人教版2019选择性必修第三册 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle单元综合测评(Word版含答案,含听力音频及文字材料)


名称 人教版2019选择性必修第三册 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle单元综合测评(Word版含答案,含听力音频及文字材料)
格式 zip
文件大小 28.8MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-16 09:10:56


(满分:150分 时间:120分钟)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分 7.5分)
1.What was the matter with the man
A.He coughed badly. B.He was sleepy. C.He was late for the meeting.
2.What are the speakers talking about
A.A film. B.A novel. C.A foreign language.
3.Who was ill last night
A.The man’s father. B.The man’s brother. C.The man’s mother.
4.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Colleagues. B.Husband and wife. C.Customer and shop assistant.
5.How much does the man need to borrow
A.$ 2. B.$ 5. C.$ 7.
6.What’s the man doing now
A.Watching TV. B.Doing his homework. C.Listening to the radio.
7.Where does the conversation take place
A.At home. B.In the office. C.In the classroom.
8.What are the speakers going to do
A.Play football. B.Buy tickets. C.Watch a match.
9.What do we know about the woman’s brother
A.He is ill. B.He is busy. C.He is tired.
10.Who is invited to have dinner with the man
A.The woman. B.Bob’s girlfriend. C.Alice’s parents.
11.When will the man go to the woman’s house
A.In 15 minutes. B.In half an hour. C.In an hour.
12.What does the man need to buy
A.Coffee. B.Sugar. C.Champagne.
13.What can be found on the Western Hill
A.Wild animals. B.Wild flowers. C.Small lakes.
14.What will the man do on the Western Hill
A.Go fishing. B.Take photos. C.Go swimming.
15.Why does the man choose to go outing by bike
A.To save money. B.To keep healthy. C.To be relaxed.
16.What will the man do next
A.Get some food for the outing.
B.Listen to the weather report.
C.Tell the classmates about the plan.
17.Where is the solar power plant
A.In the corner of the park.
B.In the center of the park.
C.In the front of the park.
18.What will 5% of the money from the plant be used to do
A.Develop agriculture.
B.Provide enough jobs.
C.Help the poor people there.
19.What kind of companies have started operations
A.Travel companies.
B.Agricultural companies.
C.Industrial companies.
20.How many families will the community hold
A.234. B.1,008. C.2,000.
Text 1
W:Where were you this morning?I didn’t see you in the meeting.
M:I went to see a doctor.I coughed so badly that I couldn’t fall asleep last night.
Text 2
W:It’s said that this novel has been translated into several languages.
M:That’s true.It’s such an interesting novel.I’ve read it twice.
Text 3
W:I didn’t see you at the meeting yesterday evening.What were you doing
M:I’m sorry.I was taking care of my mother in the hospital.She was ill.
Text 4
W:Your wife called you just now.Your son is ill and she asked you to hurry back home.
M:Thanks for telling me about it.I have to ask for leave and go home right now.Bye.
Text 5
W:You want to buy this dictionary,right
M:Yeah,the price is $14,but I’ve only got $9.
W:I’ve got $7 and I’ll lend you the rest.
Text 6
W:You look worried.What’s the matter,Jimmy
M:My teachers gave me too much homework to do today.I’m afraid I can’t finish it in time.
W:I see.How much homework haven’t you finished yet
M:I still have two maths problems and one composition to write.
W:It’s 11 o’clock now.I think you shouldn’t stay up too late,or you’ll feel sleepy in class tomorrow.
M:If I can’t hand in my homework tomorrow,I will be punished.What shall I do
W:Take it easy.I’ll call your teachers and have a talk about the problem.
M:OK,I’ll go to bed now.
Text 7
W:I hear there is a football match in the stadium this evening.It’s between the two strongest teams in our city.
M:Yes,that’s true.Would you like to watch the match
W:Of course,I will.You know I ’m a sports fan.
M:But I’m sorry to say that I still haven’t got a ticket for the match yet.
W:I have got two tickets.One is for me,and the other is for my brother,but just now my brother called to tell me that he won’t be free to watch the match this evening,so I can give one ticket to you.
M:Are you joking
W:No,I’m serious.I can give one ticket to you so that you can enjoy the match.
M:I’m very glad to hear that.Thank you,Rebecca.
W:Let’s go to the stadium together.
M:All right.I’ll call you after I have supper.
Text 8
M:Hello,could I speak to Alice,please
W:Alice speaking.Is that you,Bill
M:Yes,it’s me.I didn’t recognize your voice.
W:I’ve got a bit of cold.What can I do for you
M:Well,we will give Bob’s girlfriend and her parents a dinner in our home tonight.I’ve just opened the box of champagne glasses and there are two glasses missing.Have you got a set you can lend to me by any chance
W:Sure,I’m glad to .When do you need them
M:Well,can I come over in a quarter of an hour?I’ve got to go to the store for some sugar first.I’ve run out of that as well.
W:Of course,you can.Anything else you are short of
M:No,I think I’m all right otherwise.Thanks a lot,Alice.See you.
W:You are welcome!Bye.
Text 9
W:We will go on an outing next weekend.Would you like to go with us
M:Where are you going
W:I think we’ll go to the Western Hill.You see,it’s spring now.There are wild flowers here and there.
M:Good idea.That’s a lovely place.We can also enjoy fresh air there.There is a beautiful river there.I hear there are a lot of fish in it.It will be a nice place for fishing.
W:So you can enjoy fishing there.By the way,how do you think we should go there
M:Let’s go there by bike so that we can relax ourselves better.You know we are stressed all the time.
W:Personally,I think we should set out at 7:30 on Saturday morning if the weather is fine.
M:All right.I’ll tell the whole class about it this afternoon so that our classmates will join us.
W:I’m sure many of them would love to go.
M:I think so.
Text 10
The building of China’s largest solar energy park has begun in Shigatse,Tibet.There is a solar power plant in the center of the park.Building the solar power plant in Shigatse has many advantages.With sunlight of 3,300 hours every year,the city is even called “the city of sunlight”.If everything goes well,the plant will be completed in 2025.Five percent of the money from the plant will be used to help the poor people in the local area.
The power plant alone won’t bring enough jobs,so they will also develop agriculture that is suitable to local conditions.Two agricultural companies have already started operations in the park.
Opposite the solar energy park,they are building a community. The community will hold 2,000 families from poor areas.They have already finished 75 percent of the project. About 1,008 people from 234 families have already moved in,and most are satisfied with their living conditions.
【答案】 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.C9.B 10.B  11.A 12.B 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.C
17.B 18.C 19.B 20.C
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Sometimes,a genius and complex new form of cooking enters the food world.And sometimes,an incredibly simple idea is sold for millions.Here are the most basic food ideas that made people so wealthy.
Henry John Heinz came up with ketchup,and since then it’s been condiment history.He originally made it based on a Chinese recipe for a sauce made from tomatoes in 1876.Now,who doesn’t have ketchup with their burger and fries
2.Kentucky Fried Chicken
One of the most famous fast food chains ever,KFC is worth over $8.5 billion.It was created by Col.Sanders back in 1939.In 1952,KFC was sold in restaurants,and when the Colonel was 60 he turned it into a chain store.
3.Chocolate chip cookies
Ruth Graves of the Toll House Inn accidentally created Chocolate chip cookies when she prepared cookies one day,realizing too late that she had run out of baker’s chocolate powder.Then,she chopped a chocolate bar and although it didn’t blend with dough like she hoped,it became a crowd favorite.
4.Organic food
This is definitely a food item for babies all around the world,and it was created by Cat Gazzoli,a mom-to-be who was frustrated with the lack of baby food options out there.As a result,she created the all-natural brand Piccolo which uses real food only and makes over 6 million a year.
【语篇解读】 本文是应用文,文章介绍了几种获得巨大商业利润的创意食品。
21.What is special about Ketchup
A.It has made a great profit.
B.It was invented by a mom.
C.It was adapted from foreign recipe.
D.It has been created for more than 50 years.
【答案】 C 细节理解题。由第二段中的He originally made it based on a Chinese recipe得知番茄酱是借鉴了中国番茄酱的配方而被发明出来的。
22.Which food was invented by accident
A.Ketchup. B.Kentucky Fried Chicken.
C.Chocolate chip cookies. D.Organic food.
【答案】 C 细节理解题。文章提到Ruth...accidentally created Chocolate chip cookies...,realizing too late that she had run out of baker’s chocolate powder.她意外地发明了巧克力曲奇饼干,在烤饼干时发现巧克力粉用光了,无奈之下使用了巧克力碎片。
23.What do we know about organic food
A.It is intended for babies.
B.It was invented by Ruth Graves.
C.It didn’t sell well after being created.
D.Baby food was various before it was invented.
【答案】 A 细节理解题。一位准妈妈发现婴幼儿食品种类匮乏,于是用天然食材为全世界的宝宝带来了一种全新食品选择。
Do you find it difficult to put down your mobile phone
If yes,you’re not alone.These days,many people suffer from the stress of FOMO(fear of missing out).They reach for their mobile phones when they wake up in the morning,and for the rest of the day,they constantly scroll down the timelines of their social media apps to get the latest updates.
Despite the convenience smartphones bring,many people struggle with their digital habits.
As Sameer Samat,vice president of product management,said in his speech at the 2018 Google I/O developer conference on May 8,70% of people don’t want to spend so much time on their phones.
This is why during the conference Google introduced an app called Dashboard for the new version of its Android operating system.This new app includes well-being functions that aim to help users manage the time they spend on their digital devices.
It all starts with a bird’s-eye view.Dashboard allows users to look at all the details of their phone habits.For example,users can see how many times they’ve unlocked their phone and how many times they’ve checked their social media apps,as well as how much time they spend on each app every day.
Once the users see this information,they’ll be able to make some changes.With the AppTimer functions,users can set a time limit for how long they can use each app for every day.After they’ve hit the limit,they won’t be able to launch the app until the next day.
But even if users become more mindful of their usage,they’re still likely to be drawn in by notifications(通知).This is where the Shush feature comes in.It automatically silences incoming calls and notifications when a user puts his/her phone face down.
If people truly want to make full use of their free time instead of losing hours using their smartphones,these new functions are just one way of doing that.
After all,who needs to use an app to stop you from using other apps when the easiest answer would be just to use your willpower
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文,作者以人们不想浪费过多的时间在手机上为切入点,介绍了一款可以用来阻止人们过度使用手机的应用程序,包括其功能和特色等。
24.People under the pressure of FOMO may ________.
A.have trouble with their sleep
B.find it hard to focus on anything
C.be addicted to their mobile phones
D.prefer to download the latest apps
【答案】 C 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“They reach for their mobile phones...to get the latest updates”可推知,承受着FOMO的压力,人们可能沉迷于手机,故选C。
25.What inspires Google to launch Dashboard
A.The limited functions of the current Android system.
B.People’s complaint about their smartphones.
C.Samat’s impressive speech at a conference.
D.Mobile phone users’ great demand.
【答案】 D 推理判断题。根据语境并结合第四段中的“70% of people don’t want to spend so much time on their phones”可知,70%的人不想花那么多时间在手机上。据此可推知,Google推出Dashboard是因为手机用户的极大需求。故选D。
26.________ can track users’ phone habits in detail.
A.Android B.AppTimer
C.Shush D.Dashboard
【答案】 D 细节理解题。根据第六段中的“Dashboard allows users to look at all the details of their phone habits”可知,Dashboard可以详细跟踪用户的手机习惯。故选D。
27.What can be learned from the passage
A.Dashboard turned out to be popular.
B.Dashboard is a perfect choice to manage time properly.
C.Strong willpower is the easiest way to avoid smartphone addiction.
D.People are exploring other ways to stop overusing smartphones.
【答案】 C 细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,其实最简单的阻止自己过度使用手机的方法就是用自己的意志力。故选C。
If you’re feeling tired and stressed because you have too much going on,like lots of after-school activities,you will feel better when you give something up.Sometimes lots of activities—even if they’re all fun—can make you feel stressed by keeping you busy all the time.On the other hand,if problems at home are troubling you,in fact some after-school activities may help you relax and feel better.
There are also relaxing exercises that you can use to keep stress away.The easiest one is to breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose,and then exhale slowly through your mouth.Do this two to four times.
You can do breathing exercises anytime.You can even do breathing exercises in class if you’re nervous before a test.
The best way to keep stress away is to have a balanced life.That means making good decisions about how to spend your time.If you’re always busy with schoolwork and have no time to play,you can get stressed.Make sure you keep yourself in mind:sleep,exercise,leisure (something fun),and food.
If you take care of yourself and get enough sleep and food,and if you exercise and leave time for fun,you’ll probably be less stressed out!
【语篇解读】 本文主要讲了如何摆脱压力。
28.What may help if you have problems at home according to the passage
A.Doing a part-time job.
B.Doing some housework.
C.Doing some after-school activities.
D.Watching TV.
【答案】 C 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句可知,当你在家中遇到一些烦心事的时候,做一些课外活动可以帮助你放松心情。
29.In order to keep stress away,you should ________.
A.do exercise anytime
B.make good decisions about how to spend time
C.get much food to eat
D.do breathing exercises in class
【答案】 B 细节理解题。根据第四段前两句可知,缓解生活压力最好的办法是要有平衡的生活,即明智地分配你的时间。
30.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Doing exercise can’t help you keep stress away.
B.Get enough sleep and you will never be stressed out.
C.Being unhealthy makes you tired and stressed.
D.Too many activities can make you feel stressed.
【答案】 D 细节理解题。由第一段第二句可知,有时候参加活动过多,即使这些活动很有趣,也会让你感到疲惫不堪。D项与原文表述一致,故为答案。
31.The underlined word “exhale” in Paragraph 2 means “________”.
A.breathe in B.breathe out
C.get on D.get off
【答案】 B 词义猜测题。联系上文中提到breath in“吸入(气)”,由此可猜测,exhale意为“呼出(气)”。
Exercise could not only benefit your body,but also improve your memory,researchers found recently.In their paper published on Monday,researchers from the University of California,Irvine in the United States and the University of Tsukuba in Japan introduced their experiment and conclusion.
Scientists invited 36 volunteers who were in their early 20s to do 10 minutes of light exercise before taking a memory test in which they were shown pictures like broccoli(西兰花)or picnic baskets and asked to recall them later.The same experiment was repeated with the same group of volunteers without exercising.“The memory task was really quite challenging”,said Michael Yassa,co-author of the study and a neuroscientist (神经科学家)at the University of California,Irvine.“We used very tricky similar items to see if they would remember whether it was this exact picnic basket versus (对抗)that picnic basket.”
Researchers also scanned brains of some of the participants during the experiment.They found strengthened communication between regions involved in the storage and recollection of memories in brains of those who had exercised.This suggested that just 10 minutes of light exercise like walking,yoga or Tai Chi might increase memory power.
As all the volunteers in the experiment were relatively young,researchers are still working to look at the effects of light exercise on older people.“Our future goal is to try to develop an exercise prescription (处方)that can be used by older adults who might have disabilities or mobility impairments,but can still adopt very simple exercise rules of life and be able to,perhaps,delay cognitive decline temporarily,” said Yassa.
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇科普说明文。研究人员最近发现,运动不仅有利于身体健康,还能改善记忆力。文中用实验的方式来证明,仅仅10分钟像瑜伽和太极这类的锻炼就能够促进或增加记忆力。
32.What did the researchers find from the experiment mentioned in the text
A.Regular exercise is of benefit to the memory of all people.
B.Just a short period of exercise better young people’s memory power.
C.Older people can also improve their cognitive power by exercising regularly.
D.All the volunteers in the experiment improved their memory through exercise.
【答案】 B 细节理解题。根据第二段和第三段的信息可知,试验是科学家们邀请了36名20出头的志愿者在做记忆测试前做10分钟的轻度运动。研究人员还扫描了一些参与者的大脑。他们发现,与运动者大脑中记忆的存储和回忆有关的区域之间的交流得到了加强。仅仅10分钟像瑜伽和太极这类的锻炼就能够促进或增加这些年轻人的记忆力。由此可知,短时间的锻炼也能提高年轻人的记忆力,故选B。
33.Why was the memory task quite challenging
A.The time to solve the questions was too limited.
B.The questions asked by the scientists were too complicated.
C.The items to be distinguished were extremely similar.
D.The people in the experiment were disabled.
【答案】 C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的信息“We used very tricky similar items to see if they would remember whether it was this exact picnic basket versus that picnic basket” 可知,这项记忆实验之所以富有挑战性是因为参与实验的志愿者必须在非常类似的东西中进行辨认。故选C。
34.What’s the purpose of the text
A.To solve a problem.
B.To give practical advice.
C.To present a research result.
D.To tell an interesting story.
【答案】 C 目的意图题。根据全文内容可知,该文主要介绍了一项研究结果。故选C。
35.What can be a suitable title for the text
A.Advantages of Exercising Regularly
B.Exercise Is Beneficial to Both Young and Old
C.Exercise Can Improve Older People’s Cognitive Power
D.Ten Minutes of Exercise a Day Might Improve Memory
【答案】 D 主旨大意题。第一段第一句“Exercise could not only benefit your body,but also improve your memory,researchers found recently.”接着用实验来说明了仅仅10分钟的锻炼就能促进或增加记忆力。分析选项可知D项符合题意,故选D。
How to Know Yourself Better
Most of us believe that we know ourselves better than anyone in this world.But a lot of people are still strangers to themselves.Why?__36__ For a person to have a well-lived life,it is important that he know himself good.If you are one of those who are striving to know yourself better,these steps will guide you.
Take a moment to write down things that you know “very good” about yourself—your interests,likes,dislikes,preferences,hobbies,strengths,weaknesses,hopes,fears,dreams,etc.__37__ By creating a list of your personal attributes that you are familiar with,you are keeping yourself in touch with yourself.
Take personality and psychological tests.This is another way to know yourself better.The Internet has a rich source of free online personality and psychological assessments and tests.__38__
·Know yourself better by understanding people’s perceptions about you.__39__ Sometimes,you think you know yourself enough,but other people who see you from their point of view can offer you some insights how you act and get understood by others.Be careful,however,to balance both perceptions to come up with an objective view of yourself.
_40__ It’s a lifetime process.Every day you will be given new insights about yourself.Writing a journal will help you keep track of these new discoveries.Maintaining that hunger to know yourself better will make you more self-aware,opening up new opportunities to enrich your life.
A.Keep on learning who you are.
B.Remember that you are a worthy person.
C.By answering them,you will understand yourself better.
D.The better you know yourself,the easier it will be to love yourself.
E.Reflect on these qualities and find out how they impact your overall life.
F.Pay attention to what your family,friends,coworkers,etc.observe and say about you.
G.Not everyone is courageous enough to travel the path within to achieve a better self-understanding.
【语篇解读】 文章介绍怎样更了解自己的几个技巧。
36.【答案】G 段中句。考查对上下文语境的理解。空前句意:但是很多人仍然对自己很陌生,为什么呢?空后句意:对于一个想要拥有好生活的人来说,了解自己非常重要。这里用G(并不是每个人都足够有勇气实现更好的自我了解。)既能解释Why的原因,又能顺承下文。符合上下文语境。
37.【答案】E 段中句。考查对上下文语境的理解。空前句意:花一点时间写下你非常了解自己的一些事情——你的兴趣,喜欢,厌恶,偏爱,爱好,强项,弱项,希望,恐惧,梦想等等。根据上文意思,可知这里用E(思考这些品质,然后找到它们如何影响你的整体生活。)符合上文语境。
38.【答案】C 段末总结句。考查对上文语境的理解。空前句意:网上有丰富的免费在线的性格和心理评价测试的资源。上文提到的是评价和测试资源,可知这里用C(通过回答这些问题,你会更了解自己。)符合上下文语境。
39.【答案】F 段中句。考查对上下文语境的理解。空前句意:通过别人对你的认识来更了解自己。空后句意:有时候你认为很了解自己,但是其他人的观点能够帮你认识你的行为以及你是如何被别人理解的。故这里用F(关注你的家人,朋友,同事等对你的评价。)符合上下文语境。
40.【答案】A 段首主题句。考查对所在段落的理解。根据下文提到的是了解自己是一个人一生的过程。可知这里用A(不断地了解你是谁。)符合语境。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
The Lift Garage (汽车修理厂) has an unusual task.It’s a nonprofit garage that aims to __41__ low-income people of car troubles.
Almost any driver can __42__ a car repair that squeezed his or her wallet.For low-income people,such a repair can be damaging.That’s the problem Ms.Heying,founder of The Lift,is ready to __43__.Her garage provides low-cost __44__,free pre-purchase inspections,and __45__ advice for its customers.
Heying was __46__ to open her own garage in 2013 after volunteering at St.Stephen’s Shelter for the homeless.She found that __47__ a shelter guest had a car,it was often faulty and unsafe,and repair costs would make their financial (财务的) __48__ worse.She expected those poor people could have a __49__ means of transportation.__50__,she decided to do something about it.She __51__ the auto (汽车) technology class at Dunwoody College of Technology.When she shared her idea of a nonprofit affordable car service,her teachers and classmates were deeply __52__.The teacher said what really made Heying __53__ was her commitment to learning and her desire to __54__ others.
Now,Heying uses her degree to help her customers understand cars more and make better __55__ about their cars.
【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文,主题语境为社会公益。修车对于普通人来说是一笔不小的开销,对于低收入人群而言,更是难以承受的经济负担。Heying在做志愿者期间了解到这种情况后,立志改善这种现状,她开设了一家非营利性的汽修厂,为低收入的人群提供超低价的维修服务。
41.A.ease B.accuse C.inform D.cure
【答案】 A 根据上句中的“an unusual task”以及空前的“nonprofit”可知,The Lift汽修厂的目标是帮助低收入人群解决汽车维修方面的麻烦。
42.A.appreciate B.afford C.recall D.imagine
【答案】 C 根据下文语境以及常识可知,几乎所有的司机都能回想起因为修车把钱包榨干的经历。
43.A.gather B.present C.approach D.meet
【答案】 C 根据文章第一段对The Lift的介绍可推断,这就是Heying (The Lift Garage汽修厂的创始人)要解决的问题。
44.A.supplies B.repairs C.activities D.machines
【答案】 B The Lift提供低价的维修服务,免费的购前车辆检查以及实用性的建议。
45.A.practical B.legal C.flexible D.medical
【答案】 A 参考上题解析。
46.A.forced B.persuaded C.allowed D.inspired
【答案】 D 根据空后的描述可知,Heying在参加一项志愿者活动之后受到启发,创立了这家汽修厂。
47.A.if B.before C.because D.unless
【答案】 A 她发现收容所的房客如果有车的话,也经常是有故障的车,开起来有危险。
48.A.service B.situation C.suggestion D.management
【答案】 B 修理费会让他们的经济状况更糟糕。
49.A.portable B.movable C.reliable D.valuable
【答案】 C 她希望穷人可以有可靠的出行工具。
50.A.However B.Otherwise C.Besides D.Therefore
【答案】 D 因此,Heying决定做些什么来改变这种情况。
51.A.conducted B.skipped C.attended D.taught
【答案】 C 根据下文“her teachers and classmates”可知,Heying参加了汽车技术学习班。
52.A.disturbed B.hurt C.moved D.surprised
【答案】 C Heying看到穷人的困境,想要为他们提供可负担的汽车服务。当她跟老师和同学们分享她的这一想法时,他们被深深感动。
53.A.stand out B.show off C.stay up D.carry on
【答案】 A 老师说真正使Heying脱颖而出的是她对学习的专注和帮助他人的愿望。
54.A.protect B.comfort C.know D.help
【答案】 D 参考上题解析。
55.A.introductions B.decisions C.comparisons D.impressions
【答案】 B 现在Heying利用她所学的知识帮助顾客深入了解汽车,并根据车辆状况做出更好的决定。
Senior citizens are the first to come to our mind when we think of hearing loss,but in a recent report,hearing professionals worry teenagers will soon outnumber aging adults 56.____________ it comes to living with hearing loss.
The rise in popularity of personal audio devices from iPods to smart phones has had dangerous effect on the ears of those who use them most—teenagers! A study 57.____________ (conduct) by the World Health Organization finds that nearly 50% of teens 58.____________ (fall) into the habit of exposing themselves to unsafe levels of sound so far.
A sound is considered unsafe when it goes beyond 85 decibels(分贝).At that level,it takes just 8 hours of listening over your lifetime to cause damage.The louder the sound is,the 59.____________ (little) time it takes to cause damage.Because hearing loss is 60.____________ (typical) considered a health problem for the elderly,it is difficult to convince already stubborn teenagers that they really are doing damage 61.____________ their ears.
Young adults 62.____________ have been exposed to noise over a period of time may have some hearing loss symptoms.Their 63.____________ (able) to learn is compromised,and they may have difficulty developing social skills.
In an effort to help teens better protect their hearing,we suggest 64.____________ (set) volume limits on personal audio devices.65.____________ is also good to limit the amount of time exposed to noise and to take listening breaks to give the ears a rest.
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文,主要分析了青少年听力下降的原因并提出了相应的应对策略。
【答案】56.when 考查固定用法。when it comes to sth...意为“当涉及某事时”,为固定用法,故填when。
57.conducted 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,动词conduct和句子主语A study构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故填其过去分词形式。
58.have fallen 考查动词的时态。根据句子中的时间状语“so far”可知,此处应用现在完成时,故填have fallen。
59.less 考查形容词的比较级。“the+比较级,the+比较级”意为“越……越……”,为固定句型,根据该句中的“The louder”可知,此处应用形容词比较级,故填less。
60.typically 考查副词。修饰动词应用副词,故用副词typically修饰其后的动词“considered”,在句子中作状语。
61.to 考查介词。do damage to“对……造成损害”是固定用法,故此处应填介词to。
62.who/that 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词Young adults,且在从句中作主语,故填who/that。
63.ability 考查词形转换。根据语境及空前的形容词性物主代词Their 可知,此处应用名词;又根据空后的“is”可知,此处应填名词的单数形式,故填ability。
64.setting 考查非谓语动词。suggest doing sth“建议做某事”,是固定用法,并结合语境可知,此处应填setting。
65.It 考查代词。It+系动词+形容词+to do sth是固定句型,it作形式主语,不定式作真正的主语,故填It。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
参考词汇:流行病;传染病 epidemic 新型冠状病毒 COVID-19 稿件 contribution
With the purpose of making us students know the epidemic better and full of confidence,contributions related to fighting against COVID-19 are wanted.The following contribution forms are suggested:painting,calligraphy,photograph,music,folk art,paper-cutting and so on.All the works are expected to be original,positive and to the point.All of the students are welcome to send your artworks to hiclara@ no later than Apr.5,2021.Undoubtedly,some information must be included in the e-mail,such as name,class and other contact details.If you have any question,feel free to contact me.
On New Year’s Day,seventy-three-year-old George selected his food carefully.Skim milk was $2.99,white bread,89 cents with a 10-cent discount.Leaving the cashier,he calculated that he had saved 80 cents today.
At the exit,the wind reminded him of his gloves.“Where are they?”Not in the coat pockets.Not in the grocery bag either.He was sure he was wearing them when he entered the store.He clearly remembered putting them into the pocket of this coat.George made a second thorough search of all his pockets again,including the grocery bag.Now he was sure they must have been dropped somewhere inside the store.
Old George had bought the black leather gloves at a 25% discount,for just $35,ten years ago.They were soft and warm and very durable.He had taken care not to let a drop of water or rain touch his expensive gloves,so they looked like new.Losing this favorite possession was almost like losing a child to him.
George,calm on the outside but nervous inside,re-entered the store.He followed the same route he had taken before,starting at the bread counter,to the milk section,the corner where salt and sugar were placed,then the rest of the store.Several minutes of anxious searching turned out to be in vain.He asked the customers whether they saw a pair of black leather gloves,but they said no.Then without hesitation,he went over to the cashier to ask if she had received any lost gloves,but only received the same answer.His heart grew heavier.
“Society has changed,people have changed,”he murmured to himself.“Years ago,if somebody picked up something lost,they would give it back.Now a good action is lost.”
Yet he did not give up hope.He started to stare at anybody wearing black gloves to see if they looked like his.The first two persons he saw did wear gloves,but one was women’s and the other not black.
Suddenly,he found a man looking like a lawyer,
During the whole day,he was always thinking whether to buy a new pair.
Suddenly,he found a man looking like a lawyer,wearing black leather gloves.Abrupt as it might seem,George came up without hesitation and asked if they were his,but there came a disappointing answer.On second thought,he realized nobody would be so foolish as to wear them right inside the store.He had no other alternative but to ask the cashier to keep them in case the lost gloves were found.Then he dragged his legs towards the exit.
During the whole day,he was always thinking whether to buy a new pair. After all,in deep winter,he could not do without gloves.Finally,poor George decided to buy another pair of leather gloves.With the last ray of hope,he stepped into the store again.No sooner had he opened the door than the cashier told him there was indeed one such pair as he lost.After examining them carefully,he was wild with joy,expressing sincere gratitude and saying to himself that a good action was never lost.单元综合测评
(满分:150分 时间:120分钟)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分 7.5分)
1.What was the matter with the man
A.He coughed badly. B.He was sleepy. C.He was late for the meeting.
2.What are the speakers talking about
A.A film. B.A novel. C.A foreign language.
3.Who was ill last night
A.The man’s father. B.The man’s brother. C.The man’s mother.
4.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Colleagues. B.Husband and wife. C.Customer and shop assistant.
5.How much does the man need to borrow
A.$ 2. B.$ 5. C.$ 7.
6.What’s the man doing now
A.Watching TV. B.Doing his homework. C.Listening to the radio.
7.Where does the conversation take place
A.At home. B.In the office. C.In the classroom.
8.What are the speakers going to do
A.Play football. B.Buy tickets. C.Watch a match.
9.What do we know about the woman’s brother
A.He is ill. B.He is busy. C.He is tired.
10.Who is invited to have dinner with the man
A.The woman. B.Bob’s girlfriend. C.Alice’s parents.
11.When will the man go to the woman’s house
A.In 15 minutes. B.In half an hour. C.In an hour.
12.What does the man need to buy
A.Coffee. B.Sugar. C.Champagne.
13.What can be found on the Western Hill
A.Wild animals. B.Wild flowers. C.Small lakes.
14.What will the man do on the Western Hill
A.Go fishing. B.Take photos. C.Go swimming.
15.Why does the man choose to go outing by bike
A.To save money. B.To keep healthy. C.To be relaxed.
16.What will the man do next
A.Get some food for the outing.
B.Listen to the weather report.
C.Tell the classmates about the plan.
17.Where is the solar power plant
A.In the corner of the park.
B.In the center of the park.
C.In the front of the park.
18.What will 5% of the money from the plant be used to do
A.Develop agriculture.
B.Provide enough jobs.
C.Help the poor people there.
19.What kind of companies have started operations
A.Travel companies.
B.Agricultural companies.
C.Industrial companies.
20.How many families will the community hold
A.234. B.1,008. C.2,000.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Sometimes,a genius and complex new form of cooking enters the food world.And sometimes,an incredibly simple idea is sold for millions.Here are the most basic food ideas that made people so wealthy.
Henry John Heinz came up with ketchup,and since then it’s been condiment history.He originally made it based on a Chinese recipe for a sauce made from tomatoes in 1876.Now,who doesn’t have ketchup with their burger and fries
2.Kentucky Fried Chicken
One of the most famous fast food chains ever,KFC is worth over $8.5 billion.It was created by Col.Sanders back in 1939.In 1952,KFC was sold in restaurants,and when the Colonel was 60 he turned it into a chain store.
3.Chocolate chip cookies
Ruth Graves of the Toll House Inn accidentally created Chocolate chip cookies when she prepared cookies one day,realizing too late that she had run out of baker’s chocolate powder.Then,she chopped a chocolate bar and although it didn’t blend with dough like she hoped,it became a crowd favorite.
4.Organic food
This is definitely a food item for babies all around the world,and it was created by Cat Gazzoli,a mom-to-be who was frustrated with the lack of baby food options out there.As a result,she created the all-natural brand Piccolo which uses real food only and makes over 6 million a year.
21.What is special about Ketchup
A.It has made a great profit.
B.It was invented by a mom.
C.It was adapted from foreign recipe.
D.It has been created for more than 50 years.
22.Which food was invented by accident
A.Ketchup. B.Kentucky Fried Chicken.
C.Chocolate chip cookies. D.Organic food.
23.What do we know about organic food
A.It is intended for babies.
B.It was invented by Ruth Graves.
C.It didn’t sell well after being created.
D.Baby food was various before it was invented.
Do you find it difficult to put down your mobile phone
If yes,you’re not alone.These days,many people suffer from the stress of FOMO(fear of missing out).They reach for their mobile phones when they wake up in the morning,and for the rest of the day,they constantly scroll down the timelines of their social media apps to get the latest updates.
Despite the convenience smartphones bring,many people struggle with their digital habits.
As Sameer Samat,vice president of product management,said in his speech at the 2018 Google I/O developer conference on May 8,70% of people don’t want to spend so much time on their phones.
This is why during the conference Google introduced an app called Dashboard for the new version of its Android operating system.This new app includes well-being functions that aim to help users manage the time they spend on their digital devices.
It all starts with a bird’s-eye view.Dashboard allows users to look at all the details of their phone habits.For example,users can see how many times they’ve unlocked their phone and how many times they’ve checked their social media apps,as well as how much time they spend on each app every day.
Once the users see this information,they’ll be able to make some changes.With the AppTimer functions,users can set a time limit for how long they can use each app for every day.After they’ve hit the limit,they won’t be able to launch the app until the next day.
But even if users become more mindful of their usage,they’re still likely to be drawn in by notifications(通知).This is where the Shush feature comes in.It automatically silences incoming calls and notifications when a user puts his/her phone face down.
If people truly want to make full use of their free time instead of losing hours using their smartphones,these new functions are just one way of doing that.
After all,who needs to use an app to stop you from using other apps when the easiest answer would be just to use your willpower
24.People under the pressure of FOMO may ________.
A.have trouble with their sleep
B.find it hard to focus on anything
C.be addicted to their mobile phones
D.prefer to download the latest apps
25.What inspires Google to launch Dashboard
A.The limited functions of the current Android system.
B.People’s complaint about their smartphones.
C.Samat’s impressive speech at a conference.
D.Mobile phone users’ great demand.
26.________ can track users’ phone habits in detail.
A.Android B.AppTimer
C.Shush D.Dashboard
27.What can be learned from the passage
A.Dashboard turned out to be popular.
B.Dashboard is a perfect choice to manage time properly.
C.Strong willpower is the easiest way to avoid smartphone addiction.
D.People are exploring other ways to stop overusing smartphones.
If you’re feeling tired and stressed because you have too much going on,like lots of after-school activities,you will feel better when you give something up.Sometimes lots of activities—even if they’re all fun—can make you feel stressed by keeping you busy all the time.On the other hand,if problems at home are troubling you,in fact some after-school activities may help you relax and feel better.
There are also relaxing exercises that you can use to keep stress away.The easiest one is to breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose,and then exhale slowly through your mouth.Do this two to four times.
You can do breathing exercises anytime.You can even do breathing exercises in class if you’re nervous before a test.
The best way to keep stress away is to have a balanced life.That means making good decisions about how to spend your time.If you’re always busy with schoolwork and have no time to play,you can get stressed.Make sure you keep yourself in mind:sleep,exercise,leisure (something fun),and food.
If you take care of yourself and get enough sleep and food,and if you exercise and leave time for fun,you’ll probably be less stressed out!
28.What may help if you have problems at home according to the passage
A.Doing a part-time job.
B.Doing some housework.
C.Doing some after-school activities.
D.Watching TV.
29.In order to keep stress away,you should ________.
A.do exercise anytime
B.make good decisions about how to spend time
C.get much food to eat
D.do breathing exercises in class
30.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Doing exercise can’t help you keep stress away.
B.Get enough sleep and you will never be stressed out.
C.Being unhealthy makes you tired and stressed.
D.Too many activities can make you feel stressed.
31.The underlined word “exhale” in Paragraph 2 means “________”.
A.breathe in B.breathe out
C.get on D.get off
Exercise could not only benefit your body,but also improve your memory,researchers found recently.In their paper published on Monday,researchers from the University of California,Irvine in the United States and the University of Tsukuba in Japan introduced their experiment and conclusion.
Scientists invited 36 volunteers who were in their early 20s to do 10 minutes of light exercise before taking a memory test in which they were shown pictures like broccoli(西兰花)or picnic baskets and asked to recall them later.The same experiment was repeated with the same group of volunteers without exercising.“The memory task was really quite challenging”,said Michael Yassa,co-author of the study and a neuroscientist (神经科学家)at the University of California,Irvine.“We used very tricky similar items to see if they would remember whether it was this exact picnic basket versus (对抗)that picnic basket.”
Researchers also scanned brains of some of the participants during the experiment.They found strengthened communication between regions involved in the storage and recollection of memories in brains of those who had exercised.This suggested that just 10 minutes of light exercise like walking,yoga or Tai Chi might increase memory power.
As all the volunteers in the experiment were relatively young,researchers are still working to look at the effects of light exercise on older people.“Our future goal is to try to develop an exercise prescription (处方)that can be used by older adults who might have disabilities or mobility impairments,but can still adopt very simple exercise rules of life and be able to,perhaps,delay cognitive decline temporarily,” said Yassa.
32.What did the researchers find from the experiment mentioned in the text
A.Regular exercise is of benefit to the memory of all people.
B.Just a short period of exercise better young people’s memory power.
C.Older people can also improve their cognitive power by exercising regularly.
D.All the volunteers in the experiment improved their memory through exercise.
33.Why was the memory task quite challenging
A.The time to solve the questions was too limited.
B.The questions asked by the scientists were too complicated.
C.The items to be distinguished were extremely similar.
D.The people in the experiment were disabled.
34.What’s the purpose of the text
A.To solve a problem.
B.To give practical advice.
C.To present a research result.
D.To tell an interesting story.
35.What can be a suitable title for the text
A.Advantages of Exercising Regularly
B.Exercise Is Beneficial to Both Young and Old
C.Exercise Can Improve Older People’s Cognitive Power
D.Ten Minutes of Exercise a Day Might Improve Memory
How to Know Yourself Better
Most of us believe that we know ourselves better than anyone in this world.But a lot of people are still strangers to themselves.Why?__36__ For a person to have a well-lived life,it is important that he know himself good.If you are one of those who are striving to know yourself better,these steps will guide you.
Take a moment to write down things that you know “very good” about yourself—your interests,likes,dislikes,preferences,hobbies,strengths,weaknesses,hopes,fears,dreams,etc.__37__ By creating a list of your personal attributes that you are familiar with,you are keeping yourself in touch with yourself.
Take personality and psychological tests.This is another way to know yourself better.The Internet has a rich source of free online personality and psychological assessments and tests.__38__
·Know yourself better by understanding people’s perceptions about you.__39__ Sometimes,you think you know yourself enough,but other people who see you from their point of view can offer you some insights how you act and get understood by others.Be careful,however,to balance both perceptions to come up with an objective view of yourself.
_40__ It’s a lifetime process.Every day you will be given new insights about yourself.Writing a journal will help you keep track of these new discoveries.Maintaining that hunger to know yourself better will make you more self-aware,opening up new opportunities to enrich your life.
A.Keep on learning who you are.
B.Remember that you are a worthy person.
C.By answering them,you will understand yourself better.
D.The better you know yourself,the easier it will be to love yourself.
E.Reflect on these qualities and find out how they impact your overall life.
F.Pay attention to what your family,friends,coworkers,etc.observe and say about you.
G.Not everyone is courageous enough to travel the path within to achieve a better self-understanding.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
The Lift Garage (汽车修理厂) has an unusual task.It’s a nonprofit garage that aims to __41__ low-income people of car troubles.
Almost any driver can __42__ a car repair that squeezed his or her wallet.For low-income people,such a repair can be damaging.That’s the problem Ms.Heying,founder of The Lift,is ready to __43__.Her garage provides low-cost __44__,free pre-purchase inspections,and __45__ advice for its customers.
Heying was __46__ to open her own garage in 2013 after volunteering at St.Stephen’s Shelter for the homeless.She found that __47__ a shelter guest had a car,it was often faulty and unsafe,and repair costs would make their financial (财务的) __48__ worse.She expected those poor people could have a __49__ means of transportation.__50__,she decided to do something about it.She __51__ the auto (汽车) technology class at Dunwoody College of Technology.When she shared her idea of a nonprofit affordable car service,her teachers and classmates were deeply __52__.The teacher said what really made Heying __53__ was her commitment to learning and her desire to __54__ others.
Now,Heying uses her degree to help her customers understand cars more and make better __55__ about their cars.
41.A.ease B.accuse C.inform D.cure
42.A.appreciate B.afford C.recall D.imagine
43.A.gather B.present C.approach D.meet
44.A.supplies B.repairs C.activities D.machines
45.A.practical B.legal C.flexible D.medical
46.A.forced B.persuaded C.allowed D.inspired
47.A.if B.before C.because D.unless
48.A.service B.situation C.suggestion D.management
49.A.portable B.movable C.reliable D.valuable
50.A.However B.Otherwise C.Besides D.Therefore
51.A.conducted B.skipped C.attended D.taught
52.A.disturbed B.hurt C.moved D.surprised
53.A.stand out B.show off C.stay up D.carry on
54.A.protect B.comfort C.know D.help
55.A.introductions B.decisions C.comparisons D.impressions
Senior citizens are the first to come to our mind when we think of hearing loss,but in a recent report,hearing professionals worry teenagers will soon outnumber aging adults 56.____________ it comes to living with hearing loss.
The rise in popularity of personal audio devices from iPods to smart phones has had dangerous effect on the ears of those who use them most—teenagers! A study 57.____________ (conduct) by the World Health Organization finds that nearly 50% of teens 58.____________ (fall) into the habit of exposing themselves to unsafe levels of sound so far.
A sound is considered unsafe when it goes beyond 85 decibels(分贝).At that level,it takes just 8 hours of listening over your lifetime to cause damage.The louder the sound is,the 59.____________ (little) time it takes to cause damage.Because hearing loss is 60.____________ (typical) considered a health problem for the elderly,it is difficult to convince already stubborn teenagers that they really are doing damage 61.____________ their ears.
Young adults 62.____________ have been exposed to noise over a period of time may have some hearing loss symptoms.Their 63.____________ (able) to learn is compromised,and they may have difficulty developing social skills.
In an effort to help teens better protect their hearing,we suggest 64.____________ (set) volume limits on personal audio devices.65.____________ is also good to limit the amount of time exposed to noise and to take listening breaks to give the ears a rest.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
参考词汇:流行病;传染病 epidemic 新型冠状病毒 COVID-19 稿件 contribution
On New Year’s Day,seventy-three-year-old George selected his food carefully.Skim milk was $2.99,white bread,89 cents with a 10-cent discount.Leaving the cashier,he calculated that he had saved 80 cents today.
At the exit,the wind reminded him of his gloves.“Where are they?”Not in the coat pockets.Not in the grocery bag either.He was sure he was wearing them when he entered the store.He clearly remembered putting them into the pocket of this coat.George made a second thorough search of all his pockets again,including the grocery bag.Now he was sure they must have been dropped somewhere inside the store.
Old George had bought the black leather gloves at a 25% discount,for just $35,ten years ago.They were soft and warm and very durable.He had taken care not to let a drop of water or rain touch his expensive gloves,so they looked like new.Losing this favorite possession was almost like losing a child to him.
George,calm on the outside but nervous inside,re-entered the store.He followed the same route he had taken before,starting at the bread counter,to the milk section,the corner where salt and sugar were placed,then the rest of the store.Several minutes of anxious searching turned out to be in vain.He asked the customers whether they saw a pair of black leather gloves,but they said no.Then without hesitation,he went over to the cashier to ask if she had received any lost gloves,but only received the same answer.His heart grew heavier.
“Society has changed,people have changed,”he murmured to himself.“Years ago,if somebody picked up something lost,they would give it back.Now a good action is lost.”
Yet he did not give up hope.He started to stare at anybody wearing black gloves to see if they looked like his.The first two persons he saw did wear gloves,but one was women’s and the other not black.
Suddenly,he found a man looking like a lawyer,
During the whole day,he was always thinking whether to buy a new pair.