Unit 4 Space Exploration 基础知识检测(含答案)新人教版必修三


名称 Unit 4 Space Exploration 基础知识检测(含答案)新人教版必修三
格式 zip
文件大小 2.4MB
资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-15 20:30:44


Unit 4 Space Exploration
1.mental adj. 精神的;思想的→ adv. 精神上,智力上;心理上
2.intelligent adj. 有智慧的;聪明的;有智力的→ n. 智力;情报工作;情报机关
3.determine vt. 查明;确定;决定→ adj. 有决心的;意志坚定的→
n. 决心;果断;测定
4.disappointed adj. 失望的;沮丧的→ v. 使失望;使破灭→ n. 失望,沮丧;令人失望的人,让人扫兴的事
5.independent adj. 独立的;自立的→ adv. 独立地;自立地→ n. 独立,自主;(国家的)独立
6.argue vt.& vi. 论证;争辩;争论→ n. 争论;争吵;论点
7.regular adj. 定期的;经常的;正常的→ adv. 经常;定期地
8.mystery n. 神秘事物;谜→ adj. 神秘的;奇怪的
9. procedure n. 程序;步骤;手续→__________ n. 过程;步骤
10. universe n. 宇宙;天地万物→__________ adj. 普遍的→_________ adv. 普遍地
11. analysis n. (pl. analyses)(对事物的)分析;分析结果→___________ v. 分析→__________ n. 分析家
12.limited adj. 有限的→_________ n. 限制;局限
1.mentally 2.intelligence 3.determined determination 4.disappoint disappointment 5.independently independence 6.argument 7.regularly 8.mysterious 9.process 10. universal; universally 11. analyze; analyst 12. limit
2. 在……岁时______________________
3. 从……毕业________________________
4. 继续做,坚持干___________________
5. 在宇宙飞船上;在船上;在飞机上________________
6. 关注______________________
7. 找出;弄明白____________________
8. 抱着做……的希望__________________
9. 为了;以便_______________________
11. 导致;造成______________________
12. 首先______________________
13. 在将来___________________
14. 踏上____________________
15. 取得进步_____________________
16. 太空站______________________
17. 结果_______________________
18. 提供生活所需___________________
19. 最后____________________
20. 用完,耗尽___________________
be curious about 2.at the age of 3.graduate from 4. carry on 5. on board 6. focus on 7. find out 8. in the hope of doing sth. 9. so as to (do sth.) 10. find/figure out 11. result in 12.first of all 13.in the future 14.step onto 15. make progress 16.space station 17. as a result 18. provide for sb. 19.in closing 20.run out
1.You can only guess at what (精神的) suffering they endure.
2.Susan's a very bright and (聪明的) woman who knows her own mind.
3.The world record of spacewalks is held by Russian (宇航员) Anatoly Solovyev.
4.It's important to follow the regular (程序).
5.He massaged the aching (肌肉) in her feet.
6.The (微波炉) beeps to let you know when it has finished.
7.Shut the window, (要不然) it'll get too cold here.
8.I think it's better to (回收) waste paper instead of throwing it away.
9.With (肥皂) and water, bubbles and boats, children love bath time.
10. It's clear that any driver found drinking ______ (超出) the limit will be charged.
11.The advanced technology provides a new method for us to explore the ______(宇宙).
12.We are doing our best with the ______ (有限的) resources available.
13.If ______ (循环利用) in a proper way, the materials will not produce any pollution for the environment.
14.The medical ______ (过程) went on for some hours as the boy's parents waited outside.
15.To get himself across, he made a fascinating ______ (分析) of the sport's profound history.
16.The cloth has a ______ (图案) of red and white squares.
17.The stream was quite _______(浅的) so we were able to walk across it.
31.Many a scientist is gathering to seek ways of reducing the waste of natural ______(资源).
18.She gave me a ______ (坚定的) look—the kind that said she would not change her mind.
19.The boy was turned down by the big firm because of ______ (缺乏) of working experience.
20.Please a______ (附上) your recent photo to the application form.
21.The driver was beaten up by rioters in Central, after an ______ (争吵) with a mob who had blocked roads.
22.Susan is a very bright and ______ (有智慧的) girl who knows her own mind.
23.Many a scientist is gathering to seek ways of reducing the waste of natural ______(资源).
24.She gave me a ______ (坚定的) look—the kind that said she would not change her mind.
25.The boy was turned down by the big firm because of ______ (缺乏) of working experience.
26.Please a______ (附上) your recent photo to the application form.
27.The driver was beaten up by rioters in Central, after an ______ (争吵) with a mob who had blocked roads.
28.Susan is a very bright and ______ (有智慧的) girl who knows her own mind.
29.The post arrives ______ (有规律地) at eight every morning.
30.The UN will l______ (发起) an educational program to teach people how to solve conflicts peacefully.
31.NASA has been trying to monitor space junk, but some small bits still can't be tracked with ______ (当前的) technologies.
32.Some business owners are ______ (热衷的) on public well-being. This is how local services have been funded.
33.Despite the poor service of the hotel, the manager is unwilling to invest in s______ (充足的) training for his staff.
34.______ (失望) and angry, Mary began to cry loudly and then she ran out of the room.
35.There were many dead fish ______ (漂浮) in the river because of the pollution.
36.The ______ (数据) showed that the sales of the company increased last month.
37.Peter will take up his position as the head of the travel a______ (代理机构) at the end of next month.
mental 2.intelligent 3.astronaut 4.procedure 5.muscles 6.microwave 7.otherwise 8.recycle 9.soap 10. beyond 11. universe 12. limited 13.recycled 14. procedure 15.analysis 16. pattern 17. shallow 18. resources 19. determined 20. lack 21. attach 22. argument 23. intelligent 24. resources 25. determined 26. lack 27. attach 28. argument 29. intelligent 30. regularly 31. launch 32. current 33.keen 34. sufficient 35. Disappointed 36. floating 37. data 38. agency
Yang Liwei was one of the (astronaut) sent into space.
You're (intelligence) enough to solve the tough task.
Some great people have endured physical and (mentally) pain.
She is a (determine) girl.
The stone rolled down the mountain by (gravity).
The satellite has (orbit) the Moon for two months.
They seem to have lost their (desire) for life.
We are all (disappoint) at his failure.
She desired to be financially (independently).
Our new lab is equipped with advanced (facility).
Many wasted materials can be (recycle).
If you want to learn English well, you should understand the sentence (pattern).
Taking exercise (regular) is good for your health.
He is (attach) a rope to a stick.
Not only Anna and her parents but also Mary (be) really helpful.
Children are curious what happened around them.
17.Do you want to work space in the future
18.He graduated Harvard University at the age of 18.
19.He stood up, (signal) to the officers that he had finished with his client.
20.A kid is keen make progress.
21.We went board and saw many people packed shoulder to shoulder on deck.
22.The assistant carried on (talk).
23.The work should focus helping parents to let go of their children.
24.China was the third nation (send) a man into space.
25.The beauty of the mountain is beyond (describe).
26.Luckily, he reminded me. , I have forgotten all about it.
27.Some people argue that we should stop (waste) time and money.
28.They have found solutions to (solve) some world problems.
29.His savings have run .
30.The library provides reference books students.
31.His careless driving resulted the accident.
32.We came to this small town in hope of living a simple life.
33.In recent years ______ (globe) warming is becoming a common concern for people all over the world.
34.We'll carry on the work whether we can get the machines we need. After all, it's the ______ (determine) that really counts.
35.There is no doubt that he can solve the problem______ (independence).
36.By opening a novel, I can enter into a wonderful and ______ (mystery) world where I am now a new character.
37.Mr. Wang thinks Tom is (intelligent) than any other student in my class, but I think I am the most intelligent.
38.You will have more success if you study ______ (regular), so try to develop a routine.
39.The recently (launch) educational programme aims to teach young people how to make positive choices when faced with conflicts.
40.After a long and heated ______ (argue), the two sides finally reached agreement.
41.You must spare some time to relax yourself both physically and ______ (mental), though you are very busy.
42.We should owe our success to hard work rather than ________ (intelligent).
43.Bob moved to another city last year, but still maintains a good relationship with his old neighbors ______ (current).
44.A diet ________ (lack) in nutritional value will not keep a person healthy.
45.Recent in-depth _______________(analyze) of the songs sung by humpback whales show that even when their organ would allow them to do otherwise, the animals tend to the same choices.
46.Large amounts of industrial waste ______ (recycle) from the factory in the past two years.
47.You set the realistic goals, and then you apply your talents to bring the ______ (desire) results.
48.His not-for-profit organization runs 100 river boats that serve as ______ (float) libraries, schools, and health clinics in the flooded areas.
49.It's true that our future ______ (determine) by many things, such as opportunities and help from others, but our own attitude, determination and hard work play a more important role.
50.Can you (analysis) the structure of the sentence for me
51.I went for my first tango dancing lesson yesterday. It was quite ______ (disappoint), so I left after only ten minutes.
52.John, together with two of his best friends, ______ (desire) to attend the speech contest to be held next week.
1.astronauts 2.intelligent 3.mental 4.determined 5.gravity 6.orbited 7.desire 8.disappointed 9. independent 10. facilities 11.recycled 12. patterns 13.regularly 14. attaching 15. is 16. about 17.in 18.from 19. signal(l)ing 20. to 21. on 22.talking 23. on 24. to send 25. description 26.Otherwise 27.wasting 28. solving 29. out 30. for 31. in 32. the 33. global 34.determination 35. independently 36. mysterious 37.more intelligent 38. regularly 39. launched 40. argument 41. mentally 42. intelligence 43. currently 44. lacking 45. analyses 46. have been recycled 47. desired 48. floating 49. is determined 50. analyze/analyse 51. disappointing 52. desires
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Unit 4 Space Exploration
1.mental adj. 精神的;思想的→ adv. 精神上,智力上;心理上
2.intelligent adj. 有智慧的;聪明的;有智力的→ n. 智力;情报工作;情报机关
3.determine vt. 查明;确定;决定→ adj. 有决心的;意志坚定的→
n. 决心;果断;测定
4.disappointed adj. 失望的;沮丧的→ v. 使失望;使破灭→ n. 失望,沮丧;令人失望的人,让人扫兴的事
5.independent adj. 独立的;自立的→ adv. 独立地;自立地→ n. 独立,自主;(国家的)独立
6.argue vt.& vi. 论证;争辩;争论→ n. 争论;争吵;论点
7.regular adj. 定期的;经常的;正常的→ adv. 经常;定期地
8.mystery n. 神秘事物;谜→ adj. 神秘的;奇怪的
9. procedure n. 程序;步骤;手续→__________ n. 过程;步骤
10. universe n. 宇宙;天地万物→__________ adj. 普遍的→_________ adv. 普遍地
11. analysis n. (pl. analyses)(对事物的)分析;分析结果→___________ v. 分析→__________ n. 分析家
12.limited adj. 有限的→_________ n. 限制;局限
2. 在……岁时______________________
3. 从……毕业________________________
4. 继续做,坚持干___________________
5. 在宇宙飞船上;在船上;在飞机上________________
6. 关注______________________
7. 找出;弄明白____________________
8. 抱着做……的希望__________________
9. 为了;以便_______________________
11. 导致;造成______________________
12. 首先______________________
13. 在将来___________________
14. 踏上____________________
15. 取得进步_____________________
16. 太空站______________________
17. 结果_______________________
18. 提供生活所需___________________
19. 最后____________________
20. 用完,耗尽___________________
1.You can only guess at what (精神的) suffering they endure.
2.Susan's a very bright and (聪明的) woman who knows her own mind.
3.The world record of spacewalks is held by Russian (宇航员) Anatoly Solovyev.
4.It's important to follow the regular (程序).
5.He massaged the aching (肌肉) in her feet.
6.The (微波炉) beeps to let you know when it has finished.
7.Shut the window, (要不然) it'll get too cold here.
8.I think it's better to (回收) waste paper instead of throwing it away.
9.With (肥皂) and water, bubbles and boats, children love bath time.
10. It's clear that any driver found drinking ______ (超出) the limit will be charged.
11.The advanced technology provides a new method for us to explore the ______(宇宙).
12.We are doing our best with the ______ (有限的) resources available.
13.If ______ (循环利用) in a proper way, the materials will not produce any pollution for the environment.
14.The medical ______ (过程) went on for some hours as the boy's parents waited outside.
15.To get himself across, he made a fascinating ______ (分析) of the sport's profound history.
16.The cloth has a ______ (图案) of red and white squares.
17.The stream was quite _______(浅的) so we were able to walk across it.
31.Many a scientist is gathering to seek ways of reducing the waste of natural ______(资源).
18.She gave me a ______ (坚定的) look—the kind that said she would not change her mind.
19.The boy was turned down by the big firm because of ______ (缺乏) of working experience.
20.Please a______ (附上) your recent photo to the application form.
21.The driver was beaten up by rioters in Central, after an ______ (争吵) with a mob who had blocked roads.
22.Susan is a very bright and ______ (有智慧的) girl who knows her own mind.
23.Many a scientist is gathering to seek ways of reducing the waste of natural ______(资源).
24.She gave me a ______ (坚定的) look—the kind that said she would not change her mind.
25.The boy was turned down by the big firm because of ______ (缺乏) of working experience.
26.Please a______ (附上) your recent photo to the application form.
27.The driver was beaten up by rioters in Central, after an ______ (争吵) with a mob who had blocked roads.
28.Susan is a very bright and ______ (有智慧的) girl who knows her own mind.
29.The post arrives ______ (有规律地) at eight every morning.
30.The UN will l______ (发起) an educational program to teach people how to solve conflicts peacefully.
31.NASA has been trying to monitor space junk, but some small bits still can't be tracked with ______ (当前的) technologies.
32.Some business owners are ______ (热衷的) on public well-being. This is how local services have been funded.
33.Despite the poor service of the hotel, the manager is unwilling to invest in s______ (充足的) training for his staff.
34.______ (失望) and angry, Mary began to cry loudly and then she ran out of the room.
35.There were many dead fish ______ (漂浮) in the river because of the pollution.
36.The ______ (数据) showed that the sales of the company increased last month.
37.Peter will take up his position as the head of the travel a______ (代理机构) at the end of next month.
Yang Liwei was one of the (astronaut) sent into space.
You're (intelligence) enough to solve the tough task.
Some great people have endured physical and (mentally) pain.
She is a (determine) girl.
The stone rolled down the mountain by (gravity).
The satellite has (orbit) the Moon for two months.
They seem to have lost their (desire) for life.
We are all (disappoint) at his failure.
She desired to be financially (independently).
Our new lab is equipped with advanced (facility).
Many wasted materials can be (recycle).
If you want to learn English well, you should understand the sentence (pattern).
Taking exercise (regular) is good for your health.
He is (attach) a rope to a stick.
Not only Anna and her parents but also Mary (be) really helpful.
Children are curious what happened around them.
17.Do you want to work space in the future
18.He graduated Harvard University at the age of 18.
19.He stood up, (signal) to the officers that he had finished with his client.
20.A kid is keen make progress.
21.We went board and saw many people packed shoulder to shoulder on deck.
22.The assistant carried on (talk).
23.The work should focus helping parents to let go of their children.
24.China was the third nation (send) a man into space.
25.The beauty of the mountain is beyond (describe).
26.Luckily, he reminded me. , I have forgotten all about it.
27.Some people argue that we should stop (waste) time and money.
28.They have found solutions to (solve) some world problems.
29.His savings have run .
30.The library provides reference books students.
31.His careless driving resulted the accident.
32.We came to this small town in hope of living a simple life.
33.In recent years ______ (globe) warming is becoming a common concern for people all over the world.
34.We'll carry on the work whether we can get the machines we need. After all, it's the ______ (determine) that really counts.
35.There is no doubt that he can solve the problem______ (independence).
36.By opening a novel, I can enter into a wonderful and ______ (mystery) world where I am now a new character.
37.Mr. Wang thinks Tom is (intelligent) than any other student in my class, but I think I am the most intelligent.
38.You will have more success if you study ______ (regular), so try to develop a routine.
39.The recently (launch) educational programme aims to teach young people how to make positive choices when faced with conflicts.
40.After a long and heated ______ (argue), the two sides finally reached agreement.
41.You must spare some time to relax yourself both physically and ______ (mental), though you are very busy.
42.We should owe our success to hard work rather than ________ (intelligent).
43.Bob moved to another city last year, but still maintains a good relationship with his old neighbors ______ (current).
44.A diet ________ (lack) in nutritional value will not keep a person healthy.
45.Recent in-depth _______________(analyze) of the songs sung by humpback whales show that even when their organ would allow them to do otherwise, the animals tend to the same choices.
46.Large amounts of industrial waste ______ (recycle) from the factory in the past two years.
47.You set the realistic goals, and then you apply your talents to bring the ______ (desire) results.
48.His not-for-profit organization runs 100 river boats that serve as ______ (float) libraries, schools, and health clinics in the flooded areas.
49.It's true that our future ______ (determine) by many things, such as opportunities and help from others, but our own attitude, determination and hard work play a more important role.
50.Can you (analysis) the structure of the sentence for me
51.I went for my first tango dancing lesson yesterday. It was quite ______ (disappoint), so I left after only ten minutes.
52.John, together with two of his best friends, ______ (desire) to attend the speech contest to be held next week.
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