人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 4 History and Traditions 词汇课件(60张ppt)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册 Unit 4 History and Traditions 词汇课件(60张ppt)
格式 pptx
文件大小 491.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-17 14:50:22



Unit 4 History and Traditions
Words and Expressions
1. Confucius 孔子
Confucian school 儒家学派
Temple of Confucius 孔庙
2. philosopher 哲学家
philosophy 哲学
3. mansion n. 公馆;宅第
cemetery n. 墓地;公墓
tomb n. 坟墓
grave n. 坟墓
4. descendant n. 后裔;后代;
ancestor n. 祖宗;祖先
5. individual n. 个人 adj. 单独的 individually adv. 分别地;单独地
individualism n.个人主义
individuality n.个性;特征
collective adj. 集体的
① The competition is open to both teams and
(individual ).
② The manager spoke to them all (individual) .
6. Achilles’ heel 致命的弱点
heel n. 脚后跟
pull one’s leg 同某人开玩笑
laugh one’s head off 大笑不止
7. kingdom n. 王国
the animal kingdom动物界
king 国王
queen 女王; 王后
prince 王子; 王孙; 亲王
princess 公主; 王妃
8. chief adj. 最重要的;最高级别的
n.首领;酋长 chiefs (pl.)
the chief problem/reason 主要问题/原因(理由)
police chiefs 警察局局长
the editor-in-chief 主编;总编
main/major adj.主要的
important adj. 重要的
importance 重要; 重要性
9.puzzle n. 谜语,智力游戏 v. 迷惑
(1)puzzle about/over冥思苦想;苦苦思索
(2)a puzzle to sb一件让某人感到困惑的事情
(3)be puzzled about 对……迷惑不解
n. puzzlement 迷惑;困惑
adj. puzzled 感到迷惑的 be puzzled about ... 对······迷惑不解的
adj. puzzling 令人迷惑的
1. I am (puzzle)by his failure to reply to my letter.
2. Her (puzzle) look on her face suggested she didn’t understand what I said.
3. His letter poses a number of questions
4. The firemen were ______ a puzzle about the cause of the fire.
5. He lay looking at the sky, trying to puzzle things ______.
6. Everyone was a bit ________ (puzzle) by her sudden departure.
7. The spelling of English is often ________ (puzzle).
The _______ look on her face suggested she was ________ over the _________ math problem.
10. nearby adv. 在附近
adj. 附近的;邻近的(常在名词前)
Her mother lives in a nearby town.
Her mother lives in a town nearby.
11. join ...to… 把……连接或联结起来
connect ...to
join in=take part in=participate in 参加
I wonder if it is convenient for you to join me in visiting the exhibition.
It is said that more than two hundred students have joined in the discussion
(1)The island is joined      the mainland by a bridge.
(2)In the evening there was a barbecue, with the whole village    (join)in the fun.
(3) Do you know how many of them joined     the research project
(4) 将一段管子与相邻的管子连接起来。
     one section of pipe      the next.
12. break away from... 离开...;脱离...;突然挣脱... break (broke, broken)
break down 出故障; 垮掉; 失败;打破;消除
break in 打断;插嘴;破门而入 (=break into)
break into cheers / laughter /tears 突然欢呼/大笑/哭起来
break off 中断;折断;断绝
break out (火灾、战争等)突然爆发
break through 冲破;突破
break up (使)破碎;(使)(关系等)破裂;分解;驱散
have /take a short break 休息一小会
at the break of day/ at daybreak 拂晓时分
1. If you go on working like that, you will break _____ sooner or later.
2. With so many problems unsettled, a few countries wanted to break ______ _____ the Union.
away from
3. However,the southern part of Ireland was unwilling and         to form its own government.
4. If you go on working like that,you will      sooner or later.
5. In my opinion,marriage based on money is likely to     .
6. Fire         during the night.
broke away
break down 
break up 
broke out 
13. belong to 属于(不用于被动语态和进行时态)
belongings n.(pl.)所有物;财产,财物
personal belongings 个人财物,私人用品
belonging n.[U]归属
a sense of belonging 归属感
1. Having sold most of his      (belong),he almost had nothing left in the house.
2. In my opinion,you’d better put the book      it belongs.
3. The wooden house      (belong)to me is being decorated now.
②Remember to take everything that belongs to you before leaving the classroom.
①Remember to take everything belonging to you before leaving the classroom.
14.as well as 同(也一样);和;还
【注意】as well as连接主语时,谓语动词应与as well as前面的主语保持人称和数的一致(就远原则)。
1. The movie star as well as a lot of fans ________ (be)
photographed a lot by TV stations and newspapers.
2. Students should develop their own interests as well as ________ (do) their schoolwork.
1. Amy,as well as her brothers,       (give)a warm welcome when returning to the village last week.
2.The deadline for the project is around the corner,so we      as well get some help.
3.As well as      (have)difficulty adapting herself to the new school life,she found the culture difference was another challenge for her.
was given
4.单句写作: 阅读可以拓宽我们的视野,还可以提高我们的写作能力。
Reading can broaden our horizons as well as improve our writing skills.
15. currency n. 通货; 货币
money n. 钱 paper currency 纸币
cash n. 现金
bill/note n. 纸币
coin n. 硬币
16. military adj. 军事的;军用的
military training 军训
military defence 军事力量
17. defence n. 防御;保卫 (vt.) 保护;保卫
defence n.
in defence of 为……辩护;捍卫,保卫
defence against 抵御……
come to one’s defence 出来保护某人
defend (vt.) 保护;保卫
defend/protect/keep/preserve... from/against...
defend oneself against... 为自己辩护
1. The town walls were built as a defence _______ enemy attacks.
2. Two rescue workers came to his __________ (defend) when the accident happened.
3. All the policemen have been trained to defend themselves __________ the sudden attacks.
18. legal adj. 合法的
legally adv.合法地
illegal adj. 不合法的
illegally adv. 不法地
law n. 法律
surroundings n.pl 周围的环境
be surrounded by/with… 被…包围…
surround ...with... 用…包围…
surrounding adj.周边的
in...surroundings 在...环境之中
①This county is surrounded      rolling green hills dotted with sheep and cattle.
②The      (surround)villages have been included into the growing city.
③The buildings have been designed to blend in with their _____________
The tall building in the distance is home to my father's company.The tall building is surrounded by a great many big trees.
→④The tall building                       is home to my father's company.(用分词作定语改写)
→⑤The tall building ___________________________________________
________is home to my father's company.(用定语从句改写)
surrounded by a great many big trees in the distance
which is surrounded by a great many big trees in the
20. evidence n. 证据;证明
evident adj. 明显的;明白的
①There is evidence that... 有证据证明…
③in evidence 显眼;显而易见
evidently adv. 明显地;据说…
②It is evident that… 很明显…
①There is no evidence ________ the meeting actually took place.
②________ (evidence), the Spanish team is likely to win the World Cup.
③The police are always ____ evidence at football matches.
It is evident that he is guilty.
Evidently, he is guilty.
20. (1)a sense of achievement 成就感
make an achievement 取得成就
(2)achieve vt完成;达到
achieve one’s goal 达到目标
achieve one's success 取得成功
21. location n. 地方;地点;位置
locate v. 使位于;确定准确地点
be located in/at/to… 位于;坐落在
1.The ancient people built towers in different       ________ (locate)for military defence.
2.China ________ (locate)in the east of Asia with the area of about 9, 600, 000 square kilometres.
3.Mount Huang __________ (位于)Anhui Province.
is located
is located in
22. conquer v. 占领;征服;控制
23. battle n. 战役;搏斗 v. 搏斗;奋斗
war -- campain -- battle -- fight
battle against/with 与……战斗
battle for 为……而战
She has __________________ cancer for two years.
battled against/with
24.port n. 港口
import 进口
export 出口
airport 机场
25. fascinating adj. 极有吸引力的;迷人的
fascinating adj. 迷人的
fascinated adj.着迷的
fascinate v. 迷住,使着迷
26. keep your eyes open(for) 留心;留意
keep it up 坚持干,继续苦干
keep up 保持;继续
keep up with 跟上;保持同步;和……保持联系
keep back 阻止;隐瞒
keep away(from) 避免接近(……)
keep sb. from doing... 阻止某人做……
keep on 继续
keep in touch with 和......保持联系
If you             ,you can learn a great deal.
I know it’s hard,but             ! Don’t give up!
I got the feeling he was             .
Many people cannot             the development of technology
keep it up
keep your eyes open
keeping something back
keep up with
27. charge v. 收费; 指控; 主管;充电 n. 主管; 收费;主管
free of charge: 免费
charge (...)for...(向)收...的费用
take charge of…: 负责; 主管
be in charge of…: 负责; 主管
be in the charge of…: 由…负责/主管
v. n.收费,要价
get charged: 受指控
charge sb with…: 指控
n. 掌管,负责
①We have enough confidence to charge you      abuse of power.
②The generous owner of the pub charged us only a small amount of money
     wine and beer.
③Your order will be delivered free      charge within a ten-mile limit.
④He can’t take charge      the computer company because it is beyond his ability.
⑤The programme can't be          because it is beyond his ability.
⑥He can't be           the programme because it is beyond his ability.
in his charge
in charge of
①Miss Green is the company.
②The company is Miss Green.
③The company is .
in charge of
in the charge of
in Miss Green’s charge
28. announce vt. 宣布;通知;声称
announce sth. to sb. = announce to sb. sth. 向某人宣布某事
announce that... 宣布……
As is announced... 据报道……
It is announced that... 据报道……
announcement n. 宣告
make an announcement 宣布通告
①Professor Wang is announced ___ ____ (come) to make a speech about his adventures at sea.
②I will always ___________ my goals _____ the world.(announce)
to come
As is annouced in the news,the 78-year-old Biden will become the new president of the United States.
29. amount to 等于;达到
(1)a number of只接可数名词复数。
(2)a great deal of,a great amount of(large amounts of)只接不可数名词。
(3)a lot of(lots of),plenty of,a large quantity of(large quantities of)既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。
1. With more forests being destroyed, a large amount of good earth _____(be) being washed away each year.
2. There ______(be) large amounts of valuable information about the Olympic Games.
3. To my disappointment, a large amount of money_________ (waste) so far.
4. A number of high buildings _________ (arise) where there was nothing a year ago but ruins.
has been wasted
have arisen
30 . approach (v.)接近(n.)接近
the approach of ......的来临
the approach to doing sth
the way to do/of doing sth
the means of doing sth
the method of/for doing sth
①The job market has changed and our approach to      (find)work must change as well.
②      (approach)the city centre,we saw a stone statue of about 10 metres in height.
At the approach of the summer vacation,I’m planning to travel to many places.
→③                    ,I’m planning to travel to many places.(状语从句)
→④                    ,I’m planning to travel to many places.(with复合结构)
As the summer vacation is approaching 
With the summer vacation approaching
31. ensure vt.保证;确保;担保(=make sure)
(1) I can’t      (sure)that he will be there on time.
(2) Please       (确保)all the windows are closed. The storm is approaching.
(3)The police’s duty is to          (确保……的安全)citizens.
make sure
ensure the safety of
generous adj. 慷慨的,大方的
be generous to sb. 对某人慷慨
be generous with sth. 在某方面大方,不吝啬某物
It’s generous of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事真是慷慨。
generously adv. 慷慨地,大方地 
generosity n. 慷慨,大方
mean adj. 吝啬的,小气的
①She herself lived a simple or rather poor life but she was so generous ________ the people in need of help.
②While the clip might look like part of a new ad campaign, Bridges said the only goal was to show __________and sympathy.(generous)
He got a fine fame for _________________his money to help others.
being generous with
当 position, situation, point, case, stage 等表示抽象地点的名词作先行词且关系词在从句中作状语时,定语从句常用 where 引导。
in place/position 在合适的地方
out of place/position 在不合适的地方
33. position n. 位置;姿态;职位
1. Ensure that everything is __________ position when we come back to the room.
2. I’m sorry if I put you __________ an awkward position.
3. If a container catches liquid, it is in a position __________ the liquid falls into it.
34.(1)be eager to do sth渴望做某事
be eager for sth渴望得到某物
(2)eagerly adv.热切地;急切地
(3)eagerness n.热切;渴望
with eagerness热切地;急切地
hide one’s eagerness掩饰某人的渴望
①He is eager_______ his parents' approval.
②(湖南卷单选)I wasn't able to hide my __________when I asked,“What do you wish me to do now ”.(eager)
③Some of us were confident and eager __________ (take) part in
the class activity;others were nervous and anxious.
to take
He is always eager for new experiences and willing to try.
35. feast n. 盛宴;宴会;节日(宗教节日)
a wedding feast 婚宴
a visual feast 视觉盛宴
Sense n. 感官 v. 感觉到;意思到;觉察到
the sense of sight/ smell/hearing/ touch/ taste
a sense of humor / direction / balance
37. sensory adj. 感觉的; 感官的
a striking image 引人注目的形象
a striking difference / feature 显著的差异/ 特征
in striking contrast to 鲜明的对照
strike n. 罢工; v. 碰撞; 敲钟 strike - struck -struck
A good idea hit/ struck sb that … 某人突然想到……
38. striking adj. 引人注目的;显著的;惊人的; 打击的
39. crowd v.挤满;使拥挤
n. 人群;一群人;观众 ; 民众;群众
a crowd of/crowds of 一大群; 很多
crowd in (on sb) (想法) 涌上心头
crowd into sth 大批涌入...
crowded adj. 拥挤的; 挤满的
be crowded with... 挤满…
1. In __________(crowd) places like airports and railway stations , you must take care of your luggage.
2. In the courtyard of a farmhouse, there is a herd of cattle and _________________(一群人).
a crowd of people