人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit5 Poems Using Language(2) 名师教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit5 Poems Using Language(2) 名师教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 1002.1KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-13 22:36:56



Unit5 Using Language(2) 名师教学设计
Write a poem
1. 获取﹑梳理三首诗的主要内容。
2. 赏析这三首诗表达的情感。
3. 获取诗歌的主要组成部分并尝试自己写诗。
4. 通过小组合作,对组内成员写的诗进行批判性评价与相互学习,培养学生的批判性思维及与他人合作学习的能力。
1. 获取三首诗的主要内容。
2. 赏析这三首诗表达的情感。
Step I学习理解
1. Ask students to observe the following poem and discuss how to understand it with their partner.
WIND ON THE HILL No one can me Nobody knows, Where the wind comes from, Where the wind goes. It’s flying from somewhere As fast as it can, I couldn’t keep up with it, Not if I ran. But if I stopped holding The string of my kite It would blow with the wind For a day and a night. And then when I found it, Wherever it blew, should know that the wind Had been going there too. So then I could tell them Where the wind goes... But where the wind comes from Nobody knows. AA. Milne
2. Ask students to make a list of questions that the readers should consider while reading poems.
3. Instruct students to refer to the following points.
·Subject ·Rhythm and sounds ·Images ·Feelings and emotions ·Tone ·Rhetorical devices
Suggested answers: ·What is the subject of the poem ·What is the poem about ·What images does the poet use ·What is the tone of the poem ·What feelings and emotions does the poet try to make the reader feel ·How does the poem make you feel ·Which emotions is the poet trying to convey to the reader ·How does the poem make you feel ·Does the poet use rhyming words ·Which rhetorical devices are used in the poem ·Does the poet use alliteration Metaphor or simile Repetition of words or phrases
1. Ask students to read the poems below and then complete the table.
Wind on the Hill Dream A match
Rhyming words
Rhetorical device
Suggested answers:
Wind on the Hill Dream A match
Subject the wind the wind the wind
Images kite, person broken-winged bird, barren field frozen with snow rose, leaf, fields
Rhyming words knows/ goes can/ ran kite/night blew/ too goes/ knows die/ fly go/ snow together/ weather closes/ is grief/ leaf
Rhetorical device repetition alliteration repetition metaphor repetition metaphor, simile
2. Choose and write.
(1) Ask students to choose one of the poems and write a short essay about it.
(2) Instruct students to observe the essay example below.
The poem Dream by Langston Hughes is very short with only 8 lines. When I read the poem aloud I can hear that the ends of the second and fourth sentences rhyme— “die” and “fly”. The last word from the sixth and eighth sentences also rhyme— “go” and “snow”. These rhyming words sound nice and make the poem pleasing to read. When I close my eyes, I can see different images from the poem. For example, I can see two hands being held. I can see a bird flying in the sky. I can see a field and I can imagine what it looks like with lots of snow. I start to feel cold when I read these lines! I learnt a new phrase, “hold fast”, which means to hold onto something. “Barren” is also a new word to me, which means empty. I think the poet is giving us advice. He wants us to keep dreaming, because life is much better when we dream and have something to look forward to.
Step II 应用实践
Write a poem.
(1) Learning strategy.
Go through the writing steps with students and if necessary, make some explanation.
·Start with the theme first. Ask yourself, “What message do I want to give to the reader What is important to me ”
·Next, think about the words and phrases you would like to use. Make a list of words related to your theme.
·Then check how well your details paint a picture in your head. Now write the poem. Read it aloud and listen to how it sounds.
·Finally, give it a title. Now your poem is ready!
(2) Brainstorm.
Ask students to work in groups and think of a theme by the questions “What message do I want to give to the reader What is important to me ”
(3) Have students think about the words and phrases they would like to use and make a list of words related to their theme.
(4) Have students write the poem.
(5) Have students read the poem aloud and listen to how it sounds.
(6) Have students give the poem a title.
Step Ⅲ 迁移创新
1. Ask students to work in groups and take turns to read aloud their poems and then have a discussion on what they think they mean. Let students give their personal opinion or advice based on what they have learnt from this unit.
2. Inspire students to read aloud their poems to the class.
Unit 5 Poems Period V Using Language (2) Ⅰ. 学习理解 活动一:感知与注意 活动二:获取与梳理 1. Read and complete. 2. Choose and write. Ⅱ. 应用实践 活动三:内化与应用 Write a poem. Ⅲ. 迁移创新 活动四:批判与评价
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