人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit5 Launching Your Career单元考点突破学案(有答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册Unit5 Launching Your Career单元考点突破学案(有答案)
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文件大小 71.0KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-15 12:51:19



名师原创:Unit5 单元考点突破
1. be appropriate for…适合…
What are some of the ways that can help people decide which career is appropriate for them (教材P50)
appropriately adv. 恰当地,合适地
be appropriate for…= be suitable for…
His casual clothes were not appropriate for such a formal occasion.
There would not be more appropriate dresses for her like this one.
Not all men are _____ (appropriately) for that kind of work. (湖南卷. 语法填空)
I didn’t feel that this was an _____ (appropriately) time/place to mention the subject.
2. bounce vi.& vt. (使) 弹起;上下晃动 n. 弹性;弹跳;活力
Some people know what they want to do from a young age,but many others just have a few ideas bouncing around in their heads. (教材原句P50)
on the bounce 在弹起时;接二连三地
bounce around/about 蹦来蹦去;弹来弹去
bounce into…蹦蹦跳跳地进入…;猛然冲进…
Short sound waves bounce off even small objects.
The ball bounced up and down.
The ball bounced high and she missed it.
Because Gypsies bounced _______ from country to country,they found it difficult to build permanent settlements or find jobs. (江苏卷) (around/about)
He bounced ______ the room and shouted at me. (into)
Ferreira again won the Portuguese championship,becoming the first coach to win three titles ______ the bounce. (on)
3. head start 起步前的优势
Getting a head start in considering your future career may help you for the rest of your life. (教材原句P50)
at the start刚开始;在起跑线
at the start of …..在……开始的时候
a fresh start 新的起点,新的开始
take a fresh start重新开始
from start to finish自始至终,彻头彻尾
Being able to speak French gave her a head start over the other candidates.
Joe has a head start. He began to study early than we did.
A good education gives your child a head start in life.
The new system was confronted with great difficulties at ______ start. (上海卷) (the)
He takes over as chief executive _____ the start of next year. (at)
You'll have ____ fresh start every single day—not just on January 1st. (a)
4. focus vi/vt. 集中(精力、注意力等);(使)调节焦距;聚焦(于)
Others focus more on asking you to rate different kinds of work scenarios, like working as a librarian or a lawyer. (教材P50)
focus n. 焦点;重点;中心
focused adj. 注意力集中的;目标明确的
focus on 集中;特别关注;(眼睛、摄像机等) 对准,调节焦距
focus/centre/concentrate/fix one’s attention on sth. 集中某人的注意力于某物上
stay/keep focused保持注意力集中
the focus of attention/concern/interest 关注的焦点
come into focus 成为焦点
bring sth. into focus 使某事/某物成为焦点
out of focus 焦点未对准的,模糊不清的
The focus of attention has changed.
We shall maintain our focus on the needs of the customers.
The other team was brilliant and we really had to focus.
He focused his blue eyes on her.
You should stop focusing on whom to blame and start focusing on how to improve the situation. (广东卷.阅读篇)
By focusing on saving oil, water, paper, food, and clothing, we are playing part in cutting down on waste. (福建卷.阅读篇)
What’s more, it is of significance to focus ____ both food quality and quantity. (on)
5. rate n. 速度; 比率: 价格; 费用; v.|不用于进行时] 对…评估; 对…评价; 给划分等级
Others focus more on asking you to rate different kinds of work scenarios, like working as a librarian or a lawyer. (教材P50)
a high rate of unemployment 高失业率
be sold at a high rate 以高价出售
at any rate无论如何 (= anyway)
at this / that rate这样/那样的话:
Our money was running out at an alarming rate.
The university is highly rated for its research.
The show was rated as a great success by critics.
The car is running at a ______ of eighty kilometers an hour. (陕西卷)
_______ any rate, the medical supplies will reach you within a week. ( At )
If you go on _______ that rate, you will damage your health. ( at )
6. preference. 喜爱;偏爱;优待;优先
One popular test asks the participants to grade their preferences for a variety of work tasks. (教材P50)
show/have preference for…. 偏爱…
prefer vt. 较喜欢;更喜欢;喜欢……多于……;
prefer to do sth/prefer doing sth. 更想做某事
prefer sb to do sth 更想让某人做某事
prefer A to B比起B更喜欢A, to为介词A,B既可以是名词也可以是动名词
prefer to do A rather than do B宁愿做A不愿做B
= would rather do A than do B
= would do A rather than do B
I prefer walking/to walk alone after a day’s work.
I prefer you to drive, if you don’t mind.
They preferred good news to bad.
I prefer singing to acting.
As a teacher, he should not show preference for any of his students
We can eat out if you like, but I would _____ (更喜欢) to stay in. (陕西卷)(prefer)
I prefer the red dress _____ the green one because it fits me better. (to)
I would prefer _____ (read) books to watching TV. (reading)
7. debt n. 债务;欠款
Help and advise people in serious debt. (教材原句P50)
in debt负债
out of debt 不欠债
pay off debts 还清债务
get/run into debt 负债
owe sb. a debt 欠某人一个人情
get out of debt还债
He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular.
This young couple are always in debt because they never consider their incomes before buying something.
After she lost her job,she began to run into debt.
I'm heavily ______ debt at the moment,but hope to be out ______ debt when I get paid. (福建卷) (in, of)
I owe him _____ debt of gratitude for all he has done for me. (a)
It's much easier to get _____ debt than to get out of debt.(into)
8. profile n. 简介;概述;侧面轮廓 vt. 扼要介绍;概述;写简介
Categorize employee profiles. (教材原句P50 )
in profile从侧面看;以侧面
draw in profile 画侧面像或轮廓
a profile of …. ……的简介或概述
high profile 鲜明的姿态
low profile 低姿态;不出头露面;不惹人注意
keep a low profile保持低调
He presented his best profile to the camera.
The story was given a low profile in today's papers.
He sat in profile to me.
The BBC is working on a profile _______ the British nuclear industry. (陕西卷) (of)
The painting shows her _____ profile. (in)
When you are feeling happy,please enjoy it,but keep ____ low profile. (a)
9. spy n. 密探;间谍 vi.从事间谍活动;vt. 突然看见;发现
He spied for his government for more than ten years. (教材P51)
spy on/upon sb. 暗中监视某人;侦察某人
spy into sth. 侦察某事
spy sth. out 暗中查明某事,秘密了解清楚某事
We spied three figures in the distance.
He denied acting as an enemy spy.
I'm sure my neighbors spy on me.
He knew he was being spied _______ at that time. (福建卷) (on/upon)
He studied the map and spied ______ the quickest route. (out)
I was demanded to spy _____ the enemy's movements. (into)
10. recommend vt. 推荐; 介绍; 建议
According to the participant’s work personality code, what careers would you recommend (教材P51)
recommendation n.推荐;介绍
follow sb's recommendations听从某人的劝告
a letter of recommendation推荐信
recommend sb/sth to sb. 把某人某物推荐给某人
recommend (that)主语+(should) do sth
= advise (that) 主语+(should) do sth.
= suggest(建议) (that) 主语+should do sth.
recommend sb. to do sth.= advise sb. to do sth.
recommend (sb) doing sth. = advise (sb) doing sth. 建议某事/某人…
I don't know what to read. Can you recommend anything
This hotel is highly recommended.
She was recommended for the post by a colleague
It is strongly recommended that the machines should be checked e very year.
The doctor recommended me to take a long rest.
I recommend (you) meeting him first.
我建议(你) 先见见他,
Eye doctors recommend that a child's first eye exam _______ at the age of six months old. (浙江卷)
A. was B. be C. were D. is ( B)
I recommend this book _____ anyone with an interest in art. ( to)
We all strongly recommended that the meeting ___ (hold) at once. (be held)
My teacher suggested ___ (go) to school. (going)
11. devote vt. 奉献;致力; 专心
Being a female scientist was much less common in her time, but in spite of this she devoted her life to her career. (教材P52)
devotion n. 献身;忠诚;热爱;专心
devotion to duty 忠于职守
devote onself/sth. to sth./doing sth. 把…奉献于…;致力于…
be devoted to sth./doing sth. 专心于…;致力于….
devoted n. adj. 忠诚的,忠实的
She devoted all her life to medical work for Chinese women and children.
The old man devoted his life to helping the poor.
If you have a job, do devote yourself to it and finally you’ll succeed.
He devoted himself entirely/all his life to education.
We should devote everything we have.
He devoted a great sum of money to books.
Her son, to whom she was so ____, went abroad ten years ago. (湖北课改卷)
A. loved B. cared C. devoted D. affected (C)
The scientist devoted all his energy to _______ (do) research on the project. (doing)
12. provide. vt. 赡养,提供
This often involves helping or providing service to other people. (教材P53)
provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for/to sb. 为某人提供……
provided/providing(that 从句) 假如;如果
provide for 抚养,供养
Community schools provide good quality education for children.
社区学校为孩子们提供 质量的教育
My goal is to provide humans with a life of high quality.
She needs her new, busy work to provide for her family.
I will play tennis provided that we've finished by 5 pm.
The Red Cross provides food and shelter for disaster victims.
比较:offer侧重表示主动而且“愿意给予”,常用offer sb. Sth.或 offer to do sth结构
" She offered a reward for the return of her lost mobile phone.
她为寻回遗失的手机提出以酬金答谢 He offered to go instead of me.
supply通常指定期“供应”,强调替代或补充所需物品,常用supply sb with sth或supply sth. to sb. 结构
Trees can supply/ provide shade in summer 夏天,树能提供荫凉
The butcher supplies us with meat这个卖肉的供应我们肉
This is a group that specializes in providing houses and services ______ needy people.(四川课改卷) (to/for)
The project is designed to provide young people ______ work. (with)
13. attend to….关怀;照料;处理
We are building a team of keen young people to help us attend to hundreds of students from all over the world. (教材P55)
1. 状语从句中部分成分的省略(也可以看成从属连词 + 分词构成的分词短语)
As an adult,one of the first questions you are asked when meeting someone new is,“What do you do?” (教材原句P50)
句式分析:句中when meeting someone new是一个省略句,补全后为:When you meet someone new
当when,while,before,after,unless,as if,if等引导的状语从句中的主语与主句主语一致或从句主语是it,且从句谓语中含有be动词时,可以省略从句中的主语和be动词。
Work hard when (you are) young,or you'll regret.
While (she was) walking along the river bank,she was singing a pop song.
Don't listen to music when (you are) doing your homework.
While _______ (play) with his children outdoors,the father felt very happy. (陕西卷) (playing)
If _______ (accept) for the job,you'll be informed soon. (accepted)
He won't come unless ________ (invite). (invited)
2. 现在分词短语作后置定语
This,however,is not always easy. Some people know what they want to do from a young age,but many others just have a few ideas bouncing around in their heads.(教材原句P50)
句式分析:句中bouncing around in their heads为现在分词短语作名词ideas的后置定语。
※ 现在分词(短语)作定语与所修饰的名词之间存在着逻辑上的主谓关系,表示该动作的主动和进行。
※ 单个现在分词作定语,放在所修饰词的前面,而现在分词短语作定语则放在所修饰词的后面。
They put an advertisement in a newspaper looking for rock musicians.
The building being built is our teaching building.
The man standing by the window is our teacher.
There is a note on the door _______ (say) “On Holiday”. (山东卷)(saying)
The girl _____ (wait) to see the famous actor is my classmate. (湖北卷) (waiting)
Do you know the man ______ (talk) to your father (talking)
Make less noise. There's a ______ (sleep) child. (sleeping)
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