人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册 Unit4 Sharing单元过关检测(有答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册 Unit4 Sharing单元过关检测(有答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 25.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-15 11:48:04



1. secondary adj. 中学的;次要的→ ________ adv. 在其次;在第二位
①中等教育 ________
②次要的 ________
③从属于;居于其次 ________
④间接结果 ________
Health is the most important and __________________________.
2. rigid adj. 死板的;固执的;严格的;坚硬的
①死板的条规/信念 ________
②固执的态度 ________
③严格的需求 ________
④一张因疼痛而僵硬的脸 ________
___________________________ made him unpopular.
3. shade给……遮挡(光线);加灯罩;把……涂暗n. 阴凉处;灯罩;阴影部分→ ________ adj. 成荫的;阴凉的
①坐在树荫下 ________
②各种深浅不同的绿色 ________
③使(某人或事物)黯然失色;使相形见绌 ________
④为路人遮阴 ________
⑤被树遮蔽 ________
⑥在阴凉的角落里 ________
Soon more dark clouds filled the sky, ___________________________________.
4. drag vt. 拖;拽vt. &vi. 缓慢而费力地移动
①把海豹拖到浅水区 ________
②吃力地拖着身躯 ________
He is walking slowly ahead of me, but more like _______________________.
5. privilege n. 优惠待遇;特权;荣幸;光荣ν给予特权;特别优待
①滥用特权 ________________________
②有……的特权 ____________________
③有接受良好教育的特权 _______________
④做某事是一种荣幸。 ____________________
⑤特别优遇富家子弟的政策 __________________
____________________ have witnessed this amazing moment.
6. ________adj.有残疾的;丧失能力的← disable y使丧失能力,使伤残→________ n.缺陷;障碍
①残疾人 ________
②有生理残疾的 ________
③抛锚的汽车 ________
④心理障碍 ________
⑤禁用报警 ________
She took an active part in social activities ____________________ as well.
7. deserve vt. 值得;应得;应受
①值得考虑/感恩/报答 ________
②应该赢 ________
③罪有应得 ________
Personally, she _____________________ such a great honor.
8. tune n. 曲调;曲子v调音;调节;调频道
①一支熟悉的曲子 ________
②一首悦耳易记的曲子 ________
③合着……的调子唱歌 ________
④音调正确/不正确;演奏合调/走调 ________
⑤与……协调/不协调 ________
You _______________ public opinion.
9 contract v感染(疾病);与…订立合同(或契约)n. 合同;契约
①与…签订合同 ________
②感染病毒/疾病 ________
③五年期的合同 ________
④签订雇佣合同 ________
You can __________________________ your cargo.
10. ________ n. 咨询;咨询会← consult v查阅;商量;向……请教v.请教;商议;当顾问→ ________ n. 顾问
①在线咨询,远程会诊 ________
②广泛/共同磋商 ________
③查词典 ________
④就某事向某人咨询 ________
⑤与某人就某事进行磋商 ________
⑥管理顾问 ________
They argue that ________________________.
1. be greeted by被…迎接;受……欢迎
①受到粉丝的欢迎 ________
②问题接踵而来 ________
③被当作英雄欢迎 ________
④向某人点头致意 ________
⑤向某人致意 ________
The guest walked into the room, ______________________________.
2. a chorus of齐声;异口同声
①鸟儿的合唱 ________
②一致欢呼/赞成 ________
③齐声说某事 ________
This policy has got ____________________________ from the working class.
3. run straight towards径直跑向
His new book _______________________ No. 1 on the bestseller list.
4 appeal to吸引,对……有吸引力;引起…的兴趣;呼吁;上诉
①雅俗共赏,老幼皆宜 ________
②呼吁大家节约水 ________
③向某人求助 ________
④对某人没有吸引力 ________
This invaluable book __________________________________.
5. relay to转达给…;转发给…
What is the most significant message that ______________________
1. be doing…when…正在做某事,这时…
The other day I _______________ the boys a chemistry experiment ____________ before I knew it. the mixture was bubbling out of the test tube spilling everywhere!
________________________ a stranger with a smile came up to me.
2. while引导让步状语从句
And, ________________________________, many of the people are quite poor and live without things we take for granted···
_____________________, I would like to spend time on my hobbies.
3. not only. but. as well不仅…而且……也
Now, ________________________________, but people in neighbouring countries are helped as well.
Not only can exercise help maintain your regular weight,
4. now that既然,由于(引导原因状语从句)
________________________________, I’ve decided to become a volunteer myself to help people in other lands.
________________________, who can be without doubt?
答案1. secondarily ① secondary education ② be of secondary importance ③ be secondary to sth ④ a secondary effect ⑤ everything else is of secondary importance
2. ① rigid rules/beliefs ② rigid attitudes ③ rigid requirements ④ a face rigid with pain ⑤ His rigid attitude to rules
3. shady ① sit in the shade of a tree ② various shades of green ③ put sb /sth. in the shade ④ shade the passersby ⑤ be shaded by trees ⑥ in the shady corner ⑦ shading the exhausted passers-by
4. dragged, dragged ① drag the seal to the shallow water ② drag oneself ③I can’ t drag myself away ④ dragging himself
5. ① abuse privilege ② have a privilege of ③ have a privilege of (receiving) a good education ④ It’s a privilege to do sth. ⑤ policies that privilege the children of wealthy parents ⑥ It is a privilege for me to
6. disabled, disability ① the disabled/people with disabilities ② physically disabled ③ a disabled car ④ a mental disability ⑤ disable the alarm ⑥ for the benefit of the disabled
7. ① deserve consideration/appreciation/reward ② deserve to win ③ deserve punishment/punishing/to be punished ④ deserves to be given
8. ① a familiar tune ② a catchy tune ③ sing to the tune of ④ be in/out of tune⑤be in/out of tune with ⑥ are obviously out of tune with
9. ① contract with. ② contract a virus/a disease ③ a contract of five years’ duration ④ enter into/sign contract of employment ⑤ contract with us to deliver
10. consultation. consultant ① online consultation ② an extensive/a joint consultation ③ consult the dictionary/refer to the dictionary/look up a word in the dictionary ④ consult sb. about sth. ⑤ consult with sb about/on sth ⑥ management consultant ⑦ a joint consultation is needed
答案1. ① be greeted by fans ② be greeted by problems ③ be greeted as a hero④ greet sb. with a nod ⑤ offer/send greetings to sb. ⑥ greeted by the host
2. ① a chorus of birdsong ② a chorus of cheers/approval ③ say sth in chorus ④ a chorus of cheers
3. ① run straight towards the office ② run straight towards the goal ③ come straight to the point ④ look sb. straight in the eye ⑤ ran straight to
4. ① appeal to all ages and social groups ② appeal/make an appeal to everyone to save water ③ appeal to sb for help ④ have no appeal to sb. ⑤ has appealed to children of various ages
5. ① relay some messages to the readers ② communicate the opinion to the manager ③ transmit my best regards to your family ④ you want to relay to your readers
答案1. ① was showing, when ② I was walking in the park when
2. ① while the country is quite beautiful and has much natural wealth ② While I am occupied with my study
3. ① not only are Tanzanians helped by the hospital ②but it can make you feel better about yourself as well
4. ① Now that I understand how important my mother’s work is ② Now that no man is born wise or learned
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