人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第三册 Unit4Adversity and Courage Using Language(1) 名师教学设计


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第三册 Unit4Adversity and Courage Using Language(1) 名师教学设计
格式 docx
文件大小 318.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-14 08:58:57



Unit4 Using Language(1) 名师教学设计
Learn how to handle challenges
1. 梳理救援队成员谈论的救援计划以及他们的旅程。
2. 在对话中鉴别出原因和结果。
3. 在听力过程中,记下重要信息。
1. 获取听力中救援队成员谈论的救援计划以及他们的旅程。
2. 识别原因和结果。
Step I学习理解
Get to know about the journey.
(1) Show students the picture and ask them to observe carefully.
South Georgia Island
(2) Ask students to discuss the challenges they think Shackleton and his team faced.
Suggested answer: Looking at the landscape in the picture, I think Shackleton and his team would have faced many challenges. First of all, it was very cold and there was snow and ice everywhere. The area is also very mountainous, so they would have had to climb with their essentials. It would also be hard to know where they were going as the place is very large and all looks the same. On top of the physical challenges, they would have had great mental challenges facing those conditions and not knowing what to expect and whether they would succeed.
1. Listen for the summary.
(1) Play the tape for students. Ask them to listen to one of the team members talk about the rescue plan and their journey and complete the summary.
The team consisted of ①________ members. They sailed on rough seas for days before they landed on the ②________ side of South Georgia Island. Later they climbed over the mountains and ③________ the whaling station. Later, Shackleton arranged fora rescue boat to return to ④________ Island. Luckily, everyone was ⑤________.
(2) Check the answers as a class.
Suggested answers: ①six ②wrong ③arrived at ④Elephant ⑤still alive
2. Listen and answer.
(1) Learning strategy.
Instruct students to go through the sentences below and make sure they understand the meanings.
Identify cause and effect During a talk, a speaker can talk about cause and effect. Causes are often introduced with phrases like Due to..., The reason for this is..., and because..., while effects are introduced by phrases like That’s why..., This means.... ...so as to..., ...so that... .
(2) Play the tape again and ask students to answer the questions.
Why was it necessary for Shackleton to travel to South Georgia Island
Why was it important to include a navigator in the team
Why did Shackleton choose the most difficult and- unfriendly man to join the rescue mission
Why did Shackleton look extremely old
(3) Check the answers as a class.
Suggested answers: Shackleton had to travel to South Georgia Island to get help to rescue the rest of his crew. It was important to include a navigator so they would know where they were going and not get lost. Shackleton chose him because he wanted the crew left behind to remain cheerful and positive and the man would have had a negative influence on the crew. Shackleton looked extremely old because of the conditions but also because he was very worried about the fate of his crew left behind.
Step II 应用实践
Group work: Choose two sailors.
(1) Ask students to look at the list below and work ingroups to discuss the following question.
Which two sailors do you think Shackleton chose to join the rescue team
Name Still Qualities
Frank Wild good leader experienced in exploring the Antarctic loyal, kind, and calm
Frank Worsley excellent navigator experienced sailor odd behaviour at times, but liked by crew
Tom Crean second officer experienced in living in the Antarctic strong, energetic, and brave
Hubert Hudson navigator best at catching penguins friendly and lively
Thomas Orde-Lees efficient store keeper motor expert excellent skier selfish, lazy, and bad-tempered
(2) Instruct students to refer to the expressions in the box below which may help them with their discussion.
Exploring options What do you think (about)... Any ideas How do you feel (about)... What are the alternatives Let’s look at.. Let’s move on to the next candidate.. What/ How about... Should we move on to the next one
(3) Check the answer as a class.
Suggested answer: A: OK, we need to choose the two sailors that joined Shackleton’s rescue team. Let’s look at our choices. B: So how about Frank Wild and Tom Crean They were both experienced in exploring and living in the Antarctic, and they also had many good qualities, such as being kind and strong. C: Yes, but look at Perce’s diary. Frank Wild stayed on Elephant Island with the others. So we can cross him off our list. B: Oh, yes, well spotted. Then what about Tom Crean Does anyone have any ideas A: Well, he was good at living in the Antarctic, so maybe he stayed on the island to help, but I think his strength and bravery meant that Shackleton would have chosen him for the dangerous mission. B: Agreed, so one choice is Tom Crean. OK, let’s move on to another candidate. How do you feel about Frank Worsley A: I think he is a good choice because he was an excellent navigator. C: I agree. The rescue team needed a good navigator. He could be our second choice. B: But what about Hubert Hudson He was also good at navigating. A: Yes, but he was also the best at catching penguins, so I think he would have stayed on the island with the others so they had enough to eat. C: Sounds reasonable. But we should also look at Thomas Orde-Lees. He was an excellent skier, so maybe he could be helpful on the mission. B: Hmm... maybe, but I think he didn’t have as much to offer as Frank and Tom. Besides, Perce complained about him in his diary, so I think he probably stayed on the island. A: I agree, so let’s choose Frank and Tom.
Step III 迁移创新
Inspire students to present their choice of two sailors to the class.
Suggested answer: My group chooses Frank Worsley and Tom Crean as the two members for the rescue team. Frank Worsley was an excellent navigator, so he could use his skills to guide them across the dangerous sea. Tom Crean was strong, energetic, and brave, so he would be very useful on the dangerous mission.
Unit 4 Adversity and Courage Period IV Using Language (1) Ⅰ. 学习理解 活动一:感知与注意 Get to know about the journey. 活动二:获取与梳理 1. Listen for the summary. 2. Listen and answer. Ⅱ. 应用实践 活动三:分析与判断 Group work: Choose two sailors. Ⅲ. 迁移创新 活动四:想象与创造Present the choice.
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