人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 学案Unit5 Poems 易混易错点辨析(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 学案Unit5 Poems 易混易错点辨析(含答案)
格式 doc
文件大小 85.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-13 22:29:47



【名师原创】:Unit5 易混易错点辨析
●compare…with….; compare….to….;compare A and B
Compared with other forms of literature such as the novel, drama, and the short story, what are the characteristics of poetry (教材P50)
compare….with…. 意思是“把…..与…..比较/相比”, 指研判人与人之间、事物与事物之间相同或相异的程度, compare 的名词是comparison, 请注意以下词组:
compare notes with sb. 与某人交换意见。
by/in comparison with、to….与….相比
compare…. to….. 意思是①把…..与…..比较/相比,此时,可与compare …. With…. 互换。②把…..比作/比喻为…..,表示这一意思时,不可与compare ….. with…. 互换。
compare A and B 意思是“对比A和B”
Compare this to/with that, and you’ll see which is better.
Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, compared to/with his old one.
Nothing can compare with/to a mother’s love.
This house doesn’t compare with/to our previous one.
Please compare your translation with/to the model translation on the blackboard.
We compared the brave man to a lion.
Young people are often compared to the rising sun.
We often compare a teacher to a candle.
Poets have compared sleep to death.
Books can be compared to friends.
It’s easier to compare British and American English now that we have the Internet.
1. Film has a much shorter history, especially when ________ (compare) to such art forms as music and painting.
2. You’ll be compared _______ a giant when you devote yourself to country.
3. Our work can be compared _______ a battle.
4. The boy always compared his toys ________ other boys’ toys.
5. Shakespeare compared the world ______ a stage.
6. _______ with other years, we received many more photos.
7. I intended to compare notes _______ a friend, but unfortunately they couldn’t spare me even one minute.
8. _______ with silk, cotton is cheap.
9. By/In comparison ________ last year, the price of beef has increased.
10. Worst of all, I get a larger quantity of homework, _________ to them.
1. compared; 2. to; 3. to; 4. with/to; 5. to; 6. Compared; 7. with; 8. Compared; 9. with/to; pared
●contain; include
One of the simplest kinds of poem is the “list poem”, which contains a list of things, people, ideas, or descriptions that develop a particular theme. (教材P50)
It has a format of three lines, containing 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively. (教材P51)
contain 表示“包含,含有,装有,容纳”,强调“内含(….成分),装有(….东西)”。
include 表示“包括,包含,包括….在内”,强调被包括者是整体的一部分。include后面接名词,代词或动名词;被包括部分放在include 后面时,include 用-ing形式,放在前面时,include 用-ed形式
Your duties will include setting up a new computer system.
I've got three days' holiday including New Year's Day.
The movie won nine Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
Hotel accommodation is included in the price of your holiday.
Six people were killed in the riot, including a policeman.
We all went, me included.
The committee includes representatives from industry.
Local activities include walking, boating and golf.
The box contains old photographs and souvenirs.
It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes.
The bottle contains two glasses of beer.
The pill contains vitamins.
根据include, contain 的用法用其适当形式填空
1. It was found that her blood _______ poison.
2. The city has dozens of factories, _______ a power plant and a steelworks.
3. This drink doesn't ________ any alcohol.
4. Six students were playing table tennis, two girls ________.
5. Their diet ________ a lot of fat at present.
6. I ________ apples on the list of things to buy today.
7. How much water does this bottle ________
8. We all know that this book _________ ten short stories.
9. Sea water _________ plenty of salt.
10. My uncle has a lot of duties, _________ taking care of these children.
1. contained; 2. including; 3. contain; 4. included; 5. contains; 6. include; 7. contain; 8. includes; 9. contains; 10. including
●be made up of….;be made of….; be made from….; be comprised of….
Another simple form of poem that amateurs can easily write is the cinquain, which is made up of five lines. (教材P51)
be made up of…. 意思是“由….组成/构成”,表示由若干部分组成,相当于consist of… 和be comprised of…
be made of…. 意思是“由….做成”,一般所成之物可以看出原材料。
be made from… 意思是“由….制成”,所成之物一般看不出原材料。
be comprised of….相当于be made up of… 和consist of…..
The pipes should be made of plastic.
These houses are made of bricks.
The wine is made from grapes.
Butter is made from milk.
The fruit can be made into jam.
Her bestseller 'Peachtree Road' is soon to be made into a television mini-series.
The new R& D centre will be made up of both new and existing staff.
Plato conjectured each of these elements to be made up of a certain Platonic solid.
As with the first two seasons, the third will most likely be comprised of 10 parts, which will bring its overall count to 30.
While it was believed that they were a single species, recent research indicates that they may, in fact, be comprised of several different species of Orca.
根据be made of….; be made from….; be made up of….; be comprised of….用法填空
1. These pellets (可燃球)will be made _______ various metals and elements so that they give off different colors.
2. The taps appeared to be made _______ solid gold.
3. They used to be made _________ pigskin.
4. But those piles of metals in the warehouses(仓库) are waiting to be made _____ pipes.
5. Hydration is an essential part of maintaining beautiful skin, and cucumbers happen to be made up ______ about 96 percent water-more than most solid foods, including watermelon.
6. Then it will be made ______ strawberry-flavored, chocolate-coated fudge(草莓牛奶巧克力夹心软糖).
7. These studies may be comprised ______ either basic animal or human research or both.
8. The full text is supposed to be comprised ______ five parts in detailed elaboration.
1. from; 2. of; 3. of; 4. into; 5. of; 6. into; 7. of; 8. of
●eventually; at last; in the end; finally; lastly
With so many different forms of poetry to choose from, you may eventually want to write poems of your own. (教材P51)
finally, eventually 表示某事在很长一段时间之后 发生。
finally, in the end 表示某事的结果。
at last 表示某事在等待或努力了很久之后终于发生,而且会为此感到很高兴。
lastly, finally 用于引出你想说的最后一点、一系列动作中的最后一个, 或清单中的最后一项。
You will succeed eventually/finally.
Eventually/Finally, her own publishing firm was set up.
When she eventually/finally turned up, the food was cold.
Finally/In the end we decided to cancel the trip.
Finally/In the end the teachers were determined to cancel the exam.
It’s good to be home at last.
真好, 终于回家了。
They were successful ten years later at last.
Lastly/Finally, I would like to remind you that smoking is not allowed here.
Load the paper, select the number of copies, and lastly/finally press “Print"。
装好纸, 选择打印 份数,最后按“打印”。
用at last, eventually, in the end, finally或lastly 填空
1. _____, I'd like to ask you about your plans.
2. They wash their hands, arms and faces, and ______, they wash their feet.
3. You can try your best to impress the interviewers, but ______ it's often just a question of luck.
4. He tried various jobs and _______ became an accountant.
5. The performance ________ started half an hour late.
6. I ______ managed to get her attention.
7. _______, the army caught up with him in Latvia.
8. Our flight _______ left five hours late.
9. These workers finished the great project ________.
10. She first went to a river, then climbed a hill and ______ visited a village.
1. Lastly/Finally; 2. lastly/finally; 3. in the end; 4. in the end; 5. finally; 6. finally; 7. Eventually; 8. eventually; 9. at last; 10. lastly/finally
●exchange; swap
The couple exchanged many letters. (教材P53)
exchange n. 交换、兑换、交易所、交流;vt. 交换、交易、兑换;vi. 交换、交易、兑换。较为正式,常见于书面语中。可指相似人或物交换;一种东西换另一种东西或者一种东西换多种东西。
swap n. 交换、交换之物;vt. 以...作交换、与...交换;vi. 交易、交换。非正式用语,常用于口语中,通常只指同类事物的交换。 比如交换玩具 toy swap 等。
①在指语言和观点上的交流、争论、战争、商业场合的交换和退换商品(如:交换合约:the exchange of contracts;兑换外汇: currency exchange;交流眼神 exchange glances)时,一般不用 swap
in exchange for….作为...的交换。
exchange greetings 相互打招呼;互致问候
I’d like to exchange the dress for a smaller one.
I exchanged 200 dollars for 150 euro.
我把 200 美金换成150 欧元了。
There was a brief exchange between the two countries’ leaders.
There was an angry exchange of words between people at the meeting.
We were offered food and shelter in exchange for helping out on the farm.
The exchange of contracts is due to take place this afternoon at 2 p.m.
It’s a good idea to exchange greetings before the meeting.
I thought Julie’s necklace looked much prettier than mine, so we did a swap.
我觉得Julie 的项链比我的要好看,所以我们就交换了。
He got a job at the bank, so had to swap jeans and t-shirts for a suit.
他在银行找到一份工作, 所以必须放弃T恤牛仔裤,换上西装了。
I swapped/exchanged seats/places with my boyfriend, so I could see the whole stage.
We exchanged/swapped our email addresses and promised that we’d stay in touch.
They all sat together at table, laughing and swapping/exchanging stories.
用exchange 或swap 填空
1. The two sides _________ (exchange, swap) their opinions.
2. He gave me an apple in ________ (exchange, swap) for a cake.
3. I’d like to _________ (exchange, swap) some dollars for pounds.
4. If she ever fancies a job ________ (exchange, swap), I could be interested.
5. Next week they will _________ (exchange, swap) places and will repeat the switch weekly.
6. They will _______ (exchange, swap) posts in a year’s time, according to new party rules which rotate the leadership.
1. exchange; 2. exchange; 3. exchange; 4. Exchange/swap; 5. Exchange/swap; 6. exchange/swap
●mean to do sth.; mean doing sth.
I learnt a new phrase, “hold fast”, which means to hold onto something. (教材P56)
“Barren” is also a new word to me, which means empty. (教材P56)
mean to do sth. 意思是“打算做某事;有意做某事”,相当于intend to do sth、design to do sth.和plan to do sth.
mean doing sth. 意思是“意味着…..;意思是….”。
Taking this job means taking a lot of risks.
Being a student means studying hard.
Success means working hard.
Missing this train means waiting for another hour.
Doing one thing well doesn't mean doing exactly one thing.
Wasting time means killing life.
Don't be too hard on the boy; he didn't mean to do it.
I mean to go, but my father would not allow me to.
What do you mean to do with it
He has always meant to get it repaired.
I mean to stay here for a long time.
Breaking the vase is purely accidental; she does not mean to do it.
打碎花瓶纯粹是偶然失手; 她无意弄坏它。
根据mean doing sth., mean to do sth.的用法填空
1. Reading means _______ (take) in the information, digesting it and incorporating it into oneself.
2. Sometimes _______ (give) up a little can mean getting more.
3. Please forgive me. I didn't mean _______ (do) that.
4. Her son’s lying to her meant _______ (kill) her.
5. Breaking the dish was accidental; he didn't mean _______ (do) it.
6. To take it apart now would mean _______ (waste) a lot of labor.
7. Revolution means ________ (liberate) the productive forces.
8. What do you mean ________ (do)
9. He still didn't understand that I meant ________ (pay) money first.
10. Do you really mean _________ (do) it sooner
11. Doing that means _______ (waste) time.
12. I meant ________ (give) you this book today, but I forgot.
13. To raise wage means ________ (increase) purchasing power.
14. I meant _______ (come) to see you yesterday, but something happened to me.
15. Having a well-paid job does not mean _______ (give) up your interests.
16. His injury means _______ (miss) next week’s game.
1. taking; 2. giving; 3. to do; 4. killing; 5. to do; 6. wasting; 7. liberating; 8. to do; 9. paying; 10. to do; 11. wasting; 12. to give; 13. increasing; 14. to come; 15. giving; 16. missing
●suggestion; advice
I think the poet is giving us advice. (教材P57)
两者都表示“建议,提议”, 但用法不同。
suggestion意思“建议,提议”,是可数名词。表示“一条建议”时,用a suggestion;两条建议用two suggestions; suggestion后接同位语从句和表语从句时,从句谓语用should + do, should可以省略。请注意以下短语:follow a suggestion遵照建议;make a suggestion提出建议;reject/refuse a suggestion拒绝建议。
advice意思是“建议,提议”,是不可数名词, 前面不可用不定冠词修饰,要表示“一条建议”时,可以说a piece of advice,不能说an advice; “一些建议”可以说some advice, 不能说some advices;advice后接同位语从句和表语从句时,从句谓语用should + do, should可以省略。请注意以下短语:against advice违背建议;give advice 提出忠告;ask for advice征求建议;take/accept advice接受建议;follow advice听从建议;refuse/reject advice拒绝建议。
It was time to put their suggestion/advice into practice.
The suggestion/advice didn't go down very well with her boss.
The suggestion/advice to close the road has found favor with local people.
I'm open to suggestions for what you would like to do in our classes.
They produced two reports, neither of which contained any useful suggestions.
If this suggestion/advice isn't accepted, we'll be back to square one.
If I may make a suggestion, perhaps we could begin a little earlier next week.
What advice would you proffer to someone starting up in business
On their advice I applied for the job.
It's not your place to give advice.
You should have the sense to take advice when it is offered.
They sought advice on how to project a more positive image of their company.
根据suggestion, advice的用法填空
1. Such ________ as he got has proved almost worthless.
2. Many of your ________ have been incorporated in the plan.
3. Let me give you a piece of ________.
4. Are there any _______ about how best to tackle the problem
5. He took me aside to give me some ________.
6. He agreed with my suggestion that we ________ (change) the date.
7. She went to a lawyer for some independent _______.
8. Can I make a ________
9. His advice is that the meeting __________ (hold) at once.
10. Here are some of our ________.
11. The old professor gave them some pieces of ________.
12. All our _______ were rejected out of hand.
13. The boy’s advice that the sports meet ________ (put) off was accepted.
14. Don't laugh, it's a serious ________.
15. Why don't you ask him for his _________
16. You shouldn’t be angry, for, it was only a ________.
1. advice;2. suggestions;3. advice; 4. suggestions; 5. advice/suggestions; 6. (should) change; 7. advice/suggestions; 8. suggestion; 9. (should) be held; 10. suggestions; 11. advice; 12. suggestions; 13. (should) be put; 14. suggestion; 15. advice/suggestion; 16. suggestion