人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册 Unit2 Iconic Attractions单词精讲课件(共26张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册 Unit2 Iconic Attractions单词精讲课件(共26张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 1.5MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-14 14:57:54



Unit 2
1. foundation
1. [C] & [U] 基础;基本原则;根据
eg. “Lianda laid the foundation for every
achievement I have made,” Yang Zhenning recalled.
2. [C] & [U] 基础;基本原则;根据
3. [U] 创建;创办 (establishment):
the foundation of the first university
4. [C][常用复数]地基;房基:
How long will it take to finish digging the foundations
5. [C] 基金会:
Children’s Foundation of China
1. She plans to start a foundation for homeless children and wants to build a community centre in Waterhouse.(2016 江苏)__________
2. Starting learning English from childhood will help students lay a solid foundation for their future English learning. ___________
3. Jackscrews(螺旋千斤顶)are used to separate the large, heavy structures from their foundations.(2015 湖南改) ___________
4. Since the foundation of New China, the development of the Chinese nation has entered a new era. ___________
→ lay the foundation for...给…打下基础;为…奠定基础
eg. Your breakfast choices lay the foundation for your entire day and your long term health.
→ without foundation 无根据的
eg. The universities' concern is not without foundation.
→ found vt. 创办;成立;建立
At the foundation of well founded belief lies belief that is not founded.(found)
found v. 建立;创立;创办;为(房屋等)打基础;
注意: find 的过去式和过去分词是found;
eg. They invested a lot of money to found a research institute.
The house is founded on rock.
founder n. 创办人;创立者
用 found的适当形式完成下列句子。
1) The earthquake shook the _____________ of the house.
2) He was one of the ______________ of the company.
3) The rich man _____________ a hospital and a school in the town.
-tion (also –ion, -ation, -ition, -sion) suffix in nouns (名词后缀):
the action or state of… 行为;……状态
eg. impress---impression reflect---reflection
divide---division persuade---persuasion
hesitate---hesitation explore---exploration
compete---competition define---definition
2. political adj.政治的
politics n. 政治,政治事务(活动)
politician n. 政治家,从政者
politicise vt. 使政治化,使具有政治性
eg. The students in this university are very political.
What I want to talk about now is political questions.
This whole issue has become highly political.
The Olympic Games should not be politicised.
He retired from politics in 2016.
→ for political reasons由于政治原因
eg. But this looks unlikely to happen soon,for political reasons.
→ political science 政治学
eg. I graduated first in my class in political science.
→ politics n. 政治;政治活动
3. located adj. 位于;坐落于
be located in/at/to 位于……
eg. Located near the railway station, the company is easy to find.
The country is located in the northern part of Europe.
Our office is located in the city centre.
4. joint n.公共场所;关节 adj. 联合的;共同的
a hamburger joint 汉堡包店
the knee joint 膝关节
eg. Thanks to their joint effort, the iconic building was not
puled down.
She and Frank had never got around to opening a joint
Are you sure this joint is completely tight
This painting is their joint work.
→ out of joint (关节)脱位;脱臼;杂乱无章;混乱;迷惑
I had a bad fall,which put my shoulder out of joint.
→ a joint declaration/statement联合声明
→ a joint effort 共同的努力
eg. Let us make a joint effort for the noble cause of advancing peace and human progress!
→ join vt.& vi. 连接;联结;加入
join sb.in (doing) sth. 加入某人做某事;和某人一起做某事
eg. The children joined in the English Evening and had a good time.
He will be joined by Fang Fenglei,the chairman of the joint venture,
Goldman Sachs Gaohua Securities Co.
5. premier adj.最著名的;首要的 n.首相;总理
①The premier occupies the foremost place in the world of politics. (n.首相;总理)
②Ritz Carlton is one of the world's premier hotel chains. (adj.最著名的)
③The company has achieved a premier position in the electronics field. (adj.第一的;首要的)
6. vibrate v. (使)颤动;(使)震动;(使)振动
eg. The floor was vibrating to the beat of the music.
His voice vibrated with passion.
vibration n. 颤动; 振颤; 震动
→ take the premier place 占第一位,占首席
eg. Safty takes the premier place during the manufacturing.
→ Chinese premier 中国总理
→ be of premier importance to...对……非常重要
eg. His work on the causes of diseases is of premier importance to the whole world.
7. straightforward adj.坦率的;简单的
eg. I was impressed by his straightforward intelligent manner.
It's quite straightforward to get here.
She gave me a straightforward answer.
Getting funding for the project was far from straightforward.
I think you'll find it all quite straightforward.
→ a straightforward person 坦率的人
→ a straightforward explanation率直的解释
eg. Would someone be able to give a straightforward explanation
→ be straightforward with sb. about sth.
eg. He was quite straightforward with us about the difficulties involved.
8. dive
1. 跳水;潜水:
eg. I took off my T-shirt and dived into the water.
2. 冲向;俯冲;扑:
It started to rain so we dived into the nearest cafe.
The goalkeeper dived for the ball, but missed it.
3. 全身心投入:
eg. I know I am smart enough to dive into an area that is totally unknown.
4. n [C] 跳水;潜水;俯冲:
eg. She made a beautiful dive.
1. Off his bike and into the cool water he dived, disappearing below the surface and away from the bees.(2010 江西改) _________
2. The main purpose of his holiday to Greece was to go diving.
3. She dived into her bag and brought out a folded piece of paper.
9. freedom
[C] & [U] 自由;自主;自由权:
freedom of speech / thought
eg. Young people today earn more and have more freedom to live where they want.
10. distribute
1. 分配:
eg. The money was distributed among schools in the area.
2. 分发:
eg. Clothes and blankets have been distributed among / to
the earthquake victims.
3. (商品)分销:
eg. Who distributes our products in the UK
1. [U] & [C] 分配;分布;散布:
eg. the distribution of wealth
population distribution
2. [U] 分发;分送;配送:
eg. the distribution of aid supplies
3. [U](商品)分销;经销:
eg. marketing, sales and distribution
1. The volunteer group is in charge of the distribution of aid supplies. __________
2. I need a map showing the population distribution of Canada. ___________
3. The company has gradually expanded its distribution network to include Canada and Mexico. ___________
11. make up 组成,编造,和好,化妆
make up for 补偿,弥补
make up one’s mind 下定决心
make ... of ... 理解,解释,对……有某种看法
be made of 以……材料制成
make off 匆忙离开
make out 看出,辨认出;理解,了解
12. personally speaking 就本人而言
broadly speaking 泛泛地说
exactly speaking 确切地说
frankly speaking 坦白地说
generally speaking 一般来说
personally speaking 就个人而言
roughly speaking 粗略地说
strictly speaking 严格地说