人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册 Unit4 Sharing单元考点突破学案(有答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册 Unit4 Sharing单元考点突破学案(有答案)
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文件大小 98.5KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-15 11:29:43



名师原创:Unit4 单元考点突破
1. volunteer n.志愿者;义务工作者;自告奋勇者;v. 自愿做;义务做;无偿做 voluntary adj.自愿的;志愿的
In this unit, you will read about volunteering in Papua New Guinea. (教材P37)
volunteer to do sth. 志愿/自愿做某事
All contributions are voluntary. 所有捐赠都是自愿的。
She often volunteers to give the patients a hand for free at the hospital.
Volunteers don’t expect any kind of pay.(四川卷. 语法填空)
Volunteering gives you a chance to change lives, including your own. (北京卷.语法填空)
Tang Ling volunteered ___________ (help) the welfare house. (to help)
She has been ______ (volunteer) her time and talents to the work for more than 40 years. (volunteering )
2. adjust vt &vi. 调整,调节;(使)适应;(使)习惯
When reading a passage, adjust your speed to get the most out of it. (教材P38)
adjustable 可调整的,可调节的
adjustment 调节,调整,适应
adjust oneself to sth/doing sth. 使自己适应….
an adjustable seat 可调节座椅
adjust the indoor temperature 调节室内温度
Watch out for the sharp bends and adjust your speed accordingly.
Over the years, we all leaned to adjust and to become more comfortable with each other.
After a while, my eye adjusted (themselves) to the darkness inside the cave.
It took him a while to adjust (himself) to working night shifts.
I tried to make the necessary adjustment to this new situation.
Some schools will have to make ________ in agreement with the national soccer reform. (江苏卷)
A. judgments B. adjustments C. comments D. achievements (B)
Eventually these workers adjusted themselves to ______ (work) in the wild.
3. up to 达到,最多有;直到;从事与,忙于…
Unlike students in our country, these boys do not wear cotton uniforms, and many of them also have to walk a long way, sometimes for up to two hours, just to get to school. (教材P38)
be up to sb. 由…决定,是…的义务
up to now 直到现在
up till/until 直到…
It is up to you to find out what your goals really are.
She has treated many patients who wash their hands up to 30 times a day.
I can take up to four people in my car. 我最多能带4个人坐我的车
Up to now, I've understood everything the teachers said.
What are you up to this weekend 这周末你打算做什么
They are only allowed to play music up until 10:30 on week nights, and it’s already 11:30.
It’s up ___ you what kind of life you will lead in the future. (上海卷)(to)
It’s up to the travel company _____ (warn) customers of an possible dangers. (to warn)
4. not to mention 更不用说;且不说
There's no electricity,running water or even textbooks,not to mention laptops,tablets,or other modern devices! (教材原句P38)
as mentioned above 如上所述
be (not) worth mentioning (不)值得一提
Don't mention it. 不要客气,不用谢。
Old folk and children alike are all against the proposal,not to mention the youth.
Ade is handsome and smart,not to mention being a good athlete.
They have three dogs to look after,not to mention the cat and the bird.
As _________ (mention) above,the function of the device is wonderful. (安徽卷) (mentioned)
It's no big deal;it's not even worth ________ (mention).(mentioning)
Don't mention ______.You should drink some water and go to lie down. (it)
5. adapt vt. &vi. 使适应,使适合;改编,改写
I’m trying to adapt to these conditions. (教材P38)
adaptation n. 适应;改编,改编的作品
adapt sth. from sth.根据……改编……
be adapted from ….由…改编而来
adapt to…适合,适应
adapt oneself to sth./doing sth.…. 使自己适应
adapt...to... 使……适应……
adapt...for/into... 将……改编为……
adaptable adj. 能适应的;可修改的
I had difficulty adapting myself to life in the city.
All animals have to adapt to their environment.
This new film is said to be adapted from a novel by Jane Austen.
Three of the novels have been adapted for television.
The good thing about children is that they____ very easily to new environment.(浙江卷)
A. adapt B. appeal C. attach D. apply (A)
He can’t adapt himself to ______ (do) this kind of work. (doing)
6. mail n.邮件;信件;邮政 vt.邮寄;发电邮给
I've been dying to have some of my favorite sweets,and it's always nice to get mail! (教材原句P38)
mail sb.sth.=mail sth. to sb. 给某人邮寄某物
mail out 邮寄出去
by mail 以邮寄方式
I've just come out to mail some letters.
I mailed him a letter yesterday.
How much does it cost to mail a letter in Italy
The school said it would mail ______ acceptance letters on Tuesday. (湖北卷) (out)
The shop mailed the book ______ me. (to)
7. come across 偶然发现
The class became a circus as the boys, who had never come across anything like this before, started jumping out of the windows. (教材P38)
come into sight/view 进入视线;被看见
come to an end/a stop结束/停止
come to a decision/a conclusion/an agreement 作出决定/得出结论/达成协议
come true (理想/目标等) 实现
come about(尤指未经计划地) 发生; 产生
come along一起来;出现;进展
come around/round 拜访; 探访
come from出生于;来自;产自;源自于
come up 走近,上来,被提出
come down 下来,
come up with想出;提出,提供
when it comes to (doing) sth. 在说到/谈到…
May all your dreams come true! 祝你们梦想成真!
Please tell me how the accident came about.请告诉我事故是怎么发生的
The flood came about as a result of the heavy rain 大雨引发了洪水
When reading articles related to science, we often come across difficult or unfamiliar words.读与科学相关的文章时,我们常常碰到难词或生词
Are you sure you really want all our friends to come along
The patient is coming along well after the operation. 手术后病人的状况良好
Come around when you have time.有空时过来玩吧。
Do you know any Chinese words that come from English
Come on! We don't have much time. 快点!我们时间不多了
The rain stopped and the sun came out. 雨停了,太阳出来了。
Come up! I'm upstairs! 上来! 我在楼上!
He came up to me and asked me the way to the station.他走近我,问我去车站的路怎么走
Although against my opinion, the old professor didn't come up with his own.
1. --Hi, Dr Brown! I'm a little early. Should I wait outside --No. ____ (福建卷) ( C)
A. That's right B. My pleasure C. Come on in D. Take it easy
2. Is this your necklace, Mary I came _________it when I was cleaning the bathroom this morning. (湖北课改) (across)
3. Would you like to come ____ with us to the film tonight (全国课改) (along)
4.-- Have you come up ______ some new ideas --Yeah. I’ll tell you later.
5. -- Four dollars a pair I think it's a bit too much. (河北卷)
-- If you buy three pairs, the price for each will come ____ to three fifty. (down)
6. It's already 10 o'clock. I wonder how it came _____ that she was two hours late on such a short trip. (全国卷)(about)
Both groups scored similarly when ____ came to memorizing facts. (辽宁卷) (it)
When ___ comes to friends, I desire those who will share my happiness. (北京卷) (it)
His first novel has received good reviews since it came __ last month. (陕西卷) (out)
8. participate v.参加,参与
I loved listening to the family talking softly to each other in their language, even though I could not participate much in the conversation. (教材P39)
participate in = take part in =join in 参加,参与
participant n. 参加者,参与者
participation n. 参加,参与
participation in 参加;参与
participate in (doing) sth. with sb. 与某人一起参加/参与做某事
participate with sb. in sth. 与某人分担某事
More than 400 children participated in the clean up of the park.
Terry can't participate in the match because he has hurt his foot.
He asks whether I can participate in the meeting. 他问我是否会参加会议
Everyone in the class is expected to participate actively in these discussions.
Participation (participate) in sporting events will help us lead a healthier life.
As far as I know,he has been an active _______ (participate) in the discussion. ( 陕西卷) (participant)
Encouraged by the teacher,the participants (participate) actively took part in the English speech contest. Their _____ (participate) inspired the rest of the class to study hard. (participation)
9. shade vt. 给……遮挡(光线);加灯罩;把……涂暗 n. 阴凉处;灯罩;阴影部分
Another teacher and I walked for two and a half hours to get there—first,up a mountain from where we had fantastic views,and then down a shaded path to the valley below. (教材原句P38)
in the shade 在阴凉处,阴暗处;默默无闻
put... in the shade 使…黯然失色;使相形见绌
a shade of ….少许,微微
shade from…遮挡住….
He bought a green shade.
Store the bottle of medicine in the shade.
I shaded my eyes from the sun.
We were completely shaded _______ the sun by the poplar trees. (福建卷) (from)
We sat down in ____ shade of the wall. (the)
A shade _____ doubt in her voice made me afraid. (of)
10. attract vt. 吸引;引起……的注意(或兴趣)
His family believes that leftovers attract bad spirits in the night, so any leftover food is dried up in a can and the can is then thrown out of the hut. (教材P39)
attraction n. 喜爱;吸引力;魅力; 吸引人之物
a tourist attraction 旅游名胜/旅游景点
attractive adj. 迷人的;有魅力的;有吸引力的
attractively adv. 迷人地,有魅力地
attract sb. to...吸引某人到……
be attracted to...喜爱……;被……吸引
attract attention吸引/引起注意
It is a pity that the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors.
What attracted me most to the job was the chance to travel.
I have no attraction for him. 我对他没有吸引力
This is one of the most attractive places I’ve been to. 这是我到过的最迷人的地方之一
Her beauty attracted many passers--by. 她的美貌吸引了很多路人
He was very handsome, but I wasn’t deeply attracted to him. 他很帅,但没有吸引到我
They tend to attract attention wherever they go. 他们无论到哪儿都想惹人注意
She felt an immediate attraction for him.
Thousands of foreigners were ___ to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened. (江苏卷)
A. attended B. attained C. attracted D. attached ( C)
The company is starting a new advertising campaign to ___ new customers to its stores.
A. join B. attract C. stick D. transfer (B)
Hampton Court Palace is open to the public as a major tourist ____ (attract). (attraction)
Buckingham Palace is a major tourist _____ (attractively). (attraction)
I thought he was very _____ (attract) and obviously very intelligent. (attractive)
11. admit vt&vi. 允许…进入;接纳;招收;承认;供认
However, she admitted that she once had a memorable experience plugging hoes in her roof in order to keep the rain out. (教材P40)
admission 接纳; 进入权;准许入会/入学
admission by ticket 凭票入场
make an admission of a mistake 认错
make an admission that…承认…
admit (doing/having done) sth. 承认(做过)某事
admit+n.+to be... 承认……是……
admit sb./sth. into/to 允许某人/某物进入/加入
be admitted to/into... 被录取,被接纳,被允许进入……
be admitted as... 作为……被接受
A hole in the top of the roof admitted the light. 房顶的小洞能透进光线
Only ticket-holders will be admitted to/into the stadium. 持票者方可进入体育场
News came from the school office that Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University.
He admitted that he couldn’t sing at all. 他承认他不会唱歌
We should have the courage to admit (to) our mistakes. 我们应该有勇气承认自己的错误
He had to admit (to) being nervous about the test. 他承认考试紧张
She admitted (to) having stolen the car. 他供认输了那辆车
If you leave the club, you will not be _______ (send) and receiving messages. (全国卷) A. received B. admitted C. turned D. moved (B)
He admitted ______ (do) it yesterday. (doing)
The little girl was admitted ______ a key university last week. (to/into)
12. involve vt. 包含;需要;涉及;影响;使参加
Despite all the difficulties involved in this project, these efforts have been greeted with a chorus of support from the locals. (教材P41)
involvement n. 参与=participation
involved adj. 参与的,投入的
involve oneself in sth. 参加…
be/get involved in/with….参加/参与….
A crosstalk performance involves talking, imitating, singing and telling jokes.
The work of an elephant trainer involves love and devotion.
If your goal involves other people, put yourself in their positions.
How many vehicles were involved in the crash 这次撞车事故涉及多少车辆?
Children can get a lot out of being involved in volunteer work.
Fathers are encouraged to be more involved with their children.
Michelle found a job as a high school teacher which ____ spending quite a lot of time with students. (福建卷)
A. enjoys B. involves C. practices D. suggests ( B)
Students should involve themselves _______ community activities where they can gain experience for growth. (in)
13. doubt n. 怀疑; 疑惑; 疑虑; vt.怀疑
There is no doubt that these activities will leave you with unforgettable memories. (教材P41)
doubtful adj. 怀疑的
doubtless adj. 无疑的
doubt about…怀疑…
dismiss/raise doubts 打消/引起疑虑
no/little/some doubt that…注: 在这个结构中,从属连词that引导同位语从句,说明名词doubt的具体内容,that不可省略
…doubt… (as to) 有疑问以至于…
be in doubt不确定; 拿不准
no doubt无疑; 很可能
without / beyond doubt毫无疑问; 的确
doubt + that从句 怀疑…
doubt +if / whether从句 怀疑/疑惑是否….
If you are in doubt, you should consult your doctor.
Doubt is the key to knowledge. 怀疑是知识的钥匙
I have no doubt about your ability to do this job well.
I have no doubt that he will succeed. 我对他会成功毫不怀疑
There is some doubt (as to) whether he will be elected.他能否当选还不太确定
The future of the peace talks is in doubt.和谈前途未卜
No doubt you will have your own ideas. 你很可能会有自己的观点
Charging entrance fees will no doubt keep some people away.
Without doubt, the number of jobs in information technology will multiply.
I don't doubt that the gold ring belongs to her我不怀疑那枚金戒指是她的
There is little/no doubt in your mind _____ he is innocent is there (江苏卷) (that)
There remains a certain ______ (doubtful) among the people as to the practical value of the project. (安徽卷) (doubt)
I doubt ______ that chair will bear your weight. (if/whether)
14. appeal to…. 有吸引力;有感染力;
How does the idea of …. Appeal to you (教材P43)
appeal. vi&vt上诉;呼吁;打动vi呼吁; 恳请;vi有吸引力;有感染力;申诉;n. 呼吁;恳请;吸引力;魅力;上诉;申诉;上诉权
appeal (to sb.) (for sth.) 呼吁/恳请某人提供…..
appeal (to friends) for help 恳请(朋友)帮助
appeal to sb. to do sth. 呼吁/恳请某人做某事
appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力/感染力
make launch an appeal for money and clothes 呼吁捐钱捐衣物
wide popular appeal广受欢迎
lose an appeal 上诉失败
appealing adj. 有吸引力的;恳求的
The government is appealing to everyone to save water.
Sport has become an important form of entertainment, appealing to both men and women 体育运动已成为一种重要的娱乐形式,吸引着男男女女。
She's not happy with the decision and plans to appeal.
她不服判决, 打算上诉。
The prisoner made an appeal to the judge for mercy. 囚犯恳求法官宽大处理。
The sentence was reduced to three years on appeal.
Harry Potter stories are so appealing that they encourage children t o read more.《哈利,波特》的故事太吸引人了, 使得孩子们读了还想再读
The pet dog looked at her master with an appealing and frightened look.
We tend to have a better memory for things that excite our senses or our emotions than for straight facts. (浙江卷)
A. block off B. appeal to C. subscribe to D. come across (B)
The police are appealing ______ the public for any information about the missing girl. (to)
15. in addition 除此之外;另外
In addition, her team has given patients a new malaria treatment invented in China, and this has saved many lives. (教材P44)
addition n. 加法;增加
in addition to=besides=apart/aside from/as well as… 除……之外,还……
additional adj. 附加的; 另外的; 追加的
add vt. 增添; 增加;vi & vt (使) 相加;vt补充说
add up把…加起来; 合计
add to增加
add up to合计达; 结果是
add weight to sth.为某事物增加影响力/说服力
The sign "+ "stands for addition.符号“十”代表加法
The company provides cheap Internet access. In addition, it makes shareware freely
available. 该公司提供廉价的互联网接入服务。此外,它还免费提供共享软件
If the tea is too strong, add some more water. 茶若太浓,就再加些水
Add 7 and 5 (together) to make 12. 7加5等于12。
"And don't be late," she added. “别迟到了,” 她补充道
The President agreed, adding that he hoped for a peaceful solution.
Colorful umbrellas add to a lively atmosphere in the summer streets.
Add up your score and see how many points you get.
His debts added up to $5,000. 他的欠债合计达到5000美元
___ the school, the village has a clinic which was also built with government support. (天津卷)
A. In reply to B. In addition to C. In charge of D. In place of (B)
In addition to __________ (read) for knowledge, we read for fun and inspiration. (浙江卷) (reading)
Rude words, name-calling, and accusations only add fuel ______ the e motional fire. (浙江卷) (to)
Remember: little steps add up to big dreams. (天津卷)
The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather added ____ the helplessness of the crew at sea. (to)
16. take…for granted 认为….理所当然;对….不予重视
…. Many of the people are quite poor and live without things we take for granted, such as electricity, running water, cars and good transport systems, ….(教材P44)
17. relay to…转达给….;转发给…..
Today, I want to relay to you that I’m proud of the work my mother has done, and I am now supportive of it. (教材P44)
1. before引导时间状语从句
The other day I was showing the boys a chemistry experiment when,before I knew it,the mixture was bubbling out of the test tube spilling everywhere! (教材原句P38)
※“It was+时间段+before...”表示“过了多久才……”。从句常用一般过去时。
※ “It was not long before...”意为“不久就……”。从句常用一般过去时。
※ “It will not be long before...”表示“不久就会……”。从句常用一般现在时。
※“It will be+时间段+before..”表示“要过多久才…”。从句常用一般现在时。
It will be some time before we know the full results.
The magazine was snatched from my hand before I could read it.
Every day I exercise before I go to sleep.
If you miss this chance,it will be years _____ you get another one.(陕西卷) (before)
It ______ be long before we get used to the new school life. (won’t)
It was three days ______ he came back. (before)
It was a long time ______ she recovered from the operation. (before)
2. ….doubt whether... 怀疑;不相信
To be honest,I doubt whether I'm making any difference to these boys' lives at all. (教材原句P38)
※ There is (some) doubt之后常接whether引导的从句,表“怀疑是否会……”;there is no doubt后常接that引导的从句,表示“对……毫不怀疑”。
※ doubt用作动词时,意为“怀疑,不相信”。在肯定句中doubt后面的从句由whether/if引导;在疑问句或否定句中doubt后面的从句由that引导。
Everything is clear now,no one would doubt what will be done.
We don't doubt that he can do a good job of it.
I doubt whether Jack could manage a sailing boat.
There is no doubt _____ more and more people prefer shopping online nowadays. (湖北卷) (that)
There is some doubt ________ he will pass the final exam. (whether)
I doubt ______ he will be opposed to the idea. (whether/if)
●it 用法(详见语法课件)
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