

名称 自然拼读辅音字母组合总结表(PDF版)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 通用版
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-17 15:04:46



Consonant Digraph Examples
The symbols between forward slashes / / are used in the UK Government’s Letters and Sounds phonics
programme. The green symbols in round brackets are used in the International Phonetic Alphabet.
Digraph Corresponding Example Words Comments
bb /b/ (b) Abbot, gibbon, rabbit, wobble
bt /t/ (t) debt, doubt, subtle Often referred to as silent ‘b’.
Very rare correspondence.
bu /b/ (b) building, built, buoy Very rare correspondence.
cc /k/ (k) account, hiccup, occur, soccer
ce /s/ (s) bounce, dance, juice, voice
/sh/ ( ) ocean, crustacean, sebaceous Rare correspondence.
ch /ch/ (t ) chick, child, church, much Most common sound for this
/k/ (k) anchor, Christmas, chemistry, school Mostly words borrowed from
/sh/ ( ) chalet, chef, machine, brochure Mostly words borrowed from
ci /sh/ ( ) delicious, racial, special, musician Uncommon.
ck /k/ (k) clock, duck, kick, quack
dd /d/ (d) address, cuddle, ladder, odd
de /d/ (d) aide, blonde, horde Uncommon.
dg /j/ (d ) badger, budget, dodgy, fidget
ed /d/ (d) alarmed, baffled, behaved, camouflaged
/t/ (t) chopped, hopped, jumped, walked
ff /f/ (f) off, cliff, daffodil, muffin
ge /j/ (d ) barge, large, sponge, pigeon
/zh/ ( ) beige, camouflage, massage, prestige
gg /g/ (g) egg, beggar, giggle, wagging
gh /g/ (g) ghee, ghost, ghastly, gherkin Often referred to as silent ‘h’.
/f/ (f) cough, laugh, rough, enough
gn /n/ (n) gnaw, gnome, reign, sign Often referred to as silent ‘g’.
gu /g/ (g) guard, guest, guide, disguise
kk /k/ (k) bookkeeping, trekking, yakking Uncommon.
kn /n/ (n) knee, knew, knife, know Often referred to as silent ‘k’.
le /l/ (l) apple, beetle, candle, giggle
ll /l/ (l) bell, doll, chill, bully
mb /m/ (m) bomb, comb, lamb, climb Often referred to as silent ‘b’.
mm /m/ (m) comma, dummy, hammer, summer
mn /m/ (m) Autumn, column, damn, hymn Rare. Often referred to as silent
ng /ng/ ( ) bang, bring, king, running
nn /n/ (n) annoy, bunny, dinner, tennis
pb /b/ (b) Campbell, cupboard, raspberry Rare. Usually represents 2
separate sounds as in ‘upbeat’.
ph /f/ (f) alphabet, dolphin, elephant, phonics
pp /p/ (p) apple, clapping, dropped, flipper
ps /s/ (s) psalm, psychiatrist, psychic, psychology Very rare correspondence.
Mainly found in words borrowed
from Greek.
Consonant Digraph Examples
qu /k/ (k) conquer, etiquette, quiche, mosquito
/k/ (k) + /w/ (w) quack, Queen, quick, liquid Arguable whether this is acting
as a digraph in these words as it
represents 2 sounds.
rh /r/ (r) rhea, rhino, rhythm, rhetorical Often referred to as silent ‘h’.
rr /r/ (r) barrel, carry, hurry, parrot
sc /s/ (s) descend, scent, scissors, science Often referred to as silent ‘c’.
se /s/ (s) goose, horse, mouse, collapse
/z/ (z) browse, cheese, please, noise
sh /sh/ ( ) sheep, shrimp, brush, fish
si /zh/ ( ) Asia, division, invasion, television
/sh/ ( ) extension, mansion, pension tension
/z/ (z) business Very rare.
ss /s/ (s) boss, fuss, hiss, blossom
/z/ (z) dessert, dissolve, possess, scissors
/sh/ ( ) assure, fissure, issue, tissue
st /s/ (s) bristle, castle, fasten, listen Often referred to as silent ‘t’.
th /th/ (θ) thank, thin, bath, sloth
/th/ ( ) this, then, with, feather
/t/ (t) Esther, Thomas, thyme, Thailand Rare. Mostly names of people
or places.
ti /sh/ ( ) action, initial, station, mention Most common spelling for /sh/.
tt /t/ (t) attend, butter, kitten, twitter
ve /v/ (v) carve, deserve, groove, leave English words don’t usually end
with the letter v on its own.
wh /w/ (w) why, when, whale, where, wheel Often referred to as silent ‘h’.
/h/ (h) who, whose, whole, whoever Rare. Often referred to as silent
wr /r/ (r) wrap, wren, wrist, write Often referred to as silent ‘w’.
ze /z/ (z) breeze, freeze, ooze, squeeze
zz /z/ (z) buzz, dizzy, frizzy, grizzly