The 44* Phonemes
Following is a list of the 44 phonemes along with the letters of groups of letters that represent those sounds.
Phoneme (speech sound) Graphemes** (letters or groups of letters representing the most common spellings for the individual phonemes) Examples
Consonant Sounds:
1. /b/ b, bb big, rubber
2. /d/ d, dd, ed dog, add, filled
3. /f/ f, ph fish, phone
4. /g/ g, gg go, egg
5. /h/ h hot
6. /j/ j, g, ge, dge jet, cage, barge, judge
7. /k/ c, k, ck, ch, cc, que cat, kitten, duck, school, occur, antique, cheque
8. /l/ l, ll leg, bell
9. /m/ m, mm, mb mad, hammer, lamb
10. /n/ n, nn, kn, gn no, dinner, knee, gnome
11. /p/ p, pp pie, apple
12. /r/ r, rr, wr run, marry, write
13. /s/ s, se, ss, c, ce, sc sun, mouse, dress, city, ice, science
14. /t/ t, tt, ed top, letter, stopped
15. /v/ v, ve vet, give
16. /w/ w wet, win, swim
17 /y/ y, i yes, onion
18. /z/ z, zz, ze, s, se, x zip, fizz, sneeze, laser, is, was, please, Xerox, xylophone
Phoneme (speech sound) Graphemes** (letters or groups of letters representing the most common spellings for the individual phonemes) Examples
Consonant Digraphs:
19. /th/ (not voiced) th thumb, thin, thing
20. /th/ (voiced) th this, feather, then
21. /ng/ ng, n sing, monkey, sink
22. /sh/ sh, ss, ch, ti, ci ship, mission, chef, motion, special
23. /ch/ ch, tch chip, match
24. /zh/ ge, s garage, measure, division
25. /wh/ (with breath) wh what, when, where, why
Short Vowel Sounds:
26. /a/ a, au hat, laugh
27. /e/ e, ea bed, bread
28. /i/ i if
29. /o/ o, a, au, aw, ough hot, want, haul, draw, bought
30. /u/ u, o up, ton
Long Vowel Sounds:
31. /ā/ a, a_e, ay, ai, ey, ei bacon, late, day, train, they, eight, vein
32. /ē/ e, e_e, ea, ee, ey, ie, y me, these, beat, feet, key, chief, baby
33. /ī/ i, i_e, igh, y, ie find, ride, light, fly, pie
34. /ō/ o, o_e, oa, ou, ow no, note, boat, soul, row
35. /ū/ u, u_e, ew human, use, few, chew
Phoneme (speech sound) Graphemes** (letters or groups of letters representing the most common spellings for the individual phonemes) Examples
Other Vowel Sounds:
36. /oo/ oo, u, oul book, put, could
37. /ōō/ oo, u, u_e moon, truth, rule
Vowel Diphthongs:
38. /ow/ ow, ou, ou_e cow, out, mouse, house
39. /oy/ oi, oy coin, toy
Vowel Sounds Influenced by r:
40. /a(r)/ ar car
41. 42. 43. 44.
/ā(r)/ /i(r)/ /o(r)//u(r)/
air, ear, are irr, ere, eer or, ore, oorur, ir, er, ear, or, ar
air, chair, fair, hair, bear, care mirror, here, cheer for, core, doorburn, first, fern, heard, work, dollar