Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Period 3 Discovering Useful Structures 课件+学案 新人教必修三


名称 Unit 2 Morals and Virtues Period 3 Discovering Useful Structures 课件+学案 新人教必修三
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资源类型 试卷
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-19 10:52:27


Period 3
Discovering Useful Structures
Learning objectives
Learning objectives
1.The writer of the passage is to ________ (说明) how adventurous it is to make friends online.
2. John Snow was a famous doctor who once attended Queen Victoria as her personal _________(医生).
3.Many highly successful writers such as J.K Rowling have previously faced _________(不出版).
4. I suggested that he work out a plan but he didn’t make a ________ (回答)to it.
5. Friends and relatives wished the couple a happy __________ (婚姻).
6.After several hours’ drive, we arrived at the park. We each ______(租用) a bicycle, along the green lane, enjoying shade, the fresh air and the fragrant grass.
7.Everything needs to be done according to a certain __________(原则).
8.We should make good use of every ________(宝贵的) minute to study.
9.The names of the winners of the competition will be _________ (出版) in June. (v.to produce a book, magazine, CD-ROM, etc. and sell it to the public)
10.The ________ (大多数) of students find it quite hard to live on the amount of money they get.
Observe the following sentences and pay attention to the red parts.
1. … her brother complained, thinking of the high tuition fees. ( )
2. Thinking of all the people still in need of help, Dr Lin opened a private clinic.( )
3. At times she was even seen riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.( )
4. The new People's Republic of China saw Dr Lin Qiaozhi playing a key role.
( )
5. … having delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime.( )
Lead in
1. I saw several young people enter the waiting area.( )
2. She recognized Tony Garcia's smiling face.( )
3. They lived in a room facing the street. ( )
4. What I hate most is being laughed at. ( )
5. My job is looking after the children. ( )
What other uses of –ing form do you know Can you give us some examples
What are the –ing form in the sentences What are the uses of the –ing form in the sentences
Lead in
Rewrite the sentence using the - ing form.
1.Thinking of all the people still in need of help, Dr. Lin opened private clinic.
2.Hearing that his wife had been injured in an accident, Mr. Johnson hurried to the hospital.
Dr. Lin opened a private clinic when she thought of all the people still in need of help.
When Mr. Johnson heard that his wife had been injured in an accident, he hurried to the hospital.

3.The traveller wrote a book about his experience and had it published the following year after he returned from the North Pole.
Rewrite the sentence using the - ing form.
The traveller wrote a book about his experience and had it published the following year, returning from the North Pole.
从句谓语动词改为“-ing" 形式

eg:She was more interested in tending patients, publishing medical
research on care for women and children, and training the next
generation of doctors.
Are the -ing form words function the same
At times she was even seen riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.
see sb. doing sth.( )
someone is doing sth.
present participle
be interested in doing sth.
( )
一、-ing 时态和语态
主 动 被 动
否定式 being done
having done
having been done
not+-ing / not+having done
(二) -ing形式的用法
Swallowing Little Red Hat, the wolf went to bed and slept.(时间状语)
_________ these stories, I’m skeptical about the place.
_______ those pictures, she remembered her childhood.
Not knowing his address, I can’t send this book to him.= As I don’t know his address, I can’t send this book to him.
3.作条件状语( 一般放在句首,其前可以加if、unless等连词)
Going straight down the road, you will find thedepartment store.
= If you go straight down the road, you will find thedepartment store.顺着这条路一直走,你就会发现那家百货商店。
His father died,leaving him a lot of money.=His father died, and left him a lot of money.
On 17 March, an earthquake hit the city, ________ 7 deaths and more than 200 injuries.
The child slipped and fell, ________ (hit) his head against the door.
Although toiling all the year round (=Although he was toiling all theyear round),
the poor peasant couldn't afford to send his children to school.
Weighing almost one hundred jin (=Though it weighed almost one hundred jin),the box was lifted by him with one hand.
1. 那孩子跌倒了,头碰在门上碰破了.
The child fell, striking his head against the door and _______it.
2. 因为贫穷,他买不起电视机。
________ poor, he couldn't afford a TV set.
(1)为使动词-ing作状语所表达的时间;条件,可根据意义在动词-ing形式前加上适当的连词(when, while, though, unless, if, even if,as if等)。
Don't talk while having dinner.
Once losing this chance, you can't easily find it.
________________________,I heard the doorbell ring.
He paused __________________________.
While reading a newspaper
as if expecting Mary to speak
( )Looking out of the window, a cat was walking along the wall.
( )Looking out of the window, we saw a cat walking along the wall.
Check the sentences.

1. Supposing it rains, we will put off the sports meeting.
2. Generally speaking, boys are more interested in science than girls.
(3)V–ing 用于某些固定搭配中,表示说话人的态度、观点等,如:generally speaking, frankly/honestly speaking, judging by / from, considering/seeing, supposing 等等。
1. ____________ (not know) his address, I couldn't go to see him yesterday.
2. They are visitors _______ (come) from several countries.
Not knowing
I found a bag lying on the ground.
When we returned to the school, we found a stranger standing at the entrance.
Along the way, we saw many people ________ music, _________, and __________.
2. 她听到有人敲门。
She heard someone __________ at the door.
1. They found a dog sleeping on the street.
2. They heard him singing in next room.
3. We mustn't keep them waiting.
= The dog is found sleeping on the street.他们发现一只狗在街上睡觉。
= He was heard singing in the next room. 有人听到他在隔壁房间唱歌。
=They mustn't be kept waiting.千万不能让他们等。
They found the result very__________.
They heard him________in the next room.
1.跟在感官动词(短语)(常见的有see、hear、feel 、smell、find、notice, observe 、look at、listen to等)后作宾语补足语。
He saw her working in the garden.他看见她正在花园里干活。
I heard a bell _______.
I could feel the wind ________ on my face.
2.跟在使役动词(常见的有have、keep、 get、leave等 )后作宾语补足语。
His question has set me thinking.他的问题让我深思。
分析:“His question”在句子中做主语,“has set”作谓语,“me”作宾语,划线部分在句子中作宾语补足语。请看下面的句子,thinking做宾语补足语。
The arrival of the police sent the robbers _________away quickly.
2.The peasants had the tractor _________ day and night at the harvest time.
3.see, hear, feel, watch等动词之后用-ing形式和动词不定式作宾语补足语的区别:
①We passed by the classroom and saw the teacher________the experiment.
②We sat an hour and watched the teacher______the experiment.
如:We heard the door slam.我听到门砰的一声响。(一次动作)。
We heard the door slamming.我听到门砰的反复地响。(反复动作)
Please stop ______ a rest if you feel tired.
A.to have B.having C.have D.has
Discuss with classmates.What are the usages of the -ing form as the adverbial and the object complement
( ) 1. The New People Republic of China saw Dr. Lin Qiaozhi
playing a key role.
( ) 2. Her favorite thing was listening to music.
( ) 3. He suddenly woke up when he heard someone knocking
at his door.
( ) 4.I wouldn't recommend travelling without insurance.
( ) 5. Even as she lay dying, her final thoughts were for others.
( ) 6. Finding a good husband is their final goal.
( ) 7. The survey revealed some worrying results.
( ) 8. He is reading a book.
一、Tick the sentence where the - ing form modifies a verb or is used as a verb.

1.Richard bought her a book because he knew she loved reading.
________________________, Richard bought her a book.
2.When I stood in the queue, I realised I didn't have any money.
____________________,I realised I didn't have any money.
3.The bomb exploded, as a result, it destroyed the building.
_________________, destroving the building .
4.The new policy bans cars in the city centre and it will start in the new year.
_____________________, the new policy bans cars in the eity centre.
二、Rewrite the sentence using the -ing form.
knowing she loved reading
Standing in the queue
The bomb exploded
Starting in the new year
1. ...her brother complained, thinking of the high tuition fees.
2 Thinking of all people still in need of help, Dr Lin opened a private clinic.
3. The new people Republic of China saw Dr Lin Qaozi paying a key role.
Describe people's actions
1.Read the sentences below and discuss the function and meaning of each -ing
form, Then find more examples from the unit.
Thinking of现在分词短语作状语,表示原因
playing a key role现在分词短语作宾补
thinking of现在分词短语作状语,表示伴随
1 __________ that his wife had been injured in an accident,Mr Johnson hurried to the hospital.
2 During the operation,she sat in the waiting room for over an hour __________ about him.
3 I saw her whispering something into his ear, obviously not_________to be heard.
4 He suddenly woke up at midnight when he heard someone__________ at his door.
2 Complete he sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box.
feel want face smile return worry hear knock
accident [ ks d nt]n.(交通)事故;意外遭遇;意外
operation [ p re n] n.活动;手术;企业;公司
whisper [ w sp (r)] v.耳语;低语;小声说
midnight [ m dna t] n.午夜;子夜
5 ________ higher import and export costs, the company is looking for ways to survive.
6 ___________ from he North Pole,the traveller wrote a book about his experience and had it published the following year.
7 The child lay on her mother’s lap,________sweetly.
8 _________hurt by the rejection,she bit her lip and quietly walked away.
bit [b t] n.一点;有点儿
import [ mp t , m p t] n.u进口;输入的产品(或劳务);引进
export [ k sp t , eksp t] v.出口;输出;移出
pole [p l] n.(行星的)极;磁极;地极
lap [l p] n.大腿部
Henry Norman Bethune was a Canadian doctor with a very creative mind and a determination to help people.As a small boy, he became very interested in medicine and decided to become a doctor. After he graduated from medical college in 1916,Bethune worked as a doctor in England, the US, and Canada. He reinvented or redesigned over 10 medical instruments to make them more useful. In 1938,Bethune left or China, after he heard that many people were dying in the war. Despite he difficult situation, Dr Bethune did whatever he could to assist the Chinese people.
He helped to organise hospitals, taught doctors and nurses, and showed people how to give first aid. Sadly ,Dr Bethune passed away in November the following year
and was buried in Shijiazhuang.After Dr Bethune's death, Chairman Mao Zedong wrote an article in memory of him, in which he praised Dr Bethune as a hero to be remembered in China.
3 Rend the following story and rewrite the underlined parts using the
-ing form.
chairman[ t e m n] n.主席;主持人;委员长;董事长
Henry Norman Bethune was a Canadian doctor with a very creative mind and a determination to help people. As a small boy,he became very interested in medicine and decided to become a doctor. ( )
After he graduated from medical college in 1916,Bethune worked as a doctor in England,the US,and Canada. He reinvented or redesigned over 10 medical instruments to make them more useful. In 1938,Bethune left for China,after he heard that many people were dying in the war.( )
deciding to become a doctor
3 Read the following story and rewrite the underlined parts using the
-ing form.
after hearing that many people were dying in the war
Despite the difficult situation,Dr Bethune did whatever he could to assist the Chinese people. He helped to organise hospitals,taught doctors and nurses,and showed people how to give first aid.
Sadly,Dr Bethune passed away in November the following year and was buried in Shijiazhuang. After Dr Bethune’s death,Chairman Mao Zedong wrote an article in memory of him,in which he praised Dr Bethune as a hero to be remembered in China.
Helping to organise hospitals,he taught doctors and nurses,and showed people how to give first aid./He helped to organise hospitals,teaching doctors and nurses,and showing people how to give first aid.
Read the following story and rewrite the underlined parts using the -ing form.
praising Dr Bethune as a hero to be remembered in China
perform an operation (on sb.)(给某人)做手术 in operation 工作中;有效
put sth. into operation 实施 a rescue operation 营救行动
safe operation 安全操作
词语积累operate vi. 运转;动手术 vt. 操作operate on... 给……做手术
operator n. 操作员,经营者 operating adj. 操作的,外科手术的
1 During the operation,she sat in the waiting room for over
an hour worrying about him. 手术期间,她在候诊室里坐了
①The nurse tended the boy so carefully that he recovered from his heart ___________     (operate) soon.
②To our great joy, the new machine is really easy __________ (operate),
Language point
to operate
whisper vi.,vt. & n.
whisper sth. to sb. 把某事悄悄告诉某人 It is whispered that... 有人私下说……
in a whisper =in a low voice 低声地 whisper sth. in one’s ear 在某人耳旁小声说某事
2 I saw her whispering something into his ear, obviously not
wanting to be heard. 我看见她对他耳语了几句,显然不想被
①In the wedding ceremony,Jack whispered   her so that no one else would hear.
②It        (whisper) that he shouldn’t serve as an experiment volunteer although he is eager to learn science.
is whispered
Language point
assist vt. 帮助;援助 (assistance n. 帮助;援助;支持; assistant n. 助手,助理)
assist sb. in/with sth. 帮助/ 援助某人某事
assist sb. in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事
assist sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事
The driver assisted the old man off the bus. 司机帮助那位老人下公共汽车。
He assisted me in the preparation of this book.他协助我撰写此书。
3 ...Dr Bethune did whatever he could to assist the Chinese people. ……白求恩大夫尽其所能帮助中国人民。
①He assisted me    good suggestions and encouragement.
②[2020·新高考全国Ⅰ卷]We really should do something     (assist) them.
to assist
Language point
pass by 经过 pass...on to 把……传递给
pass down 流传,世代相传 pass through 通过,穿过
pass off as 装作,假装 pass the driving test 通过驾照考试
pass the time 消磨时间 pass sth. to sb. 把某物传给某人
He unfortunately passed away last year. 他不幸于去年去世了。
4 Sadly, Dr Bethune passed away in November the following
year and was buried in Shijiazhuang. 不幸的是,白求恩大夫
①We were passing   ,so we thought we’d come and say hello.
②Alice was very sorry to hear her grandmother had passed    two days before.
Language point
memory n. 记忆力;回忆
in memory of 作为对……的纪念 have a good/bad memory(for)记忆力好 差
from memory 凭记忆 memory loss 失忆
painful/sweet memories 痛苦/ 甜蜜的回忆
He founded the charity in memory of his late wife. 他兴办那个慈善机构以纪念他已故的妻子。
“in+n.+of ”结构:
in case of 防备 in celebration of 庆祝
in honour of 为了纪念……;为了表示敬意 in defense of 保卫
5 After Dr Bethune’s death,Chairman Mao Zedong wrote an
article in memory of him... 白求恩大夫去世后,毛泽东主席
1. The library was built        (为了纪念) those who carried our country through the hardship.
2.The stadium was named        (为了向……表示敬意) the club’s first chairman.
in memory of
in honour of
Language point
①      happens in the future, the sweet memories will never fade away.
②We will do      we can to add some new features to this running machine.
③In order not to waste our precious time,we’ll eat at      restaurant has
a free table.
(2)whatever 还可以引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter what。
Whatever happens, you know that I’ll stand by you. =No matter what happens, you know that I’ll stand by you.
Language point
despite the difficult situation 是介词短语作状语,whatever he could 是whatever引导的宾语从句。
Franklin was free to do pretty much whatever he pleased. 富兰克林几乎可以做他想做的任何事情。
(1)whatever 可以引导名词性从句,即宾语从句、表语从句、主语从句和同位语从句。在句中充当宾语、表语、主语和同位语,相当于anything that。
Whatever requests you make will be granted. 你提的任何请求都会得到许可。(主语从句)
She applied whatever strength she had left to the task.
6 Despite the difficult situation,Dr Bethune did whatever he
could to assist the Chinese people. 尽管情况困难,但白求恩大
Language point
1.     happens in the future,the sweet memories will never fade away.
2.In order not to waste our precious time,we’ll eat at restaurant has a free table.
本句中的had it published是have sth. done 结构,表示 “让某事被做”, 过去分词作宾补,宾语和动词之间是被动关系。
have sth. done 让某事被做(可能是主语自己做,也可能是让别人做);遭遇/ 经历某种不幸的事
The patient is going to have his temperature taken. 这个病人要量体温。
have sth. done=get sth. done 使某事被做 have sb. do sth.=make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事
have sb. doing sth. 容忍某人做某事(用于否定句中,多放于won’t, can’t 后)
have sth. to do 有某事要做(动词不定式作后置定语)
7 ...the traveller wrote a book about his experience and had it published the following year. ……这名旅行者写了一本关于他的经历的书,并在第二年出版。
①Before driving into the city,you are required to have your car    (wash).
②[2017·天津卷]I was watching the clock all through the meeting,as I had a train _________ (catch).
to catch
Language point
1.跟在感官动词(短语)(常见的有see、hear、feel 、smell、find、notice, observe 、look at、listen to等)后作宾语补足语。
2.跟在使役动词(常见的有have、keep、 get、leave等 )后作宾语补足语。
3.see, hear, feel, watch等动词之后用-ing形式和动词不定式作宾语补足语的区别:
1.accident n.(交通)事故;意外遭遇;意外
2.operation n.活动;手术;企业;公司
3.whisper v.耳语;低语;小声说
4.midnight n.午夜;子夜
5.import n.进口;输入的产品(或劳务);引进
6.export v.出口;输出;移出
7.pole n.(行星的)极;磁极;地极
8.lap n.大腿部
9.bit n.一点;有点儿
10.chairman n.主席;主持人;委员长;董事长
( )1. Sarah pretended to be cheerful, _____ nothing about the argument.
A. says B. said C. to say D. saying
( )2. It rained heavily in the south, ______ serious flooding in several provinces.
A. caused B. having caused C. causing D. to cause
( )3. He had a wonderful childhood, _____ with his mother to all corners of the world.
A. travel B. to travel C. traveled D. traveling
( )4. The news shocked the public, ______ to great concern about students' safety at school.
A. having led B. led C. leading D. to lead
( )5. More highways have been built in China, _____ it much easier for people to travel from one place to another.
A. making B. made C. to make D. having made
( )5.Please stop ______ a rest if you feel tired.
A.to have B.having C.have D.has
( )6.——Why didn't you buy some bread on your way home
——Sorry, I forgot ______ some money with me.
A.take B.taking C.to take D.took
( )7.——Let's have a rest, shall we
——Not now, I can't stop ______ the letters.
A.write B.to write C.writing D.and write
1. All the football players on the playground cheered loudly, ______ (say) that I had a talent for football.
2. Nervously _______ (face) challenges, I know I will whisper myself the two
simple words “Be yourself”.
3. Around 13,500 new jobs were created during the period, _________ (exceed) the expected number of 12,000 held by market analysts.
4. The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment, _________ (allow) more patients to be treated.
5. _______ (take) a deep breath, they dived into the water.
1. Finish the exercise a bout the -ing form.
2. Write a passage to introduce a person you love and respect. The -ing forms are expected.
课题 Morals and Virtues 单元 Unit 2 学科 英语 年级
教材分析 The selection of this core grammatical structure in this unit is determined by the theme and genre characteristics of the text under the guidance of the unit theme. The theme of this activity is "describing people's actions". Whether it is about moral norms or the virtues of characters, it is often necessary to vividly and meticulously describe the words and deeds, personality, quality and spirit of characters through stories. The behavior and virtue of a character can be described by verbs, which deeply describe the character, quality and spirit of the character. Verb -ing can be used as object complement and adverbial to describe the behavior of a character. The main grammar of this class is to learn the usage of -ing as object complement and adverbial.This section has designed three activities. The teaching principle of activity 1 is to let students carry out independent inquiry learning, discuss three sentences appearing in the reading text, understand the meaning and pragmatic function of sentences, find out the usage of verb forms in sentences, and find out more sentences using verb forms from units. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms. The teaching purpose of practice is to let students experience and master the meaning and usage of verb forms in practical context.
学习目标与核心素养 1. Knowledge objectives:①Study and master key words and phrases.②Students understand and master the concept, structure, form, function and significance of v-ing and usage of -ing verb as object complement and adverbial.2.Skill objectives: ①Correctly use v-ing as object complements and adverbials to describe the behavior, cause, purpose, result, and accompaniment in actual situations.②Guide students to correctly use -ing form structure to describe character actions, behaviors, etc.3.Emotional objectives: Students can learn more about the traditional virtues of China.4.Thinking quality objectives:Cultivate students' logical thinking and language expression ability. ( https: / / fanyi. / aldtype=16047" \l "zh / en / javascript:void(0); ) ( https: / / fanyi. / aldtype=16047" \l "zh / en / javascript:void(0); )
重点 ①Students understand and master the concept, structure, form and usage of verb form as object complement and adverbials.②Correctly use v-ing as object complements and adverbials to describe the behavior, cause, purpose, result, and accompaniment in actual situations.
难点 Correctly use v-ing as object complements and adverbials to describe the behavior, cause, purpose, result, and accompaniment in actual situations.
教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
导入新课 RevisionThe teacher guides the students through the exercise and reviews the new words from the previous lesson.根据汉语意思填写单词1.The writer of the passage is to illustrate (说明) how adventurous it is to make friends online.2. John Snow was a famous doctor who once attended Queen Victoria as herpersonal physician (医生).3.Many highly successful writers such as J.K Rowling have previously facedrejection (不出版).4.I suggested that he work out a plan but he didn't make a response (回答) to it.5. Friends and relatives wished the couple a happy marriage (婚姻).6.After several hours' drive, we arrived at the park. We each hired (租用) a bicycle, along the green lane, enjoying shade, the fresh air and the fragrant grass.7.Everything needs to be done according to a certain principle (原则).8. We should make good use of every precious (宝贵的) minute to study.9.The names of the winners of the competition will be published (出版) inJune. (v. to produce a book, magazine, CD-ROM, etc. and sell it to the public)10.The majority (大多数) of students find it quite hard to live on the amount of money they get. Students should complete the exercise within the specified time. Consolidate the knowledge of the last lesson through practice.
讲授新课 Lead inActivity:Import the target grammar knowledge for this lesson.Teacher ask students to observe the following sentences and pay attention to the red parts.Discuss the grammatical functions of the verb - ing form in sentences.1. … her brother complained, thinking of the high tuition fees. (作状语)2. Thinking of all the people still in need of help, Dr Lin opened a private clinic.(作状语)3. At times she was even seen riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.(作宾补)4. The new People's Republic of China saw Dr Lin Qiaozhi playing a key role.(作宾补)5. … having delivered over 50,000 babies in her lifetime.(作状语)三、Practice(一)Teaching Steps one:one:Analyze the structure and usage of the verb - ing form as an object complement and adverbial.1.The teacher divided the students into groups of two.2.Students identify the sentences that contain the verb -ing form as an object complement and adverbial from the content learned in this unit. 3.Analyze and summarize the structure and usage of verb -ing forms as object complements and adverbials. 4.The teacher makes necessary additions based on the key points summarized by students and in combination with their summaries.(二)Teaching Steps two:Complete the Practice. Discuss other uses of the -ing form and give a few examples.1.The teacher guides students to find out the form and use of the -ing in sentences, and expands students' thinking. 2.Discuss other uses of the verb ing form and give a few examples.Questions:What are the –ing form in the sentences What are the uses of the –ing form in the sentences What other uses of –ing form do you know Can you give us some examples (三)Teaching Steps three:Rewrite the sentence using the - ing form.1.Thinking of all the people still in need of help, Dr. Lin opened private clinic.Dr. Lin opened a private clinic when|she thought of all the people still in need of help.2.Hearing that his wife had been injured in an accident, Mr. Johnson hurried to the hospital.When Mr Johnson heard that his wife had been injured in an accident he hurried to the hospital.3.The traveller wrote a book about his experience and had it published the following year after he returned from the North Pole.The traveller wrote a book about his experience and had it published the following year, returning from the North Pole.四、DiscussionThe teacher leads the students to discuss whether the functions of the - ing form are the same and summarize the main points.Question:Are the -ing form words function the same 例题:At times she was even seen riding a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.see sb. doing sth. (present participle)→someone is doing sth.eg:She was more interested in tending patients, publishing medical research on care for women and children, and training the next generation of doctors.be interested in doing sth. ( Noun ) 五、Grammar(一)-ing 时态和语态现在分词作状语1.现在分词作状语的概念2.现在分词作状语的用法(1)作时间状语(相当于一个时间状语从句)-ing形式作时间、原因、条件、让步状语时多位于句首;作结果、伴随情况状语时常位于句末。2.原因状语(一般可转换成由as或because引导的原因状语从句)现在分词作原因状语,相当于because, since,as等引导的原因状语从句。 3.作条件状语( 一般放在句首,其前可以加if、unless等连词)4.作结果状语现在分词作结果状语,一般位于句末。前文表示原因,现在分词表示造成的必然结果。5.现在分词作让步、方式和伴随状语时,说明动作发生的背景和情况。作伴随状语时,表示分词的动作和谓语动词同时发生。表示让步,相当于一个让步状语从句。注意事项:(1)为使动词-ing作状语所表达的时间;条件,可根据意义在动词-ing形式前加上适当的连词(when, while, though, unless, if, even if,as if等)。(2)-ing形式作状语时,它的逻辑主语必须与主句的主语是一致的。(3)V–ing 用于某些固定搭配中,表示说话人的态度、观点等,如:generally speaking, frankly/honestly speaking, judging by / from, considering/seeing, supposing 等等。(三)-ing形式作宾语补足语1.概念(1)-ing形式作宾语补足语常放在宾语后面,表示一个正在进行的主动性的动作,强调一个过程或一种状态。(2)当主句转换为被动结构时,原来作宾语补足语的-ing形式便转换为主语补足语。(3)-ing形式现在分词作宾语补足语时,常有以下三种情况:①跟在感官动词(短语)(常见的有see、hear、feel 、smell、find、notice, observe 、look at、listen to等)后作宾语补足语。②跟在使役动词(常见的有have、keep、 get、leave等 )后作宾语补足语。③see, hear, feel, watch等动词之后用-ing形式和动词不定式作宾语补足语的区别:.前者表示动作正在进行,而后者(或强调)动作从开始到结束的全过程。.如果宾语补足语是短暂性动词,动词不定式短语表示一次动作,而-ing形式则表示反复动作。DiscussionDiscuss with classmates.What are the usages of the -ing form as the adverbial and the object complement Practice(一)Tick the sentence where the - ing form modifies a verb or is used as a verb. ( √ )1. The New People Republic of China saw Dr. Lin Qiaozhiplaying a key role.( ) 2. Her favorite thing was listening to music. ( √ )3. He suddenly woke up when he heard someone knocking at his door.( ) 4.I wouldn't recommend travelling without insurance. ( √ )5. Even as she lay dying, her final thoughts were for others.( ) 6. Finding a good husband is their final goal. ( ) 7. The survey revealed some worrying results. ( √ )8. He is reading a book.(二)Rewrite the sentence using the -ing form.1.Richard bought her a book because he knew she loved reading.knowing she loved reading,Richard bought her a book.2. When I stood in the queue, I realised I didn't have any money.Standing in the queue,I realised I didn't have any money.3.The bomb exploded, as a result, it destroyed the building.The bomb exploded, destroying the building.4.The new policy bans cars in the city centre and it will start in the new year. Starting in the new year, the new policy bans cars in the city centre.(三)Guide students to complete P18 activity 2, using the correct forms of the words shown to complete the sentences.(四)Guide students to complete P68-69Workbook activities 1-2.(五)Guide students to complete P18 activity 3 and rewrite the underlined sentences using the verb -ing form.Summary &Language pointThe teacher summed up the grammar knowledge of this lesson. Students observe the example sentences given by the teacher, analyze the components of the - ing form in the sentence, and summarize the structure and usage of the - ing form as an adverbial and object complement in the sentence.Students identify sentences that have been learned in this unit that contain the verb -ing form as an object complement and adverbial. Analyze and summarize the structure and usage.Students complete the exercise and check the answers. Discuss other uses of the verb ing form and give a few examples.Students rewrite sentences using the -ing form, complete and check the answers, correct errors, and record the key points.Students discuss whether the functions of the ing form are the same, and summarize the main points.Students learn grammar and analyze the use of - ing as an object complement and adverbial.Students discuss the usage of -ing as object complement and adverbial in plete the exercise according to the knowledge of -ing as object complement and adverbial, and summarize the grammar points.Learn to review and take notes. Introduce the grammar knowledge of the new lesson and visually demonstrate the use of - ing as an adverbial and object complement in sentences through example sentences for students to learn.Through classroom exercises, let students master and consolidate the structure and usage of verb ing forms as adverbials and object complements in sentences.Through practice, further consolidate the students' use of the - ing form as an adverbial and object complement, expand their thinking, and let them find out the sentences in which the - ing form is used as an adverbial and object complement in actual situations and give examples.Further consolidate the use of - ing as an adverbial and object complement by rewriting sentences in the form of - ing.Train students' ability to express themselves orally and cooperate with others.Train students' thinking ability, analysis and induction ability.Cultivate students' summing-up ability and language expression ability.Students are required to complete exercises to deepen their understanding of verb forms as attributes and predicative.Sort out the knowledge points to facilitate students' memory.
课堂练习 一.单项选择题(D )1. Sarah pretended to be cheerful,_____nothing about the argument.A. says B. said C. to say D. saying(C )2. It rained heavily in the south,_____serious flooding in several provinces.caused B. having caused C. causing D. to cause(D )3. He had a wonderful childhood,_____with his mother to all corners of theworld.travel B. to travel C. traveled D. traveling(C )4. The news shocked the public,____to great concern about students' safety atschool.A. having led B. led C. Leading D. to lead (A )5. More highways have been built in China,_____it much easier for people to travel from one place to another:A. making B. made C. to make D. having made(A)5.Please stop A a rest if you feel tired.A.to have B.having C. have D.has (C)6.-Why didn't you buy some bread on your way home -Sorry, I forgot C some money with me.A.take B.taking C.to take D.took(C)7.- Let's have a rest, shall we - Not now,I can't stop C the letters.A.write B.to write C.writing D.and write Students complete the after-class exercises as required. Consolidate knowledge points through practice.
课堂小结 The content of this lesson seems that the verb ing is used as an object complement and adverbial to describe the behavior of the characters. Students learn the structural usage of -ing as object complement and adverbial.Three activities are designed in this section. The teaching principle of activity 1 is to let students carry out independent inquiry learning, discuss and read three sentences appearing in the text, understand the meaning and pragmatic function of sentences, find out the usage of verb forms in sentences, and find out more sentences using verb forms from units. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms. The purpose of practical teaching is to let students experience and master the meaning and usage of verb forms in practical context. Students read the course summary made by the teacher and record important information. Systematically summarize the knowledge of this lesson.
板书 Unit 2Morals and VirtuesPeriod 3 Discovering Useful Structures一.现在分词作状语1.现在分词作状语的概念2.现在分词作状语的用法(1)作时间状语(2)原因状语作条件状语(4)作结果状语(5)现在分词作让步、方式和伴随状语时,说明动作发生的背景和情况。二.-ing形式作宾语补足语(一)概念(二)当主句转换为被动结构时,原来作宾语补足语的-ing形式便转换为主语补足语。(三)-ing形式现在分词作宾语补足语时,常有以下三种情况:1.跟在感官动词(短语)(常见的有see、hear、feel 、smell、find、notice, observe 、look at、listen to等)后作宾语补足语。2.跟在使役动词(常见的有have、keep、 get、leave等 )后作宾语补足语。3.see, hear, feel, watch等动词之后用-ing形式和动词不定式作宾语补足语的区别:(1)前者表示动作正在进行,而后者(或强调)动作从开始到结束的全过程。(2)如果宾语补足语是短暂性动词,动词不定式短语表示一次动作,而-ing形式则表示反复动作。 Visually show the important words in this lesson.
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