人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration单元能力提升(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration单元能力提升(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 50.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-23 16:04:32



Unit 3 Sea Exploration
SHARK CONSERVATION IN SOUTH AFRICA Take a two-week trip that you will never forget as a volunteer with sharks on a beautiful stretch of South Africa's coastline(海岸线). Head out to sea to witness one of the world's most powerful (and most misunderstood) creatures on this inspiring project, enjoying watching them from both above and below water.
The DAY-BY-DAY schedule
Day 1: Arrive in Cape Town on a Sunday. You will be collected from the airport and spend your first night in a guest house in the city centre.
Day 2: You will be collected bright and early from the guest house and taken down to the project. The drive takes about 90 minutes. You will receive a welcome and head out to sea to witness your first sharks!
Day 3+: Most days you will be out on the boat with the sharks, depending on weather. Help out with the full range of tasks on the boats, and in conservation initiatives on land too.
Last day: On the final day of your project you will be taken back to Cape Town for your onward travel.
The price is 829, including the voluntary work programme with accommodations, airport transfers, one night in a guest house in Cape Town, breakfasts daily and lunches when on the boats. Your trip can be extended at a cost of 375 per week.
It is an amazing experience! Some volunteers planned to stay for 4 weeks, extended to 6 weeks and still didn't want to come home. If you'd like to chat about this holiday or need help, we're very happy to help.
Call us at 01273 823 700.
Email us at rosy@.
1. When will you really begin your shark watching trip
A. On a Friday. B. On a Saturday. C. On a Sunday. D. On a Monday.
2. What will you probably do on the third day if weather permits
A. Sail on the ocean. B. Return to Cape Town.
C. Buy some souvenirs. D. Dive with sharks
3. How much will you spend on a three-week shark conservation trip
A. 375. B. 750. C. 829. D. 1,204.
When an editor called to ask if I could photograph a story about fireflies (萤火虫) in Mexico, I didn't check my schedule before I said yes. I'd seen these insects light up the forests in Tlaxcala once before. And I jumped at the chance to go back.
While studying, I began exploring Mexico, crossing the country several times by bus. Now I work as a photojournalist in Mexico and along the border, documenting desperate situations that face everyday Mexicans. Though necessary and important, news stories don't reflect the Mexico that I fell for and that is home to so many people I love. A task focusing on the country's natural beauty was a welcome reprieve for me.
I had three nights to film the magical scene in the forest. According to our guides, visitors are usually not allowed to photograph the fireflies because the presence of artificial light from electronics can affect their habits. As I started shooting, I adjusted my exposures constantly to the fading light. In order to get the composition that I wanted, I placed my tripod (三脚架) on a steep, rocky path and had to steady it during the long exposures. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal, but the fireflies were very interested in the camera and, by extension, in me. I stood completely still while they were all over me—my arms, my hair, my face. From what I observed, peak firefly presence lasted for only about 20 minutes each night, so I had time for just a few tries.
On the last night everything came together. The weather cooperated. I had improved my method for focusing and composing photos in the dark with quick flashes from a powerful flashlight—and I'd grown accustomed to insects on my face.
I was rewarded with the image you see here. Each dot of light is one of several bursts that a firefly makes as it travels within a 30-second exposure. You can track the insects' paths: Some make small circles, like those in the bottom center of the frame, while others move steadily in one direction or another.
4. How did the author feel about the editor's request
A. Nervous. B. Delighted. C. Confused. D. Regretful.
5. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word in paragraph 2
A. Relief. B. Return. C. Trend. D. Victory.
6. What did the author intend to do during the first two nights
A. Learn about the local travel rules.
B. Research the habit of the fireflies.
C. Communicate constantly with the guides.
D. Find the suitable spot and time to take photos.
7. What is the author's purpose in writing the text
A. To tell findings about fireflies.
B. To share the stories behind a photo.
C. To record a travelling experience.
D. To show the author's working conditions.
Water, or rather the lack of it, is one of the most pressing issues of our times. Given that agriculture is the largest single user of fresh water, providing farmers with new conservation techniques will go a long way. It turns out that a "miracle" powder called Solid Rain has been helping farmers do exactly that for over a decade!
Farmers can simply mix the powder with the soil, plant the crops as they normally would, and add water. Solid Rain absorbs the liquid and keeps it under the plants, creating an underground water "lake" for the plants' roots to use when needed. As a result, farmers do not have to water crops as often.
A season-long study showed that farmers using the powder were able to increase their crop yields by an average of 300 percent. Solid Rain also once received the 2013 "Ecology and Environment Award" from Mexico's Fundación Miguel Alemán, A. C.
So why isn't Solid Rain a household name First of all, though the product has been around for over a decade, the company did a poor job at marketing it and instead relied on farmers to help spread the word. Also, Solid Rain was not approved for sale in the United States until just a few years ago. As a result, many US farmers have either not heard of it or not yet felt the need for a water-saving product.
The reason for the lower demand than expected could also be due to the fact that not all experts are sold on the idea. Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott, a professor at Washington State University, says that there is no scientific proof that Solid Rain restores water or that it remains in the ground for up to a decade. She also worries that the product could have side effects. The expert says that when the gel (凝胶) dries out, it aggressively absorbs all surrounding water and even drains plant roots.
The company says while Solid Rain began as a way to aid drought-stricken farmers, it can be used even when water is not a concern. Their new goal is to "save water for future generations, one drop at a time in everyday life".
8. What can we know about Solid Rain from paragraph 2
A. It can store rainwater.
B. It can be turned into water.
C. It should be placed on the soil.
D. It is similar to water in appearance.
9. How did the company advertise Solid Rain
A. By placing a TV advertisement.
B. By doing experiments in public.
C. By giving away Solid Rain for free.
D. By depending on users' strength.
10. What is Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott's worry about Solid Rain
A. It may make the ground solid. B. It may pollute the groundwater.
C. It may do harm to the plants. D. It may release harmful gases.
11. What does the company plan to do next
A. Use Solid Rain to change the climate.
B. Apply Solid Rain in daily life to save water.
C. Develop other products similar to Solid Rain.
D. Begin using Solid Rain to help farmers.
For the first time ever scientists prepare to set about a 3-year-long project, the Nekton Mission, to explore the Indian Ocean and document changes taking place beneath the waves that could affect the surrounding region over the coming decades.
The ambitious exploration team will reach one of the last major unexplored places on the planet, a vast body of water that's already affected by global warming. Understanding the Indian Ocean's ecosystem is important not just for the species that live in it, but also for the 2.7 billion people living in the region.
The Nekton Mission is supported by more than 40 organizations. Researchers will spend seven weeks surveying underwater life, map the sea floor, and drop sensors to depths of up to 6,560 feet in the seas around the Seychelles.
The Seychelles aims to become a leader in the development of a "blue economy" that draws on the resources of the ocean. It relies on fishing and tourism, but has lately also been exploiting oil and gas from beneath the sea floor. "Our ocean is undergoing rapid ecological transformation by human activities. The Nekton Mission is important to help us better know our ocean space and resources to make wise decisions. Only when we know what we have in the ocean and what its value is can we properly decide what to exploit and what to leave untouched," said Jumeau, the Seychelles' ambassador to the UN.
The mission will conduct further dives in other parts of the Indian Ocean. The researchers expect to discover new species and send videos to the world by satellite. The research will provide information for a summit (峰会) about the Indian Ocean planned for late 2022.
12. What's the aim of the Nekton Mission
A. To save the endangered creatures living in the sea.
B. To estimate the damage done by humans to the ocean.
C. To make the best use of the natural resources in the Indian Ocean.
D. To protect species in the Indian Ocean and people living around it.
13. Which is included in the tasks to be carried out around the Seychelles
A. Cleaning the sea floor.
B. Putting sensors into the deep sea.
C. Surveying people in the region.
D. Measuring the depth of the sea.
14. What do Jumeau's words mean in paragraph 4
A. Fishing and tourism should be further exploited.
B. The "blue economy" is a new model to be advocated.
C. Right decisions should be made to exploit the ocean.
D. Human activities have brought damage to the ocean.
15. What does the text mainly talk about
A. The Seychelles' aim of building a "blue economy".
B. Effects of global warming on the Indian Ocean.
C. Scientists' plan to explore the Indian Ocean.
D. The last unexplored place on the planet.
A few years ago, I felt like I was stuck in confusion. So I decided to follow in the footsteps of the great American "philosopher", Morgan Spurlock, and try something new for 30 days. The idea is actually pretty simple. Think about something you've always wanted to add to your life and try it for the next 30 days. It turns out, (1) —like watching the news.
There are a few things I learned while doing these 30-day challenges. The first was as I started to do more and harder 30-day challenges, (2) . I went from a desk-dwelling computer nerd (书呆子) to the kind of guy who bikes to work. Even last year, I ended up hiking up Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. I would never have been that adventurous before I started my 30-day challenges.
(3) . Have you ever wanted to write a novel Every November, tens of thousands of people try to write their own 50,000-word novel. It turns out, all you have to do is write 1,667 words a day for a month. So I did. I learned that when I made small, sustainable changes, they were easier to stick. There's nothing wrong with big, crazy challenges. (4) . But they are more difficult to stick.
So what are you waiting for (5) , so why not think about something you have always wanted to try and give it a shot for the next 30 days
A. In fact, they're a ton of fun
B. In fact, I think they're not practical
C. I renewed myself while sticking to the challenges
D. I wanted to do something for the first time in my life
E. The next 30 days is going to pass whether you like it or not
F. 30 days is just about the right amount of time to add a new habit or get rid of a habit
G. I also figured out that if you really want something badly enough, you can do anything for 30 days
16. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
17. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
18. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
19. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
20. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
Last week, Octavius who is deaf and his mother Shatika Dixon went to Texas Roadhouse to celebrate his fourth birthday. When Octavius and his mother were sitting there, a waitress named Kathryn Marasco watched from a distance and (21) that the mom was talking and signing to the little boy who had his (22) aids.
When Kathryn Marasco (23) that it was Octavius' birthday, she asked her fellow server, Brandie White, to log on to a website with her to search for a special phrase for the birthday boy.
They (24) how to say "happy birthday" in American Sign Language, and quickly got all the (25) down. Then, the servers went up to Octavius' table to (26) him what they had learned. "Happy birthday to you," the waitresses signed. Octavius and his mom were very impressed.
Later, Octavius' mother said this was the first time he had (27) with people other than her and his teacher. It was a simple phrase but an important (28) to Octavius. Thanks to the two (29) waitresses, his fourth birthday is one that he and his mom will (30) for a lifetime.
Octavius' mother also said the (31) from Marasco and White made her very emotional. "Everybody thinks we're (32) when we're talking and signing over there. So it's (33) important to me that someone (34) that and picked up that phrase and made that (35) just for him, my baby."
21. A. remarked B. acknowledged C. concluded D. discovered
22. A. walking B. reading C. hearing D. speaking
23. A. admitted B. realized C. expected D. imagined
24. A. marked out B. looked up
C. reflected on D. glanced through
25. A. rules B. ways C. words D. steps
26. A. show B. lend C. award D. write
27. A. discussed B. signed C. talked D. argued
28. A. example B. gesture C. suggestion D. plan
29. A. generous B. patient C. kind D. busy
30. A. anticipate B. envy C. enjoy D. remember
31. A. surprise B. support C. care D. explanation
32. A. noisy B. crazy C. uncomfortable D. enthusiastic
33. A. normally B. equally C. probably D. actually
34. A. noticed B. admired C. exposed D. announced
35. A. special B. formal C. beneficial D. essential
36. China's Wukong, a (1) (full) autonomous submersible that was developed by Harbin Engineering University, has reached a maximum underwater depth of 7,709 meters, (2) (set) a new diving record for domestic autonomous underwater vehicles.
Wukong returned to its home port of Qingdao, Shandong Province after completing (3) third phase of its deep-sea trial. During this year's deep-sea scientific expedition in the western Pacific Ocean (4) (organize) by the National Deep Sea Center from February 24 to April 1, Wukong successfully reached a maximum deep-sea diving depth record of 7,709 meters, (5) broke its previous record of 5,213 meters.
Capable (6) full-ocean depth, it dived 5,000 meters and 7,000 meters respectively during the sea trials and retrieved(取回) water samples, laying a solid (7) (found) for 11,000-meter submersible tests. This is the second (8) (deep) record in the world after the one set by the Russian Vityaz-D Autonomous Underwater Vehicle.
Autonomous underwater vehicles (9) (see) as one of the key emerging technologies in future naval warfare(海战). But so far the complexity of this solution (10) (mean) that no country in the world has fielded them operationally.
37. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。
On July 8, eight members of a family in total, were enjoying an evening together at the beach in Florida Panhandle. As the sun sank lower on the horizon, the two boys Noah, 11 and Stephen, 8 swam into the waves without the grown-ups noticing. Soon they realized that the waves had pulled them into the sea. After trying and failing to swim back, they started waving and screaming for help. But the lifeguards had been off duty for the evening.
The boys had been struggling for several minutes when Jacky and Tabatha, a couple from Georgia, heard them. They dived into the water and soon reached the two brothers. But after a few minutes, they were all trapped in a rip current(离岸流)—a powerful one that could sweep even the strongest swimmer out to sea! By then, some teenagers had heard the cry. One of the teens rushed into the water, grabbed Jacky, and pulled him back to the shore. Meanwhile, Tabatha could feel herself being pulled farther out. She was already exhausted and began to feel desperate as she was trying to save both boys alone.
Onshore, Jacky was terrified. A man stopped. "What's wrong " asked Shaun, who was heading back to his car. "My wife is drowning!" Jacky said. Shaun immediately strode(大步走) into the water. But several minutes later, a 15-feet gap still lay between him and Tabatha and the boys. He knew that if he continued, he'd become another trapped person. He turned around to seek help.
It was about that time that Roberta, the boys' mother, returned from the bathroom and looked around for her children. She was shocked to spot them floating much farther out than they were allowed to go. She fought the waves to get to her screaming sons and the stranger who was trying to save them, but she quickly discovered it was nearly impossible to make headway in any direction. Looking around, Roberta sighed with relief to see some more people coming to help.
Paragraph 1:
When they tried in vain to rescue the brothers and Tabatha, a risky idea came to them.
Paragraph 2:
By then, more swimmers had also noticed the group in trouble and rushed to join the human chain.
38. 上周英语课上你班同学以“人类是否应该继续进行海洋探索”为话题进行了讨论,请你就讨论的情况写一篇英文通讯稿给学校英文报Opinion专栏,并给出自己的观点。
【解析】1. 【文章大意】本文主要介绍到南非进行的保护鲨鱼的志愿者之旅及其行程安排。
根据Day 1部分中的Arrive in Cape Town on a Sunday(周日到达开普敦)和Day 2部分中的head out to sea to witness your first sharks(出海去见证你的第一个鲨鱼吧)可知,真正的鲨鱼观赏之旅开始于周一。故选D。
2. 根据Day 3+部分中的Most days you will be out on the boat with the sharks(大多数时候你会和鲨鱼在船上)可知,如果天气条件允许的话,第三天可以在海上航行。故选A。
3. 根据文中的Take a two-week trip;The price is 829;Your trip can be extended at a cost of 375 per week可知,两周的旅行费用是829英镑,之后每延长一周,费用增加375英镑。因此三周的旅行费用是829+375=1204英镑。故选D。
【解析】1. 【文章大意】作者介绍了他拍摄的一张关于萤火虫的照片背后的故事。
根据第一段中的I didn't check my schedule before I said yes(在我说“是”之前我没有检查我的日程表);I jumped at the chance to go back.(我抓住了回去的机会)可知,作者没有确认自己的行程就一口答应编辑,由此推知,他很乐意地接受了这个请求。故选B。
2. 根据第二段中的Now I work as a photojournalist in Mexico and along the border, documenting desperate situations that face everyday Mexicans. Though necessary and important, news stories don't reflect the Mexico that I fell for and that is home to so many people I love.(现在我在墨西哥和边境沿线做摄影记者,记录墨西哥人每天面临的绝望处境。尽管新闻报道是必要的,也是重要的,但它并不能反映出我爱上的那个墨西哥,也没有反映我所爱的许多人的家园。)可知,现在有这样一个关注墨西哥自然美的工作,对作者来说是一个让他开心的缓解机会。故选A。
3. 根据第三段中的I adjusted my exposures…the long exposures(我不断调整曝光,以适应逐渐暗淡的光线。为了得到我想要的构图,我把我的三脚架架在一个陡峭崎岖的小路上,在长时间曝光时必须使它保持稳定。)可知,前两个晚上作者主要做的是挑选拍照的合适的地点和时间。故选D。
4. 根据文章内容,尤其是最后一段第一句I was rewarded with the image you see here(我得到了你在这里看到的图像)可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是向读者介绍他拍摄的一张关于萤火虫的照片背后的故事。故选B。
【解析】1. 【文章大意】本文主要介绍了一种可以帮助缓解水短缺问题的产品。这种被称为Solid Rain的产品可以吸收并储存水。
根据第二段中的Solid Rain absorbs the liquid and keeps it under the plants, creating an underground water "lake" for the plants' roots to use when needed.(雨水吸收这些液体,并将其保存在植物下面,形成一个地下水“湖”,供植物的根部在需要时使用。)可知,Solid Rain可以吸收水,供植物利用。故选A。
2. 根据第四段中的instead relied on farmers to help spread the word(而是依靠农民来帮助推销)可知,公司只是靠农民对产品的口口相传的模式来推销产品。故选D。
3. 根据第五段中的She also worries that the product could have side effects. The expert says that when the gel (凝胶) dries out, it aggressively absorbs all surrounding water and even drains plant roots.(她还担心这种产品可能会有副作用。专家说,当凝胶干的时候,它积极地吸收周围的所有水分,甚至消耗植物根系。)可知,Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott担心Solid Rain有副作用,它变干后会过度地吸收周围的水,甚至会吸干植物的根,故选C。
4. 根据最后一段中的Their new goal is to "save water for future generations, one drop at a time in everyday life"(他们的新目标是“为子孙后代节约用水,每天节约一滴水”。)可知,公司计划把Solid Rain推广到日常生活中帮助人们节约用水。故选B。
【解析】1. 【文章大意】本文介绍了科学家准备进行的一个为期三年的项目——Nekton Mission,它旨在保护印度洋的海洋生物和在印度洋周围生活的人们。
根据第一段中的prepare to set about a 3-year-long project…over the coming decades(准备启动一个为期3年的项目,即Nekton Mission,探索印度洋,记录在未来几十年里海浪下发生的变化,这些变化可能会影响周围地区。)可知,科学家准备进行这个项目以探索印度洋,记录海浪下发生的变化对周围地区的影响,再根据第二段中的Understanding the Indian Ocean's ecosystem is important not just for the species that live in it, but also for the 2.7 billion people living in the region.(了解印度洋的生态系统不仅对生活在其中的物种很重要,对生活在该地区的27亿人也很重要。)可知,了解印度洋生态系统的变化不仅对这一海域的生物很重要,对生活在这个地区的人们来说也很重要。故选D。
2. 根据第三段中的drop sensors to depths of up to 6,560 feet in the seas around the Seychelles(在塞舌尔附近海域,将传感器投放到6560英尺的深度)可知,研究人员将在深海安装传感器。故选B。
3. 根据第四段中的The Nekton Mission…leave untouched(Nekton Mission对于帮助我们更好地了解我们的海洋空间和资源以做出明智的决定非常重要。只有当我们知道我们在海洋中拥有什么,它的价值是什么,我们才能正确地决定开发什么,什么不受影响。)可知,Jumeau认为这个项目可以帮助我们更好地了解海洋空间和海洋资源,可以帮助我们更好地决定开发什么资源,不开发什么资源。故选C。
4. 本文介绍了科学家准备进行的一个为期三年的探索印度洋的项目——Nekton Mission。故选C。
【解析】1. 【文章大意】文章讲述了坚持自己想做的事情30天,就会养成一个习惯或者改掉一个习惯。
根据上文中的Think about something you've always wanted to add to your life and try it for the next 30 days.(想一些你一直想要添加到你的生活中的事情,并在接下来的30天里尝试它。)可知,F项(30天正好是增加一个新习惯或摆脱一个习惯的合适时间)中的add a new habit与上文中的something you've always wanted to add to your life相呼应。故选F。
2. 根据下文中的I went from a desk-dwelling computer nerd (书呆子) to the kind of guy who bikes to work. Even last year, I ended up hiking up Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa.(我从一个整天坐在电脑前的书呆子变成自行车去上班的家伙。甚至在去年,我还登上了非洲最高的山峰乞力马扎罗山。)可知,C项(我在坚持挑战的同时改变了自己)中的renewed myself与下文中的bikes to work相照应,均表示向好的方向转变。故选C。
3. 根据下文中的Have you ever wanted to write a novel…for a month(你想过写小说吗?每年11月,成千上万的人试图写自己的5万字小说。事实证明,你所要做的就是连续一个月每天写1667个单词。)可知,G项(我还发现,如果你真的非常想要某件事,你可以在30天内做任何事)中的want something badly enough与下文中的write a novel相照应。故选G。
4. 根据上文中的There's nothing wrong with big, crazy challenges.(大而疯狂的挑战并没有错。)和下文中的But they are more difficult to stick(但它们更难坚持)可知,A项(事实上,它们非常有趣)中的fun与上文中的big,crazy challenges相照应,此处表示大的疯狂的挑战其实很有趣,但是人们很难坚持下去。故选A。
5. 根据下文so why not…for the next 30 days(所以,为什么不考虑一些你一直想尝试的事情,在接下来的30天里试一试呢?)可知,E项(不管你喜不喜欢,接下来的30天都会过去)中的The next 30 days is going to pass与下文中的for the next 30 days相呼应,符合语境。故选E。
【解析】1. 【文章大意】本文主要讲述了两个善良的女服务员学习手语来祝贺一位有听力障碍的小男孩生日快乐的经过。
句意:当Octavius和他的母亲坐在那里时,一个名叫Kathryn marasco的女服务员从远处观察,发现这位母亲正在和这个戴着助听器的小男孩说话,并做着手势。remarked评论;acknowledged承认;concluded断定。discovered发现。根据空前的watched from a distance和空后的the mom was talking and signing to the little boy可知,Kathryn Marasco应该是发现(discovered)这位母亲和小男孩在用手势交谈。故选D。
2. 句意同上。walking行走;reading读书;hearing听;speaking说。根据上文中的Octavius who is deaf可知,此处指的是Octavius戴着助听器。故选C。
3. 句意:当Kathryn Marasco意识到是Octavius的生日时,她让她的同事Brandie White和她一起登陆一个网站,为这个过生日的男孩搜索一个特别的词语。admitted承认;realized意识到;expected期待;imagined想象。根据下文中的"Happy birthday to you," the waitresses signed.可知,此处是指Kathryn Marasco意识到(realized)当天是Octavius的生日,想要用手语向他说“生日快乐”。故选B。
4. 句意:她们查找如何用美国手语说“生日快乐”,并把手语的各个步骤记下来。A.marked out用线画出范围;B.looked up查阅;C.reflected on认真思考;D.glanced through粗略地看。根据上文中的she asked her fellow server, Brandie White, to log on to a website with her to search for a special phrase for the birthday boy.可知,这两个服务员在网上查阅“生日快乐”的手语。故选B。
5. 句意同上。rules规则;ways方式;words文字;steps步骤。根据上文They (4) how to say "happy birthday" in American Sign Language可知,她们两人学的是手语。根据常识可知,此处是说她们把手语的各个步骤记下来。故选D。
6. 句意:然后,这两个服务员走到Octavius的桌子旁,向他展示她们所学到的东西。show展示;lend借出;award奖励;write书写。根据前文They (4) how to say "happy birthday" in American Sign Language, and quickly got all the (5) down.可知,她们两人上网查阅后学会手语,然后展示给Octavius看。故选A。
7. 句意:后来,Octavius的母亲说,这是他第一次和除她和他的老师之外的其他人用手语交流。discussed讨论;signed打手势,签字,示意;talked谈论;argued争吵。根据前文Octavius who is deaf可知,他不可能和别人去谈论、谈论、争吵,只能是打手势,故选B。
8. 句意:虽然只是一个简单的短语,但是对Octavius来说是很重要的手势。example实例;gesture(表明感情或意图的)姿态,姿势,手势;suggestion建议;plan计划。根据"happy birthday" in American Sign Language及"Happy birthday to you," the waitresses signed.可知,这里指手势。故选B。
9. 句意:因为这两位善良的服务员,他四岁的生日会是他和他的母亲将会永远记住的一个生日。generous大方的,慷慨的;patient有耐心的;kind善良的;busy忙碌的。那两位服务员从网上学习手语祝贺小男孩生日快乐,可推知,她们是善良的(kind)。故选C。
10. 句意同上。anticipate预期;envy嫉妒;enjoy享受……的乐趣。remember记住。根据前文Thanks to the two (9) waitresses及全文语境可知,Octavius和他的母亲将会永远记住这次生日。故选D。
11. 句意:Octavius的妈妈也说Marasco和White带来的惊喜,让她非常激动。surprise惊奇,惊喜,意想不到的事;support支持;care照料;explanation解释。根据前文可知,那两位女服务员学手语祝贺Octavius生日快乐这一行为,对Octavius的妈妈来说是意想不到的事。故选A。
12. 句意:“当我们在那里谈话和比划手势时,大家都认为我们疯了。”noisy吵闹的;crazy疯狂的,愚蠢的;uncomfortable不安的;enthusiastic热情的。根据空后的when we're talking and signing over there可知,此处是说别人不理解Dixon和她的儿子用手语交流的行为,认为那样做是愚蠢、疯狂的行为。故选B。
13. 句意:所以对我来说,有人注意到了这一点并专门为他——我的宝贝,学会了这句话,做了特别的事,这确实很重要。normally通常;equally同样地,相等地;probably很可能地;;actually的确,真实地,事实上。此处表示强调,有人能关心他失聪的儿子,并为儿子做了特别的事,对她来说,确实很重要。故选D。
14. 句意同上noticed注意到;admired钦佩;exposed暴露;announced宣布。根据picked up that phrase and made that (15) just for him, my baby."可知,此处表示注意到(儿子是聋的)那一点并做出善良的举措。故选A。
15. 句意同上。special专门的,特别的;formal正式的;beneficial有益的;essential本质的,必要的。根据上文的When Kathryn Marasco (3) that it was Octavius' birthday, she asked her fellow server, Brandie White, to log on to a website with her to search for a special phrase for the birthday boy.可知,两位餐厅服务员是专门为Octavius学了手语。故选A。
are seen
has meant
【解析】1. 句意:由哈尔滨工程大学开发的全自动潜水器“悟空”已达到7709米的最大水下深度,创下了国内自主潜水器潜水的新纪录。分析句子可知,空处修饰形容词autonomous,故用副词fully,意为“完全地”。故填fully 。
2. 句意同上。分析句子可知,主句谓语为has reached,空前无and连接,所以空处为非谓语动词,且set和其逻辑主语China's Wukong之间为主谓关系,故用动词的-ing形式作状语。故填setting。
3. 分析句子可知,空后为序数词third,此处表示“第三阶段”,故用定冠词the。故填the。
4. 句意:在今年2月24日至4月1日由国家深海中心组织的西太平洋深海科学考察中,“悟空”成功地达到了7709米的最大深海潜水深度记录,打破了此前5213米的记录。分析句子可知,organize和其逻辑主语expedition之间为动宾关系,故用动词的-ed形式作后置定语。故填organized。
5. 句意同上。分析句子可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,指代Wukong successfully…7,709 meters,且空处在从句中作主语。故填which。
6. capable of sth.意为“有……能力”,为固定搭配。故填of。
7. 分析句子可知,空处作宾语,且空前有a solid修饰,foundation,意为“基础”符合题意。故填foundation。
8. 分析句子可知,此处表示这是世界第二深的记录,故用形容词的最高级。故填deepest 。
9. 分析句子可知,此处描述现在的情况,且主语Autonomous underwater vehicles为复数,和see之间是动宾关系,所以用一般现在时的被动语态。故填are seen。
10. 分析句子,根据so far可知,空处表示的动作从过去某一时刻开始,持续到现在,并且有可能持续下去,故用现在完成时表示过去发生的动作对现在的影响。the complexity of this solution为主语。故填has meant。
37.【答案】 When they tried in vain to rescue the brothers and Tabatha, a risky idea came to them. To keep themselves from losing their footing in the rip current, they began holding on to one another to form a human chain extending from the beach all the way out to the brothers and Tabatha. They stayed linked tightly and managed to ensure they were safe by making their feet firmly planted in the sand. However, that required more links—probably dozens of them.
By then, more swimmers had also noticed the group in trouble and rushed to join the human chain. One by one, link by link, total strangers walked into the waves and grasped one another by the wrists, determining that no one would die on that beach. At last, they made it and Tabatha and the two brothers were saved! "Those people on the beach are the kindest persons on earth," said Roberta. "Whether it is the first person or the last person in the chain, they are all our heroes, who helped get our family out of trouble."
38.【答案】 ① Last week we had a class discussion about whether human beings should continue exploring the ocean.
②Some students believe the sea has been seriously polluted because of human activities, which puts some marine animals in danger of extinction. Others hold the idea that sea exploration should be continued because it can not only help us have a better understanding of the planet we live on but also meet our increasing need for natural resources.
In my opinion, we should not stop exploring the ocean but we have to keep a balance between ocean exploration and ecological protection.
①hold the idea that持有……观点
②have a better understanding of对……有更好的理解
③meet our increasing need满足我们日益增长的需求
④keep a balance保持平衡
① Last week we had a class discussion about whether human beings should continue exploring the ocean.(whether引导的宾语从句)
②Some students believe the sea has been seriously polluted because of human activities, which puts some marine animals in danger of extinction.(which引导的非限制性定语从句)
①play an increasingly important part in在……中起越来越重要的作用
②have good/bad/positive/negative effects on对……有好的/坏的/积极的/消极的影响
①There is no doubt that modern science and technology bring us convenience and comfort in life.(毫无疑问,现代科学技术给我们的生活带来了方便和舒适。)
②Future is actually like a secret, some areas of which are beyond the reach of our imagination.(未来事实上就像一个谜,有些领域我们简直无法想象。)