人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 5 Poems Words and expressions课件(共11张PPT)


名称 人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 5 Poems Words and expressions课件(共11张PPT)
格式 pptx
文件大小 6.4MB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-27 10:42:17



Words and expressions
sorrowful adj. 悲伤/伤心的(人/物)
sorrow n. 悲伤[U];伤心事[C]
①to one’s sorrow 令某人悲伤的是
②sorrow over sth. 为……而悲伤
To my sorrow, I was turned down for the lack of experience.
2.share one's joys and sorrows
drown one's sorrows
The whole nation sorrowed ______ the unexpected accident.
River of Sorrow
imagery un.(文学上)意象;画像;图像
image cn.(人/物)形象;画像;图像
imagine vt.想象;猜想
imagination n.想象;幻想;想象中的事物
poetic imagery
statellite imagery/image
3.The job requires ________(imagine) rather than patience.
I stared at the sky, imagining what would happen next.
mood cn.心情;语气
①be in a good/bad mood 心情好/不好...
②be in the mood for sth./ to do sth. 有做某事的心情
be in no mood for sth./ to do sth. 没有做某事的心情
Criticised by his teacher, he was in a bad mood.
2.After taking part in the 1500-meter race, the competitors were in the mood _____ a cool drink.
I am not in the mood to argue with you.
I am in no mood to argue with you.
blossom cn.&un花朵
vi. 开花;兴旺;发展成
cherry blossom
The Cherry trees are in blossom/blossoms in my hometown.
comprehension un. 理解力; 领悟力;
①beyond one’s comprehension 超出某人的理解;某人不理解
comprehend vt. 理解; 领悟
comprehensive adj. 全面的; 综合性的
comprehensible adj. 易于理解的
1. Jack的所作所为让我摸不着头脑。
What Jack had done was beyond my comprehension.
blank adj. 空白的; 无图画/韵律/装饰的; 没表情的 cn. 空白;空格
①go blank (变得)一片空白
blankly adv. 茫然地; 完全地
When it comes to English, your mind goes blank.
Your blank expression and the confused eyes are the cues that you are abstracted.
sympathetically adv. 怜悯地; 悲怜地;富有同情心地
sympathetic adj. 同情的; 有同情心的; 赞同的
①be/feel sympathetic to/towards... 对...同情;
sympathy un. 同情; 赞同
②show/feel/have/express sympathy for... 对... 同情
③in sympathy with 赞成/支持...
out of sympathy with 不赞成/支持
1. Since she cheated in the examination, I did not feel sympathetic ______ Kate at all.
2. Children were easier to show sympathy _______ the victims than adults.
3.Several hundred workers struck in sympathy with their campaign.
sympathetically adv. 怜悯地; 悲怜地;富有同情心地
sympathetic adj. 同情的; 有同情心的; 赞同的
sympathy un. 同情; 赞同
④out of sympathy 出于同情
⑤with sympathy 同情地
4. 出于对无家可归的孩子的同情,他给他们提供了免费住所,这让他们很感激。(定语从句)
Out of sympathy for the homeless children, he provided them with free shelter, which made them feel grateful.
correspondence n.来往信件/通信联系[U]; 相关/似[C&U]
①in correspondence with 和...一致; 与... 有通信联系
correspond vi. 相一致/符合; 相当于;通信
②correspond with/to 与...相符/一致;
③correspond to 相当于;
④correspond with sb. 与 某人通信
1. 私人来往信件
personal/private correspondence
2. What he just said isn’t in _____________ (correspond) with the views of the ____________ (major).
3. 事实上我们所有人都渴望成功,但是有时候我们的行动与目标不一致。
Actually all of us desire for success, but sometimes our actions don’t correspond with/to what we desire.
variation cn.&un. 变化; 变体; 变奏曲
vary vt. 变化; 改变; 变更
①vary with... 随...而变化
various adj. 不同的; 各种各样的
variety cn. 种类; 变化; 变种; 多样化
②a variety of ...= varieties of... 各种各样的...
1. 他由于种种原因辞职了。
2. As with divorce, marriage rates vary _________ race and ethnicity.
He resigned for a variety of/varieties of/various reasons.