人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 5 Music 语言点讲解课件 (共40张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 5 Music 语言点讲解课件 (共40张PPT)
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资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-27 14:15:46



Unit 5 Music
Language Points
1. classical (adj.)古典的;经典的
classical music 古典音乐
a classical composer 一位古典音乐作曲家
注意:classic 指经典的、优秀的、一流的,如 a classic movie(经典影片);也可表示典型的,如 a classic example(典型实例),a classic mistake(典型错误)。
classical 表示西方古典音乐及其他传统的事物。
He plays (古典音乐) as well as pop music and jazz.
Beethoven is a (一位古典音乐作曲家).
Too many job hunters (犯这种典型错误) of thinking only about what's in for them.
classical music
a classical composer
make the classical mistake
2. energy(n.) 能源,能量,精力
be full of/be filled with energy精力充沛
apply/devote the energy to ... 把某人的精力全部用在......上
keep energetic 保持活力
I admire her because she is always full of energy.
3. opportunity(n.)机会,时机=chance
have the opportunity to do/of doing sth有机会做某事
seize the opportunity 抓住时机
练习:This new start gave me an opportunity ______________ (redefine) myself and discover an entirely new version of “cool”.
(2) Our company provides equal ______________(opportunity)for women.
to redefine
4. perform(v.) 做,执行,表现,表演
perform an operation做手术
perform one's promise 履行诺言
perform well/badly 表现的好/差
give a performance 演出
The doctor decided to __________________________(动手术)on the patient at once.
Catherine _____________________________(在……中起重要作用)our organization.
The dancer’s incredible_______________(perform) had the audience on its feet clapping for 10 minutes at the end of the show.
She is a famous ___________ (perform).
perform an operation
performs an important role in 
5. ordinary(adj.)普通的,平凡的
in the ordinary way 一般地,通常地
ordinary people普通人
How can ordinary people break a world record
I wouldn't go there in the ordinary way, but this time I had to.
6. enable sb to do sth使某人能够做某事
Airplane enable people to travel great distances rapidly.
Being exposed to English frequently enables us (have) a good command of this language.
7. prove(v.)证明
prove sb to be证明某人是......
It is proved that...事实证明
The editor (证明是) kind and generous.
Professor Smith was unhappy because the idea he stuck to
was proved
proved wrong
8. award(n.)奖品,奖金(v.)授予
award sb sth=award sth to sb把某物颁奖给某人
win/receive/get an award for sth因某事获奖
The young violinist was awarded his excellent performance.
The author won the award for his novels.
9. gradual(adj.)逐渐的,渐进的
a gradual process一个循序渐进的过程
gradual growth逐渐成长
Education is a gradual process.
These exercises let your heart rate increase and decrease
(gradual), but not suddenly.
be capable of doing sth有能力做某事
have the capability to do sth有能力做某事
The pianist _______________(有……才能)playing various songs on the piano.
Actually,we ___________________________ (有能力阻止)the disease from spreading.
is capable of
are capable of preventing
11. in relief如释重负
to one's relief令某人宽慰的是
She smiled in relief after she heard her son survived in the disaster.
To her relief,her younger brother recovered quickly after operation.
12. cure(n./v.)治疗
cure sb of sth治好某人......病
a cure for......的治疗方法
The doctor (治好了) his headache.
People still can't find (......的治疗方法) the disease.
cured him of
a cure for
13. be/get absorbed in被吸引住,专心致志
=be lost in=be buried in=be occupied in=be devoted to=focus on=concentrate on=center on
With the children making so much noise outside,I can’t get absorbed _______my study.
All eyes were focused _______ him when he came in.
You should ______________________(把注意力集中于)the road when you’re driving.
focus on
14. previous(adj.)先前的
be previous to在......以前
复习:be senior to比......级别高的
be junior to比......级别低的
be inferior to比.......差的
be superior to比......好的
Previous to (draw) a conclusion, please take all aspects into account.
15. full-time/part-time employment全职/兼职工作
employ sb. as sth. 雇用某人当……
employ sb. to do sth. 雇用某人做某事
be employed in doing sth. = employ oneself in doing sth. 忙于做某事
employment (n.) 就业
out of employment/work失业
The government has promised to take measures to help the _____________(employ).
It is a fact beyond debate that the _____________ (employ)pressure of graduates is heavy.
It’s been reported that 76 percent of _____________(employee)in some western countries are using emojis(表情符号)at work.
He _______________________ (一直忙于……)researching the wildlife protection in recent years.
has been employed in
16. impact(n.) 巨大影响(v.)(对某事物)有影响
have an impact on/upon
=impact on/upon
=affect/influence sb./sth.
=have an effect/influence on/upon
A study shows drinking coffee before exercise has a negative impact ___________heart.
17. aim(n.)目标(v.)力求达到
aim to do sth. /aim at doing sth. 力求做某事
Well,I came out here _________ (aim) for the gold.
The proposal put forward by the scientist _____________ (力求)
help promote fully automatic driving.
_____________ (旨在)preventing accidents at work,the rules work well.
aimed to
Aimed at
18. set sth up安装好,建起,设立,创建,开办
set的短语:set about doing sth.=set out to do sth. 开始 / 着手做某事
set aside 把……放到一旁;留出(钱或时间)
set off 动身,出发;使爆炸
set out(for)出发(去),动身(去)
write/set down 记下,写下
set sb. free 释放某人 set an example to sb为某人树立榜样
He decided to set _________ a school for the poor children from the mountain villages.
If we had set _________ her address,we wouldn’t have had difficulty finding her house.
We need to set _________ finding a way to deal with the problem.
She sets _________ a bit of money every month for the future use.
We were warned to set _________ early to avoid the heavy traffic.
19. equipment (n.)[U]设备;装备
equip (vt.) 配备
equip...with... =be equipped with 具备……
常考的不可数名词:furniture, word(消息),luggage,advice,information,news
The boss has equipped our workplace with a computer. We are very happy to have such equipment.
20. try out参加选拔,试用
try on 试穿 try for 谋求,争取
try doing sth. 尝试做某事
try one’s best to do sth.竭尽所能(做某事)=spare no efforts to do sth
Every means has been tried________ but none of them is effective.
Why not try ________ (do)the experiment in another way
21. talent (n.) 天才;天资;天赋
have a talent/gift for 在……方面有天赋=be gifted/talented in/at
show a talent for 展现出……方面的天赋
show talent in 在……展现天分
语法填词:My sister had a talent painting at an early age.
=My sister was talented painting at an early age.
22. assume(v.)以为,假设
assuming为连词,表示“假设......为真,例如”, 引导从句,相当于supposing, providing, provided, given that
搭配:assume...to be/as... 认定……是……
assume(that)... 假定…… It is assumed that... 据推测……
It may _____________(assume)that there is no animal life on Mars.
_____________(assume)that we can’t get the necessary equipment,we will have to give up the experiment.
be assume
23.in addition(to sb. /sth.) 除……以外(还)
in addition to 是短语介词,后接名词、代词或动名词
The house is too far from our school;______________,it is too old.
_____________________ the school,the village has a clinic,which was also built with government support.
_________________________(除了游泳),she likes playing the guitar.
in addition
In addition to
In addition to swimming
24.a treatment for... ……的治疗
treat sb. well/badly 对待某人好 / 不好
treat sb. as... 像……那样对待某人
treat sb. for... 治疗某人的……
treat sb./oneself to... 用……招待某人 / 犒劳自己
It’s my treat. 我请客。
They were well treated by the local people.
25.from then on 从(那)时起
from now on 从现在起
from that moment on 从那时起
at this/that moment 就在这 / 那时
(1)___________(从那以后),they studied English every day.
(2) _________________ (从那一刻起),basketball has connected me with this great city.
(3) ___________________ (此刻),I do not know what to say.
From then on
From that moment on
At this moment
26. lean (leant/leaned,leant/leaned)依靠;倾斜
搭配: lean on 依靠,依赖(……的帮助和支持)(=depend on)
lean to/towards/toward 倾向,偏向(尤指某意见或利益)
lean against/on sth. 倚靠……;靠在……
A huge mirror was leaning ____________  the wall.
The old temple leans ________ the right at a dangerous angle.
He ________ heavily ________ (依赖)his family.
27. get through
He tried to get through this amount of work in time.他设法按时完成了这么多工作。
Thankfully,I managed to get through the hard times,and the pain was struck into my heart.幸好,我熬过了那些困难时期,那伤痛是刻骨铭心的。
27. get through
I’m afraid the phone must be out of order and I can’t get through.恐怕电话出毛病了,我打不通。
The candidates didn’t all get through.报考者没有全部通过。
He has got through all the money I lent him.我借给他的钱他已经花光了。
28. satisfaction (n.) 满足;满意;欣慰;令人满意的事物
短语:take satisfaction in/from sth. 从某事中获得满足
with satisfaction 满足地
to one’s satisfaction = to the satisfaction of sb. 使某人满意
a sense/feeling of satisfaction 满足感
be satisfied to do... 乐意做……
be satisfied with 对……感到满意
satisfy one’s needs/demands 满足某人的需要 / 要求
While visiting the gallery,the professor kept nodding his head to express his _____________(satisfy)with his students’ work.
When she finished her meal,she gave a _____________ (satisfy)smile.
Working with them was our most _____________ (satisfy)activity.
I noticed _____________ great satisfaction that you made great progress.
29.reaction(n.) 反应;回应
短语:in reaction to 针对……的反应
react to 对……作出反应;回应
What was your mother’s reaction ________ the news that you had been admitted into Peking University
Hearing how others react ________ the book you have just read creates an added pleasure.
30.the way 后跟定语从句
在含有定语从句的复合句中,the way 作先行词时有以下三种情况:
(1)关系词在从句中作状语,关系词用 in which,that 或省略;
She admired the way(in which/that)I answered the questions.她钦佩我回答问题的方式。
(2)关系词在从句中作主语,关系词用 that 或 which;
The way that/which was used to solve the problem is really practical.用来解决这个问题的方法是很实用的。
30.the way 后跟定语从句
在含有定语从句的复合句中,the way 作先行词时有以下三种情况:
(3)关系词在从句中作宾语,关系词用 that,which 或省略。
She doesn’t like the way(that/which)her father told her.她不喜欢她父亲告诉她的方式。
(1) What surprised me was not what he said but the way _________________ the said it.
(2) We admire him for the way _________________ he faces difficulties.
(3)The Smiths are praised for ____________________________________ (他们抚养孩子的方式).
(4) I don’t know ___________________________________(汤姆是怎样从这样的大火中幸存下来的).
in which/that 
in which/that
the way they bring up their children
the way Tom survived such a big fire
Unit 5 Music
Language Points
Thanks for your listening!