人教版2019必修第三册 Unit 1Festivals and Celebrations 基础知识随堂检测(有答案解析)


名称 人教版2019必修第三册 Unit 1Festivals and Celebrations 基础知识随堂检测(有答案解析)
格式 zip
文件大小 270.3KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-16 14:01:33


origin n. 2.charm n.
3.gratitude n. 4.crop n.
5.gather vi. vt.
6.church n. 7.typical adj.
8.firecracker n. 9.the media
10. belief n. 11. merry adj.
12. lunar adj. 13. firework n.
14. autonomous adj. 15.moment n.
1. n. 一系列;范围、界限 vi. 包括;(在一定范围内)变化
2. n. 人物;数字;身材 vt. 认为;认定
3. n. 收获季节;收获;收成 vi.& vt. 收割(庄稼);捕猎(动物、鱼)
4. adj. 感激的;表示感谢的
5. vt. 以……为特色 n. 特色;特征;特点
6. adj. 有重大意义的;显著的
7. vi.& vt. 逐渐消失;(使)褪色;(身体)变得虚弱
8. adj. 邪恶的;有害的;罪恶的 n. 邪恶;罪恶;恶行
9. n. 媒介;手段;方法 adj. 中等的;中号的
10. vt. 显示;反映;反射
11. n. 宗教信仰;信任;相信
12. n. 特别的事情(或仪式、庆典);(适当的)机会
13. n. 气氛;氛围;(地球的)大气(层)
14. adj. 烤的;焙的 vi.& vt. 烘烤;焙
15. adj. 高兴的;满意的
16. adj. 坦率的;直率的
17. n. 地区;区域;地带
18. vt. 象征;代表;相当于
19. adj. 花哨的;精致的;昂贵的 vt. 想要;倾慕;自认为是
20. adv. 绝对地;完全地
21. adj. 简洁的;简单的;短暂的
22. n. 婚礼;结婚庆典
23. vt. 鼓掌;拍手;击掌 n. 鼓掌;拍手;掌声
24. n.& vt. 尊敬;尊重
1.All the crops had been (gather)and stored before the storm came.
2. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and(收获) in autumn.
3. Today’s festivals have many origins , some (religion), some seasonal and some for special people or events.
4. Some festivals can also be held to honour famous (人物)such as Ou Yuan and Mohandas Gandhi.
5.Festivals give us some (时刻)where we can relax and enjoy life.
6.My father has much (信任)in doctors of traditional Chinese medicine.
7. The festivals (反映)people’s wishes and attitudes toward future life
8. In ancient Egypt, the harvest festival (feature)a parade and a great feast with music , dancing and sports.
9. I wrote a letter of (congratulate) to them the other day.
10.We should respect the (religion) beliefs of their countries
11.How easy it is to recommend joy to those who cannot be (joy)
12. This is the (agriculture) school I told you about last time.
13. I offered help ,and he accepted (grateful)
14. How do you like this (decorate) of the room
15. (typical) , she had forgotten her keys again.
16. There’s (absolute) nothing more the doctor can do.
1. 穿上盛装;装扮
2. 毕竟;别忘了
3. 包括从……到……之间
4. 逐渐消失;(身体)变得虚弱
5. 不管;尽管
6. 利用;欺骗;占……的便宜
7. (兴趣、想法等方面)相同;有相同的特征
8. 坦白说;坦率地说
9. 爆炸;走火;离开
10. 除……之外
1. , coworking spaces also typically use an open office layout (布局).
2.You do not need to for dinner.
3.If you’re too trusting, other people will you.
4. his age, he still leads an active life.
5.For lovers of the great outdoors, activities canoeing to bird watching.
6.We have lots of things besides music.
7.In the last weeks of her life she simply .
8.The bomb in a crowded street.
9. with you, I think your son has little chance of passing the exam.
10.He hadn’t eaten a thing one forkful of salad.
congratulate vt. 向(某人)道贺;为自己感到自豪→ n. 祝贺;恭喜
2.religion n. 宗教;宗教信仰→religious adj. 宗教的;笃信宗教的→ adv. 虔诚地
3.joy n. 高兴;喜悦→ adj. 高兴的→ adv. 高兴地,兴高采烈地
4.agriculture n. 农业;农艺→ adj. 农业(劳动/生产)
5.decorate vt. 装饰;装潢→ n. 装饰;装饰品;装饰图案
6. commercialise vt. 使商业化;利用……牟利→ n.商业化→ adj. 商业(化)的;以获利为目的的
7.wrestle vi.& vt. 摔跤;奋力对付→ n. 摔跤运动员→ n. 摔跤运动
8.grace n. 优美;优雅;高雅→ adj. 优美的;优雅的→ adv. 优雅地;得体地
9.horrible adj. 令人震惊的;恐怖的;极坏的→ n. 震惊;恐怖;厌恶
6.几首歌唱毕,参赛者们在绿地上翩翩起舞, 挥舞着双臂,宛如雄鹰。
Walking in the rain is .
What I hate most is .
The tiger was that it frightened the children away.
Her speech is very .
My dream is .
Who the fire alarm
, the opening ceremony left a deep impression on me.
Mary a wealthy lady and always looks down on her colleagues.
All the villagers the stranger because it was he who saved their life.
Lisa’s description of the party was so vivid that I felt there.重点词汇
origin n. 2.charm n.
3.gratitude n. 4.crop n.
5.gather vi. vt.
6.church n. 7.typical adj.
8.firecracker n. 9.the media
10. belief n. 11. merry adj.
12. lunar adj. 13. firework n.
14. autonomous adj. 15.moment n.
1.起源;起因;出身 2.魅力;迷人的特征;咒语 3.感激之情;感谢 4.庄稼;作物;一季的收成 5.vi. 聚集;集合 vt. 聚集;搜集;收割 6.(基督教的)教堂;礼拜堂 7.典型的;有代表性的;平常的 8.鞭炮;爆竹 9.大众传播媒介 10.信仰;信心;信任 11.愉快的;高兴的12.阴历的;月球的;月亮的 13.烟火;烟花 14.自治的;有自治权的 15.片刻;瞬间
1. n. 一系列;范围、界限 vi. 包括;(在一定范围内)变化
2. n. 人物;数字;身材 vt. 认为;认定
3. n. 收获季节;收获;收成 vi.& vt. 收割(庄稼);捕猎(动物、鱼)
4. adj. 感激的;表示感谢的
5. vt. 以……为特色 n. 特色;特征;特点
6. adj. 有重大意义的;显著的
7. vi.& vt. 逐渐消失;(使)褪色;(身体)变得虚弱
8. adj. 邪恶的;有害的;罪恶的 n. 邪恶;罪恶;恶行
9. n. 媒介;手段;方法 adj. 中等的;中号的
10. vt. 显示;反映;反射
11. n. 宗教信仰;信任;相信
12. n. 特别的事情(或仪式、庆典);(适当的)机会
13. n. 气氛;氛围;(地球的)大气(层)
14. adj. 烤的;焙的 vi.& vt. 烘烤;焙
15. adj. 高兴的;满意的
16. adj. 坦率的;直率的
17. n. 地区;区域;地带
18. vt. 象征;代表;相当于
19. adj. 花哨的;精致的;昂贵的 vt. 想要;倾慕;自认为是
20. adv. 绝对地;完全地
21. adj. 简洁的;简单的;短暂的
22. n. 婚礼;结婚庆典
23. vt. 鼓掌;拍手;击掌 n. 鼓掌;拍手;掌声
24. n.& vt. 尊敬;尊重
1.range 2.figure 3.harvest 4.grateful 5.feature 6.significant 7.fade 8.evil 9.medium 10.reflect 11.faith 12.occasion 13.atmosphere 14.roast 15.pleased 16.frank 17.region 18.represent 19.fancy 20.absolutely 21.brief 22.wedding 23.clap 24.respect
1.All the crops had been (gather)and stored before the storm came.
2. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and(收获) in autumn.
3. Today’s festivals have many origins , some (religion), some seasonal and some for special people or events.
4. Some festivals can also be held to honour famous (人物)such as Ou Yuan and Mohandas Gandhi.
5.Festivals give us some (时刻)where we can relax and enjoy life.
6.My father has much (信任)in doctors of traditional Chinese medicine.
7. The festivals (反映)people’s wishes and attitudes toward future life
8. In ancient Egypt, the harvest festival (feature)a parade and a great feast with music , dancing and sports.
9. I wrote a letter of (congratulate) to them the other day.
10.We should respect the (religion) beliefs of their countries
11.How easy it is to recommend joy to those who cannot be (joy)
12. This is the (agriculture) school I told you about last time.
13. I offered help ,and he accepted (grateful)
14. How do you like this (decorate) of the room
15. (typical) , she had forgotten her keys again.
16. There’s (absolute) nothing more the doctor can do.
gathered 2.harvest 3.religious 4.figures 5.occasions 6.faith 7.reflect 8.featured 9.congratulation 10.religious 11.joyful 12.agricultural 13.gratefully 14.decoration 15.Typically 16.absolutely
1. 穿上盛装;装扮
2. 毕竟;别忘了
3. 包括从……到……之间
4. 逐渐消失;(身体)变得虚弱
5. 不管;尽管
6. 利用;欺骗;占……的便宜
7. (兴趣、想法等方面)相同;有相同的特征
8. 坦白说;坦率地说
9. 爆炸;走火;离开
10. 除……之外
1.dress (sb) up 2.after all 3.range from ... to ... 4.fade away 5.in spite of 6.take advantage of 7.have sth in common 8.to be frank 9.go off 10.except for
1. , coworking spaces also typically use an open office layout (布局).
2.You do not need to for dinner.
3.If you’re too trusting, other people will you.
4. his age, he still leads an active life.
5.For lovers of the great outdoors, activities canoeing to bird watching.
6.We have lots of things besides music.
7.In the last weeks of her life she simply .
8.The bomb in a crowded street.
9. with you, I think your son has little chance of passing the exam.
10.He hadn’t eaten a thing one forkful of salad.
1.After all 2.dress up 3. take advantage of 4.In spite of 5.range from 6.in common 7.faded away 8.went off 9.To be frank 10. except for
congratulate vt. 向(某人)道贺;为自己感到自豪→ n. 祝贺;恭喜
2.religion n. 宗教;宗教信仰→religious adj. 宗教的;笃信宗教的→ adv. 虔诚地
3.joy n. 高兴;喜悦→ adj. 高兴的→ adv. 高兴地,兴高采烈地
4.agriculture n. 农业;农艺→ adj. 农业(劳动/生产)
5.decorate vt. 装饰;装潢→ n. 装饰;装饰品;装饰图案
6. commercialise vt. 使商业化;利用……牟利→ n.商业化→ adj. 商业(化)的;以获利为目的的
7.wrestle vi.& vt. 摔跤;奋力对付→ n. 摔跤运动员→ n. 摔跤运动
8.grace n. 优美;优雅;高雅→ adj. 优美的;优雅的→ adv. 优雅地;得体地
9.horrible adj. 令人震惊的;恐怖的;极坏的→ n. 震惊;恐怖;厌恶
congratulation 2.religiously 3.joyful joyfully 4.agricultural 5.decoration 6.commercialisation commercial 7.wrestler wrestling 8.graceful gracefully 9.horror
6.几首歌唱毕,参赛者们在绿地上翩翩起舞, 挥舞着双臂,宛如雄鹰。
1.You shouldn’t have scolded the boy at all, for he did it for the first time after all. Above all, he made only two mistakes in all.
2.The project was dreamed up by a local charity to reduce loneliness and improve elderly people’s wellbeing.
3.Festivals are becoming more and more commercial, with businesses taking advantage of the celebrations.
4.It is amusing that he looked for the key everywhere with it in his hand.
5.Online shopping websites and social media apps have made it much easier for the public to spend more on gifts for their loved ones.
6.After singing some songs, the competitors danced onto the green field, waving their arms in the air as if they were eagles.
Walking in the rain is .
What I hate most is .
The tiger was that it frightened the children away.
Her speech is very .
My dream is .
Who the fire alarm
, the opening ceremony left a deep impression on me.
Mary a wealthy lady and always looks down on her colleagues.
All the villagers the stranger because it was he who saved their life.
Lisa’s description of the party was so vivid that I felt there.
1.quite fascinating 2.being laughed at 3.so frightening 4.interesting and encouraging 5.to broaden my mind by seeing different cultures 6.set off 7.To be brief/Briefly speaking/To put it briefly 8.fancies herself as/to be 9.show great respect for 10.as if I had been