人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册 Unit5 Launching Your Career单元过关检测(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第四册 Unit5 Launching Your Career单元过关检测(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 26.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-15 12:58:53



1. debt n. 债务;欠款
①欠债/还清债务 ________
②负债累累 ________
③欠某人的情;受某人的恩惠 ________
④使某人陷入债务 ________
I _________________________.
2. categorise vt.把……分类 ( 加以归类)
①把……分类为… ________
②被分成… ________
3. profile n. 简介;概述;侧面轮廓κ扼要介绍;概述;写简介
①他轮廓清晰的侧影 ________
②工作/雇员简介 ________
③惹人/不惹人注目;高/低姿态 ________
4. participate参与;参加→ participant n. 参与者;参加者
①积极参与讨论的人 ________
②自愿的参与者 ________
③经常性的参与者 ________
④ She is an active ( participate) in this activity
In her spare time, she _________________.
5. spy n. 密探;间谍 ⅵ从事间谍活动vt.突然看见;发现
①窥探,暗中监视 ________
②为……搜集情报 ________
③发现一条路 ________
④查明 ________
6. justices. 公平;公正;合理
①社会公正 ________
②要求公正 ________
③正义感 ________
④公平对待某人/事 ________
7. accuse vt.控告;控诉;谴责
①指控某人犯有……罪;指责某人有……错 ________
②警告某人某事 ________
③提醒某人某事 ________
④通知某人某事 ________
⑤使某人相信某事 ________
⑥使某人确信某事 ________
8. greed n. 贪心,贪婪→ greedy ad. 贪婪的;贪心的
①渴望得到权力/知识/名声 ________
②渴望/贪图做某事 ________
③他渴望了解新事物。 _______________
9 dedicate vt.把……奉献给→ dedicated adj.专心致志的心一意的
①把……奉献给 (做) 某事 ________
②富有献身精神的教师 ________
④There is no doubt that the best prize in life is the opportunity to dedicate ________ a cause worthy of dedication.
10. supervise vt. &vi. 主管;指导;监督→ supervision n. 指导;监督;监管
①管理班级 ________
②小心地监督 ________
③亲自管理 ________
④严格地管理 ________
⑤监督某人做某事 ________
⑥遵医嘱 ________
11 intermediate adj.中级的;中等的;中间的
①中间阶段/步骤 ________
②中等程度的滑雪者/学生 ________
③中级课本 ________
④初等/高等中级班 ________
12. prior. adj. 先前的;优先的→ priority n. 优先事项;首要的事;优先
①重点/非重点项目 ________
②当务之急 ________
③头等大事 ________
④排在…之前 ________
⑤在……前面 ________
⑥事先安排 ________
13. proficient a砾熟练的;娴熟的;精通的→ proficiency n熟练;娴熟;精通
①在某方面的熟练程度 ________
②提高熟练程度 ________
③一口流利的英语 ________
④语言水平证书 ________
⑤在 ( 做) 某事方面熟练________
14. finance n. 资金;财政;金融vt.提供资金→ financial adj.小经济上的;财政的→ financially adv. 经济上地;财政地
①为……筹资 ________
②国家财政 ________
③公司财务状况 ________
④个人财务状况 ________
________________________, no one can predict when the unexpected will happen.
⑥These plans were abandoned because of ________ ( finance) problems.
15. employer n雇主;老板← employ vt.雇用;利用 (时间、精力等) → employee n. 雇员
①这个地区最大的雇主之一 ________
②雇用某人当 ________
③雇用某人做某事 ________
④从事某事,忙于做某事 ________
⑤她忙着给经理准备文件。 ________
l6. desert n. 沙漠;荒漠vt. 遗弃,抛弃→ deserted adj. 被遗弃的;空寂无人的
①在沙漠中 ________
②文化沙漠 ________
③被……遗弃 ________
④擅离岗位 ________
⑤空无一人的街道 ________
⑥被舍弃的村庄 ________
⑦一个荒岛 ________
17 acquire vt.获得;购得
①精通 ________
②开始喜欢 ________
③ Some people go back for their education ________ (acquire) another degree or diploma to impress the society.
l. bounce around蹦来蹦去;弹来弹去
①使某物从某物上弹回来 ________
②从某物上反射回来 ________
2 head start起步前的优势
①有了一个良好的/糟糕的开端 ________
②从头到尾 ________
③从 (一) 开始 ________
3. come to a conclusion得出结论
①得出结论 ________
②贸然下结论 ________
③最后;总之 ________
④使……结束 ________
I soon ______________________________-.
4. attend to关怀;照料;处理
①照料某人 ________
②专心于某事;处理某事 ________
③专心工作 ________
④ By then paramedics (急救人员) had arrived, and ______________________. (正在照料受伤的那位女士)
答案1. ① bounce sth. on/against sth. ② bounce ( sth. ) off sth
2. ① get off to a good/bad start ② from start to finish ③ ( right) from the start
3. ① arrive at/draw/reach a conclusion ② jump to conclusions ③in conclusion ④ bring. to a conclusion ⑤drew/made/reached/arrived at/came to a conclusion that
the plan he put forward wasn’t practical
4. ① attend to sb. ② attend to sth. ③ attend to your work ④ were attending to the injured woman
1. This is because····
___________________________________________ of who you are.
He didn’t pass the exam _____________________________________
③ _____________________________________ (那就是为什么) fish prefer shallow water to deep water.
2. 部分否定:not always教材原句
This, however, _________________________.
3. wish+虚拟语气的宾语从句
I ______________________________________.
I ______________________________________.
I ______________________________________.
4. the first time引导时间状语从句
__________________________________________, I was deeply attracted by the charm of chemistry.
5. be of+ ( 限定词+) 抽象名词
I want to become a lawyer because I think fairness and justice _____________, and I hope I can make some contribution in that respect.
6. not….but…. 不是……而是…
For me, she is great ____________________________________________.
答案1. ① in/out of debt ② be deeply in debt ③be in one’s debt ( = be in debt to sb). ④ put sb. in debt ⑤ have already paid off the debt, so I can take a breath
2. ① categorise…as…. ② be categorised into
3. ① his strong profile ② a job/employee profile ③a high/low profile
4. ①an active participant in the discussion ② a willing participant ③ a regular participant ④ participant ⑤ often participates in voluntary work
5. ① spy on ② spy for ③ spy a way ④ spy out
6. ① social justice ② demand justice ③ a sense of justice ④ do justice to sb/sth =do sb/sth. Justice
7. ① accuse sb. of ( doing) sth. ② warm sb. of sth. ③ remind sb. of sth. ④ inform sb. of sth. ⑤ persuade sb of sth. ⑥ convince sb of sth
8. ① be greedy for power/knowledge fame ② be greedy to do sth. ③ He was greedy for new things.
9. ① dedicate oneself/sth. to ( doing) sth. ② a dedicated teacher ③ be dedicated to. ④ to
10. ① supervise classes ② supervise cautiously ③ supervise personally ④supervise strictly ⑤ supervise sb doing sth. ⑥ under medical supervision
11. ① an intermediate stage/step in a process ② an inter-mediate skier/student ③ an intermediate coursebook ④ pre-/upper-intermediate classes
12. ① a high/low priority ② a top priority ③ the first priority ④ take priority over ⑤prior to sth. ⑥ prior arrangement
13. ① proficiency in sth. ② develop proficiency ③a high level of oral proficiency in English ④a certificate of language proficiency ⑤ be proficient in/at(doing) sth
14. ① raise finance/money for ② national finance ③the company’s finances ④ personal finances ⑤ No matter how carefully you plan your finances ⑥ financial
15. ① one of the largest employers in the area ② employ sb as sth. ③ employ sb to do sth. ④ be employed in doing sth. employ oneself in doing sth. ⑤ She employed herself in preparing documents for her manager. =She was employed/engaged in preparing documents for her manager
16. ① in the desert ② a cultural desert ③ be deserted by ④ desert one’ s post⑤ deserted streets ⑥ a deserted village a deserted island
17. ① acquire a good knowledge of ② acquire a taste for ③to acquire
答案1. ① This is because your career is a very important part
② This/That/It is because he didn’t make good use of his time to study.
③ That is why
2. ① is not always easy ② All is not gold that glitters. /Not all that glitters is gold.
3. ① wish I had thought more about what I really wanted to do ② wish my parents were in favour of my decision at the moment ③ wish I could pay off my debt in a week.
4. ①The first time I observed the process of water being split into oxygen and hydrogen ② I was attracted by its beau ty the first time I came to Zhoushan.
5. ① is of great importance to society.
② I hope the following advice will be of help to you.
6. ① not just because she was world-famous, but because she made great contributions to mankind ② He regarded me not as his friend, but as the best man for the job. ③ Not you but John is to make a speech at the meeting. ④ What I admire is not what you have, but what you are.
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