人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第四册 Unit3 Sea Exploration Learning About Language 课时素养练(有答案)


名称 人教版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第四册 Unit3 Sea Exploration Learning About Language 课时素养练(有答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 25.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-15 07:48:33



Unit3 Learning About Language
1. Many of their families were struggling ________ (make) ends meet.
2. The objective of most speeches is ________ (benefit) the audience.
3. By about 6000 BCE, people had discovered the best crops ________ (grow) and animals to raise.
4. The implication of these results is that to gain the greatest health benefits from exercise, it may be wise ________ (skip) eating first.
5. This company was the first ________ (produce) portable radios as well as cassette recorders in the world.
6. If I had a chance ________ (say) one thing to disabled children, it would be this: having a physical disability does not mean your life is a failure.
7. ________ (compete) more effectively with others, more and more people equip themselves with a better education.
8. The news reporters hurried to the press conference, only ________ (tell) the film stars had left.
9. The parents were asked ________ (interact) with their children as they normally would.
10.The airport ________ (complete) next year will help promote tourism in this area.
11. The local government doesn’t have to sacrifice environmental protection ________ (promote) economic growth.
12. The best housewarming parties c encourage old friends ________ (get) together.
13. If you’re lucky enough ________ (receive) gifts, keep them in a safe place.
14. In India, particularly outside cities, young women are expected ________ (move) in with their husband’s family when they get married.
15. Higher-income parents tended ________ (have) children play with puzzles more frequently.
1. I paid a visit to my aunt, ________ (却被告知) that she had gone to attend a press conference.
2. When there are samples ________ (研究), the biologist ________ (往往太专注于他的工作而不能) go to bed on time..
3. Mike had no choice ________ (只能让自己) at the mercy of the waves.
4. The merchant added that he couldn’t speak English, which ________ (让他很难与外国人交流).
5. It’s said that the sponsor will give a lecture at the meeting ________ (下个月举行的).
A young businessman has been fixing elderly people’s broken fences for free. John Horne, 22, works in the West Midlands where he first started offering the 1 after visiting an old lady, whose fence had been blown down in bad weather. “She was quite worried about the 2 at her home,” John wrote on his Facebook page.
He arrived at the lady’s house within an hour and 3 her fence that same day. He told the lady she owed him nothing for the service. “She explained how 4 for her to pay her bill but the fence repair was a 5 ,” he said. “I can’t believe some of the older 6 are in a situation where they have to 7 to repair the fence or not.”
John set up his company, JD Property Services, at 17 when he first 8 elderly people cheated by terrible traders over 9 for simple jobs. Now he wants to continue fixing fences for senior citizens for free throughout the winter period if they are in need. After he 10 his personal Facebook, he received thousands of 11 of support and requests for help.
He later 12 : “I’m only 22. I don’t own a house and I’m not rich. But I was once told that if you had got enough money to 13 your bills and still had enough money for a drink in the pub, you were living a lot better than many others. So I’m happy to help and make a 14 .
When I’m too 15 to serve them, I hope there are companies which can do the same.
1. A. material B. course C. service D. experiment
2. A. security B. ability C. position D. insurance
3. A. gave B. presented C. built D. fixed
4. A. traditional B. obvious C. difficult D. varied
5. A. chance B. must C. trick D. discount
6. A. actors B. staff C. audiences D. people
7. A. perform B. choose C. wish D. educate
8. A. required B. thought C. noticed D. frightened
9. A. charging B. answering C. waiting D. acting
10. A. returned B. forgot C. posted D. limited
11. A. messages B. inventions C. events D. poems
12. A. lied B. added C. consulted D. questioned
13. A. pay B. bury C. instruct D. pollute
14. A. note B. living C. noise D. difference
15. A. old B. wealthy C. lively D. lonely
It was my first trip to India, alone. One day, as I 1. ________ (walk) through a local market, a ten-year-old boy came over and begged me to buy a book, 2. ________had the words “Interesting India” on its cover. I bought it, 3. ________ (think) that when I returned home it would remind me 4. ________ my wonderful Indian adventure. The book claimed that India’s people were very welcoming of tourists, and never tried 5. ________ (cheat) them. As I read I felt deeply touched by these warm words.
Suddenly, a monkey came down from a nearby tree, snatched the book from my hand and took it away, along with my bag which contained all my belongings. I couldn’t do anything but stand and stare. Then a man approached me and asked 6. ________ I wanted my belongings back. He said it would cost me five US dollars. I had no other choice 7. ________ (leave), so I agreed to pay, but only after my bag was returned.
He blew a whistle and the monkey 8. ________ (immediate) threw the bag down. I picked it up and gave him the money. I later learnt that 9. ________ man made his living this way: tricking tourists.
This was the 10. ________ (bad) thing I ever experienced in “Interesting India”.
1. to make
句意:他们中的许多家庭都在努力维持生计。struggle to do sth努力做某事。故填to make。
2. to benefit
句意:大部分演讲的目标是让听众获益。主语是objective,其后用不定式作表语,说明主语的具体内容。故填to benefit。
3. to grow
句意:到大约公元前6000年,人们已经发现了最适合种植的庄稼和最适合饲养的牲畜。根据and后的animals to raise可知,此处用不定式作定语。故填to grow。
4. to skip
句意:这些结果表明,要想从运动中获得最大的健康益处,最好先不吃东西。句中it作形式主语,不定式作真正的主语。故填to skip。
5. to produce
句意:这是世界上第一家生产便携式收音机和盒式磁带录音机的公司。中心词是序数词或被序数词修饰时,用不定式作定语,故填to produce。
6. to say
句意:如果我有机会对残疾儿童说句话,那就是:身体残疾并不意味着你的人生是失败的。chance后用不定式作定语。故填to say。
7. To compete
句意:为了更有效地和他人竞争,越来越多的人用更好的教育装备他们自己。此处用不定、式作目的状语。故填To compete。
8. to be told
句意:新闻记者们匆忙去新闻发布会,竟被告知电影明星们已经离开了。此处用不定式表示意想不到的结果,且the news reporters和tell之间是被动关系,应用不定式的被动式。故填to be told.。
9. to interact
句意:父母们被要求像往常一样和他们的孩子们交流。ask sb to do sth要求某人做某事,此处是其被动形式。故填to interact。
10. to be completed
句意:明年竣工的机场将有助于推动该地区旅游业的发展。由next year可知,空处所表示的动作尚未发生,用动词不定式作后置定语;又因为complete与the airport之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,应用不定式的被动式。故填to be completed。
11. to promote
句意:地方政府不必为了促进经济增长而舍弃环境保护。分析句子结构可知,________ economic growth在句中作目的状语,空处用动词不定式。故填to promote。
12. to get
句意:最好的乔迁聚会就是鼓励老朋友们聚聚。encourage sb to do sth鼓励某人做某事。故填to get。
13. to receive
句意:如果你有幸收到礼物,把它们保存到安全的地方。此处是“be+adj.+enough to do sth”结构,动词不定式作结果状语,意为“足够…做某事”。故填to receive。
14. to move
句意:在印度,特别是城市之外,年轻女性结婚后要搬来和她们丈夫的家人住在一起。expect sb to do sth要求/指望某人做某事,此处是其被动形式,故填to move。
l5. to have
句意:高收入的父母往往更经常让孩子玩益智游戏。tend to do sth往往做某事。故填to have。
1. only to be told
2. to study, tends to be too focused on his work to
3. but to leave himself
4. made it hard for him to communicate with foreigners
5. to be held next month
1. C 根据下文的He told the lady she owed him nothing for the service.可知,他为老妇人提供的是维修服务。
2. A 根据上文的an old lady, whose fence had been blown down in bad weather可知,老妇人家的栅栏被吹倒了,因此老妇人非常担心家里的安全。
3. D 根据文章第一句A young businessman has been fixing elderly people’s broken fences for free.可知,他为老妇人修理栅栏。
4. C 根据下文的“I can’t believe some of the older ________ are in a situation where they have to ________ to repair the fence or not.”可知,一些老人需要考虑是否修理栅栏,由此可见,支付账单对于这位老妇人来说是困难的。
5. B 根据上文的She was quite worried about the ________ at her home可知,老妇人很担心,所以修理栅栏是一件必须做的事情。must在此作名词,意为“必须做的事”。
6. D 根据上文的A young businessman has been fixing elderly people’s broken fences for free.可知,此处表明一些老人面临是否修理栅栏的问题。
7. B 根据空后的or not可知,老人们还得决定是否修理(不一定修理得起)。
8. C 根据下文的Now he wants to continue fixing fences可知,他想帮助老人们,由此可推知,他是因为发现了老人们被骗才成立公司帮助他们。
9. A 根据下文的fixing fences for senior citizens for free可知,他免费为老人们修理栅栏,由此可知,此处指老人们被超额收费的商人所欺骗。charge意为“收费;要价”。
l0. C 根据下文的he received thousands of…可知,他发布了他的个人脸书。
11. A 根据语境可知,他收到的是支持的留言和求助。
12. B 上文出现过he said,此处应是他后来补充说。add意为“补充说”。
13. A 根据空前的enough money to及空后的your bills可知,此处表示有足够的钱支付账单,与下文的enough money for a drink相呼应。
14. D 根据上文约翰免费帮助老人们修理栅栏并在脸书上受到了广泛关注可知,他的帮助是有影响的。make a difference意为“起作用;有影响”。
l5. A 根据下文的I hope there are companies which can do the same可知,约翰希望等自己上了年纪而不能再帮助老人们修理栅栏时,会有一些公司能做相同的事情。
l. was walking
根据语境可知,此处表示动作正在进行,且发生在过去,应用过去进行时。故填was walking。
2. which
3. thinking
4. of
remind sb of sth使某人想起某事,提醒某人某事。故填of。
5. to
cheat try to do sth试图做某事。故填to cheat。
6. whether/if
7. left
8. immediately
9. the
10. worst
根据名词thing可知,此处应用形容词,再根据the和定语从句I ever experienced…可知,此处应用最高级。故填worst。