人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration单词精讲课件(共37张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration单词精讲课件(共37张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 3.2MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-15 07:57:24



Unit 3
1. set sail 起航;开航
sail vi. 起航 n. 帆
set sail for= sail for 起航
set sail across/ sail across 航行穿过……
sail into/ out of 驶入/驶出
sail around the world 乘船环游世界
1) After spending a brief period in Ireland, she ________________ (启航前往) India.
2) They sail ______________ (穿越) the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean.
set sail for
2. extend
1. vt 伸开;展开;伸出:
Extend your left hand.
2. vt & vi(使)延伸;(使)延长:
This road extends to the river.
The travelers decided to extend their visit to see more about the beautiful country.
3. vt & vi(使)扩大;(使)扩展:
an extended family
The company extended its services to Hong Kong.
4. vt [正式用语] 提供;给予:
The chairman extended a warm welcome to the guest speaker.
1. We shall do whatever we can to extend our service. ___________
2. Careful use can extend the life of your washing machine.
3. Although the marathon is a physical test, the lessons learned extend far beyond the body. ______________
4. The inspector(检查员)waved his arms to extend a warm greeting to Glenn’s mother.(2015 湖南改) ______________
extension n [C] & [U]
1. 延伸;扩大;延长期:
a visa extension
The wire has an extension of 50 feet.
The extension of the garden will take several weeks.
The pub had an extension on Christmas Eve.
2. 扩建部分:
The city is building an extension to the subway line.
3. 电话分机;分机号码:
Extension 326, please!
4. by extension [正式用语] 再则
(1)extend from ...to ...从……延伸到……
extend out 伸出
extend through...贯穿……;达到整个……的长度
(2)extension n. 延伸,扩展
①The tourist season extends from May to October.
②The girls competed for it,their hands extended out into the air.
③I mean to be talking about a single thing that was extended through time.
Take off extension and the legs should be fully extended on top of the jump.(extend)
1. extend one's business 扩大其营业
2. extend the ban on the import of beef
3. extend the kitchen by six feet 把厨房延长六英尺
4. extend our insurance cover to travel abroad
5. extend a warm welcome to our visitors
1) Albert has got a two-month ________ to finish his paper.
2) Tracy’s knowledge of music is ________.
3) The shop has recently ________ its opening hours.
4) His land ________ from the house to those trees.
3. negotiate vt. 商定 vi. 谈判; 磋商; 协商
★ negotiation n. 谈判,商谈
★ negotiable adj. 可协商的,可讨论的
★ negotiator n. 谈判代表
常用结构: negotiate for sth.
negotiate sth. with sb.
Rents are individually negotiated between landlord and tenant.
They have refused to negotiate on this issue.
I managed to negotiate successfully with the authorities.
negotiate a price 商谈价格
negotiate with...同……协商;谈判;交涉
negotiate for...为……谈判
negotiate into...通过谈判使进入
①We are negotiating for the release of the prisoners.
②I'll negotiate with their coach on the date of the match.
③So what is the best way to negotiate your way into a mobile work lifestyle
1. to negotiate a peace settlement
2. negotiate a contract 协商合同
3. negotiate with the company 与公司谈判
4. be under negotiation 正在洽谈
4. league n. 等级; 水平; 联合会; 联赛
in a league of one’s own 独领风骚
at the top of the league 顶级的
be in the same league 同一级别
in league with 与……密谋;与……结盟
out of one’s league 某人力所不能及
5. withdraw
1. vt 提取(存款等):
I wanted to withdraw $4,000 from my bank account.
2. vt 收回(发言、意见等):
The minister withdrew his statement later.
3. vi & vt(使)退出:
I made the choice to withdraw from college to care for my grandma.
4. 停止提供,不再给予
The drug was withdrawn from sale after a number of people
suffered serious side effects.
(1)withdraw from...从……撤出,撤回
withdraw money from the bank 从银行取款
withdraw one's eyes from...把视线从……移开(不再看……)
withdraw a remark 收回发言
(2)withdrawal n.收回;取回;撤回;撤退;取款
①Tell the men to withdraw from their new position.
②I'd like to withdraw 1,000 dollars from my savings account and put it in my cheque account.
③He has made several withdrawals from his bank account.
1. withdraw from 退出;离开
2. withdraw money 取钱
3. withdraw cash 取现;取钱
4. withdraw troops 收兵,撤军
1. I’d like to withdraw some money from my account.
2. The troops have been withdrawn from the danger area. ___________
3. I want to withdraw a statement I made earlier.
4. Britain has successfully withdrawn from the EU.
收回 / 撤回
6. channel
1. 海峡;水渠;航道:
the English Channel
2. 途径; 渠道:
Complaints must be made through the proper channels.
Our school BBS is a useful channel of communication between
teachers and students.
3. 频道:
He changed / switched channels to watch the basketball game.
4. vt 把(钱或精力等)导向(某一特定目的);引导:
Most of his energy was channeled into writing.
There’s an interesting programme on channel 4 tonight.
2. We must open the channels of communication between the two countries. _________
3. If you have nothing to declare, go through the green channel. _________
4. England is separated from France by the English Channel.
途径; 渠道
7. bond n.纽带;关系 vt.& vi.增强关系;使牢固结合
复数:bonds 三单: bonds 现在分词: bonding
过去式: bonded 过去分词: bonded
同根词:bonding n. 特殊关系的形成;黏合
eg. A strong spiritual bond exists between them.
eg. This glue makes a good firm bond.
eg. In half a dozen words,he had explained the bond that
linked them.
1.the emotional bond between mother and child 母亲和孩子之间的感情纽带
2. bond market 债券市场
3. in bond (进口货物)在关栈中;保税
4. bond strength [化]粘合强度;键强度
bond between...……之间的联系
①There's a bond between the twins.
②Silver overlay is bonded to the entire surface.
8. in hand 在手头;可供使用
at hand 在手头
by hand 用手;手工
hand in hand 手拉手
give/ lend sb a hand 给某人帮忙
on the one hand …on the other hand 一方面……另一方面
at hand 在手边,在附近
by hand 由人工,用人力
hand in hand 手牵手,携着手
go hand in hand with...与……共同行动;与……相配合;与……一致;与……结合在一起
out of hand 无法控制,不可收拾
①Soon school will end and the vacation will be at hand.
②Higher returns and higher risk usually go hand in hand.
③We received a typewritten letter with a note added by hand.
9. politics 政治;政治事务
同根词:political adj. 政治的;党派的
politically adv. 政治上
politician n.政治家,政客
1. discuss politics 讨论政治
2. study politics 学习政治学
3. party politics 党派政治
4. cultural politics 文化政治 ; 文化政治学 ; 政治文化
10. profession n.行业,职业
复数: professions 词根: profess
同根词: professional adj. 专业的;职业的;职业性的
n. 专业人员;职业运动员
professionally adv. 专业地;内行地
eg. A software engineer by profession, Steve was a keen lover of the piano. 2019 江苏
eg. She was at the very top of her profession.
1. caring profession 护理行业 ; 照顾他人的职业
2. service profession 服务专业
3. health profession 饮食行业 ; 健康专业
4. the professions of law, medicine, and engineering. 法律、医学、工程的职业
1. adj 职业的;专业的:
a professional tennis player
He dealt with the problem in a highly professional way.
2. n [C] 专业人士;职业选手:
There will be a rise in the demand for health care professionals.
3. professionalism n [U] 专业水准;专业素质;职业化
work 指工作、职业。
Though I had a lot of experience and a Master’s degree, I could not find satisfying work.
career 指生涯、职业。
The scandal(丑闻)destroyed his career as a lawyer.
profession 指需要专门技能(尤其是较高教育水平)的职业、专业。
When he graduated from college, he wanted to enter the medical profession.
trade 指行业,尤指手工职业、工艺、行当。
He learned his trade as a carpenter in the north.
Many teachers are thinking about leaving the profession for more highly paid careers.
辨析 work, career, profession, trade
1. She’s a nurse ___________ profession and now runs a counseling (咨询)service for women.
2. She thought about engaging a ___________ (profession) pianist to work with her father.(2019 江苏改)
3. I would like to know some of the ideas of all you ___________ (profession) out there in the world.(2012 广东)
4. He has doubt about the professor’s _____________ (professional). (2019 全国改)
11. possession
1. [U][正式用语]拥有;占有:
When her father died, she came into possession of a large fortune.
2. [C][常用复数]所有物;财产 (belongings):
Of all possessions a friend is the most precious.
in possession of 占有;拥有:
Foreign visitors are required to be in possession of a passport.
in the possession of 为……所有:
That picture is in the possession of Tom.
take possession of 占有;拥有;占领:
possession 指个人财产、私人物品,尤指动产。
We need to repair our possessions instead of throwing them away.
belongings 指动产,尤指随身物品。
Lockers are available to store any belongings during your visit.
goods 较为正式,指动产、(可搬运的)私人财产。
They put all their goods into a truck and left the house.
property 较为正式,意为“财产”时不可数,指个人或组织的所有物、财产、财物。
Be careful not to damage other people’s property.
1. be in possession of 占有某物
2. have (get) possession of 占有, 拥有
3. in the possession of 为某人所占有
4. put in possession of 让某人知道
5. take possession of 占领, 夺取
1. The possession of large amounts of money does not ensure happiness.
2. Please remember to take all your personal possessions with you when you leave the airplane. ___________
1. The __________ (possess) of a passport is essential for foreign travel.
2. He had sold all his __________ (possession) and left the country.
1. The old man was ______________(拥有)a large fortune.
2. Those documents are ________________(归……所有)the Washington Post.
in possession of
in the possession of
12. log
1. 原木; 木料:
logs for the fire
2. 航海 / 飞行日志;(事件的) 正式记录:
The captain keeps a log.
3. 伐木:
The forest has been so heavily logged that it is in danger of disappearing.
4. 把……记入航海 / 飞行日志;记录 (record):
The police log all phone calls.
1. The family made an official complaint to a ship’s officer, which was recorded in the log. _________
2. The system can log the date and length of calls made by company employees. _________
3. You’ll have to log off and restart the computer. _________
When you have ______________(登录), try accessing the careers advice.
退出 / 注销
logged in / on
13. marine 海的;海产的;海生的
1. marine park
2. marine environment 海洋环境
3. marine engineering 轮机工程;船舶工程
4. marine insurance 海上保险