人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第四册 学案Unit3Sea Exploration 单元考点突破(有答案)


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第四册 学案Unit3Sea Exploration 单元考点突破(有答案)
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文件大小 93.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-15 07:47:08



名师原创:Unit3 单元考点突破
1. set sail 起航;开航
However,merchants and explorers from the East set sail from east to west many years before Columbus first did. (教材原句P26)
set sail for ….开船往,动身往
at full sail(s) 开足马力,张起所有的帆,高速前进
go for a sail 乘船游览
We set sail at high tide.
The ship set sail for Europe.
Two hours later the ship set sail for China.
Christopher Columbus set sail _____ the New World in the Santa Maria. (福建卷)(for)
A big ship ploughed the sea ______ full sail. (at)
Let's go for ______ sail this afternoon. (a)
2. extend vt. 扩展;使伸长;延长
A trading route across the sea was also extended along the coasts of the Indian Ocean,centered around Ceylon (now Sri Lanka).(教材原句P26)
extend from ...to ... 从……延伸到……
extend out 伸出
extend through... 贯穿……;达到整个……的长度
extension n. 延伸,扩展
The car park has been extended.
They asked the government to extend its period of deliberation.
The branches of the fruit trees extended out over the fences.
I mean to be talking about a single thing that was extended ______ time.(山东卷)(through)
The tourist season extends ______ May to October. (from)
The girls competed for it,their hands extended _____ into the air. (out)
3. negotiate vt. 商定;达成 (协议) vi.谈判;磋商;协商
Here,merchants from China and many other places met to negotiate trade deals,which also led to more awareness of each other's cultures. (教材原句P26)
negotiate a price商谈价格
negotiate with ….同……协商;谈判;交涉
negotiate for ….为……谈判
negotiate into ….通过谈判使进入
Rents are individually negotiated between landlord and tenant.
They have refused to negotiate on this issue.
I managed to negotiate successfully with the authorities.
So what is the best way to negotiate your way _______ a mobile work lifestyle (全国卷.语法填空) (into)
We are negotiating _____ the release of the prisoners. (for)
I'll negotiate ____ their coach on the date of the match. (with)
4. withdraw vi.& vt.(使) 撤回;撤离
Although China withdrew from further expeditions after 1433,these land and sea routes remained active channels between other cultures for centuries. (教材原句P26)
withdraw from ….从……撤出,撤回
withdraw money from the bank 从银行取款
withdraw one's eyes from …..把视线从……移开(不再看……)
withdraw a remark 收回发言
withdrawal n. 收回;取回;撤回;撤退;取款
The general decided to withdraw his soldiers.
He didn't withdraw his remarks and apologize.
He was forced to withdraw from the competition due to injury.
I'd like to withdraw 1,000 dollars ______ my savings account and put it in my cheque account. (安徽卷) (from)
Tell the men to withdraw _____ their new position. (from)
He has made several ______ (withdraw) from his bank account. (withdrawals)
5. inspire vt. 使鼓舞;激励;启发思考
Marco Polo’s tales inspired European explorers to search for sea routes from west to east. (教材P26)
inspire sb. to do sth. 激励某人做某事
inspire sb. with sth. = inspire sth. in sb. 激起某人….
inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的;令人鼓舞的
inspired adj. 受到鼓舞的;使有灵感的
inspiration n. 灵感;鼓舞
His brother was admitted to Peking University,which inspired him to study harder.
His encouraging remarks inspired confidence in me.
=His encouraging remarks inspired me with confidence.
Our challenge is to inspire them to join our cause.
Her inspiring speech yesterday made us inspired.
The possibility that there is life on other planets in the universe has always inspired scientists _____ (explore) the outer space. (陕西卷) (to explore)
1. Dreams can be a rich source of _______ (inspire)for an artist. (inspiration)
2. His speech was _______ (inspire) so we were all inspired. (inspiring)
6. command n. 指令;命令;控制;vt. 命令;控制
Under the command of Zheng He, they set sail from the South China Sea across the Indian Ocean to the mouth of the Red Sea, and then to the east coast of Africa. (教材P26)
acknowledge (doing/having done) sth. 承认 (做了) 某事
under the command of…=under one's command由……指挥,由……控制
be in command of …. 控制……
take command of….控制……
have a command of...了解/掌握……
command sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事
At present, the police are in command of the situation here.
Actually, he has 1,000 men under his command
实际上,1 000人在他的指挥之下。
I advised him to command his temper.
He commanded us to stop.
The general issued a command that all of them should come at six o'clock.
将军发布了一道命令, 所有的人都要在六点钟到。
He commanded that all the gates_______ (shut). (湖北卷)【(should) be shut】
The captain commanded his men ______ (pack) up and march on. (to pack)
7. in return 作为回报;作为回应
African royal families sent gifts such as giraffes as gestures of friendship in return for gold, silk, and spices. (教材P26)
in return for... 作为……的交换;作为……的报答
in turn 轮流;依次;反过来
by turns 轮流;时而……时而……
on/upon one's return 一回来(就……)
a return ticket 往返票
return to... 回到……
return sth. to sb. 把某物归还某人
I don't expect anything in return.
He wanted to do something in return for the kindness that she offered him.
You mentioned that you would like to teach me English in return,which is exactly what I am dying for
I wish I could do something __ return for the kindness I have received from him. (湖南卷) (in)
The people begged to be allowed to return ____ their home village. (to)
8. bond n.纽带;关系 vt.& vi. 增强信任关系;使牢固结合
The aim of this initiative is to encourage cooperation and trade across the historic Silk Road areas,and strengthen the bonds between China and the rest of the world. (教材原句P27)
bond between….  ……之间的联系
bond...to ….把……粘在……上;使……结合
A strong spiritual bond exists between them.
This glue makes a good firm bond.
In half a dozen words,he had explained the bond that linked them.
Silver overlay is bonded ______ the entire surface. (湖南卷) (to)
There's a bond _____ the twins. (between)
9. benefit vt. &vi. 有益于; 受益; n. 利益; 益处
China has invested billions in systems and services along these routes, which will help to greatly develop the whole area for the benefit of future trade and cultural exchanges. (教材P27)
for the benefit of…= for one’s benefit 为……;为……的利益
be of benefit to… = be beneficial to… 对……有益;对……有利
benefit from/by... 从……受益;得益于
benefit sb. 对某人有益
beneficial adj. 有利的;有益的;受益的
Exercise is highly beneficial to health. 锻炼对健康极为有利
In fact, music education is beneficial and important for all students.
事实上,音乐教育对所有学生都是有益而且重要的 (北京卷)
The rain will benefit the crops greatly. 这场雨对庄稼大有好处
Today we benefit from countless inventions and innovations.
There are certainly benefits of using a star in a film.
He has had the benefit of a first-class education. 他得益于一流的教育
The money is to be used for the benefit of the poor 该款项将用于救助穷人
China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals all its citizens. (福建卷)
A. in charge of B. for the purpose of C. in honor of D. for the benefit of (D)
I am sure everyone will benefit a lot ______this activity. (from)
Scientific research is of great _______ (beneficial) to mankind. (benefit)
10. effect n. 结果; 效力; 作用; 影响
From a scientific point of view, there is an urgent need to study the Arctic in order to understand climate change and its effects. (教材P27)
effective adj.有效的;生效的
effectively adv有效地
efficiency 效率;效能
greenhouse effect温室效应
bring / put.. into effect实施;实行
in effect 在实施中;有效
take effective measures / steps 采取有效措施
take effect, 相当于come into effect 生效; 起作用
Global warming is having a great effect on hundreds of plant and animal species around the world.
Some laws from the eighteenth century are still in effect.
These measures are just beginning to take effect.这些措施刚开始见效
The more I understood fish, the more I became ______________ (effect) at finding and catching them. (广东卷) (effective)
If you can find whatever learning method suits you, your learning _______ (effective) is likely to improve greatly. (上海课改卷) (efficiency)
It is uncertain what side ______ (effectively) the medicine will bring about. (effect)
11. in hand 在手头;可供使用
Hundreds of years on,and with the latest technology in hand,the need to trade and the desire to enhance relationships will drive China to reach out across the sea far into the future. (教材原句P27)
at hand在手边,在附近
by hand 由人工,用人力
hand in hand 手牵手,携着手
go hand in hand with …..
out of hand 无法控制,不可收拾
I haven't any money in hand.
Your remarks do not bear on the matter in hand.
Let us address ourselves to the matter in hand.
We received a typewritten letter with a note added ______ hand. (湖北卷) (by)
Soon school will end and the vacation will be _____ hand. (at)
Higher returns and higher risk usually go hand _____ hand. (in)
12. except prep/conj. (可接单个的词、短 语或从句) 除…外
We may imagine there is nothing except yellow sand under the sea, but actually it is not rare to see the most unique flowers and plants dancing in the fast-moving water. (教材P29)
except for除了…外; 除去; 只是
exception n. 例外; 例外的人/事
exceptional adj. 特别的;罕见的
辨析: besides, except,except for 三者都可用作介词; 都含有 “除..之外” 之意
besides是 “除之外(还)有” 的意思
Two others were on duty besides Helen.
除海伦外,还有两个人值日 (海伦和另外两个人都值日)
except是 “除.之外 (不包括在内)” 的意思。
All are present except Helen. 除海伦外,大家都到了(海伦未到)
besides 还可以作副词,况且; 此外
I'm too busy to go for a walk; besides, it is too late.
except for 的前后内容往往相矛盾
The old man is very kind, except for being serious.
Except (that) 作连词时可以引导一个句子,表达意思和except for 相近
It’s fine today except (that) it is windy.
No pets except fish are permitted in student rooms.
除了鱼,学生宿舍禁止养其它宠物 2015天津
He usually goes to work on his bike except on rainy days.
The seaside town is beautiful except when it is windy.
This suit fits me well except (that) the trousers are too long.
这套衣 服我穿着很合身,只不过裤子太长了
His composition is good, except for some spelling mistakes.
The room is empty except for a bookshelf standing in one corner.
All students without exception must take the English examination.
I don't usually lend people money, but in your case I'll make an exception.
1. Everything was perfect for the picnic _______ the weather. (浙江卷)
A. in place of B. as well as C. except for D. in case of (C)
2. Bicycling is good exercise; _______, it does not pollute the air. (湖南卷)
A. nevertheless B. besides C. otherwise D. therefore (B)
Some people choose jobs for other reasons _______ money these days.
A. for B. except C. besides D. with (C)
13. opportunity n. 机会,时机, 良机
Do not miss this opportunity to learn all about these amazing animals and see them at close range on their annual migration south to the Antarctic. (教材P30)
grasp/seize an opportunity 抓住机会;
miss a splendid opportunity 错过一次良机
make an opportunity of doing/to do sth. 创造做某事的机会
have the opportunity of doing / to do sth. 有机会做某事/有做某事的机会
have no/little opportunity of doing/ to do sth. 没有/很少有机会做某事
I’m glad to have the opportunity of speaking to you.
Mary seized the splendid opportunity to go to a key university last year.
To learn English well, we should find opportunities to hear English spoken as much as we can. (江苏卷.完型)
Nowadays everyone should grasp opportunity _____ (improve) themselves.
( of improving/to improve)
14. forgive vt. 原谅;宽恕
If we do not protect it, future generations will not forgive us. (教材P32)
forgive sb. sth. 原谅某人某事
forgive sb. for doing sth. 因为..原谅某人
forgive and forget不念旧恶,不记仇
They forgave him his rudeness.
The pain was acute, and I couldn’t forgive Danny for leaving me.
It is a virtue to forgive and forget, especially in such a competitive and stressful society.
One of my favorite sayings is “understand all and _______ all. (江西卷)
A. protect B. welcome C. support D. forgive (D)
At last Jenny forgave her boyfriend for _____ (be) late for the appointment. (being)
15. concern vt. 关于; 与…有关; 涉及; 牵涉; 使担心; 使关心; 使关注; n担心; 忧虑; 关心
Opponents may be concerned, but sea exploration is important for our future. (教材P32)
concern oneself with…把…与…连一起
concerned adj. 有关的;有关联的; 担忧的;关心的; 关注的; 关心的
be concerned with / in 与…有关;关注;关心
be concerned about / for 担心;关心
as far as sb. be concerned就而言; 关于
concerning prep. 关于
various questions concerning pollution and environment 有关污染和环境的各种问题
the growing concern about/for / over continuing high unemployment
The film concerns a girl who goes to Africa as a volunteer.
Please pay attention because this information concerns all of you.
My father’s illness concerns us greatly.
A good doctor should always concern himself with his patients.
I appreciate everyone's concern and help at this difficult time.
I'm a bit concerned about/for her safety. 我有点担心她的安全
More people are concerned with the protection of endangered animals.
As far as I'm concerned, you can do what you like.
I'm doing fine as far as history ____ (concern) concerned, but my math is not good. (安徽卷) (is concerned)
People concerned _______ the event were all punished. (with/in)
16. in a league of one’s own 独领风骚
These fleets were a sight to behold and were in a league of their own at that time. (教材P26)
1. what引导名词性从句
In ancient times,silk from China found its way overland to India,the Middle East,and Rome,along what became known as the Silk Road.(教材原句P26)
句式分析:句中what became known as the Silk Road为what引导的名词性从句,作介词along的宾语。
They've done what they can to help her.
He is no longer what he was.
After what seemed like hours he came out with a bitter smile.
What we can't get seems better than ______ we already have.(陕西卷) (what)
We now live in _____ is called the Information Age. (what)
China is no longer _____ she used to be ten years ago. (what)
2. as引导非限制性定语从句
Over the centuries,further trading allowed more exploration of the regions to the west of China,as recorded in Du Huan's Record of My Travels in the eighth century.(教材原句P26)
句式分析:句中as recorded in Du Huan's Record of My Travels in the eighth century是关系代词as引导的非限制性定语从句,as指代整个主句的内容。
※ as引导非限制性定语从句时,指代整个主句的内容,置于主句的前、中、后均可,意为“正如……”。
※ as在非限制性定语从句中作主语时,通常可用it作形式主语,后接that引导的主语从句或用what引导的主语从句来转换。
As is known to the United States,Mark Twain is a great American writer.
He forgot to bring his pen with him,as was often the case.
As I told you before,this is also part of your work.
Einstein,_____ is well known,is a famous scientist. (湖北卷) (as)
This man,_____ you know,is good for nothing. (as)
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