Unit3 They are playing
一、教学内容 ( Teaching contents ) New sentences(新句型): Is Ted sleeping Yes,it is. No, it isn’t. Are the birds fighting Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. New phrases(新单词):island, river, boat, photo
二、教学目标( Teaching aims and demands )
(一)认知目标( Knowledge Aims )
1.能听说认读句型:Is Ted sleeping Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Are the birds fighting Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
2.能在语境中理解新词island, river, boat, photo的意思,并能正确发音。 3.能进一步掌握现在进行时的用法。
(二)能力目标( Skill Aims )
1.能够在情境中运用句型 Is Ted sleeping Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.Are the birds fighting Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. 询问动物的活动并作答。
(三)文化、情感目标( Emotion Aims )
三、学情分析( Analysis of Students )
1、小学四年级学生正处于生长发育的关键期,他们意志力比较薄弱、注意力保持时间较短、上课好动、依赖性强、自我约束能力较差,但是记忆力好、模仿力强、好奇心强、好胜心强、活泼好动。 针对这一特点,我在教学中注重兴趣性、生动性,努力营造轻松愉悦的学习气氛。在语言上抑扬顿挫,生动婉转,肢体语言丰富,面带微笑,拉近师生距离;教学设计上,图文并茂,影音结合,利用图片、视频等道具,吸引学生的注意力;教学形式上,运用歌曲、歌谣、游戏、角色扮演等方式,引导学生开展小组合作,自主学习,激发学生的积极性和主动性。
3、本单元以They are playing为话题,对于动作单词,大部分学生都有了很好的学习,但是在V-ing形式变化上容易出错,需要注意纠正。学生对这一话题比较熟悉也很感兴趣,易激发学生的学习热情,很自然的引导学生进入参观动物园的情境。
四、重点、难点 (Difficult and important point)
重点:能听说认读句型Is Ted sleeping Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. Are the birds fighting Yes, they are./No, they aren’t. 能听说认读新词island,river,boat,photo能听懂、会说、会表演对话的内容,并在真实场景中运用所学语言进行交流和运用。
五、教学准备(Teaching aids) 多媒体教学课件 词条 文本资料
六、教学过程(Teaching procedure)
1.Sing a song: Walking,Walking (设计意图:学生在教师创设的轻松和谐的学习氛围中利用歌曲,有效地拉近了师生关系,为下一步语言输入做好铺垫。)
2. Sharp eyes
Step 2:Presentation:
1.课件呈现动物园的图片:It's sunny today, today Let’s go to the zoo,the zoo is on the island.Here is the zoo,It’s so big, there are zones in the zoo,The first step:Small animals zone, the second step:Medium animals zone,the third step:Big animals zone.
2.First ,let’s go to the “Small animals zone”.What can you see at the small animals zone Review the words: rabbit, monkey, dog, ......引出词汇river并教授。
(设计意图:参观第一步,进入小型动物区,通过复习已学过的动物单词,为本课学习新知打下基础。) 3.Is the rabbit running No, it isn't.Is the rabbit jumping Yes, it is. Is Ted sleeping 带着问题进入课文,看动画回答问题:Yes,it is.
(设计意图:利用动物,引出动物在干什么,同时引出句型:Is the...doing Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.通过观看动画视频进入课文,能够更加形象的展现故事,吸引学生的注意力,引出本课重点句型:Is Ted sleeping Yes,it is.运用指名读、个读、齐读、分组读等将单词及句型的操练也落到了实处。)
4.Pair-work A:Look at the... Is the ... B:Yes,it is./No,it isn’t. (设计意图:利用图片,练习句型:Is the... Yes,it is./No,it isn’t.巩固所学。)
5.The second step:Let’s go to the “Medium animals zone”.Now,Let’s to see What are they doing (设计意图:参观第二步,进入中型动物区。引出本课重点句型:What are the...fighting Yes, they are./No,they aren’t.) Let’s guess: Are the...s... Let’s make a chant:Is Ted running No, it isn't. No, it isn't. Is Ted sleeping Yes, it is. Yes, it is. Are the pandas drinking No, they aren't.No, they aren't. Are the pandas eating Yes, they are.Yes, they are.
6.The third step:Big animals zone. Look here,there are so many big animals,giraffe,elephant,tiger...引出boat并教授。 出示图片引出Let's take a photo.
(设计意图:参观第三步:进入大型动物区,练习词汇boat,Let's take a photo.)
Step 3:Practice 1.Watch and answer:观看动画,回答问题: Are the birds fighting What are the birds doing