人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册 Unit2 Iconic Attractions Learning About Language 课时素养练(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册 Unit2 Iconic Attractions Learning About Language 课时素养练(含解析)
格式 docx
文件大小 24.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-14 14:52:33



Unit2 Learning About Language
1. SILENCE in big black letters was on signs ________ (hang) everywhere.
2. But at Union Station in Los Angeles last month, a board went up with dollar bills ________ (attach) to it with pins and a sign that read, “Give What You Can, Take What You Need.”
3. Whaley recalls ________ (回想) how at the beginning of the year, when ________ (call) upon to read, Chris would excuse himself to go to the bathroom.
4. Steve arrived and sat in the front row, ________ (surround) by his family.
5. We succeed in our field of specialisation and then become ________ (trap) in it.
1. All the people present were already seated, waiting for the conference to start.
2. She is wearing an excited expression today.
3. When we saw the road blocked with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home.
4. Given more time and money, we would have done the work better.
5. The hunter walked slowly in the forest, followed by his wolf dog.
1. 我需要一本新护照,所以我得照张相。
I need a new passport so I will have to ________.
2. 满怀好奇心,这位艺术家收拾行囊离开了。
________, the artist packed his bags and left.
3. 照明约占美国总耗电量的7%。
Lighting accounts for about 7% of the total electricity ________.
4. 技术创新与良好的市场营销相结合,将促进这些产品的销售。
Technological innovations, ________, will promote the sales of these products.
5. 尽管受了重伤,他仍然竭尽全力去救他的朋友。
________, he still tried his best to save his friend.
Just a few months earlier, I would never have pictured myself acting in a play in front of two hundred people. If not for my teacher Mrs Sather, I might never have found that 1 .
In the first and second grade, I was extremely 2 . It just wasn’t in my personality to be very outgoing. I would escape in my writing. Mrs Sather always 3 me to write more. I think she was the first person to see my inner 4 .
One day, she announced our class was going to 5 a play. “I need someone to play the leading part of Dorothy.” A few 6 students raised their hands at once. I, of course, was not one of them. After school, Mrs Sather said to me, “Dallas, I was 7 you didn’t raise your hand.” Me, the leading role I was 8 just thinking of standing on stage in front of a lot of people. “You’re great at 9 Things, so you won’t worry about lines. And you have such a sweet personality. Perfect for Dorothy! I had you in 10 for Dorothy while writing the play!”
I realised it was time to 11 my shy cloak (披风). After five months of 12 , we finally made the play a success. At the end of the play, when the audience stood and applauded,I knew they were not just 13 for my performance that night, but for the 14 that they knew would come in later years because of my new-found 15 .
1. A. story B. opportunity C. solution D. method
2. A. shy B. curious C. energetic D. ambitious
3. A. required B. allowed C. encouraged D. forbade
4. A. drawback B. peace C. fear D. strength
5. A. perform B. introduce C. write D. enjoy
6. A. shocked B. anxious C. excited D. careful
7. A. annoyed B. amused C. embarrassed D. surprised
8. A. ashamed B. regretful C. doubtful D. terrified
9. A. analysing B. observing C. memorizing D. predicting
10. A. store B. mind C. place D. comparison
11. A. throw off B. keep off C. knock off D. call off
12. A. practising B. learning C. adjusting D. communicating
13. A. accounting B. calling C. cheering D. paying
14. A. praises B. efforts C. beliefs D. performances
15. A. advantage B. confidence C. interest D. popularity
The Palace Museum is the 1. ________ (large) and most well 2. ________ (reserve) imperial (皇帝的) residence in China today. It attracts a large number of tourists in the peak season. It is divided into an outer court and an inner court with a rectangular (长方形的) shape, 961 metres in length from north to south and 753 metres in 3. ________ (wide) from east to west. It has a splendid history, and it 4. ________ (rebuild) and repaired many times in the past. I was s so excited to visit it 5. ________ my family last summer vacation. After we passed through the front gate, a lot of grand palaces appeared. The tour guide told us there were more than 9,000 rooms in the Palace Museum. During the Ming Dynasty, construction began in 1406. 6. ________ took 14 years to build the Forbidden City. I was 7. ________ (real) surprised that the workers could build it so well 8. ________ even today it is not out of date. I could not remember all the names of the buildings, but I took hundreds of beautiful 9. ________ (photo) on the way. I think I will never forget the 10. ________ (amaze) trip I had in Beijing, China and I will go there next time with my friends.
1. hung
2. attached
3. called
句意:惠利回想起在那年年初,当被要求阅读时,克里斯总会为自己找借口去洗手间。call upon与Chis之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,因此用过去分词短语作状语。故填called。
4. surrounded
5. trapped
句意:我们在我们的专业化领域取得成功,然后陷入其中。become在此处是系动词,因此用过去分词作表语。become/be trapped in.陷入…之中。故填trapped。
1. 所有到场的人都已入座,等着会议开始。(过去分词作表语)
2. 今天她的脸上带着兴奋的表情。(过去分词作定语)
3. 当我们看到路被雪封住时,我们决定在家度过假期。(过去分词作宾语补足语)
4. 如果给更多的时间和钱的话,这项工作我们会做得更好。(过去分词作条件状语)
5. 猎人在森林里慢慢地走着,后面跟着他的狼狗。(过去分词作伴随状语)
1. have my photograph taken
2. Filled with curiosity
3. consumed in the US
4. combined with good marketing
5. Seriously injured
1. B 根据下文可知,在萨瑟老师的鼓励下,作者才决定担任戏剧的主角。此处表示因为萨瑟老师,作者才有了那次机会。
2. A 根据下文中的It just wasn’t in my personality to be very outgoing..可知,此处指在一年级和二年级的时候,作者非常害羞。
3. C 根据语境可知,萨瑟老师总是鼓励作者多写。
4. D 根据下文萨瑟老师鼓励作者担任主角可知,此处指作者认为萨瑟老师看到了自己内心的力量。
5. A 根据下文中的“I need someone to play the leading part of Dorothy.”可知,作者所在的班级要表演一出戏剧。
6. C 根据语境和raised their hands可知,此处是指有几个激动的学生马上举起了手。
7. D 根据下文中的“You’re great at…while writing the play!”可知,萨瑟老师认为作者是扮演多萝西的最佳人选,因此她惊讶于作者没有举手。
8. D 根据上文可知,作者是个很内向的人,所以此处指只是想一下站在舞台上面对很多人,作者就感到害怕。
9. C 根据下文中的so you won’t worry about lines可知,萨瑟老师认为作者擅长记忆。
10. B 根据语境可知,此处指萨瑟老师在写剧本的时候就已经把作者想成多萝西了。have sb in mind心中已有某人。
11. A 根据语境可知,作者意识到是时候摆脱害羞、展现自我了。throw off摆脱;keep off使不碰到,使避开;knock off停止;call off取消。
12. A 根据常识和语境可知,经过五个月的练习,最后作者班级的表演取得了成功。
l3. C 根据上文中的when the audience stood and applauded可知,观众为作者的表演而欢呼喝彩。
14. D 根据语境可知,观众不仅是在为作者那晚的表演喝彩,也为作者获得自信后在今后人生中的表现而喝彩。
15. B 根据全文内容可知,作者从一开始不敢举手申请角色到最后成功地完成演出,由此可知作者获得了自信。
1. largest
句意:故宫是如今中国最大、保存最完好的皇家住所。根据空前的the及空后的and most…可知,此处应用形容词最高级形式。故填largest。
2. reserved
3. width
句意:它分为外朝和内廷两部分,呈长方形,从北到南长961米,从东到西宽753米。in是介词,故应用名词width。in width意为“在宽度上”。故填width。
4. was rebuilt
句意:它有着辉煌的历史,在过去被重建和修复了很多次。rebuild和主语it之间是被动关系;且时间状语为in the past,应用一般过去时的被动语态。故填was rebuilt。
5. with
6. It
“it takes some time to do sth”为固定句型,意为“做某事花费多长时间”,it作形式主语。故填It。
7. really
8. that
9. photos
hundreds of后面用可数名词复数形式。故填photos。
10. amazing