人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration综合能力提升练(含解析)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration综合能力提升练(含解析)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-16 14:22:04


1.The s revolves around the Earth once every hundred minutes.
2.The civilization of m has taken thousands of years to develop.
3.The astronauts trained for years in how to use their s .
4.The stone rolled down the mountain by g .
5.The j craftsman also said: “This is a piece of ordinary stone.”
6.Chinese astronauts have completed the first s outside of the country's new space station.
7.You can book at your local travel a .
8.We still don't know how many galaxies there are in the u .
9.Only light v are allowed over the old bridge.
10.The images of the moon's surface were t back to earth and printed out.
答案:1.satellite 2.mankind 3.spacecraft 4.gravity 5.jade 6.spacewalk 7.agency 8.universe 9.vehicles 10.transmitted
1.Thousands of pieces of (datum) are stored in a computer's memory.
2.We aim to help disabled students to live and study (independent).
3.It's a story about a man who leaves jail and determines (reform).
4.Despite the storm, everyone board was safe and sound.
5.Don't raise your hopes too high, or you may be (disappoint).
6.A new satellite has been put into orbit the earth.
7.The traffic policeman signalled to me (pull) over.
8.Troops established a road block the frontier.
9.If there are things we do not know, it is we haven't learnt them.
10.She had a strong desire (be) a dancer but failed to make the grade.
11.It's said he is the only one (know) the truth.
12.She stopped her car (let) a black dog run across the street.
13. (explore) the universe, you have to know more about satellites, space, gravity and so on.
14.Would you please bring me some paper (write) on.
15.Be careful (avoid) making the same mistake.
16.We took full advantage of the hotel (facility).
17.No one could figure how he got to be so wealthy.
18.We are not old enough (vote) or to be voted.
19. we can see, China is developing at an amazing rate.
20.Thanks to your encouragement, I finally got the courage (face) the challenge.
答案:1.data 2.independently 3.to reform 4.on 5.disappointed 6.around 7.to pull 8.on 9.because 10.to be 11.to know 12.to let 13.To explore 14.to write 15.to avoid 16.facilities 17.out 18.to vote 19.As 20.to face
三、阅读 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
(2022·山东省济南市历城第二中学高三检测(B))Mars was once wet, with an ocean's worth of water on its surface. Today, most of Mars is as dry as a desert except for ice deposits in its polar regions. Where did the rest of the water go
Some of it disappeared into space. Water molecules, beaten by particles of solar wind, broke apart into hydrogen and oxygen atoms, and those, especially the lighter hydrogen atoms, sped out of the atmosphere, lost to outer space.
But most of the water, a new study concludes, went down, sucked into the red planet's rocks. And there it remains, trapped within minerals and salts. Indeed, as much as 99% of the water that once flowed on Mars could still be there, the researchers estimated in a paper published this week in the journal Science. Bethany Ehlmann, a professor of planetary science at the California Institute of Technology and one of the authors of the paper, said that as the rocks are altered by liquid water, water molecules become incorporated (并入) into minerals like clays.
The data and simulations indicated that the water on Mars was almost all gone by 3 billion years ago, around the tune on Earth when life consisted of single cell microbes in the oceans. Without a time machine, there is no way to observe directly how much water was on a younger Mars more than 3 billion years ago. But the hydrogen atoms floating today in the atmosphere of Mars preserve a ghostly hint of the ancient ocean.
On Earth, about 1 in 5, 000 hydrogen atoms is a version known as deuterium (重氢;氢的同位素) that is twice as heavy because its nucleus contains both a neutron and a proton. But on Mars, the concentration of deuterium is markedly higher, about 1 in 700. Scientists at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center who reported this finding in 2015 said this could be used to calculate the amount of water Mars once had.
1.Why can't water be found on Mars now except for ice deposits in polar regions
A.Because it was transformed into deuterium.
B.Because it was beaten into particles by solar wind.
C.Because most of it was integrated and some disappeared.
D.Because it broke down into hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
2.What is implied about deuterium in the last paragraph
A.It is twice the weight of hydrogen.
B.Its nucleus contains a neutron and a proton.
C.Its concentration on Earth is markedly higher than on Mars.
D.It enlightens scientists on the measurement of water on Mars.
3.In which section of a newspaper may this article appear
A.Science. B.Travel.
C.Entertainment. D.Education.
4.What can be a suitable title for the text
A.Mars: Once Wet, Now Dry
B.Atoms: Hydrogen or Deuterium
C.Microbes: Single cell or Multi cell
D.Water Vanished: This Might Be Where It Went
1.答案:C 细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“Some of it disappeared into space.(一些水消失在太空中。)”和第三段第一句“But most of the water, a new study concludes, went down, sucked into the red planet's rocks.(但一项新的研究表明,大部分的水都沉入了火星的岩石中。)”可知,火星上没有水是因为一部分消失了,还有大部分被岩石吸收。故选C。
2.答案:D 细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“Scientists at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center who reported this finding in 2015 said this could be used to calculate the amount of water Mars once had.(美国宇航局戈达德太空飞行中心的科学家在2015年报告了这一发现,称这可以用来计算火星曾经拥有的水的数量。)”可知,关于重氢的研究可以帮助科学家计算火星的水量。故选D。
3.答案:A 推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文是一篇科普类说明文,因此可能出现在报纸的科学版块。故选A。
4.答案:D 标题判断题。通读全文,尤其是根据第三段第一句“But most of the water, a new study concludes, went down, sucked into the red planet's rocks.(但一项新的研究表明,大部分的水都沉入了火星的岩石中。)”可知,本文主要讲述了火星消失的水可能在哪里。故选D。
(2021·湖北省八市高三联考)Most Chinese know the story of the mythological Chang'e, the Chinese goddess of the moon. It's a story about a woman who takes an immortality pill and flies to the moon. It is told every year during China's Mid Autumn Festival, so people can't hear the word “Chang'e” without thinking of romantic images of a moon goddess.
For this reason, China's mission to the moon was calling out for a strong female figure. Therefore, pictures of a 24 year old female space commander have gone viral on Chinese social media for her work on the Chang'e 5 Moon exploration programme with comments about how she is a “frontline soldier in the field of aerospace” that young Chinese can look up to.
Ms Zhou, a 24 year old lady of Tujia ethnic group, is China's youngest ever space commander. She was involved in the successful launch of the Chang'e 5 lunar probe on 24 November, in charge of the rocket connector system, described as a key role.
In Wenchang space launch site, though she is only 1.58 meters and looks “mini”, she is called “big sister” for her powerful “core and energy”. Since senior high, she has dreamed of being a member of a space research team. With her great efforts, she was admitted to an aircraft system and engineering major of a domestic university in 2014, making her aerospace dream come true. To grow into a commander, in two and a half years, she changed five positions to be familiar with multiple posts and types of work, each of which takes great courage and is full of challenges. In a working space with no air conditioning and narrow space to accommodate only three people, she worked for 60 days until the completion of “the Lang March 5 rocket goes around” battle.
Her story has received attention from Chinese state run media as well as overseas media outlets. However, it has not appeared to have had much of an effect on her. According to the media, she declined repeated requests for interviews because she does not wish to let fame get in the way of her work.
5.Why does the writer mention the myth of Chang'e at the beginning of the passage
A.To introduce the topic.
B.To give an example.
C.To tell a romantic story.
D.To spread Chinese culture.
6.What makes people think of Ms Zhou as a pioneer for the youth in aerospace
A.Her youth and beauty.
B.Her pictures on the media.
C.Her identity of Tujia Ethnic group.
D.Her performance in the moon landing program.
7.Why did Ms Zhou reject the media's invitation to interviews
A.Because she was too shy.
B.Because she was not available.
C.Because she feared her fame might affect her career.
D.Because she considered fame nothing but a burden.
8.What can we learn from Ms Zhou's story
A.Attitude is altitude.
B.The early bird catches the worms.
C.Many hands make light work.
D.Diligence makes up for inability.
5.答案:A 推理判断题。第一段介绍了嫦娥奔月的神话故事,第二段第一句“For this reason, China's mission to the moon was calling out for a strong female figure.(出于这个原因,中国的登月任务在呼唤一位强大的女性人物。)”起到过渡的作用,引出下文,下文主要讲述参与嫦娥五号探索计划的24岁女指挥官实现太空探索梦想的经历。由此可推知,第一段提到嫦娥奔月的神话是为了引出话题。故选A。
6.答案:D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Therefore, pictures of a 24 year old female space commander ... young Chinese can look up to.(因此,一名24岁的女太空指挥官的照片在中国社交媒体上走红,她参与了嫦娥五号的探索计划,被评论为值得中国年轻人尊敬的‘航天领域的一线战士’。)”可知,周女士在登月计划中的表现让人们认为她是年轻人在航天领域的先驱。故选D。
7.答案:C 细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“According to the media, she declined repeated requests for interviews because she does not wish to let fame get in the way of her work.”可知,周女士拒绝媒体采访是因为她不想让名声影响她的工作。故选C。
8.答案:A 推理判断题。根据第四段第四句“To grow into a commander ... takes great courage and is full of challenges.(为了成长为一名指挥官,在两年半的时间里,她换了5个岗位,熟悉了多个岗位和各类工作,每一个岗位都需要很大的勇气和挑战。)”并结合全文内容可推知,周女士为了实现自己的航天梦,付出了很大的决心和努力,因此A项(态度决定高度。)是我们在她的故事中能学到的东西。故选A。
(2022·湖北省问津联合体高一下质量检测)With rounds of pioneering space flights that could set the stage for future space tourism, it is worth looking at what might be involved for the human exploration of Mars, though it's likely decades away. Technological challenges aside, as we continue to expand our exploration of Mars, there is a question: What might be the lessons of past voyages of discovery that we should think about
Human exploration has led to many extraordinary new discoveries, but it has also led to the exploitation of resources. Not long after early European settlers arrived at America,they declared their independence and created the constitution by which modern American society functions. However, this did not prevent the settlers from referring to native people as savages and taking away their rights to liberty, happiness, and even survival. Native Americans were quickly killed by wars and new diseases as the new settlers expanded their land. The natural environment, with which they had established a harmonious relationship, was similarly destroyed by the settlement.
Mars certainly has an impossible environment for human life, but on Mars, humans will be the invasive species.Will our landing on mars break the ecosystem on Mars It is possible that Mars has ideal minerals for future development. But apart from technology challenges, will the mining have a disastrous environment impact on this red neighbour as it has already had on Earth
The achievements of space exploration are certainly to be applauded. The contributions of the related researches on chemistry, medicine and many others are potentially limitless. However, as we look to exploring worlds beyond our own, we need to begin now to look at history to consider how best to engage with different life forms, cultures and environments. We may be capable of writing a law, but we first need to clear our potential invasive impact on another planet that may be completely defenseless.
1.What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 refer to
A.Modern American society.
B.The creation of constitution.
C.The settlement of Europeans.
D.The exploitation of resources.
2.What's the author's concern about the exploration of Mars
A.Humans cannot survive on Mars.
B.Humans may bring new diseases to Mars.
C.The exploration may destroy Mars' ecosystem.
D.Technology challenges will make mining on Mars hard.
3.What's the author's suggestion for future space exploring
A.Making relevant laws properly.
B.Conducting more scientific researches.
C.Predicting its impacts on other planets.
D.Learning from past exploration experiences.
4.Which column is this text most probably taken from
A.Opinion. B.History.
C.Technology. D.Environment.
1.答案:B 指代判断题。根据画线词上文“Not long after ... functions.(早期的欧洲殖民者到达美洲后不久,他们宣布独立,并制定了现代美国社会运行所依据的宪法。)”以及下文“did not ... even survival”可知,虽然欧洲殖民者到达美洲后制定了宪法,但这并不能阻止殖民者将土著人称为野蛮人,剥夺他们的自由、幸福甚至生存权利。由此可推知,this指 “宪法的制定”。故选B。
2.答案:C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“But apart from technology ... already had on Earth?(但是除了技术上的挑战,采矿是否会对这个红色邻居造成灾难性的环境影响,就像地球上已经造成的那样?)”可知,作者对火星探索的担忧是探索可能会破坏火星的生态系统。故选C。
3.答案:D 细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Technological challenges ... that we should think about?”以及最后一段中的“However, as we look to ... environments.”可知,作者建议未来的太空探索借鉴以往的探索经验。故选D。
4.答案:A 推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章主要说明了人类探索太空造成的影响,对此作者表达了自己的观点和建议。由此可推知,这篇文章最可能来自“观点”一栏。故选A。
(2022·湖北省武汉市高一下阶段检测)After orbiting Earth for six months, the three crew members of China's Shenzhou mission had departed from the Tiangong space station and returned to the mother planet on April 16, 2022 , finishing the nation's longest manned spaceflight.
The reentry capsule (返回舱) touched down on the Dongfeng Landing Site in the Gobi Desert at 9:56 am. Carrying the mission crew (机组人员), the Shenzhou spacecraft undocked from the Tiangong station at 12:44 am. It circled the Earth several times to gradually approach the mother planet.
In the last hours of their stay inside the Tiangong, the astronauts worked with ground controllers to transmit some experimental data back to Earth and sort out materials. Zhai Zhigang and his crewmates spent 183 days in an orbit about 400 kilometers above the Earth since their Shenzhou spacecraft was launched on Oct.16, 2021. And they were the second inhabitants (居民) of China's lasting space station named Tiangong. The crew has set a new record for China's longest spaceflight, almost doubling the previous record of 92 days created by the crew in the Shenzhou Ⅻ mission.
During the Shenzhou mission, the astronauts carried out two spacewalks that totaled more than 12 hours. The crew members also carried out two science lectures from the space station for Chinese students. In those lectures, which were live streamed worldwide by China Media Group, the astronauts showed viewers how they live and work inside the space station and showed the physical phenomena only possible in microgravity such as “disappearing buoyancy” and a “water ball”. In one experiment, Wang Yaping used a Bing Dwen Dwen toy, the popular mascot of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, to show how objects fly in weightless environment.
Such lectures were based on the country's manned spaceflights and presented by the astronauts. Featuring interactive teaching, the activities were mainly targeted at youngsters as the students on the ground were able to communicate with the three astronauts in real time during the class. The agency said the Shenzhou 's space based lessons marked the start of the Tiangong Class series, China's first extraterrestrial (地球外的) lecture series that aims to popularize space science and inspire youngsters to pursue their “science and space dreams”.
1.What can be learned about the Shenzhou spacecraft
A.The mission crew were the first inhabitants of Tiangong.
B.It circled the Earth several times and touched down at 9:56 am.
C.The mission crew set a new record of 92 days for China's longest spaceflight.
D.The mission crew took part in two spacewalks adding up to more than 12 hours.
2.What's the key feature of the lectures
A.Hands on.
C.Student centred.
D.Experimental focused.
3.What type of writing is this passage
A.A book review. B.A travel journal.
C.A news report. D.A science fiction.
4.The main idea of the passage is .
A.the Shenzhou mission crew set a new record
B.the Shenzhou mission crew returned to Earth
C.the Shenzhou mission was China's longest manned spaceflight
D.the Shenzhou mission crew delivered space based lectures
1.答案:D 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“During the Shenzhou ? mission, the astronauts carried out two spacewalks that totaled more than 12 hours.”可知,宇航员进行了两次太空行走,总计时间超过了12小时。故选D。
2.答案:B 细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句“Featuring interactive ... the class.(以互动式教学为特色,活动主要针对青少年,地面上的学生可以在课堂上与三名宇航员实时交流。)”可知,讲座的特色就是互动性。故选B。
3.答案:C 推理判断题。文章第一段总的介绍了全文的主要内容,涉及具体的时间、地点、人物等等;第二、三、四段详细介绍了着陆、任务以及宇航员在太空中完成的事情;最后一段对这件事进行了评价。由此可推知,本文是新闻报道。故选C。
4.答案:B 主旨大意题。文章主要讲述的是中国神舟十三号的三名宇航员返回地球,完成了中国最长的载人航天飞行。故选B。
第二节 七选五
(2021·江苏泰州市高三二模)In everyday life, we are often faced with important decisions—such as whether to apply for a new job or start a new course. 1 The more we can test our limits and abilities, the more we will learn about ourselves. New challenges are opportunities for us.
2 Rather than seeing the opportunity, often, we focus on what it will be like to fail. As a result, taking on a new challenge can be frightening. In these cases, we may avoid the challenge altogether and carry on down the same path we were on.
We make some excuses to ourselves so that we can stay in our comfort zone. 3 By avoiding challenges, we don't have the opportunities to learn about ourselves. We feel trapped. We are troubled by discomfort, anxiety, and the sense that things are not quite right.
There are times when we might want to avoid a challenge for good, realistic reasons. Perhaps, deep down, we are frightened of what other people might say and of what we might learn about ourselves. But instead of acknowledging that, we tell ourselves that now is not a good time, or that this isn't the right opportunity. 4
To lead an authentic life, we need to take on new challenges that give us more opportunities to be ourselves. It is not that authentic people don't feel the same fear; rather, they are simply more willing to face their fear. 5 The question is not how to lead a life in which we never feel the fear of failure, but rather, how we can move forward despite our fear.
A.In reality, it is our fear talking.
B.The fear of failure can be too much to bear.
C.However, we don't always see it that way.
D.People think we can stay in our comfort zone and keep learning.
E.Taking on such challenges is an important part of growing as a person.
F.But the truth is that staying in our comfort zone is not necessarily comfortable.
G.They are open to new experiences, cherishing the challenges of learning about themselves.
1.E 根据前一句“In everyday life, we are often faced with ... apply for a new job or start a new course.(在每天的生活中,我们经常要面对重要决定——比如是否申请新工作或者开始新的课程。)”可知,我们经常面临着挑战,E项(接受这样的挑战是一个人成长的重要组成部分。)承接前文,其中“such challenges”与前一句中的“important decisions”相呼应。故选E。
2.C 前一段结尾句提到“New challenges are opportunities for us.”说明新的挑战就是机遇;后一句提到“Rather than seeing the opportunity, often, we focus on what it will be like to fail.(通常,我们关注的是失败会是什么样子,而不是看到机会。)”。由此可知,前后两个段落之间对“挑战就是机遇”持不同的观点,C项(然而,我们并不总是那样看它。)符合语境,其中“However”表示语义的转折,引出下面相反的观点。故选C。
3.F 前一句提到“We make some excuses to ourselves so that we can stay in our comfort zone.(我们给自己找一些借口,这样我们就能待在舒适区。)”;F项中的“staying in our comfort zone”与前文一致;后文提到“We feel trapped. We are troubled by discomfort, anxiety, and the sense that things are not quite right.(我们被困住。我们被不安、焦虑和感觉情况不太对的感觉所困扰。)”是对F项(但事实是,待在舒适区并不一定是舒适的。)的进一步说明。故选F。
4.A 根据本段第二句“Perhaps, deep down, we are frightened of what other people might say and of what we might learn about ourselves.”可知,在内心深处,我们害怕别人可能说什么,害怕我们可能了解到的关于自己的事情。A项(实际上,这是我们内心的恐惧在说话。)符合语境,其中“our fear”与前文中的“We are frightened of ...”语义相符;“talking”与前一句中的“we tell ourselves ...”语义相符,故选A。
5.G 根据前一句“It is not that authentic people don't feel the same fear; rather, they are simply more willing to face their fear.(这并不是说真实的人不会感受到同样的恐惧;相反,他们只是更愿意去面对他们的恐惧。)”可知,G项(他们乐于接受新的体验,珍惜了解自我的挑战。)承接前一句话题,其中“They”指代前一句中的“authentic people”。故选G。
(2021·山东日照市第一次模拟)In 1991, Beijing musician Wang Wei went on a tour, when he became fascinated by the shakuhachi, a kind of Japanese bamboo flute (笛子). Later, he found out that the shakuhachi, 1 was called chi ba in Chinese, was introduced to Japan during the Tang Dynasty (618-907).
2 (astonish) and ashamed of how he was ignorant of the country's rich musical tradition as a 3 (profession) musician, Wang started learning and researching on Chinese musical instruments made of bamboo. He has found that among the 90 wind instruments 4 (identify) by the Chinese Music Dictionary, 47 are made of bamboo.
During the past three 5 (decade), the talented musician traveled around the country 6 (find) the finest materials for making bamboo instruments. The small balcony at his home in Beijing has become his studio 7 instrument making.
He also gathered a group of musicians to form the country's first bamboo orchestra. While 8 (realize) his expectation, Wang is also proud that the orchestra's birth and development are also an effort of protecting the environment. Bamboo is among 9 fastest growing plants on earth, gaining 1.2 meters every day under appropriate conditions. Since 2002, the State Forestry Administration 10 (try) to replace the use of wood with bamboo to protect the environment.
 2.  3.  4. 5.  
6.  7.  8. 9.  10.
1.which 考查定语从句的引导词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,解释说明先行词shakuhachi,指物,在从句中作主语,应用关系代词。故填which。
2.Astonished 考查词性转换。此处表示他感到震惊,且设空处应与and后的ashamed词性一致,应为形容词,用来修饰人,表示人物的状态。故填Astonished。
3.professional 考查词性转换。修饰名词musician,应用形容词。故填professional。
4.identified 考查非谓语动词。动词identify和其逻辑主语instruments构成被动关系,应用过去分词作后置定语。故填identified。
5.decades 考查名词。decade意为“十年”,为可数名词,在three后应用复数。故填decades。
6.to find 考查非谓语动词。句意:在过去的三十年里,这位才华横溢的音乐家周游全国,为了寻找制作竹制乐器的最好材料。此处应用动词不定式作目的状语。故填to find。
7.for 考查介词。此处指“为了制作乐器阳台成为工作室”,应用介词for表示“为了”。故填for。
8.realizing 考查非谓语动词。此处while引导时间状语从句,当从句主语和主句主语相同,且有be动词时,可以省略从句的主语和be动词。动词realize和主语Wang构成主动关系,构成“连词+现在分词”结构。故填realizing。
9.the 考查冠词。句意:竹子是地球上生长最快的植物之一,在适当的条件下,竹子每天能长1.2米。在最高级fastest前应用定冠词。故填the。
10.has been trying/has tried 考查动词的时态。根据时间状语Since 2002可知,此处可用现在完成时或现在完成进行时。故填has been trying/has tried。一、根据语境及首字母提示完成句子
1.The s revolves around the Earth once every hundred minutes.
2.The civilization of m has taken thousands of years to develop.
3.The astronauts trained for years in how to use their s .
4.The stone rolled down the mountain by g .
5.The j craftsman also said: “This is a piece of ordinary stone.”
6.Chinese astronauts have completed the first s outside of the country's new space station.
7.You can book at your local travel a .
8.We still don't know how many galaxies there are in the u .
9.Only light v are allowed over the old bridge.
10.The images of the moon's surface were t back to earth and printed out.
1.Thousands of pieces of (datum) are stored in a computer's memory.
2.We aim to help disabled students to live and study (independent).
3.It's a story about a man who leaves jail and determines (reform).
4.Despite the storm, everyone board was safe and sound.
5.Don't raise your hopes too high, or you may be (disappoint).
6.A new satellite has been put into orbit the earth.
7.The traffic policeman signalled to me (pull) over.
8.Troops established a road block the frontier.
9.If there are things we do not know, it is we haven't learnt them.
10.She had a strong desire (be) a dancer but failed to make the grade.
11.It's said he is the only one (know) the truth.
12.She stopped her car (let) a black dog run across the street.
13. (explore) the universe, you have to know more about satellites, space, gravity and so on.
14.Would you please bring me some paper (write) on.
15.Be careful (avoid) making the same mistake.
16.We took full advantage of the hotel (facility).
17.No one could figure how he got to be so wealthy.
18.We are not old enough (vote) or to be voted.
19. we can see, China is developing at an amazing rate.
20.Thanks to your encouragement, I finally got the courage (face) the challenge.
三、阅读 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
(2022·山东省济南市历城第二中学高三检测(B))Mars was once wet, with an ocean's worth of water on its surface. Today, most of Mars is as dry as a desert except for ice deposits in its polar regions. Where did the rest of the water go
Some of it disappeared into space. Water molecules, beaten by particles of solar wind, broke apart into hydrogen and oxygen atoms, and those, especially the lighter hydrogen atoms, sped out of the atmosphere, lost to outer space.
But most of the water, a new study concludes, went down, sucked into the red planet's rocks. And there it remains, trapped within minerals and salts. Indeed, as much as 99% of the water that once flowed on Mars could still be there, the researchers estimated in a paper published this week in the journal Science. Bethany Ehlmann, a professor of planetary science at the California Institute of Technology and one of the authors of the paper, said that as the rocks are altered by liquid water, water molecules become incorporated (并入) into minerals like clays.
The data and simulations indicated that the water on Mars was almost all gone by 3 billion years ago, around the tune on Earth when life consisted of single cell microbes in the oceans. Without a time machine, there is no way to observe directly how much water was on a younger Mars more than 3 billion years ago. But the hydrogen atoms floating today in the atmosphere of Mars preserve a ghostly hint of the ancient ocean.
On Earth, about 1 in 5, 000 hydrogen atoms is a version known as deuterium (重氢;氢的同位素) that is twice as heavy because its nucleus contains both a neutron and a proton. But on Mars, the concentration of deuterium is markedly higher, about 1 in 700. Scientists at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center who reported this finding in 2015 said this could be used to calculate the amount of water Mars once had.
1.Why can't water be found on Mars now except for ice deposits in polar regions
A.Because it was transformed into deuterium.
B.Because it was beaten into particles by solar wind.
C.Because most of it was integrated and some disappeared.
D.Because it broke down into hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
2.What is implied about deuterium in the last paragraph
A.It is twice the weight of hydrogen.
B.Its nucleus contains a neutron and a proton.
C.Its concentration on Earth is markedly higher than on Mars.
D.It enlightens scientists on the measurement of water on Mars.
3.In which section of a newspaper may this article appear
A.Science. B.Travel.
C.Entertainment. D.Education.
4.What can be a suitable title for the text
A.Mars: Once Wet, Now Dry
B.Atoms: Hydrogen or Deuterium
C.Microbes: Single cell or Multi cell
D.Water Vanished: This Might Be Where It Went
(2021·湖北省八市高三联考)Most Chinese know the story of the mythological Chang'e, the Chinese goddess of the moon. It's a story about a woman who takes an immortality pill and flies to the moon. It is told every year during China's Mid Autumn Festival, so people can't hear the word “Chang'e” without thinking of romantic images of a moon goddess.
For this reason, China's mission to the moon was calling out for a strong female figure. Therefore, pictures of a 24 year old female space commander have gone viral on Chinese social media for her work on the Chang'e 5 Moon exploration programme with comments about how she is a “frontline soldier in the field of aerospace” that young Chinese can look up to.
Ms Zhou, a 24 year old lady of Tujia ethnic group, is China's youngest ever space commander. She was involved in the successful launch of the Chang'e 5 lunar probe on 24 November, in charge of the rocket connector system, described as a key role.
In Wenchang space launch site, though she is only 1.58 meters and looks “mini”, she is called “big sister” for her powerful “core and energy”. Since senior high, she has dreamed of being a member of a space research team. With her great efforts, she was admitted to an aircraft system and engineering major of a domestic university in 2014, making her aerospace dream come true. To grow into a commander, in two and a half years, she changed five positions to be familiar with multiple posts and types of work, each of which takes great courage and is full of challenges. In a working space with no air conditioning and narrow space to accommodate only three people, she worked for 60 days until the completion of “the Lang March 5 rocket goes around” battle.
Her story has received attention from Chinese state run media as well as overseas media outlets. However, it has not appeared to have had much of an effect on her. According to the media, she declined repeated requests for interviews because she does not wish to let fame get in the way of her work.
5.Why does the writer mention the myth of Chang'e at the beginning of the passage
A.To introduce the topic.
B.To give an example.
C.To tell a romantic story.
D.To spread Chinese culture.
6.What makes people think of Ms Zhou as a pioneer for the youth in aerospace
A.Her youth and beauty.
B.Her pictures on the media.
C.Her identity of Tujia Ethnic group.
D.Her performance in the moon landing program.
7.Why did Ms Zhou reject the media's invitation to interviews
A.Because she was too shy.
B.Because she was not available.
C.Because she feared her fame might affect her career.
D.Because she considered fame nothing but a burden.
8.What can we learn from Ms Zhou's story
A.Attitude is altitude.
B.The early bird catches the worms.
C.Many hands make light work.
D.Diligence makes up for inability.
(2022·湖北省问津联合体高一下质量检测)With rounds of pioneering space flights that could set the stage for future space tourism, it is worth looking at what might be involved for the human exploration of Mars, though it's likely decades away. Technological challenges aside, as we continue to expand our exploration of Mars, there is a question: What might be the lessons of past voyages of discovery that we should think about
Human exploration has led to many extraordinary new discoveries, but it has also led to the exploitation of resources. Not long after early European settlers arrived at America,they declared their independence and created the constitution by which modern American society functions. However, this did not prevent the settlers from referring to native people as savages and taking away their rights to liberty, happiness, and even survival. Native Americans were quickly killed by wars and new diseases as the new settlers expanded their land. The natural environment, with which they had established a harmonious relationship, was similarly destroyed by the settlement.
Mars certainly has an impossible environment for human life, but on Mars, humans will be the invasive species.Will our landing on mars break the ecosystem on Mars It is possible that Mars has ideal minerals for future development. But apart from technology challenges, will the mining have a disastrous environment impact on this red neighbour as it has already had on Earth
The achievements of space exploration are certainly to be applauded. The contributions of the related researches on chemistry, medicine and many others are potentially limitless. However, as we look to exploring worlds beyond our own, we need to begin now to look at history to consider how best to engage with different life forms, cultures and environments. We may be capable of writing a law, but we first need to clear our potential invasive impact on another planet that may be completely defenseless.
1.What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 refer to
A.Modern American society.
B.The creation of constitution.
C.The settlement of Europeans.
D.The exploitation of resources.
2.What's the author's concern about the exploration of Mars
A.Humans cannot survive on Mars.
B.Humans may bring new diseases to Mars.
C.The exploration may destroy Mars' ecosystem.
D.Technology challenges will make mining on Mars hard.
3.What's the author's suggestion for future space exploring
A.Making relevant laws properly.
B.Conducting more scientific researches.
C.Predicting its impacts on other planets.
D.Learning from past exploration experiences.
4.Which column is this text most probably taken from
A.Opinion. B.History.
C.Technology. D.Environment.
(2022·湖北省武汉市高一下阶段检测)After orbiting Earth for six months, the three crew members of China's Shenzhou mission had departed from the Tiangong space station and returned to the mother planet on April 16, 2022 , finishing the nation's longest manned spaceflight.
The reentry capsule (返回舱) touched down on the Dongfeng Landing Site in the Gobi Desert at 9:56 am. Carrying the mission crew (机组人员), the Shenzhou spacecraft undocked from the Tiangong station at 12:44 am. It circled the Earth several times to gradually approach the mother planet.
In the last hours of their stay inside the Tiangong, the astronauts worked with ground controllers to transmit some experimental data back to Earth and sort out materials. Zhai Zhigang and his crewmates spent 183 days in an orbit about 400 kilometers above the Earth since their Shenzhou spacecraft was launched on Oct.16, 2021. And they were the second inhabitants (居民) of China's lasting space station named Tiangong. The crew has set a new record for China's longest spaceflight, almost doubling the previous record of 92 days created by the crew in the Shenzhou Ⅻ mission.
During the Shenzhou mission, the astronauts carried out two spacewalks that totaled more than 12 hours. The crew members also carried out two science lectures from the space station for Chinese students. In those lectures, which were live streamed worldwide by China Media Group, the astronauts showed viewers how they live and work inside the space station and showed the physical phenomena only possible in microgravity such as “disappearing buoyancy” and a “water ball”. In one experiment, Wang Yaping used a Bing Dwen Dwen toy, the popular mascot of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, to show how objects fly in weightless environment.
Such lectures were based on the country's manned spaceflights and presented by the astronauts. Featuring interactive teaching, the activities were mainly targeted at youngsters as the students on the ground were able to communicate with the three astronauts in real time during the class. The agency said the Shenzhou 's space based lessons marked the start of the Tiangong Class series, China's first extraterrestrial (地球外的) lecture series that aims to popularize space science and inspire youngsters to pursue their “science and space dreams”.
1.What can be learned about the Shenzhou spacecraft
A.The mission crew were the first inhabitants of Tiangong.
B.It circled the Earth several times and touched down at 9:56 am.
C.The mission crew set a new record of 92 days for China's longest spaceflight.
D.The mission crew took part in two spacewalks adding up to more than 12 hours.
2.What's the key feature of the lectures
A.Hands on.
C.Student centred.
D.Experimental focused.
3.What type of writing is this passage
A.A book review. B.A travel journal.
C.A news report. D.A science fiction.
4.The main idea of the passage is .
A.the Shenzhou mission crew set a new record
B.the Shenzhou mission crew returned to Earth
C.the Shenzhou mission was China's longest manned spaceflight
D.the Shenzhou mission crew delivered space based lectures
第二节 七选五
(2021·江苏泰州市高三二模)In everyday life, we are often faced with important decisions—such as whether to apply for a new job or start a new course. 1 The more we can test our limits and abilities, the more we will learn about ourselves. New challenges are opportunities for us.
2 Rather than seeing the opportunity, often, we focus on what it will be like to fail. As a result, taking on a new challenge can be frightening. In these cases, we may avoid the challenge altogether and carry on down the same path we were on.
We make some excuses to ourselves so that we can stay in our comfort zone. 3 By avoiding challenges, we don't have the opportunities to learn about ourselves. We feel trapped. We are troubled by discomfort, anxiety, and the sense that things are not quite right.
There are times when we might want to avoid a challenge for good, realistic reasons. Perhaps, deep down, we are frightened of what other people might say and of what we might learn about ourselves. But instead of acknowledging that, we tell ourselves that now is not a good time, or that this isn't the right opportunity. 4
To lead an authentic life, we need to take on new challenges that give us more opportunities to be ourselves. It is not that authentic people don't feel the same fear; rather, they are simply more willing to face their fear. 5 The question is not how to lead a life in which we never feel the fear of failure, but rather, how we can move forward despite our fear.
A.In reality, it is our fear talking.
B.The fear of failure can be too much to bear.
C.However, we don't always see it that way.
D.People think we can stay in our comfort zone and keep learning.
E.Taking on such challenges is an important part of growing as a person.
F.But the truth is that staying in our comfort zone is not necessarily comfortable.
G.They are open to new experiences, cherishing the challenges of learning about themselves.
(2021·山东日照市第一次模拟)In 1991, Beijing musician Wang Wei went on a tour, when he became fascinated by the shakuhachi, a kind of Japanese bamboo flute (笛子). Later, he found out that the shakuhachi, 1 was called chi ba in Chinese, was introduced to Japan during the Tang Dynasty (618-907).
2 (astonish) and ashamed of how he was ignorant of the country's rich musical tradition as a 3 (profession) musician, Wang started learning and researching on Chinese musical instruments made of bamboo. He has found that among the 90 wind instruments 4 (identify) by the Chinese Music Dictionary, 47 are made of bamboo.
During the past three 5 (decade), the talented musician traveled around the country 6 (find) the finest materials for making bamboo instruments. The small balcony at his home in Beijing has become his studio 7 instrument making.
He also gathered a group of musicians to form the country's first bamboo orchestra. While 8 (realize) his expectation, Wang is also proud that the orchestra's birth and development are also an effort of protecting the environment. Bamboo is among 9 fastest growing plants on earth, gaining 1.2 meters every day under appropriate conditions. Since 2002, the State Forestry Administration 10 (try) to replace the use of wood with bamboo to protect the environment.
 2.  3.  4. 5.  
6.  7.  8. 9.  10.