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版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-22 22:42:42


The Amazon rainforest, the largest rainforest in the world, crosses into eight countries, including Brazil and Peru, and one overseas region of France all on the South American continent It covers 1.  area of around 6 million square kilometres. It is named after the amazon river 2.  is close to 6400 kilometres in length, 3.  (support) many different ecosystems, which give this area the richest biodiversity on the Earth, one tenth known species in the world living in it.
There are 4.  (variety) of plants in the Amazon rainforest. Of the 390, 000 plant species known to us over 40. 000 can be found there The forest's different levels support an 5.  (believe) variety of wildlife. Each level of the forest forms its own little world, home to different kinds of living things.
There are more than 1, 300 species of birds and over 400 species of mammals living there Among them 6.  (be) the jaguar, which can survive here.
The Amazon rainforest is not only home to numerous species of animals and plants but also known as the "lungs of the planet", because it breathes life 7.  the planet by fixing carbon and producing over 20 per cent of all the Earths oxygen. But over the past 50 years, 17 per cent of the rainforest 8.  (disappear) due to human activities. And some species are also in danger of 9.  (extinct ).  10.   is time for us to do something to protect it.
【答案】1.an;2.which;3.supporting;4.varieties;5.unbelievable;6.is;7.into;8.has disappeared;9.extinction;10.It
1.句意:它占地约600万平方千米。cover an area of固定短语,“占……面积”,故填an。
2.句意:它得名自亚马孙河,这条河长近6,400千米,支撑着许多不同的生态系统。 is close to 6,400 kilometres in length为非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the amazon river,空格处在从句中作主语,故填 which。
3.句意:它得名自亚马孙河,这条河长近6,400千米,支撑着许多不同的生态系统。此处作定语,修饰 the amazon river,且 the Amazon River与 support之间为逻辑上的主动关系,需用现在分词,故填 supporting。
4.句意:亚马孙雨林里有各种各样的植物。 varieties of固定短语,"各种各样的",故填 varieties。
5.句意:雨林的不同层次支撑着种类多到难以置信的野生动物。此处修饰名词variety,需用形容词,believe的形容词形式是 believable,再根据语境和空前的an可知,此处需用其反义词,故填 unbelievable。
6.句意:美洲豹就是其中之它们能生存在这里。 主句为介词短语置于句首的倒装句,主语 the jaguar是单数,再根据整篇文章的语境可知应用一般现在时,故填is。
7.句意:亚马孙雨林不仅是许多种动植物的栖息地,而且它还被称为"地球之肺",因为它通过固碳和产生地球20%以上的氧气来为地球注入活力。breathe life into固定短语,“给……注入活力”。故填into。
8.句意:但是在过去的50年里,由于人类的活动,17%的雨林已经消失了。根据时间状语over the past50 years可知应用现在完成时;主语是17 per cent of the rainforest,谓语应用单数形式。故填 has disappeared。
9.句意:而且一些物种也处于灭绝的危险中。分析可知空格处在句中作介词of的宾语,需用名词,extinction是不可数名词,故填 extinction。
10.句意:现在是我们采取措施保护它的时候了。it is time for sb. to do sth. 固定句式,“是某人做某事的时候了”。其中,it为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。故填 It 。
A. available B. passion C. preserve D. varying E. despite F. devotedG. crucial H. biodiversity I. advances J. breakthrough K. unfortunate
11.Scientists are claiming a major     in the fight against this new virus, bringing the general public some hope of ending the epidemic in the near future.
12.Walking for 40 minutes a few times per week is enough to     memory and keep ageing brain in top shape, research indicates.
13.We cannot take it for granted that resources are so readily     every time we need them.
14.It has been a bit    , but I am determined to keep fighting any way through the season and hopefully have a turn of luck.
15.Different kinds of methods, including sprays, are used with     degrees of success to deal with this tough problem.
16.Your authentic     is nothing to be ashamed of, for it connects with the very core of the beautiful and unique person you are.
17.Over the past decades, medical     have resulted in better diagnostic tools and more effective treatments for diseases of the poor.
18.Even though some of us have much talent, we still have to be fully     to what we are running after for our whole life.
19.    the fact that she had her knees severely injured, she still managed to overtake most of the other long distance runners.
20.For energy planners, a (n)     question is how much this technology would cost if improved and installed on a bigger scale.
【解析】【分析】A. available 形容词,“可以得到的”;B. passion 名词“激情”;C. preserve动词,“保护,保持” ;D. varying形容词 ,“不同的”;E. despite介词,“尽管” ;F. devoted形容词,“忠诚的,狂热的”;G. crucial 形容词,“关键的”;H. biodiversity名词,“生物多样性” ;l. advances 名词,“先进”;J. breakthrough名词,“突破”; K. unfortunate形容词,“不幸的”。
13.句意:我们不能想当然地认为,每次我们需要资源时,资源都是如此容易获得。available 形容词,“可以得到的”,此处形容词作表语,故填A。
14.句意:这有点不幸,但我决心在整个赛季中继续战斗,希望能有转机。 unfortunate形容词,“不幸的”,此处形容词作表语,故填K 。
15.句意:不同种类的方法,包括喷雾,都在不同程度上成功地解决了这个棘手的问题。 varying形容词,“不同的”,此处修饰名词degrees ,作定语,故填D。
16.句意:你真正的激情没什么好羞愧的,因为它与你这个美丽而独特的人的核心联系在一起。passion 名词,“激情”,此处作主语,结合谓语动词is,应用单数形式,故填B 。
17.句意:在过去几十年中,医学的进步为穷人的疾病带来了更好的诊断工具和更有效的治疗方法。advances 名词,“先进,进步”,此处作主语,根据助动词have ,可知应用复数名词,故填 I。
18.句意:尽管我们中的一些人很有天赋,但我们仍然必须全身心地投入到我们一生追求的事情中。devoted形容词,“忠诚的,狂热的”,此处作表语,构成固定短语be devoted to“全身心地”,故填F。
20.句意:对于能源规划者来说,一个关键问题是,如果这项技术得到改进并大规模安装,其成本会有多高。crucial 形容词,“关键的”,此处修饰名词question ,作定语,故填G。
Don't set him the task.       , he's old;       , he's in poor health.
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 一则 ......二则.....”,应用固定短语for one thing...,for another ...,故答案为:For;one;thing;for;another。
【点评】考查汉译英,以及固定短语for one thing...,for another ...。
I wasn't                 what I thought of her.
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 足够的勇气告诉她 ”, 用固定短语enough to do,“足以做......”,“勇敢”用brave 表达,故答案为:brave;enough;to;tell;her。
【点评】考查汉译英,以及固定短语enough to do。
             marched across the path.
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 一大群蚂蚁 ”, 应用an army of“一大群”,后接名词复数,“蚂蚁”用 ant 表达,故答案为:An;army;of;ants。
【点评】考查汉译英,以及固定短语an army of。
       a great honor           to the evening party.
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 被邀请 ” , 是固定句式it is a great honor to do,“邀请”用动词invite表达,此处是不定式的被动式作主语,故答案为:It;is;to;be;invited。
【点评】考查汉译英,本题涉及不定式的被动式作主语以及固定短语it is a great honor to do。
I        the difficult times because I have grown up from those times.
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 感谢 ”应用动词短语be thankful for,“对......表示感谢”, 结合语境应用一般现在时,故答案为:am;thankful;for。
【点评】考查汉译英,本题涉及一般现在时以及固定短语be thankful for。
【答案】Under the big tree sat an old man.
【解析】【分析】“ 这棵大树下 ”应用介词短语 under the big tree ,“ 坐着一位老人 ”用 an old mansat 表达,结合题目要求应用“完全倒装句”,故填 Under the big tree sat an old man. 。
27.它们肯定需要吸收大量液体。(take in)
【答案】They will certainly need to take in plenty of liquid.
【解析】【分析】“ 需要吸收 ”应用动词短语need to do,是谓语动词,结合语境应用一般将来时,“吸收”用动词短语take in表达,“ 大量液体 ”用 plenty of liquid 表达,故答案为: They will certainly need to take in plenty of liquid.
【点评】考查汉译英,本题涉及一般将来时以及固定短语need to do,take in和plenty of。
28.听到这个消息,他情不自禁地哭了。(break down)
【答案】He broke down when he heard the news.
【解析】【分析】“ 听到这个消息 ”是when引导的时间状语从句,用hear the news表达,结合语境应用一般过去时,“ 情不自禁地哭 ”结合汉语提示应用 break down ,其过去式是 broke down ,故答案为: He broke down when he heard the news.
【点评】考查汉译英,本题涉及时间状语从句,一般过去时以及固定短语 break down 。
       the building was quite serious.
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 损坏 ” , 应用固定短语damage to“对......的损害”,作主语,故答案为:Damage;to。
【点评】考查汉译英,以及固定短语damage to。
I found several coins                   .
【解析】【分析】根据中英文对照,可知缺少成分“ 在我的手提包底部 ”,应用介词短语at the bottom of,“我的手提包”用my bag 表达,故答案为:at;the;bottom;of;my;bag。
【点评】考查汉译英,以及固定短语at the bottom of。
Once upon a time, there lived an ant and a grasshopper(蟋蟀)in a grass field by a river. The ant would work hard all day long from dawn to dusk 31. the grain. On the other hand, the grasshopper would spend all his time singing and dancing. He would 32. call the ant to join him in singing, dancing and making merry at the present time. However, the ant would 33. him and continue with her work.
Soon summer 34. to autumn and autumn to winter. It became freezing cold outside due to snowfall and the sun was barely seen and the nights were 35. and dark. Out of cold the grasshopper lost his 36. in singing and making merry. He was cold and hungry and had no 37. to take shelter from the snow outside. He wondered how to save himself from this 38. situation.
Suddenly he remembered about the ant and decided to 39. her for some food and shelter. Off he went to her place and knocked at her door for 40. . When she opened the door, the grasshopper offered to sing for her 41. for some food and shelter.
To this, the ant replied that she had worked hard in summer to save enough 42. for winter and the grasshopper had laughed at her then. She gently asked him to sing somewhere else and 43. his food and shelter. It is then, the grasshopper realised that he should have 44. enough for the winter instead of wasting his time being 45. during summer in singing and dancing around.
31.A.painting B.cleaning C.collecting D.covering
32.A.finally B.hardly C.gradually D.frequently
33.A.avoid B.admit C.ignore D.forget
34.A.started B.faded C.belonged D.appeared
35.A.long B.short C.quiet D.noisy
36.A.hope B.effort C.faith D.interest
37.A.time B.place C.desire D.intention
38.A.good B.strange C.tough D.smooth
39.A.visit B.invite C.reject D.hire
40.A.praise B.help C.service D.answer
41.A.for fun B.in case C.for use D.in return
42.A.food B.money C.shelter D.medicine
43.A.make B.sell C.earn D.buy
44.A.waited B.saved C.helped D.danced
45.A.nervous B.careful C.polite D.lazy
31.句意:蚂蚁从早到晚一整天都在努力工作,收集粮食。A. painting“绘画”;B. cleaning“清洗”;C. collecting“收集”;D. covering“覆盖”。根据下文"the ant replied that she had worked hard in summer to save enough food for winter”蚂蚁回答说他在夏天的时候努力工作,已经收集了足够的过冬食物)"可知蚂蚁每日努力工作是要收集粮食,故选C。
32.句意:他总是叫蚂蚁和他一起唱歌跳舞、玩乐,享受当下。A. finally“最后”;B. hardly“几乎不”;C. gradually“逐渐地”;D. frequently“经常地”。根据上文情态动词,would做情态动词时表示一个在过去反复发生的动作,故选D。
33.句意:然而,蚂蚁总是不理睬他,继续干活。A. avoid“避免”;B. admit“承认”;C. ignore“不理睬”;D. forget“忘记”。根据空后"continue with her work”可知蚂蚁不理睬蟋蟀,继续干活,故选C。
34.句意:很快夏天过去到了秋天,秋天又到了冬天。A. started“开始”;B. faded“褪去,远去”;C. belonged“属于”;D. appeared“出现”。根据空后"to autumn and autumn to winter”到了秋天,秋天又到了冬天,可知是夏天过去到了秋天,故选B。
35.句意:由于下雪外面变得很冷,太阳很少露面,夜晚漫长又黑暗。A. long“漫长的”;B. short“短的”;C. quiet“安静的”;D. noisy“吵闹的”。根据空前"the sun was barely seen(太阳很少露面)"可推理出白天变短,夜晚变长,故选A。
36.句意:由于寒冷,蟋蟀失去了唱歌、玩乐的兴趣。A. hope“希望”;B. effort“努力”;C. faith“信仰”;D. interest“兴趣”;根据下文"He wondered how to save himself(他想着如何让自己活下来)"可知蟋蟀不得不考虑生存问题,而对玩乐没有兴趣了,故选D。
37.句意:他又冷又饿,而且没有住处抵御下雪的寒冬。A. time“时间”;B. place“住处”;C. desire“欲望”;D. intention“目的”。根据空后"to take shelter from the snow outside”抵御下雪的寒冬。可知蟋蟀没有能抵御寒冬的住处,故选B。
38.句意:他思考着如何从这个艰难的处境中活下来。A. good“好的”;B. strange“奇怪的”;C. tough“艰难的”;D. smooth“平滑的”;根据上文"He was cold and hungry and had no 7 to take shelter from the snow outside(他又冷又饿,而且没有住处抵御下着大雪的寒冬)"可知蟋蟀目前的处境很艰难,故选C。
39.句意:忽然他想起了蚂蚁,决定拜访她,去讨吃的东西和住处。A. visit“拜访”;B. invite“邀请”;C. reject“拒绝”;D. hire“雇佣”;根据下文"Off he went to her place and knocked at her door”他离开家去了蚂蚁的住处,敲了敲门。可知蟋蟀到蚂蚁的住处拜访,故选A。
40.句意:他离开家去了蚂蚁的住处,敲门寻求帮助。A. praise“表扬”;B. help“帮助”;C. service“服务”;D. answer“回答”。根据下文"for some food and shelter”讨吃的东西和住处,可知蟋蟀找蚂蚁是要寻求帮助,故选B。
41.句意:当她打开门的时候,蟋蟀主动为她唱歌换取食物和住处。A. for fun“为了好玩”;B. in case“万一”;C. for use“为了使用”;D. in return“换取”。根据空前"the grasshopper offered to sing for her”蟋蟀主动为她唱歌;以及空后"some food and shelter”,可推理出蟋蟀为蚂蚁主动唱歌是为了换取食物和住处,故选D。
42.句意:对蟋蟀的这个行为,蚂蚁回答说她在夏天已经收集了足够的过冬食物,那个时候蟋蟀却嘲笑她。A. food“食物”;B. money“钱”;C. shelter“庇护所”;D. medicine“药”。根据上文"The ant would work hard all day long from dawn to dusk 1 the grain.” 蚂蚁从早到晚一整天都在努力工作,收集粮食)"可知蚂蚁储存的是食物,故选A。
43.句意:她礼貌地让蟋蟀到其他地方去唱歌,以赚取食物和住处。A. make“制作”;B. sell“卖”;C. earn“赚”;D. buy“买”。根据上文"the grasshopper offered to sing for her 13 for some food and shelter.”蟋蟀主动为她唱歌换取食物和住处;以及"the grasshopper had laughed at her then”蟋蟀那个时候嘲笑她。可知蚂蚁礼貌地拒绝了蟋蟀,并让他到别的地方唱歌,以换取食物和住处,故选C。
44.句意:那时候蟋蟀才意识到他原本应该为冬天做足储备,而不是在夏天的时候四处唱歌跳舞,浪费时间,无所事事。A. waited“等待”;B. saved“存储”;C. helped“帮助”;D. danced“跳舞”。根据空后"for the winter”,可知蟋蟀意识到应该为冬天做足储备,故选B。
45.句意:那时候蟋蟀才意识到他原本应该为冬天做足储备,而不是在夏天的时候四处唱歌跳舞,浪费时间,无所事事。A. nervous“紧张的”;B. careful“细心的”;C. polite“礼貌的”;D. lazy“懒惰的,无所事事的”。根据空后"singing and dancing around”,可知蟋蟀意识到自己在夏天的时候唱歌跳舞,不干活,无所事事,故选D。
It was dinner time for the Rangers, a group of mostly Indigenous (本地的)Australians who had spent a long day cleaning up the polluted beaches of the continent's northern coast. Soon they would be eating freshly caught seafood cooked under the stars on an open fire, as their ancestors did.
The Rangers are of more than 100 indigenous groups spread across Australia who have taken on the job of protecting the land of their forefathers. I Arnhem Land, they are the protectors of 3, 300 square miles of land and sea. They comb the beaches by hand, picking up as much rubbish as possible. The task is very difficult as each day it delivers waves of new rubbish.
For the rangers, cleaning the beaches is more than a vacation. For a people whose culture is strongly tied to the land, protecting the environment is equal to preserving their history.
However, colonization forcefully broke their connection to the land generations ago. Indigenous people were displaced and their cultural practices outlawed. Tens of thousands of years of traditional land management ended, and as a result many parts of the country now face serious disasters from invasive plant and animal species, bush fires and land mismanagement.
In recent years, the government has restored more than 20 percent of Australia's land to indigenous owners. Since 2007, the Indigenous Ranger Organizations have been at work protecting this land.
Luke, one of the few non-indigenous employees working with the Rangers, said the combination of old and new techniques and an appreciation of the culture of indigenous workers could have been critical to the programme's success.
"You are working with staff who see the world different to you, so there is a much higher focus on the cultural aspects of work and life," he said.
"Being a ranger is a source of confidence. You feel strong," said Terence, a senior ranger. "Here we still live on the land. The culture is still alive. "
46.What did Indigenous Australians live on in the past
A.Rubbish picked up by hand. B.Their cultural practices.
C.Seafood. D.Invasive plants and animals.
47.What do the rangers think of cleaning the beaches
A.It's a job of their ancestors. B.It's just a vacation.
C.It's a difficult task. D.It's their culture.
48.What can we learn from the last three paragraphs
A.Not many employees are Indigenous Australians.
B.Culture is important to Indigenous Australians.
C.Their new techniques are successful.
D.Both Luke and Terence are Indigenous Australians.
46.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“ Soon they would be eating freshly caught seafood cooked under the stars on an open fire as their ancestors did. ”很快,他们就会像他们的祖先一样,在明火上吃在星空下烹制的新鲜海鲜。可知,澳大利亚土著居民过去以吃海产食品为生。故选C。
47.考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“ For a people whose culture is strongly tied to the land,protecting the environment is equal to preserving their history. ”可知,澳大利亚的这些土著护林员认为清理海滩就是保护他们的历史,也就是保护他们的文化。故选D。
48.考查推理判断。根据倒数第二段中的“ so there is a much higher focus on the cultural aspects of work and life.”因此,人们对工作和生活中的文化方面有了更高的关注;以及最后一段中的” The culture is still alive. ”可知,文化对澳大利亚土著居民很重要。故选B。
Most of us travel with our parents as children and teenagers. For some of us, during the travel, our parents are our inspiration. These trips are normally full of rental cars, beaches, and hamburgers. My family would go to Galiano island every summer, and we did a week in Mexico in 1995, and then we did two different trips to Anaheim to experience the magic of Disney, Universal, and Knott's Berry Farm.
But all of these are childhood experiences and memories. I didn't really truly travel with my parents until I was an adult when I got the chance to travel with mom and dad.
I was in New Zealand for a study abroad, and invited my parents to come down for a 2-week road trip around the North Island and then 10 days in Fiji. Why not They said, as if this was something they were invited to do every day. I didn't really plan anything, but my mom had done some reading and I knew some highlights (最好的部分) after living in New Zealand for 5 months.
I had booked a hotel for their first night in Auckland. The only other preparation I had done was to book a rental car. My parents immediately reached an agreement that I should be the driver, for the whole two weeks. The main reason for this, understandably, was that neither of them had ever been in a country where you drive on the left hand side of the road and on the right hand side of the car. This led to me driving my parents around the entire North Island of New Zealand for 2 weeks! But still, everybody had jobs. Dad had the maps, and mom had the guidebook, and I just took them where they told me to go.
Sometimes, I was asked who I was traveling with. When I said "my parents", the response was, "Ohhh, older people." Actually, I have some tips on travelling with parents happily.
49.Which can replace the underlined word "inspiration" in Para. 1
A.Cooks. B.Guides. C.Drivers. D.Translators.
50.Why did the parents let the writer drive the car in New Zealand
A.They were not used to the driving rules.
B.They were afraid of the mountain roads.
C.They were too old to drive for a long time.
D.They were not familiar with the brand of the car.
51.What is the best title of the text
A.Drive on the Way. B.Travel with Parents.
C.Enjoy New Zealand. D.Recall the Childhood.
52.What will the writer share next
A.The argument with parents. B.The memory in Fiji as a child.
C.The scenery during the road trip. D.The advice on outing with parents.
49.考查词义猜测。根据第一段中的"These trips are normally full of rental cars, beaches. and hamburgers."可知,父母带孩子出门旅行时,父母负责租车,选定游玩的沙滩和解决吃饭的问题。可推知,父母就是旅行的总指挥,是向导, inspiration 此处应为"向导"之意,故选B。
50.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"The main reason for this, understandably, was that neither of them had ever been in a country where you drive on the left hand side of the road and on the right hand side of the car"这一点的主要原因是,他们两人都不习惯驾驶座位在汽车右侧,并且汽车上路靠左行驶的交通规则,这一点是可以理解的。可知,父母二人都不习惯驾驶座位在汽车右侧,并且汽车上路靠左行驶的交通规则。故选A。
52.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"Actually, I have some tips on travelling with parents happily."事实上,我有一些和父母一起快乐旅行的小贴士。可知,作者接下来,要和大家分享和父母快乐出游的建议。故选D。
More schools around the USA are using online classes when communities run into troubles like wildfires, storms or water shortages.
In Jackson, Mississippi, a problem with the public water system left the city without safe water for several days. As a result, schools had to go online for one week in May. The time in online learning did not last long for the 20, 000 students in Jackson. Earlier this month, children went back to in-person learning when the city said water was safe for normal use.
However, online learning caused problems for children and teachers. At home, children attending online classes often had their whole family in the house. Early in 2020, school officials had high hopes for online learning. Since then, the problems with it have become clearer. The change to online learning has caused many students to fall behind where they should be in their studies. And it has added to new worries about students' health.
In 2018, two powerful storms hit the same area, causing schools in some places to close. Some students were out of school for weeks. There were attempts(尝试) at online learning, but many children did not have laptop computers or other technology. For this reason, most schools tried to move students to other in-person buildings.
"Schools now will look first to online learning," said Gary Henry. He is head of the University of Delaware and has been part of a research team studying online learning. For a period of a few weeks, he said it could be a step to keep students on schedule. But the pandemic(疫情) showed that it was not a good way over a long period of time. "It's a difficult start," said Henry. "It's better to have the kids in the classroom so you can see how they are doing, and provide timely support to them."
53.How long did the students in Jackson attend online courses in May
A.For two days. B.For one week.
C.For two weeks. D.For one month.
54.What is the third paragraph mainly about
A.The disadvantages of online classes.
B.Added worries about students' health.
C.A challenge school officials must face.
D.High hopes parents have for their children.
55.What did most schools do when two storms hit Jackson in 2018
A.They developed an online learning system.
B.They handed out computers to every student.
C.They tried their best to have in-person class.
D.They encouraged parents to work from home.
56.Which statement will Henry probably agree with
A.The storms cause all the schools to close every year.
B.Many schools in Mississippi were burned in a fire.
C.Online tests are more popular among students.
D.In-person learning is better for students' study.
53.考查细节理解。根据第二段中的"As a result, schools had to go online for one week in May."结果,学校不得不在五月份开展一周的线上课。可知,Jackson 的学生们在五月份上了一周的网课。故选B。
54.考查段落大意。根据第三段中的"However, online learning caused problems for children and teachers."然而,线上学习为学生和老师造成了很多问题。可知,该段主要分析上网课的弊端。故选A。
55.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的"For this reason, most schools tried to move students to other in-person buildings."因为这个原因,大部分学校都尽力把学生移到其它可以面对面上课的教学楼里。可知,2018年两场暴风雨袭击Jackson时,当地大部分学校都尽力安排学生线下上课。故选C。
56.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"It's better to have the kids in the classroom so you can see how they are doing, and provide timely support to them."让孩子们在教室里上课是更好的,这样你就能够看到他们在学习中有什么问题,并且及时给他们提供支持。可推断,Henry 认为线下上课更有助于学生们的学习。故选D。
Many travelers are familiar with the UNESCO's World Heritage List (世界遗产名录) However, less is known about the organization's List of World Heritage in Danger. It currently states 53 World Heritage sites under threat of "serious and specific dangers" due to factors such as climate change, armed conflict, and development pressures. The accelerated(加速) degeneration(退化) of these cultural treasures is a reality that should concern the world, since the younger generation may not have the opportunity to visit them.
For this reason, insurance(保险) company Budget Direct, and Neo Mam Studios, a creative studio based in the UK, have started a project, creating a series of GIFs to repair World Heritage sites and demonstrate what these ruins would have looked like if they had been protected.
Drawing attention to sites at risk, the project aims to give everyone the opportunity to visit these sites virtually (虚拟的). It started with in-depth research around the sites on the List of World Heritage in Danger. Based on the results, the team made a selection according to two main standards: First, they were man-made places. Second, they still had standing elements. Focusing on the selected sites, the team worked with architects Jelena Popovic and Keremcan Kirilmaz and industrial designer Erdem Batirbek to research and illustrate six of these legendary locations.
In this series of GIFs, six sites are digitally repaired to their former glory. They include Hatra in Iraq, Leptis Magna in Libya, Palmyra in Syria, Portobelo-San Lorenzo in Panama, Nan Madol in the Federated States of Micronesia as well as the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls. Time does not stand still, and neither does technology. Thanks to these technologies, we can travel virtually, without leaving home, to those places that, whatever their future may be, will always be part of the collective memory.
57.Why did the team develop the project GIFs
A.They are curious about some World Heritage sites.
B.The List of World Heritage in Danger is not well-known.
C.The younger generation desire to visit World Heritage sites.
D.Young people may miss the chance to visit some World Heritage sites.
58.What kind of endangered World Heritage sites could be chosen for this project
A.Natural sites that had standing elements.
B.Man-made sites that had standing elements.
C.Natural sites that were destroyed completely.
D.Man-made sites that were destroyed completely.
59.What can we learn from the last paragraph
A.More sites on the list will be repaired.
B.The World Heritage sites will be in danger.
C.Technologies make virtually travelling more convenient.
D.Technologies help people visit World Heritage sites virtually.
60.What is the passage mainly about
A.An insurance company saving World Heritage Sites.
B.UNESCO protecting World Heritage Sites.
C.World Heritage Sites at risk of disappearing.
D.Endangered World Heritage Sites rebuilt in GIFs.
57.考查细节理解。根据第一段中的"The accelerated degeneration(退化 ) of these cultural treasures is a reality that should concern the world, since the younger generation may not have the opportunity to visit them. ”这些文化宝藏的加速退化是一个应该引起全世界关注的现实问题,因为年轻一代可能没有机会参观它们;以及第二段中的“For this reason, insurance(保险) company Budget Direct, and Neo Mam Studios, a creative studio based in the UK, have started a project, creating a series of GIFs ”出于这个原因,保险公司Budget Direct和英国的创意工作室Neo Mam工作室启动了一个项目,制作了一系列动图。可知,这个团队将世界遗产制作成动图,是为没有机会参观世界遗产的更年轻的一代,保存一份对世界文化遗迹的珍贵回忆。故选D。
58.考查细节理解。根据第三段中的"Based on the results, the team made a selection according to two main criteria: First, they were man-made places. Second, they still had standing elements.”根据研究结果,研究小组根据两个主要标准做出了选择:首先,它们是人造场所。其次,他们仍然有留存的建筑部分。可知,该团队挑选岌岌可危的遗迹,基于两个标准:是人类建造的建筑,而且现在仍然保存着建筑部分。故选B。
59.考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的"Thanks to these technologies, we can travel virtually, without leaving home, to those places that, whatever their future may be, will always be part of the collective memory. ”多亏了这些技术,我们可以足不出户,虚拟旅行到那些遗迹。无论未来如何,遗迹都将永远成为集体记忆的一部分。可推知,技术帮助人们虚拟参观世界遗产。故选D。
60.考查主旨大意。根据第二段For this reason, insurance(保险) company Budget Direct, and Neo Mam Studios, a creative studio based in the UK, have started a project, creating a series of GIFs to repair World Heritage sites and demonstrate what these ruins would have looked like if they had been protected.”出于这个原因,保险公司Budget Direct和英国的创意工作室Neo Mam工作室启动了一个项目,制作了一系列动图来修复世界遗产,并展示这些遗迹受到保护下壮美的景象。可知,本文主要讲述一个团队制作大量动图,修复世界遗产,让游客有机会"云"游虚拟世界遗迹。故选D。
On a Friday night, a poor young artist stood at the gate of the New York railway station, playing his violin. The music was so excellent that many people stopped to put some money into the hat of the young man.
The next day, the young artist came to the same place, and put his hat on the ground gracefully. Differently from the day before, he took out a large piece of paper and laid it under his hat. Then he began to play the violin. It sounded more pleasant than ever.
Soon he was surrounded with people who were attracted by the words on the paper. It said, "Last night, a gentleman named George Sang put an important thing into my hat by mistake. Please come to claim (认领) it soon. "
After about half an hour, a middle-aged man rushed through the crowd to the violinist and said, "Yes, it's you. I knew that you were an honest man and would certainly come here. " The young violinist asked calmly, "Are you Mr George Sang " The man nodded. The violinist asked, "Did you lose something " "It's a lottery ticket, " said the man.
The violinist took out a lottery ticket on which George Sang's name was seen. "Is this it " he asked. George nodded and took the lottery ticket and kissed it.
"I can't thank you enough for being here.
"I was about to leave this morning to Vienna to attend advanced studies.
"I can't thank you enough for being here. I have waited for so long. Having spent ages chasing my fortune, which has become an important thing in my life, eventually I realised my dream. However, had it not been for your honesty, I would have lost it forever. You can charge for it. I'm definitely willing to pay for your kindness. " said George Sang sincerely. The artist smiled, "It's you who are in possession of it. Though I am nothing but a poor young artist, I want nothing in return. "
"I was about to leave this morning to Vienna to attend advanced studies. However, I found your lottery ticket. I had no choice but to stay for its owner. " he said. "So you missed your chance for further study " George said anxiously, "What an honest man!It's unbelievable that you stayed at the expense of your future. But I'm sorry there is nothing I can do about it. " Everyone left in disappointment, leaving the artist with the hat. To his great surprise, there lay a lottery ticket with a note attached to it, saying, "Your sacrifice is well worth the money. Go to pursue your dream!"
【点评】本篇书面表达要点齐全,上下文连贯,使用了一定数量的句式结构,让句子更加生动丰满,同时运用了许多高级词汇和固定短语,提高了文章的档次,体现了对英语的熟练的驾驭能力。例如:Having spent ages chasing my fortune, which has become an important thing in my life, eventually I realised my dream运用了非谓语动词作状语和定语从句的语法结构;had it not been for your honesty, I would have lost it forever运用了虚拟语气;It's unbelievable that you stayed at the expense of your future运用了it作形式主语指代真实主语从句的结构;But I'm sorry there is nothing I can do about it运用了定语从句;Everyone left in disappointment, leaving the artist with the hat和To his great surprise, there lay a lottery ticket with a note attached to it, saying, "Your sacrifice is well worth the money都运用了非谓语动词作状语。
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The Amazon rainforest, the largest rainforest in the world, crosses into eight countries, including Brazil and Peru, and one overseas region of France all on the South American continent It covers 1.  area of around 6 million square kilometres. It is named after the amazon river 2.  is close to 6400 kilometres in length, 3.  (support) many different ecosystems, which give this area the richest biodiversity on the Earth, one tenth known species in the world living in it.
There are 4.  (variety) of plants in the Amazon rainforest. Of the 390, 000 plant species known to us over 40. 000 can be found there The forest's different levels support an 5.  (believe) variety of wildlife. Each level of the forest forms its own little world, home to different kinds of living things.
There are more than 1, 300 species of birds and over 400 species of mammals living there Among them 6.  (be) the jaguar, which can survive here.
The Amazon rainforest is not only home to numerous species of animals and plants but also known as the "lungs of the planet", because it breathes life 7.  the planet by fixing carbon and producing over 20 per cent of all the Earths oxygen. But over the past 50 years, 17 per cent of the rainforest 8.  (disappear) due to human activities. And some species are also in danger of 9.  (extinct ).  10.   is time for us to do something to protect it.
A. available B. passion C. preserve D. varying E. despite F. devotedG. crucial H. biodiversity I. advances J. breakthrough K. unfortunate
11.Scientists are claiming a major     in the fight against this new virus, bringing the general public some hope of ending the epidemic in the near future.
12.Walking for 40 minutes a few times per week is enough to     memory and keep ageing brain in top shape, research indicates.
13.We cannot take it for granted that resources are so readily     every time we need them.
14.It has been a bit    , but I am determined to keep fighting any way through the season and hopefully have a turn of luck.
15.Different kinds of methods, including sprays, are used with     degrees of success to deal with this tough problem.
16.Your authentic     is nothing to be ashamed of, for it connects with the very core of the beautiful and unique person you are.
17.Over the past decades, medical     have resulted in better diagnostic tools and more effective treatments for diseases of the poor.
18.Even though some of us have much talent, we still have to be fully     to what we are running after for our whole life.
19.    the fact that she had her knees severely injured, she still managed to overtake most of the other long distance runners.
20.For energy planners, a (n)     question is how much this technology would cost if improved and installed on a bigger scale.
Don't set him the task.       , he's old;       , he's in poor health.
I wasn't                 what I thought of her.
             marched across the path.
       a great honor           to the evening party.
I        the difficult times because I have grown up from those times.
27.它们肯定需要吸收大量液体。(take in)
28.听到这个消息,他情不自禁地哭了。(break down)
       the building was quite serious.
I found several coins                   .
Once upon a time, there lived an ant and a grasshopper(蟋蟀)in a grass field by a river. The ant would work hard all day long from dawn to dusk 31. the grain. On the other hand, the grasshopper would spend all his time singing and dancing. He would 32. call the ant to join him in singing, dancing and making merry at the present time. However, the ant would 33. him and continue with her work.
Soon summer 34. to autumn and autumn to winter. It became freezing cold outside due to snowfall and the sun was barely seen and the nights were 35. and dark. Out of cold the grasshopper lost his 36. in singing and making merry. He was cold and hungry and had no 37. to take shelter from the snow outside. He wondered how to save himself from this 38. situation.
Suddenly he remembered about the ant and decided to 39. her for some food and shelter. Off he went to her place and knocked at her door for 40. . When she opened the door, the grasshopper offered to sing for her 41. for some food and shelter.
To this, the ant replied that she had worked hard in summer to save enough 42. for winter and the grasshopper had laughed at her then. She gently asked him to sing somewhere else and 43. his food and shelter. It is then, the grasshopper realised that he should have 44. enough for the winter instead of wasting his time being 45. during summer in singing and dancing around.
31.A.painting B.cleaning C.collecting D.covering
32.A.finally B.hardly C.gradually D.frequently
33.A.avoid B.admit C.ignore D.forget
34.A.started B.faded C.belonged D.appeared
35.A.long B.short C.quiet D.noisy
36.A.hope B.effort C.faith D.interest
37.A.time B.place C.desire D.intention
38.A.good B.strange C.tough D.smooth
39.A.visit B.invite C.reject D.hire
40.A.praise B.help C.service D.answer
41.A.for fun B.in case C.for use D.in return
42.A.food B.money C.shelter D.medicine
43.A.make B.sell C.earn D.buy
44.A.waited B.saved C.helped D.danced
45.A.nervous B.careful C.polite D.lazy
It was dinner time for the Rangers, a group of mostly Indigenous (本地的)Australians who had spent a long day cleaning up the polluted beaches of the continent's northern coast. Soon they would be eating freshly caught seafood cooked under the stars on an open fire, as their ancestors did.
The Rangers are of more than 100 indigenous groups spread across Australia who have taken on the job of protecting the land of their forefathers. I Arnhem Land, they are the protectors of 3, 300 square miles of land and sea. They comb the beaches by hand, picking up as much rubbish as possible. The task is very difficult as each day it delivers waves of new rubbish.
For the rangers, cleaning the beaches is more than a vacation. For a people whose culture is strongly tied to the land, protecting the environment is equal to preserving their history.
However, colonization forcefully broke their connection to the land generations ago. Indigenous people were displaced and their cultural practices outlawed. Tens of thousands of years of traditional land management ended, and as a result many parts of the country now face serious disasters from invasive plant and animal species, bush fires and land mismanagement.
In recent years, the government has restored more than 20 percent of Australia's land to indigenous owners. Since 2007, the Indigenous Ranger Organizations have been at work protecting this land.
Luke, one of the few non-indigenous employees working with the Rangers, said the combination of old and new techniques and an appreciation of the culture of indigenous workers could have been critical to the programme's success.
"You are working with staff who see the world different to you, so there is a much higher focus on the cultural aspects of work and life," he said.
"Being a ranger is a source of confidence. You feel strong," said Terence, a senior ranger. "Here we still live on the land. The culture is still alive. "
46.What did Indigenous Australians live on in the past
A.Rubbish picked up by hand. B.Their cultural practices.
C.Seafood. D.Invasive plants and animals.
47.What do the rangers think of cleaning the beaches
A.It's a job of their ancestors. B.It's just a vacation.
C.It's a difficult task. D.It's their culture.
48.What can we learn from the last three paragraphs
A.Not many employees are Indigenous Australians.
B.Culture is important to Indigenous Australians.
C.Their new techniques are successful.
D.Both Luke and Terence are Indigenous Australians.
Most of us travel with our parents as children and teenagers. For some of us, during the travel, our parents are our inspiration. These trips are normally full of rental cars, beaches, and hamburgers. My family would go to Galiano island every summer, and we did a week in Mexico in 1995, and then we did two different trips to Anaheim to experience the magic of Disney, Universal, and Knott's Berry Farm.
But all of these are childhood experiences and memories. I didn't really truly travel with my parents until I was an adult when I got the chance to travel with mom and dad.
I was in New Zealand for a study abroad, and invited my parents to come down for a 2-week road trip around the North Island and then 10 days in Fiji. Why not They said, as if this was something they were invited to do every day. I didn't really plan anything, but my mom had done some reading and I knew some highlights (最好的部分) after living in New Zealand for 5 months.
I had booked a hotel for their first night in Auckland. The only other preparation I had done was to book a rental car. My parents immediately reached an agreement that I should be the driver, for the whole two weeks. The main reason for this, understandably, was that neither of them had ever been in a country where you drive on the left hand side of the road and on the right hand side of the car. This led to me driving my parents around the entire North Island of New Zealand for 2 weeks! But still, everybody had jobs. Dad had the maps, and mom had the guidebook, and I just took them where they told me to go.
Sometimes, I was asked who I was traveling with. When I said "my parents", the response was, "Ohhh, older people." Actually, I have some tips on travelling with parents happily.
49.Which can replace the underlined word "inspiration" in Para. 1
A.Cooks. B.Guides. C.Drivers. D.Translators.
50.Why did the parents let the writer drive the car in New Zealand
A.They were not used to the driving rules.
B.They were afraid of the mountain roads.
C.They were too old to drive for a long time.
D.They were not familiar with the brand of the car.
51.What is the best title of the text
A.Drive on the Way. B.Travel with Parents.
C.Enjoy New Zealand. D.Recall the Childhood.
52.What will the writer share next
A.The argument with parents. B.The memory in Fiji as a child.
C.The scenery during the road trip. D.The advice on outing with parents.
More schools around the USA are using online classes when communities run into troubles like wildfires, storms or water shortages.
In Jackson, Mississippi, a problem with the public water system left the city without safe water for several days. As a result, schools had to go online for one week in May. The time in online learning did not last long for the 20, 000 students in Jackson. Earlier this month, children went back to in-person learning when the city said water was safe for normal use.
However, online learning caused problems for children and teachers. At home, children attending online classes often had their whole family in the house. Early in 2020, school officials had high hopes for online learning. Since then, the problems with it have become clearer. The change to online learning has caused many students to fall behind where they should be in their studies. And it has added to new worries about students' health.
In 2018, two powerful storms hit the same area, causing schools in some places to close. Some students were out of school for weeks. There were attempts(尝试) at online learning, but many children did not have laptop computers or other technology. For this reason, most schools tried to move students to other in-person buildings.
"Schools now will look first to online learning," said Gary Henry. He is head of the University of Delaware and has been part of a research team studying online learning. For a period of a few weeks, he said it could be a step to keep students on schedule. But the pandemic(疫情) showed that it was not a good way over a long period of time. "It's a difficult start," said Henry. "It's better to have the kids in the classroom so you can see how they are doing, and provide timely support to them."
53.How long did the students in Jackson attend online courses in May
A.For two days. B.For one week.
C.For two weeks. D.For one month.
54.What is the third paragraph mainly about
A.The disadvantages of online classes.
B.Added worries about students' health.
C.A challenge school officials must face.
D.High hopes parents have for their children.
55.What did most schools do when two storms hit Jackson in 2018
A.They developed an online learning system.
B.They handed out computers to every student.
C.They tried their best to have in-person class.
D.They encouraged parents to work from home.
56.Which statement will Henry probably agree with
A.The storms cause all the schools to close every year.
B.Many schools in Mississippi were burned in a fire.
C.Online tests are more popular among students.
D.In-person learning is better for students' study.
Many travelers are familiar with the UNESCO's World Heritage List (世界遗产名录) However, less is known about the organization's List of World Heritage in Danger. It currently states 53 World Heritage sites under threat of "serious and specific dangers" due to factors such as climate change, armed conflict, and development pressures. The accelerated(加速) degeneration(退化) of these cultural treasures is a reality that should concern the world, since the younger generation may not have the opportunity to visit them.
For this reason, insurance(保险) company Budget Direct, and Neo Mam Studios, a creative studio based in the UK, have started a project, creating a series of GIFs to repair World Heritage sites and demonstrate what these ruins would have looked like if they had been protected.
Drawing attention to sites at risk, the project aims to give everyone the opportunity to visit these sites virtually (虚拟的). It started with in-depth research around the sites on the List of World Heritage in Danger. Based on the results, the team made a selection according to two main standards: First, they were man-made places. Second, they still had standing elements. Focusing on the selected sites, the team worked with architects Jelena Popovic and Keremcan Kirilmaz and industrial designer Erdem Batirbek to research and illustrate six of these legendary locations.
In this series of GIFs, six sites are digitally repaired to their former glory. They include Hatra in Iraq, Leptis Magna in Libya, Palmyra in Syria, Portobelo-San Lorenzo in Panama, Nan Madol in the Federated States of Micronesia as well as the Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls. Time does not stand still, and neither does technology. Thanks to these technologies, we can travel virtually, without leaving home, to those places that, whatever their future may be, will always be part of the collective memory.
57.Why did the team develop the project GIFs
A.They are curious about some World Heritage sites.
B.The List of World Heritage in Danger is not well-known.
C.The younger generation desire to visit World Heritage sites.
D.Young people may miss the chance to visit some World Heritage sites.
58.What kind of endangered World Heritage sites could be chosen for this project
A.Natural sites that had standing elements.
B.Man-made sites that had standing elements.
C.Natural sites that were destroyed completely.
D.Man-made sites that were destroyed completely.
59.What can we learn from the last paragraph
A.More sites on the list will be repaired.
B.The World Heritage sites will be in danger.
C.Technologies make virtually travelling more convenient.
D.Technologies help people visit World Heritage sites virtually.
60.What is the passage mainly about
A.An insurance company saving World Heritage Sites.
B.UNESCO protecting World Heritage Sites.
C.World Heritage Sites at risk of disappearing.
D.Endangered World Heritage Sites rebuilt in GIFs.
On a Friday night, a poor young artist stood at the gate of the New York railway station, playing his violin. The music was so excellent that many people stopped to put some money into the hat of the young man.
The next day, the young artist came to the same place, and put his hat on the ground gracefully. Differently from the day before, he took out a large piece of paper and laid it under his hat. Then he began to play the violin. It sounded more pleasant than ever.
Soon he was surrounded with people who were attracted by the words on the paper. It said, "Last night, a gentleman named George Sang put an important thing into my hat by mistake. Please come to claim (认领) it soon. "
After about half an hour, a middle-aged man rushed through the crowd to the violinist and said, "Yes, it's you. I knew that you were an honest man and would certainly come here. " The young violinist asked calmly, "Are you Mr George Sang " The man nodded. The violinist asked, "Did you lose something " "It's a lottery ticket, " said the man.
The violinist took out a lottery ticket on which George Sang's name was seen. "Is this it " he asked. George nodded and took the lottery ticket and kissed it.
"I can't thank you enough for being here.
"I was about to leave this morning to Vienna to attend advanced studies.
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