上
end up with 结束;以……告终
come up with 想出
hold onto 握住;抓紧;保住(优势);(替别人或更长时间地)保存
make a living 谋生
prejudice sb. against sth. 使某人对……产生偏见
step 2:短语默写。
___________________ 向某人表达谢意
___________________直奔主题/ 开门见山
___________________ 做某事毫无意义
be ___________________of;be c___________________ of ;c___________________ of
___________________ 毫无表情的眼神 / 木然的表情
___________________ 赶上
___________________ 结束;以……告终
___________________ 握住;抓紧;保住(优势);(替别人或更长时间地)保存
___________________ 谋生
___________________ 使某人对……产生偏见
be made up of由……组成(构成)
compared with/to... 与……相比(多在句中作状语)
express one’s thanks/gratitude to sb. 向某人表达谢意
come/get straight to the point 直奔主题/ 开门见山
make sense of 明白;弄懂……的意思
There is no sense in doing sth. 做某事毫无意义
由……组成(整体由部分构成):be made up of;be composed of ;consist of
a blank look/expression 毫无表情的眼神 / 木然的表情
polish their technique改进一下自己的技艺
catch up with 赶上
end up with 结束;以……告终
come up with 想出
hold onto 握住;抓紧;保住(优势);(替别人或更长时间地)保存
make a living 谋生
prejudice sb. against sth. 使某人对……产生偏见
Part III.好句子背诵。
After a day of outdoor activities,you should be in the mood for a good meal. 在户外活动了一天之后,你应该想好好吃一顿。
We usually compare books to friends. 我们通常把书比喻成朋友。
We often compare a teacher to a gardener. 我们常常把老师比喻成园丁。
Compared with other forms of literature...what are the characteristics of poetry 与其他的文学形式相比……,诗歌有什么特点呢?
Hearing the news,my mind went blank. 听到这个消息,我的大脑一片空白。
When he learned that his son was addicted to computer games,great sorrow dominated him.听说儿子迷上了电脑游戏时,他难掩悲伤。
Others try to convey certain feelings such as joy and sorrow. 其他诗歌则试图表达某些感情,如欢喜和悲伤。
It is easy to write and,like the cinquain, can give a clear picture and create a special feeling using very few words. 它容易写,就像五行诗一样,可以用很少的 文字描绘出一幅清晰的画面并创造出一种特别的感觉。
If I knew her number,I would ring her up.如果我知道她的号码,我会给她打电话。(与现在事实相反)
If you had studied hard,you would have passed the exam.如果你努力学习了,你就会通过考试了。(与过去事实相反)
If it were fine tomorrow,I would go on a trip.如果明天天气好的话,我要去旅游。(与将来事实相反)
Wherever he goes,I’ll go with him.不管他去哪里,我都会跟他一起去。
Being recognized wherever you go is the price you pay for being famous. 不管你走到哪里,都会被人认出来是出名所付出的代价。
Wherever you go,whatever you do,I will be right here waiting for you. 无论你去哪里,无论你做什么,我都会在这里等你。
The question is difficult to answer. 这个问题很难回答。
The sentence is not easy to understand. 这个句子不容易理解。
The surroundings are difficult to tolerate. 周围的环境令人难以忍受。
Hearing their teacher’s voice,the pupils stopped talking at once.听到老师的声音,学生们立刻停止了讲话。
Being ill,she didn’t go to school as usual today. 因为生病,她今天没像往常一样去上学。
Turning right,you will find the circus you want. 向右转,你会找到你想要找的马戏团。
Though knowing all this,they made me pay for the damages.尽管知道了这一切,他们还是让我赔偿损失。
The mother died,leaving a lot of money for her children.那位母亲去世了,给她的孩子们留下了一大笔钱。
Fifteen million trees had been blown down by the high winds,blocking roads. 1 500 万棵树被狂风刮倒,堵塞了道路。
I hurried to his house,only to find him not in.我匆匆赶到他家,却发现他不在家。
Not recovering from the operation,I couldn’t keep pace with you.由于尚未从手术中康复,我跟不上你的步伐。
Step 2:默写句子。
它容易写,就像五行诗一样,可以用很少的 文字描绘出一幅清晰的画面并创造出一种特别的感觉。
1500 万棵树被狂风刮倒,堵塞了道路。
Part IV: 课文语法填空。
There are various reasons __1_________ people compose poetry. Some poems tell a story or describe a certain image in the reader’s mind. _2___________try to convey certain feelings such as joy and sorrow. The distinctive characteristics of poetry often include economical use of words,__3___________(describe) and vivid language,integrated imagery,literary devices such as similes and metaphors,and arrangement of words,lines,rhymes,and rhythm. Poets use many different forms of poetry to express___4___________(them). Now we will look at a few of the simpler forms.
Some of the first poems a young child learns in English are nursery rhymes. They are usually the traditional poems or folk songs. The language of these rhymes,like Poem A,is to the point __5__________has a storyline. Many children enjoy nursery rhymes because they rhyme,have a strong rhythm,and often repeat the same words. The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory,but they are easy ___6________(learn) and recite. By playing with the words in nursery rhymes,children learn about language.
One of ____7_____________(simple) kinds of poem is the“list poem”,which contains a list of things,people,ideas,or descriptions that develop a particular theme. List poems have a flexible line length and repeated phrases _8_________give both a pattern and a rhythm to the poem. Some rhyme (like B and C),while others do not.
__9___________simple form of poem that amateurs can easily write is the cinquain,which is made up of five lines. With these,you can convey a strong picture or a certain mood in just a few words. Look at the example(D).
Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that consists of 17 syllables. It has a format of three lines,___10_____________(contain) 5,7,and 5 syllables respectively. It is not a traditional form of English poetry,but is very popular with English writers. It is easy to write and,like the cinquain,can give a clear picture and create a special feeling using very few words. The haiku poem
With so many different forms of poetry _____11____________(choose) from,you may _____12___________(eventual) want to write poems of your own. Give it a try!
1. why 2. Others 3. descriptive 4. themselves 5. but 6. to learn 7. the simplest
8. which 9. Another 10. containing 11. to choose 12. eventually
There are various reasons 1     people write poetry. Some poems give the reader a strong 2     __________(impress). Others try to convey certain emotions. In this text,some simpler forms of English poems 3     (introduce),such 4   nursery rhymes,which may seem
5     (contradict). But they are easy to learn and recite. List poems have a flexible line length and 6    (repeat) phrases. Students can also write the cinquain,a form of poem
7    (make)up of five lines. Haiku is 8     Japanese form of poetry with 17 syllables. English speakers also enjoy Tang poetry. With so many different forms of poetry 9    (choose) from,students may 10     (eventual) want to write poems of their own.
1.why 2. impression 3. are introduced 4. as 5. contradictory 6. repeated 7. made 8. a 9. to choose 10. eventually