人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册 学案Unit4 Sharing易混易错点辨析学案(有答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册 学案Unit4 Sharing易混易错点辨析学案(有答案)
格式 doc
文件大小 92.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-15 11:30:36



【名师原创】:Unit4 易混易错点辨析
●adapt, adopt
I’m still trying to adapt to these conditions. (教材P38)
adapt 修改,改装;改编,改写(使适应新用途或新情况), 常构成以下结构:
adapt sth. for sth. 改编/改装/修改使用于……
adapt oneself to sth. 使某人适应….
adapt sth. from sth. 从….改编某物, 被动结构为: sth. be adapted from….
adapt to…. 适应…..
adopt 采纳,采用,采取;接受,批准;收养, 领养
We have had to adapt quickly to the new system.
Three of her novels have been adapted for television.
Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people.
They have had to adapt themselves to a war economy.
The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change
Shelves were built to adapt the library for use as an office.
Many corporate methods have been adopted by American managers in imitation of Japanese practice.
She was a wonderful mother to both her natural and adopted children.
The company has adopted a firm policy on shoplifting.
If you want to improve your situation you must adopt a positive mental attitude.
1. Pupils should be helped to ________ a positive approach to the environment.
2. Recently, the film _______ from a play of the same title.
3. She produced a TV series about _______ children.
4. So far, he _______ the play for the screen.
5. She was forced to have her baby _______.
6. Mary has tried to _______ to local customs.
7. All three teams _______ different approaches to the problem yesterday.
8. It is through our nervous system that we _______ ourselves to our environment.
9. Obviously, a more objective method of description must _______.
10. Although these vegetables _______ well to our temperate climate, they tend to crop poorly.
1. adopt; 2. has been adapted; 3. adopted; 4. has adapted; 5. adopted; 6. adapt; 7. adopted; 8. adapt; 9. be adopted; 10. adapt
●doubt; suspect
To be honest, I doubt whether I’m making any difference to these boys’ lives at all. (教材P39)
There is no doubt that these activities will leave you with unforgettable memories. (教材P41)
①两者后面接名词 ( http: / / www. / s q=%E5%90%8D%E8%AF%8D&ie=utf-8&src=internal_wenda_recommend_textn" \t "_blank )、代词 ( http: / / www. / s q=%E4%BB%A3%E8%AF%8D&ie=utf-8&src=internal_wenda_recommend_textn" \t "_blank )或名词性词组时可通用。
②两者后面接 that 从句,意思就截然不同。 这时,doubt如果用肯定结构,表示“不相信,怀疑不是那样”,如果用否定结构,则表示“不怀疑,确信”; 而suspect 表示“怀疑,怀疑其有”。
③ doubt 后面可以接 whether/if 引导的从句,而suspect不可以。
④ 两者构成的短语不同。doubt常构成:doubt of sth 疑惑某事;suspect 常构成以下两个结构:suspect sb./sth. to be…怀疑某人或某物是….; suspect sb of (doing) sth. 怀疑某人某事/做某事。
⑤doubt作名词,表示“疑惑”,常构成结构:there is no/little doubt that….毫无疑问…
⑥ suspect 作名词是“犯罪嫌疑人”的意思。
I doubt/suspect the truth of her statement.
我对她那番话的真实性 ( http: / / www. / s q=%E7%9C%9F%E5%AE%9E%E6%80%A7&ie=utf-8&src=internal_wenda_recommend_textn" \t "_blank )表示怀疑。  
He says he can cure me, but I still doubt/suspect him.
他说他能治好我的病 ( http: / / www. / s q=%E6%88%91%E7%9A%84%E7%97%85&ie=utf-8&src=internal_wenda_recommend_textn" \t "_blank ),但我仍对他不放心。  
I doubt that he has stolen my watch.
I suspect that he has stolen my watch.
我怀疑 / 猜想他偷了我的手表。  
I doubt that she is the criminal.
I suspect that she is the criminal.
The doctor suspected that he was ill with flu.
I don't doubt that he is right.
I didn't doubt that he would come.
Why did she doubt that they were cheats?
I doubt whether/if he'll come.
It's raining hard. I doubt whether it will be fine tomorrow.
She never doubted of his success.
I suspected him to be the spy.
What made you suspect her of having taken the money?
1. There is no ______ that television has greatly changed people’s lives.
2. I think there is very little ______ that will happen.
3. Others _______ whether/if that would happen.
4. There is no _______ that computers are very useful in technology and business.
5. I _______ whether/if he will marry her.
6. There is no _______ that the increase in demand caused the rise in prices.
7. No one _______ his ability at that time.
8. The police _______ him of having a part in the jewel robbery yesterday.
9. No one directly involved with the case _______ him now.
10. The police have eliminated two ______ from their investigation.
11. A referendum showed beyond ______ that voters wanted independence.
12. He ________ that the woman staying in the flat above was using heroin, and so she was.
13. The _______ is currently under control of Xiangtan police.
14. They ________ me of having a hand in the affair last year.
15. I think there is very little _______ that will happen.
1. doubt; 2. doubt; 3. doubted; 4. doubt; 5. doubt; 6. doubt; 7. suspected; 8. suspected; 9. suspects; 10. suspects; 11. doubt; 12. suspected; 13. suspect; 14. suspected; 15. doubt
●participate in; attend; join; join in; take part in
I love listening to the family talking softly to each other in their language, even though I could not participate much in the conversation. (教材P33)
participate in “参加,参与”,正式用语。
join “加入”各种团体、党派、组织、人群等,成为其中的一员。
join in “参加”,尤其指与其他人一起参加某项工作或活动。
take part in指参加某项活动,重在说明参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用,当part前有形容词时,须用不定冠词。
温馨提示:join in用法相当于take part in或participate in, 三者一般可以换用。指参与游戏时一般用join in
The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders.
Our children attend the same school.
Thousands of people attended the funeral.
I've joined an aerobics class.
She joined the Communist Party three months ago.
His wife and children moved to join him in their new home...
He joined the Army five years ago.
May I join in the discussion
I hope that everyone will be able to join in the fun
It's no use egging him on; he's made up his mind not to take part in the tournament.
More and more people are beginning to participate in the activity.
The researchers asked 25 university students to take an active part in their sleep experiment.
根据attend; join; join in; take part in; participate in 用法填空
1. They ______ college together at the University of Pennsylvania last year.
2. We all _______ his wedding yesterday.
3. Now and again he'd ______ when we were playing video games.
4. They _______ the sport that interests them most.
5. He also writes articles, hoping that more people will _____ protecting natural ecosystems.
6. Ally has learned how to work with Clara and to get her to _______ the lessons.
7. A teen might ______ a volunteer project because his or her friends are doing it, or get good grades because his or her friends think getting good grades is important.
8. They all _______ the Trade Union last year.
1. attended ; 2. attended; 3. join in ; 4. join in/take part in/participate in; 5. join in/take part in/participate in; 6. join in/take part in/participate in; 7. join in/take part in/participate in; 8. joined
●what if…; so what
Yeah, what if we have to clean out the smelly cages (教材P43)
And what if there are snakes (教材P43)
两者都有询问“要发生什么事儿怎么办”的意思, 常用在口语中
what if…. ① 用于提出建议,表示“如果…..怎么样?” ;② 用于询问将要发生什么,通常指不愉快或惊讶的事儿。往往位于句首。
so what 表示“下一步怎么办?,下一步会怎么样?”,常常放句尾。
What if no one talks to me
What if he gets angry?I'm a little worried.
What if we moved the sofa over there?Would that look better
What if the family had simply left the cat behind
What if your job disappears after working for 10 years in the field
What if it is true
What if he doesn't agree
I have bought many materials, now what
They have carried away those stones yesterday, now what
He was very angry just now, now what
用what if…… 或 now what 填空
1. _______ it rains while we are swimming
2. _______he comes back now
3. _______ the boy's parents should die
4. She has invited the teacher to the party, ________
5. My mother has been retired, _________
6. The dam has been washed away, ________
1. What if; 2. What if; 3. What if; 4. now what; 5. now what; 6. now what
●except for; apart from; except; except that; besides
We talked together, we spent our leisure time together, and except for school and work, we were never apart. (教材P44)
except for 常用于对整体进行肯定,对局部进行否定, 即先肯定,然后再指出个别不足之处。
apart from 在肯定句中表示“整体中除了具有相同特点的人或物外,还有别的人或物”,即包括在内,相当于besides; 在否定句中,表示从整体中除去具有不同特点的人或物,即排除在外,此时相当于but的用法, 有时也可与except换用。apart from后面出现动词时,要用动名词。
except 表示“排除同类事物(将整体去除一部分)”,即排除在外。后接名词、介词短语或动词原形。
but 与except意思相同,但but多与no, none, nothing, nobody, all, any, everyone, everything等不定代词连用。常出现在nothing but….; anything but…..; no….but…;all but….; 等否定结构中, 而且who but….也是常见结构。
except that 与except for意思相同,但后面必须接从句,有时可根据主句和从句的关系,使用wh-从句。
besides 表示“除了…之外还….”,包括其后排除的事物;另外还可用作副词, 表示“而且”。
Quite apart from/besides all the work, he had financial problems.
Apart from keeping a brief interlude of peace, the war lasted nine years.
What other sports do you like apart from/besides football
Nothing else matters to him apart from/but his job.
I like all sports apart from/but football.
I've finished the crossword apart from/except 3 across and 10 down.
Apart from/But my host, I didn't know a single person there
The room was empty apart from one man seated beside the fire
We don't do much in the evenings except watch television.
We work every day except/but Sunday.
They live in a remote area, inaccessible except by car.
Prisoners were allowed no personal possessions except letters and photographs.
They all came except/but Matt.
Everyone seems busy except/but us
I had no choice but to sign the contract.
We've had nothing but trouble with this car.
The problem is anything but easy.
Except for her illnesses, she had had a particularly happy childhood
Except for a few grammatical mistakes, this composition of yours is well written.
He's a good man, except for his short temper.
I know nothing about him except that he knocked about South Africa for a while.
I didn't tell him anything except that I needed the money.
These two pens are alike except that they're different colors.
The log cabin stayed empty, except when we came.
I received nothing except what was due to me.
I understand everything except why he stole the money.
The snow, except where it drifted, was only calf-deep.
There are other visitors besides me.
Besides this, they also faced many difficulties.
Besides all this, he had a number of little visits to pay, in the course of the day;
用apart from, but, besides, except, except for, except that和besides填空
1. Many of the bodies were unidentifiable _______ by dental records.
2. They didn't have to do anything _______ sit back and enjoy life
3. Arrange all the vegetables ______ the potatoes in layers.
4. Who ______ Rosa could think of something like that
5. Europe will be represented in all _______ two of the seven races.
6. Your composition is good ______ some spelling mistakes.
7. The quality of this cloth is fine, ______ the color is not quite right.
8. This is a good novel, _______ the long and tedious ending.
9. Mr. Smith usually goes to work by bus _______ it rains.
10. I know nothing about the accident ______ I have read in the newspaper.
11. He told his parents everything _______ he needed so much money.
12. The old lady never spoke to anyone ______ someone came to visit her.
13. ______ chocolate and fruit juice, we also need bread and eggs.
14. Who ______ George would do such a thing
15. You can get the book anywhere ______ here.
16. ______ this dress, I also bought a hat and a pair of shoes。
17. ______ London, I’ve been to Manchester, Newcastle and Glasgow, too.
18. There is no one ______ me.
1. except; 2. except; 3. except/but; 4. but; 5. except/but; 6. except for; 7. except that; 8. except for; 9. except when; 10. except what; 11. except why; 12. except when; 13. Besides; 14. but; 15. but; 16. Besides; 17. Besides; 18. but
●if any; if anything;if so; if ever; if ever
Which, if any, of the causes do you have a personal connection with (教材P45)
if any 表示“如果有的话或即使有的话”,用来加强语气。
if anything表示“如果有什么的话”,作补充说明,类似于if any.
if so 表示“如果那样的话”,是对前面所述内容进行的肯定假设。
if ever 表示“如果曾经做过….即使曾经做过….”,是对做过事情的省略叙述。一般是现在完成时的省略。
if not 表示“如果不那样的话”,是对前面所述内容的一种否定假设。
Living together didn't harm our friendship. If anything it strengthened it
I didn't do it very well, but, if anything, he did it worse than I did.
If anything, Sloan's uneasiness deepened
If anything, the information is overwhelming.
There won't be much difficulty, if any.
The object of these experiments was to find the connection, if any, between the two phenomena.
It is too early to say what effect, if any, there will be on the workforce.
Please let me know how many are coming, if any.
If so, you're not alone-I'm the same way.
If so, he may not be the ideal match for you.
But if so, where did the river get rerouted
Do you have a knack for coming up with ideas If so, we would love to hear from you.
Rarely, if ever, does he sidestep a question
She seldom, if ever, goes to the opera.
And that rarely, if ever, caused anything like the Scientific Revolution.
But I say the threat is now, and there are rarely, if ever, perfect circumstances in which to deploy military forces.
Many, if not most, scientific papers are presented orally at scientific meetings
Are you pressed for time, Mr. Bayliss If not, I suggest we have lunch.
用if anything, if so, if any, if ever和if not填空
1. Mary is too only ready to help others, seldom, ______, refusing them when they turn to her.
2. What kind of advertisements do you read or watch in this kind of magazines, _______?
3. I might be away next week. _______, I won’t be able to see you.
4. Have you ever read this chapter ______, we encourage you to read this chapter carefully.
5. Are there any mistake in my article ______, Correct mistakes, please.
6. -- Have you ever been to the Great Wall
-- Perhaps not in my memory. ______, it might have been during my early childhood.
7. The weather forecast says there will be heavy rain tomorrow. ______, we’ll stay at home.
8. There are few, ______, mistakes in the book.
9. His children rarely, ______, see him at his place of work.
10. If it clears up this afternoon, we’ll go camping; ______ , we will have classes.
11. She seldom, ______ , goes to the cinema.
12. If the food tastes good, we’ll buy some; ______, not.
13. The island is seldom, ______, visited by ships.
14. ______, now would be a good time to expand its balance sheet.
15. _______, gender(性别) plays a very important role in the brain even though we are not clear exactly how.
16. _______, we want to show the code,
17. _______, swimming will appeal to her most strongly
1. if ever; 2. if any; 3. If so; 4. If not; 5. if any; 6. If ever; 7. If so; 8. if any; 9. if ever; 10. if not; 11. if ever; 12. if not; 13. if ever; 14. If anything; 15. If anything; 16. If anything; 17. If anything