人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 1 Art-Grammar—动词不定式作表语&Writing—艺术展览通知学案(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 1 Art-Grammar—动词不定式作表语&Writing—艺术展览通知学案(含答案)
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文件大小 561.9KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-16 09:11:11


Unit 1 Art-Grammar—动词不定式作表语&Writing—艺术展览通知
1.Not to grasp firmly is not to grasp at all.
2.The greatest happiness is to be able to work for the happiness of all.
3.He is to clean the room.
4.Always keep it in mind that your main task is to get this company running smoothly.
5.Maybe Lippi himself cannot answer this question,so the only thing he can do is (to) resign.
【自主发现】 上面句中动词不定式形式,在句中作表语,通常放在连系动词之后。
Her wish is to become a key college student after graduation.
(2)常见的主语:通常是wish,idea,task,purpose,duty,job,goal,aim,way等表示意向、打算、计划的词及what 引导的主语从句等。
What he wanted to suggest was to cut down the price and increase the sales.
[名师提醒] 当主语部分有what/all/everything等代词和实义动词do(表示“做”)的某种形式,那么作表语的不定式可以不带to。
①What we should do at the moment is (to) study hard.我们现在应该做的是努力学习。
②All he did at work was (to) press the button if necessary.他工作时所做的就是必要时按下按钮。
His plan is to clean the room.他的计划是打扫房间。
The students are to meet at the school gate tomorrow.明天学生们将在学校大门口见面。
(1)不定式的被动形式作表语,具有情态意义,其be+to be done形式相当于can/could/should/ought to/must+be done。
You are to be rewarded.你应该受到奖励。(should be rewarded)
These books are not to be sold.这些书不应该卖掉。(ought not to be sold)
She is to blame.她应该受到责备。
Something is still to find out.有些东西还有待查明。
①Our plan is .我们的计划是下周完成这项工作。
②My American teacher .我的美国老师即将离开中国。
③A great deal is .还有许多事要做。
④The thing for us to do is .我们要做的事情就是要接受挑战。
⑤What I want to do most in senior high is .
⑥Few people I know seem .
不定式作表语 强调的是一次性、具体的、将要发生的动作
动名词作表语 强调的是一般性、抽象的、经常发生的动作
His job is to paint the walls within two hours.
His job is painting walls.他的工作是粉刷墙。(这是他日常的工作)
①To do two things at a time is (do)neither.
②Our work is (serve)the people.
③Its goal is (make) sure all children have a chance for education.
④Old Tom’s present job is (sweep)streets.
1.You know,my goal is (lose) 150 pounds in the coming year.
2.Listen!The sound seems (come) from the jungle.
3.The boy was (blame)for what he had done.
4.One of the most damaging things a parent could do was (punish) their children for poor marks.
5.The purpose of education is (develop)a fine personality in children.
6.One of his latest projects has been (make)plants glow(发光)in experiments using some common vegetables.
7.You appear (travel) to quite a lot of places around the world.
8.While regularly eating out seems to (become) common for many young people in recent years,it’s not without a cost.
9.Another way to hide a message is (use) symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.
10.The only thing that interests him is (dance).
1.You must keep it in mind that your work is .
2.What he hoped .
3.One of the most effective ways to reduce stress is .
4.The most important thing about vlogging is .
5.The next step what is required.
6.The ultimate goal of the research is .
7.I gradually understand what we all need is .
8.The most important thing is .
Adam Braun established the organization Pencils of Promise in 2008.Its goal is 1.____________ (make) sure all children have a chance for education.
It all started when he was a college student.Adam Braun was visiting India when 2.____________ girl stopped him on the street and asked for money.He asked her what she desired 3.____________ (much) of all in the world.Astonishingly,her answer was “a pencil”.The girl had never been to school before,and that was the 4.____________ (real) for 57 million children around the world.
After graduation,Adam Braun never forgot the girl and the problem of 5.____________ (her).“We live in a world in which every single child can have access 6.____________ quality education.So I was determined to create schools in other places 7.____________ children are hungry for education.” Adam Braun began to raise money for his project through social media.
“We are working hard to make sure that the program is not just beautiful photos and videos of children,but that we’re 8.____________ (actual) seeing amazing results in the classroom.That’s why our 9.____________ (kid) in Pencils of Promise schools progress fast from one grade to the next,” Braun said.
Since then,it 10.____________ (help) more than 22,000 children in Africa,Asia and Latin America.
一、 常用词汇
1.works of art 艺术作品
2.be open to 向……开放
3.as scheduled 按计划
4.prepare...in advance 提前准备……
5.appeal to 吸引
6.have an influence on 对……有影响
7.win an award for... 荣获……奖项
8.sign up for 报名参加
1.The place of the exhibition is...,which is located at...
2.You know...has a lot of traditional art forms,of which...is one of the most popular.
3.He combines...with...in his works,which are popular with...
4.Some...not only offer you joy and excitement,but also encourage you to think critically.
1.Opening hours are from...to...
2.The gallery is closed...
3.No one will be admitted into the exhibition after...
4.Admission is free for children under...
参考词汇:美术馆art gallery 南北朝the Northern and Southern Dynasty
第一步 审题谋篇
体裁 通知 时态 一般现在时
主题 在市艺术馆举办剪纸艺术展 人称 第三人称
布局 首段:说明展览主题和目的 中段:按照提示对剪纸的历史进行介绍 尾段:介绍展览的时间、地点及注意事项
第二步 要点翻译
The goal is .
Paper-cutting is an art form ,which Chinese working people.
While the works were created by folk artists,they .
第三步 词句升级
Paper cuts of animals were found in tombs.They date back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty.
→Paper cuts of animals date back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty.
The works of art are so true to life,and we guarantee you’ll benefit a lot.
→ the works of art that we guarantee you’ll benefit a lot.
第四步 连句成篇
Art of Paper-cutting On Show
The art gallery of our city is proud to present an exhibition Art of Paper-cutting.The goal is to carry forward the traditional Chinese culture.
As we all know,paper-cutting has a long history.Paper cuts of animals found in tombs date back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty.By the Southern Song Dynasty it had become an important part of daily life.While the works were created by folk artists,they showed great skill.
So true to life are the works of art that we guarantee you’ll benefit a lot.In addition,the exhibition will start on August 12 and lasts five days.
Opening hours are from 8:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m.Admission is free.No food and drink are allowed in the gallery.
Student Union
【提 能 练】
Going back to school can be an anxious time for many students.But one institution in Texas is doing its part to make sure middle schoolers are returning refreshed and inspired to learn.
Through a process called the “bathroom inspiration project,” teachers and administrators at Warren Middle School,spent their summer beautifying the school’s restrooms by painting motivational murals (壁画) on each of the stalls (小隔间).Forming messages like “Your mistakes don’t define you” and “Scatter (播撒) kindness,” the brightly colored words are exactly what a young student needs to see when having a rough day—or any school day for that matter.And now that classes are officially in session,people are already noticing a positive impact.
Since posting photos of upgrades to the school in July,Principal Joshua Garcia says that the alterations have aroused a great response.
“Students have been talking about the murals from the moment the pictures had been posted.Some even took the time to find a reason to come up to the campus to see the murals,” he says.“I think what makes this small little action so valuable is that it has set the tone for our campus.”
And not only is that important to students,parents,and fellow staff,but it is also vital for the school’s new principal,who is trying to gain the trust of the community during a time in which trust is so necessary for schools.
“Being new to the campus,I think the parents were able to see how much I value their children and have their best interest at heart,” Garcia continues.“I have had many parents tell me how they can just feel a difference in the campus climate and how much they are enjoying seeing their children wanting to come here.These murals have put trust back in the campus and its teachers,and by doing so we are able to build a culture in which our students want to be here and learn.”
1.What has happened at Warren Middle School
A.Painting has become popular among most students.
B.Some students have suffered great anxiety at school.
C.Its toilets have been beautified with inspiring murals.
D.Motivational murals have been made in each classroom.
2.What does the underlined word “alterations” in Paragraph 3 probably mean
A.Rules. B.Arguments.
C.Changes. D.Opportunities.
3.What’s students and parents’ attitude toward those murals
A.Negative. B.Ambiguous.
C.Uninterested. D.Supportive.
4.What does Garcia intend to do according to the text
A.Reduce increasing anxiety.
B.Build an artistic atmosphere.
C.Create a trusting environment.
D.Introduce a new culture to society.
Breakdancing is set to make its debut(首次亮相) as an Olympic sport at Paris 2024,Tony Estanguet,head of the Paris organizing committee,said on February 21.Skateboarding,sport climbing and surfing which have already been added to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics,have been invited to return in Paris.
Estanguet said the choices responded to a need to make the Olympics “more urban” and “more artistic”.“We have chosen to present the International Olympic Committee (IOC) with the four sports because they are creative,appealing to the youth and completely in line with our vision.They reflect perfectly Paris 2024’s identity.”
Breakdancing is an example of a sport “which can be played anywhere and anytime in urban and other environments.” It appeared at the 2018 Youth Olympics in Buenos Aires in the form of head-to-head “battles”.In competitive breakdancing,breakers face off in “battles” against each other,either as individuals or teams.Breakdancers use a mix of physical and artistic skills combining elements from gymnastics or acrobatics(杂技).
The IOC had announced that the number of competitors at Paris 2024 would be restricted to 10,500,which limited the opportunity to add sports.But the organizers said the inclusion would not necessitate the construction of permanent facilities and would involve just 248 competitors,including 32 breakdancers.The surfing events are likely to be held in established surf center such as Biarritz or Lacanau in southwest France.
The inclusion still needs to be rubberstamped by the IOC,which is expected to decide on which sports to add in Paris after next year’s Tokyo Games.
5.What do we know about breakdancing
A.It involves multiple skills.
B.It’s limited to group competition.
C.It will show up in Paris 2024.
D.It never appeared in the world events.
6.Paris organizers have chosen the four sports because they ________.
A.attract young people
B.perfectly reflect Paris’ identity
C.make Paris more urban and artistic
D.can be played anytime and anywhere
7.What can we learn from Paragraph 4
A.10,500 competitors will compete for the new sports.
B.More surf centers will be specially designed for Paris 2024.
C.The IOC will reject the proposal because of inadequate facilities.
D.The inclusion won’t require additional competition space to be built.
8.Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word “rubberstamped”?
A.Approved. B.Canceled.
C.Submitted. D.Designed.
A walk through the galleries of Quebec’s Montreal Museum of Fine Arts(MMFA) places individuals face-to-face with some 43,000 artworks ranging from Chinese ceramics to Inuit sculpture.
While the visiting is an incredible cultural experience,a group of local physicians will soon be able to prescribe(开处方) museum visits as treatment for some illnesses.
“We know that art contributes to neural(神经的) activity,” said MMFA director Nathalie Bondil.“What we see is that being in contact with art can really help your well-being.”
Hélène Boyer,vice president of a Montreal-based medical association,explains that museum visits have been shown to increase levels of serotonin,a neurotransmitter(神经递质) known as the “happy chemical” which helps to lift the mood.
According to Boyer,the small increase in hormones associated with enjoying an afternoon of art is similar to that offered by exercise,making museum visits prescriptions ideal for the elderly experiencing pain that prevents them from regularly joining in physical activity.
The museum visits are designed to improve traditional methods.As Bondil notes,spending time in a peaceful environment can provide a welcome distraction.“What is most important is this experience can help them escape from their own pain,” she says.“When you enter the museum,you escape from the speed of our daily life.”
“I am convinced that in the 21st century,culture will be what physical activity was for health in the 20th century,” said Bondil.“Some people would do well to recall that just in the 19th century,sports were believed to do harm to the body.Just as doctors now prescribe exercise,they will be able to prescribe a visit to the MMFA.”
9.What does Hélène Boyer think of museum visits
A.They can cheer people up.
B.They can reduce physical activity.
C.They can slow down our life pace.
D.They can increase levels of art appreciation.
10.How do museum visits affect people
A.Stop them concentrating on pain.
B.Stop them focusing on traditional methods.
C.Encourage them not to be absent-minded.
D.Encourage them to slow their steps while walking.
11.What does the last paragraph suggest
A.Physical activity was popular in the 19th century.
B.Sports are considered to be harmful to the body.
C.Ideas of treating illnesses are changing over time.
D.Doctors prescribe museum visits regularly now.
12.What is the main idea of the text
A.Museum visits are ideal for the elderly.
B.The happy chemical helps to lift the mood.
C.Peaceful environment helps escape pain.
D.Cultural activities will promote health.
Can creativity be taught That’s a question without a simple yes or no answer.Creativity may not be able to be taught directly,but what you can get better at is frequently targeting at the circumstances of life which bring the greatest chances for true creative expression.__1__,but more like something which manifests(显现) itself inside those who learn to develop it and create the right conditions for it.
Limit your selection of tools to only the most vital.__2__.You’ll be sharper than someone who merely fights with a larger set of tools.
Learn how to be resourceful.__3__.Creativity is not just about creating something new but making old things work better as well.Think of crazy possibilities as well as practical ones.You might find inspiration for a workable solution in one of your ideas.
Don’t listen to feedback(反馈) and keep following your own path.The problem of asking for feedback is that the feedback will be given according to the person’s past experience.Others will unconsciously push you in a direction that they see as the best.__4__.Just don’t let criticism destroy your creativity during the creative process.
__5__.Routines are positive if they strengthen a healthy creative consciousness and negative if they destroy that.The key is to discover a creative routine that puts you in a more creative mindset.
A.Creativity is not like a lightning strike
B.Having a routine is actually not a bad idea
C.You can literally do anything you like with them
D.Resourcefulness is about making the most of what you have to work with
E.The more limited your set of tools is,the more creative the output will be
F.This is done with good intentions,but it actually hurts your natural creativity
G.While breaking your routine once in a while to force new ways of thinking is goodUnit 1 Art-Grammar—动词不定式作表语&Writing—艺术展览通知
1.Not to grasp firmly is not to grasp at all.
2.The greatest happiness is to be able to work for the happiness of all.
3.He is to clean the room.
4.Always keep it in mind that your main task is to get this company running smoothly.
5.Maybe Lippi himself cannot answer this question,so the only thing he can do is (to) resign.
【自主发现】 上面句中动词不定式形式,在句中作表语,通常放在连系动词之后。
Her wish is to become a key college student after graduation.
(2)常见的主语:通常是wish,idea,task,purpose,duty,job,goal,aim,way等表示意向、打算、计划的词及what 引导的主语从句等。
What he wanted to suggest was to cut down the price and increase the sales.
[名师提醒] 当主语部分有what/all/everything等代词和实义动词do(表示“做”)的某种形式,那么作表语的不定式可以不带to。
①What we should do at the moment is (to) study hard.我们现在应该做的是努力学习。
②All he did at work was (to) press the button if necessary.他工作时所做的就是必要时按下按钮。
His plan is to clean the room.他的计划是打扫房间。
The students are to meet at the school gate tomorrow.明天学生们将在学校大门口见面。
(1)不定式的被动形式作表语,具有情态意义,其be+to be done形式相当于can/could/should/ought to/must+be done。
You are to be rewarded.你应该受到奖励。(should be rewarded)
These books are not to be sold.这些书不应该卖掉。(ought not to be sold)
She is to blame.她应该受到责备。
Something is still to find out.有些东西还有待查明。
①Our plan is .我们的计划是下周完成这项工作。
②My American teacher .我的美国老师即将离开中国。
③A great deal is .还有许多事要做。
④The thing for us to do is .我们要做的事情就是要接受挑战。
⑤What I want to do most in senior high is .
⑥Few people I know seem .
【答案】1.to finish the work next week2.is to leave China soon.3.yet to do4.(to)accept the challenge.5.(to) improve my English6.to have much desire or time to cook
不定式作表语 强调的是一次性、具体的、将要发生的动作
动名词作表语 强调的是一般性、抽象的、经常发生的动作
His job is to paint the walls within two hours.
His job is painting walls.他的工作是粉刷墙。(这是他日常的工作)
①To do two things at a time is (do)neither.
②Our work is (serve)the people.
③Its goal is (make) sure all children have a chance for education.
④Old Tom’s present job is (sweep)streets.
【答案】1.to do2.serving3.to make4.sweeping
1.You know,my goal is (lose) 150 pounds in the coming year.
2.Listen!The sound seems (come) from the jungle.
3.The boy was (blame)for what he had done.
4.One of the most damaging things a parent could do was (punish) their children for poor marks.
5.The purpose of education is (develop)a fine personality in children.
6.One of his latest projects has been (make)plants glow(发光)in experiments using some common vegetables.
7.You appear (travel) to quite a lot of places around the world.
8.While regularly eating out seems to (become) common for many young people in recent years,it’s not without a cost.
9.Another way to hide a message is (use) symbols to stand for specific letters of the alphabet.
10.The only thing that interests him is (dance).
【答案】1. to lose2. to be coming3.to blame4. (to) punish5. to develop6. to make7.to have travelled8.have become9. to use 10.dancing
1.You must keep it in mind that your work is .
2.What he hoped .
3.One of the most effective ways to reduce stress is .
4.The most important thing about vlogging is .
5.The next step what is required.
6.The ultimate goal of the research is .
7.I gradually understand what we all need is .
8.The most important thing is .
【答案】1.serving the people2.was to be admitted into the university3.to talk about your feelings with someone you__trust4. to tell a good story5. is to make sure6.to prevent people from getting the disease7. to think more about customers8. to negotiate with them about the future of the plant
Adam Braun established the organization Pencils of Promise in 2008.Its goal is 1.____________ (make) sure all children have a chance for education.
It all started when he was a college student.Adam Braun was visiting India when 2.____________ girl stopped him on the street and asked for money.He asked her what she desired 3.____________ (much) of all in the world.Astonishingly,her answer was “a pencil”.The girl had never been to school before,and that was the 4.____________ (real) for 57 million children around the world.
After graduation,Adam Braun never forgot the girl and the problem of 5.____________ (her).“We live in a world in which every single child can have access 6.____________ quality education.So I was determined to create schools in other places 7.____________ children are hungry for education.” Adam Braun began to raise money for his project through social media.
“We are working hard to make sure that the program is not just beautiful photos and videos of children,but that we’re 8.____________ (actual) seeing amazing results in the classroom.That’s why our 9.____________ (kid) in Pencils of Promise schools progress fast from one grade to the next,” Braun said.
Since then,it 10.____________ (help) more than 22,000 children in Africa,Asia and Latin America.
【语篇解读】 本文介绍Adam Braun建立了一个旨在帮助所有孩子接受教育的组织。
【答案】1.to make 考查非谓语动词。句意:它的目标是确保所有的孩子都有机会接受教育。此处用不定式作表语。
2.a 考查冠词。句意:Adam Braun在印度游览时,一个女孩在街上拦住了他,向他要钱。girl为可数名词单数,且此处是第一次提到,故应用不定冠词a。
3.most 考查副词的最高级。句意:他问她在世界上她最想要什么。根据句意及空后的“of all”可知,此处表示“最想要”,故应用副词的最高级形式。
4.reality 考查名词。句意:这个女孩从来没有上过学,这是全世界5 700万孩子的现状。此处定冠词“the”后应跟名词。reality意为“事实,现实”。
5.hers 考查代词。句意:毕业后,Adam Braun从来没有忘记这个女孩和她的问题。介词of后应跟名词性物主代词,表示“她的”,故此处应用hers。
6.to 考查介词。此处考查固定搭配have access to sth“有机会使用……”,故应用介词to。
7.where 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词other places,且在从句中作地点状语,故应用where。
8.actually 考查副词。句意:我们努力确保这个项目不只是孩子们漂亮的图片和视频,而是我们真正地看到课堂上令人惊叹的成果。修饰动词应用副词actually。
9.kids 考查名词的单复数。句意:Braun说,这就是在Pencils of Promise学校的孩子们从一个年级到下个年级进步迅速的原因。根据句意及谓语动词progress可知,此处应用kid的复数形式。
10.has helped 考查动词的时态。句意:从那时起,它已经帮助了非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲的22 000多名孩子。根据时间状语“Since then”可知,此处应用现在完成时。
一、 常用词汇
1.works of art 艺术作品
2.be open to 向……开放
3.as scheduled 按计划
4.prepare...in advance 提前准备……
5.appeal to 吸引
6.have an influence on 对……有影响
7.win an award for... 荣获……奖项
8.sign up for 报名参加
1.The place of the exhibition is...,which is located at...
2.You know...has a lot of traditional art forms,of which...is one of the most popular.
3.He combines...with...in his works,which are popular with...
4.Some...not only offer you joy and excitement,but also encourage you to think critically.
1.Opening hours are from...to...
2.The gallery is closed...
3.No one will be admitted into the exhibition after...
4.Admission is free for children under...
参考词汇:美术馆art gallery 南北朝the Northern and Southern Dynasty
第一步 审题谋篇
体裁 通知 时态 一般现在时
主题 在市艺术馆举办剪纸艺术展 人称 第三人称
布局 首段:说明展览主题和目的 中段:按照提示对剪纸的历史进行介绍 尾段:介绍展览的时间、地点及注意事项
第二步 要点翻译
The goal is .
Paper-cutting is an art form ,which Chinese working people.
While the works were created by folk artists,they .
【答案】1.The goal is to carry forward the traditional Chinese culture.
2. with a long history,is very popular with3.While ,showed great skill
第三步 词句升级
Paper cuts of animals were found in tombs.They date back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty.
→Paper cuts of animals date back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty.
The works of art are so true to life,and we guarantee you’ll benefit a lot.
→ the works of art that we guarantee you’ll benefit a lot.
【答案】1.found in tombs 2.So true to life are
第四步 连句成篇
Art of Paper-cutting On Show
The art gallery of our city is proud to present an exhibition Art of Paper-cutting.The goal is to carry forward the traditional Chinese culture.
As we all know,paper-cutting has a long history.Paper cuts of animals found in tombs date back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty.By the Southern Song Dynasty it had become an important part of daily life.While the works were created by folk artists,they showed great skill.
So true to life are the works of art that we guarantee you’ll benefit a lot.In addition,the exhibition will start on August 12 and lasts five days.
Opening hours are from 8:00 a.m.to 6:00 p.m.Admission is free.No food and drink are allowed in the gallery.
Student Union
Aiming to enrich the students’ school life and encourage them to show their singing abilities,Student Union is going to organize Good Voice Singing Competition.All the students in our school are welcome to attend the competition.
As scheduled,the competition is to be held on February 21 in the lecture hall,in which you’ll be asked to sing two songs,one assigned song and one you choose.The top eight winners will be qualified for the final competition in March.Six teachers from Art Department will be invited to be judges.If you are interested in it,please sign up for it at Student Union before February 17.
Don’t miss the chance,from which you are sure to benefit a lot.
Student Union
【提 能 练】
Going back to school can be an anxious time for many students.But one institution in Texas is doing its part to make sure middle schoolers are returning refreshed and inspired to learn.
Through a process called the “bathroom inspiration project,” teachers and administrators at Warren Middle School,spent their summer beautifying the school’s restrooms by painting motivational murals (壁画) on each of the stalls (小隔间).Forming messages like “Your mistakes don’t define you” and “Scatter (播撒) kindness,” the brightly colored words are exactly what a young student needs to see when having a rough day—or any school day for that matter.And now that classes are officially in session,people are already noticing a positive impact.
Since posting photos of upgrades to the school in July,Principal Joshua Garcia says that the alterations have aroused a great response.
“Students have been talking about the murals from the moment the pictures had been posted.Some even took the time to find a reason to come up to the campus to see the murals,” he says.“I think what makes this small little action so valuable is that it has set the tone for our campus.”
And not only is that important to students,parents,and fellow staff,but it is also vital for the school’s new principal,who is trying to gain the trust of the community during a time in which trust is so necessary for schools.
“Being new to the campus,I think the parents were able to see how much I value their children and have their best interest at heart,” Garcia continues.“I have had many parents tell me how they can just feel a difference in the campus climate and how much they are enjoying seeing their children wanting to come here.These murals have put trust back in the campus and its teachers,and by doing so we are able to build a culture in which our students want to be here and learn.”
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。得克萨斯州的一所中学绘制卫生间文化墙,用正能量的语言激励学生,从而获得学生和家长的一致好评。
1.What has happened at Warren Middle School
A.Painting has become popular among most students.
B.Some students have suffered great anxiety at school.
C.Its toilets have been beautified with inspiring murals.
D.Motivational murals have been made in each classroom.
【答案】 C 细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,通过一个名为“浴室灵感工程”的项目,沃伦中学的老师和管理人员整个夏天都在美化学校的卫生间,在每个隔间上画励志壁画,形成“你的错误不能定义你”和“播撒善意”这样的信息,由此得出,该中学用励志壁画美化了卫生间的每一个小隔间。故选C。
2.What does the underlined word “alterations” in Paragraph 3 probably mean
A.Rules. B.Arguments.
C.Changes. D.Opportunities.
【答案】C 词义猜测题。由上一段可知,学校通过壁画这种形式改变了学校的氛围,获得了积极的影响。再根据本段画线单词前面的 Since posting photos of upgrades to the school和后面的have aroused a great response 可推知,学校的这一改变也引起了大家好的反响。故画线部分单词alterations在此意为“改变”。故选C。
3.What’s students and parents’ attitude toward those murals
A.Negative. B.Ambiguous.
C.Uninterested. D.Supportive.
【答案】D 推理判断题。根据第四段中的Students have been talking about...the campus to see the murals以及最后一段中的I have had many parents...their children wanting to come here可推知,学生和家长对学校的这一举措持支持态度。故选D。
4.What does Garcia intend to do according to the text
A.Reduce increasing anxiety.
B.Build an artistic atmosphere.
C.Create a trusting environment.
D.Introduce a new culture to society.
【答案】C 细节理解题。根据第五段中的it is also vital for the school’s new principal...in which trust is so necessary for schools以及最后一段中Garcia所说的These murals have put trust back in the campus可推知,校长Garcia希望创建一个家长对学校充满信任的大环境。故选C。
Breakdancing is set to make its debut(首次亮相) as an Olympic sport at Paris 2024,Tony Estanguet,head of the Paris organizing committee,said on February 21.Skateboarding,sport climbing and surfing which have already been added to the 2020 Tokyo Olympics,have been invited to return in Paris.
Estanguet said the choices responded to a need to make the Olympics “more urban” and “more artistic”.“We have chosen to present the International Olympic Committee (IOC) with the four sports because they are creative,appealing to the youth and completely in line with our vision.They reflect perfectly Paris 2024’s identity.”
Breakdancing is an example of a sport “which can be played anywhere and anytime in urban and other environments.” It appeared at the 2018 Youth Olympics in Buenos Aires in the form of head-to-head “battles”.In competitive breakdancing,breakers face off in “battles” against each other,either as individuals or teams.Breakdancers use a mix of physical and artistic skills combining elements from gymnastics or acrobatics(杂技).
The IOC had announced that the number of competitors at Paris 2024 would be restricted to 10,500,which limited the opportunity to add sports.But the organizers said the inclusion would not necessitate the construction of permanent facilities and would involve just 248 competitors,including 32 breakdancers.The surfing events are likely to be held in established surf center such as Biarritz or Lacanau in southwest France.
The inclusion still needs to be rubberstamped by the IOC,which is expected to decide on which sports to add in Paris after next year’s Tokyo Games.
【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。巴黎组委会主席托尼·埃斯坦盖2月21日表示,霹雳舞将在2024年巴黎奥运会上首次亮相。文章介绍了将霹雳舞等运动纳入奥运会的原因、意义等相关信息。
5.What do we know about breakdancing
A.It involves multiple skills.
B.It’s limited to group competition.
C.It will show up in Paris 2024.
D.It never appeared in the world events.
【答案】A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Breakdancers use a mix of physical and artistic skills combining elements from gymnastics or acrobatics.”可知,霹雳舞者既使用体操又使用艺术技能,将来自体操或杂技的因素结合在了一起。由此可知,霹雳舞需要多重技能。故A选项正确。
6.Paris organizers have chosen the four sports because they ________.
A.attract young people
B.perfectly reflect Paris’ identity
C.make Paris more urban and artistic
D.can be played anytime and anywhere
【答案】A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“We have chosen to present...appealing to the youth and completely in line with our vision.”可知,因为这四项运动具有创造性,吸引年轻人,完全符合委员会的愿景。故结合选项,A选项切题。
7.What can we learn from Paragraph 4
A.10,500 competitors will compete for the new sports.
B.More surf centers will be specially designed for Paris 2024.
C.The IOC will reject the proposal because of inadequate facilities.
D.The inclusion won’t require additional competition space to be built.
【答案】D 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“But the organizers said the inclusion...such as Biarritz or Lacanau in southwest France.”可知,这项计划不需要建造永久性设施,只涉及248名参赛者,其中包括32名霹雳舞参赛者。冲浪比赛很可能在法国西南部的比亚里茨或拉卡诺等既定的冲浪中心举行。由此推知,这项计划不会再需要重建额外的场地。故D选项正确。
8.Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word “rubberstamped”?
A.Approved. B.Canceled.
C.Submitted. D.Designed.
【答案】A 词义猜测题。根据“which is expected to decide on which sports to add in Paris after next year’s Tokyo Games”可知,国际奥委会将在明年东京奥运会后决定在巴黎(奥运会)增加哪些体育项目。由此推知,前面应该指“增加这些比赛项目仍然需要国际奥委会的同意”。故该画线词应表示“同意,认可,批准”这样的意思,故A选项切题。
A walk through the galleries of Quebec’s Montreal Museum of Fine Arts(MMFA) places individuals face-to-face with some 43,000 artworks ranging from Chinese ceramics to Inuit sculpture.
While the visiting is an incredible cultural experience,a group of local physicians will soon be able to prescribe(开处方) museum visits as treatment for some illnesses.
“We know that art contributes to neural(神经的) activity,” said MMFA director Nathalie Bondil.“What we see is that being in contact with art can really help your well-being.”
Hélène Boyer,vice president of a Montreal-based medical association,explains that museum visits have been shown to increase levels of serotonin,a neurotransmitter(神经递质) known as the “happy chemical” which helps to lift the mood.
According to Boyer,the small increase in hormones associated with enjoying an afternoon of art is similar to that offered by exercise,making museum visits prescriptions ideal for the elderly experiencing pain that prevents them from regularly joining in physical activity.
The museum visits are designed to improve traditional methods.As Bondil notes,spending time in a peaceful environment can provide a welcome distraction.“What is most important is this experience can help them escape from their own pain,” she says.“When you enter the museum,you escape from the speed of our daily life.”
“I am convinced that in the 21st century,culture will be what physical activity was for health in the 20th century,” said Bondil.“Some people would do well to recall that just in the 19th century,sports were believed to do harm to the body.Just as doctors now prescribe exercise,they will be able to prescribe a visit to the MMFA.”
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。参观博物馆不仅能让人们接受艺术的熏陶,还能舒缓心情、治疗疾病。
9.What does Hélène Boyer think of museum visits
A.They can cheer people up.
B.They can reduce physical activity.
C.They can slow down our life pace.
D.They can increase levels of art appreciation.
【答案】A 细节理解题。根据第四段可知,一个总部设在蒙特利尔的医学协会的副主席Hélène Boyer解释说,参观博物馆被证明可以提高血清素水平,血清素是一种被称为“快乐化学物质”的神经递质,它有助于振奋情绪;据此可知,Hélène Boyer认为参观博物馆可以帮助人们振作起来,故A项正确。
10.How do museum visits affect people
A.Stop them concentrating on pain.
B.Stop them focusing on traditional methods.
C.Encourage them not to be absent-minded.
D.Encourage them to slow their steps while walking.
【答案】A 细节理解题。根据第六段中的“What is most important is this experience can help them escape from their own pain”可知,参观博物馆可以让人们逃避痛苦,故A项正确。
11.What does the last paragraph suggest
A.Physical activity was popular in the 19th century.
B.Sports are considered to be harmful to the body.
C.Ideas of treating illnesses are changing over time.
D.Doctors prescribe museum visits regularly now.
【答案】C 推理判断题。根据尾段最后两句“Some people would...to prescribe a visit to the MMFA”可知,在19世纪,体育运动被认为对身体有害;现在,就像医生给病人开运动处方一样,人们将能给病人开去蒙特利尔美术博物馆参观的处方。据此可推知,治疗疾病的方法随着时间的变化而改变,故C项正确。
12.What is the main idea of the text
A.Museum visits are ideal for the elderly.
B.The happy chemical helps to lift the mood.
C.Peaceful environment helps escape pain.
D.Cultural activities will promote health.
【答案】D 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章第一段通过描述参观蒙特利尔美术博物馆引入本文话题,接着介绍当地医生将给病人开参观博物馆的处方来治疗一些疾病,然后重点介绍了艺术欣赏对人的健康的积极作用,故D项符合文意。
Can creativity be taught That’s a question without a simple yes or no answer.Creativity may not be able to be taught directly,but what you can get better at is frequently targeting at the circumstances of life which bring the greatest chances for true creative expression.__1__,but more like something which manifests(显现) itself inside those who learn to develop it and create the right conditions for it.
Limit your selection of tools to only the most vital.__2__.You’ll be sharper than someone who merely fights with a larger set of tools.
Learn how to be resourceful.__3__.Creativity is not just about creating something new but making old things work better as well.Think of crazy possibilities as well as practical ones.You might find inspiration for a workable solution in one of your ideas.
Don’t listen to feedback(反馈) and keep following your own path.The problem of asking for feedback is that the feedback will be given according to the person’s past experience.Others will unconsciously push you in a direction that they see as the best.__4__.Just don’t let criticism destroy your creativity during the creative process.
__5__.Routines are positive if they strengthen a healthy creative consciousness and negative if they destroy that.The key is to discover a creative routine that puts you in a more creative mindset.
A.Creativity is not like a lightning strike
B.Having a routine is actually not a bad idea
C.You can literally do anything you like with them
D.Resourcefulness is about making the most of what you have to work with
E.The more limited your set of tools is,the more creative the output will be
F.This is done with good intentions,but it actually hurts your natural creativity
G.While breaking your routine once in a while to force new ways of thinking is good
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文,主要介绍了培养创造力的一些方法。
1.【答案】A 根据空后的“but more like something which...conditions for it”可知,空处和后面的句子构成一个“not...but...”句型,故A项符合语境。
2.【答案】E 由空前一句“Limit your selection of tools to only the most vital”可知,E项符合语境,承接上文。故选E项。
3.【答案】D 空前一句“Learn how to be resourceful”中的“resourceful”和D项中的“Resourcefulness”相呼应。故选D项。
4.【答案】F 根据该段的主题句“Don’t listen to feedback(反馈) and keep following your own path”并结合空前一句“Others will unconsciously push you in a direction that they see as the best”可知,其他人的反馈意图是好的,但会伤害你的创造力,故选F项。
5.【答案】B 根据文章的结构和空处所在的位置可知,空处为该段的主题句。本段主要讲的是有规律地做事实际上不是一个坏主意。故选B项。