高二英语人教版(2019) 选择性必修一 Unit 4 Body language 单元能力提升(含答案 )


名称 高二英语人教版(2019) 选择性必修一 Unit 4 Body language 单元能力提升(含答案 )
格式 docx
文件大小 50.2KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-03-30 18:24:36



Unit 4 Body language
CWA Photo Competition 2021 We've all been spending more time indoors lately. Whether you've been killing time looking back at photos from holidays past, risking taking walks to local places, or busy working at home, we want to see your best photos on an archaeological topic. Send them to us for your chance to win first prize in our yearly CWA Photo Competition and have your work showed in the magazine.
The winning image and 3 runners-up will be featured in CWA.The overall winner will get free magazines for 2 years.
Closing date:1February 2021
The judges' decision is final, and the results of prize-winners will be announced by 15 February 2021.
☆Entrants (参赛者) can offer up to 5 images—please include details of the place or item photographed, when each image was taken, and your contact information, including a postal address.
☆Entrants must be 18 or over. The competition is open to all photographers. Professional and nonprofessional photographs will not be judged separately.
☆All photos entered must be done under an individual's name. By submitting (提交) images you confirm that you are the copyright holder and creator of the images.
Entrants can send your works by email to cwa@world-archaeology.com with the subject line "CWA Photo Competition 2021" or on a disc to CWA Photo Competition, Current Publishing, Thames Works, Church Street, London W4 2PD.
1. What subject should the works focus on
A. Holiday experiences. B. Archaeological findings.
C. Taking walks outside. D. Working at home.
2. How many images at most can each entrant send
A. Two. B. Three. C. Five. D. Eight.
3. What is required of entrants
A. Being a regular reader of CWA.
B. Becoming a professional photographer.
C. Handing in pieces created by themselves.
D. Mailing their works before 15 February 2021.
Last year Justin met a great difficulty in his life: Where should he work after graduation He had two great offers. The first was a government job in his hometown, a 10-minute bike ride from his apartment. It wouldn't pay much, but he'd have time to spend with his wife, nephew, and aging parents. The second was a job in the biggest neighboring city. It would pay a lot more, but he'd have to travel four hours a day.
We know surprisingly little about how people do when they make more money at the expense of having less time or have more time at the expense of earning less money. My colleagues-PhD student Lucia Macchia, Professor Elizabeth Dunn and I set out to do a study. We asked more than 1,000 college students. What we found was that students who prioritized time were happier than those who prioritized money. Those who valued time were happier and more satisfied with their lives and careers one to two years after graduation.
People who live in more unequal areas feel less financially secure and are more likely to value money. People who grew up in families fighting about money also are more likely to focus on money instead of time as adults, even if they now have a lot of money. Of course, debt also plays a role.
Sometimes we cannot choose our priorities; we might need to choose the better-paying job and sacrifice (牺牲) having more time to socialize with our friends and family. Society needs to work harder to make us all feel like we have the choice to prioritize time over money. However, when we do have the ability to choose which resource to prioritize, the data is clear: Valuing time is likely to bring us greater joy both in the moment and in the long term.
4. What can we know about Justin from paragraph 1
A. He tried hard to find a well-paid job.
B. He was unwilling to leave his family.
C. He had to make a great decision in life.
D. He had trouble in graduating from college.
5. Which of the following can explain the underlined word "prioritized" in paragraph 2
A. Took...further. B. Put...first.
C. Spent...wisely. D. Saved...gradually.
6. What plays a role in people's valuing money over time
A. Their family backgrounds.
B. Their educational experiences.
C. Their parents attitude towards them.
D. Their relationship with people in their area.
7. What is the author's purpose of writing the last paragraph
A. To conduct a survey. B. To make a prediction.
C. To offer a choice. D. To draw a conclusion.
California researchers developed a glove with electronic sensors that can translate American Sign Language (ASL) into English in real time through an app on your smartphone.
Previous systems that offered translation from ASI were limited by heavy designs or were uncomfortable to wear. Unlike previous systems, the new one is light, inexpensive and long-lasting, said Chen Jun, an assistant professor of bioengineering at the UCLA Samueli School of Engineering and the main researcher on the research.
"Our hope is that this opens up an easy way for people who use sign language to communicate directly with non-signers without needing someone else to translate for them, "said Chen. The team worked with four people who are deaf and use ASL and had them repeat gestures up to 15 times while wearing the glove-like device, at the same time teaching a machine how to recognize them. The researchers also added sensors to testers' faces-in between their eyebrows and on one side of their mouths — to recognize facial expressions that are a part of ASL.
The system has thin sensors made from electrically conductive materials that run up each finger and turn the movements into signals. These signals are sent to a dollar-coin-sized circuit board placed on the person's wrist, which then moves them over to a smartphone.
The system was able to recognize 660 hand movements and finger placements that stand for each letter in English, different phrases and each number. The system recognized the correct signs about 99% of the time, and in less than one second. However, researchers said the glove would need to learn more vocabulary and be able to translate signs faster in order to be sold in stores.
8. How is the new system different from the previous ones according to Chen
A. It is less heavy. B. It is wearable.
C. It has a beautiful design. D. It can translate more phrases.
9. Who is more likely to use the new system
A. A deaf person who is reading an English novel.
B. A Chinese student who is learning spoken English.
C. A deaf girl who is chatting with non-signers using ASL.
D. A non-English-speaker who is talking with English natives.
10. What is paragraph 4 mainly about
A. How the system works. B. How reliable the system is.
C. What benefits the system has. D. What the system is made up of.
11. What will researchers need to do with the system in the future
A. Reduce its price. B. Change its appearance.
C. Extend its service life. D. Improve its performance.
The International Space Station (ISS) was just three small rooms when the first crew moved in. The crew members soon discovered there was hardly any space for them to move around. The air was warm and humid, making them feel sticky (感到热得难受的).
Twenty years later, the space station is almost as large as a football field and has three modern laboratories. The station has enough solar power equipment to fill almost four-tenths of a hectare, and enough electrical wiring to stretch 13 kilometers.
The first crew-American Bill Shepherd and Russians Sergei Krikalev and Yuri Gidzenko - left Earth on October 31, 2000. About 48 hours later, they opened the doors to the space station, holding hands in a sign of unity.
The three-man crew spent most of their time trying to get the equipment to work; heat from some of the devices made the living space too warm. Installing (安装) machines and making repairs took hours, compared to minutes on the ground, Krikalev remembered. "Each day seemed to have its own set of challenges," Shepherd said.
The space station did not come close to hitting any space objects during their nearly five months up there, Shepherd said, and the station has held up relatively well. Today NASA's top concern is the growing threat from space junk. This year, the space station has had to avoid objects three times. NASA and its partners say the space station easily has several years of usefulness left. Russia's Mir station operated for 15 years in the late 1980s and 1990s. America's 1970s Skylab spent much less time in space.
Shepherd said that the past 20 years of international experience and cooperation can help with enormous projects, like possibly sending humans to the planet Mars. "If you look at the space station program today, it's a blueprint on how to do it," Shepherd said.
12. Which of the following can best describe the ISS twenty years ago
A. Small but highly used. B. Large but impractical.
C. Wet and a little cold. D. Crowded and uncomfortable.
13. What did the first crew mainly do at the ISS
A. They operated the devices. B. They cleaned space junk.
C. They enlarged the space. D. They repaired the equipment.
14. What does NASA worry most about the ISS today
A. There being more equipment failure.
B. There being doubts about its usefulness.
C. The risk of being struck by other objects.
D. The changes of the orbit three times a year.
15. What can be the best title for the text
A. The contribution of the ISS
B. The development of the ISS
C. The problems troubling the ISS
D. The uncertain future awaiting the ISS
Mr. Garcia, a businessman from Madrid, Spain, is speaking English to one of his customers, Mr. Patton, from Vancouver, Canada. Mr. Garcia slowly approaches Mr. Patton. (1) This slow dance continues throughout the conversation until Mr. Patton is against the wall.
What is going on here Probably a misunderstanding in body language. Body language is one kind of nonverbal communication which plays a key role in communication. (2) For example, in the above case, Spanish speakers enjoy a much closer speaking distance than English speakers.
Another example is eye contact. In many American Indian and East Asian cultures, respect is shown by not looking directly into the eyes. (3) Because anything less than full eye contact is considered disrespectful or even devious (不诚实的) in their culture.
Sometimes gestures used in different languages have opposite meanings. (4) In Vietnam and China, the gesture for "come here" is quite similar to that of waving "good-bye" in English. Thus, when speakers of these two cultures are leaving each other, fun things may happen.
(5) The best way to learn gestures for any language or culture is to stay a while in a foreign country to learn not only what people say but how they say it.
A. The latter slowly steps away.
B. Body language is very important.
C. This can produce a humorous effect.
D. But it is not the same in all cultures.
E. Mr. Patton walks slowly in the room.
F. For Western Europeans, the opposite is true.
G. Learning body gestures is rather difficult from textbooks.
16. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
17. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
18. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
19. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
20. A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E F. F G. G
Officer Dallas Baldwin was on duty in Franklin County Sheriff's Office. When an older resident (21) demanding to speak with Deputy (警官) Kevin Lovett, he had a little (22) .
As it turned out, 96-year-old Dollie Trent was not calling to (23) . Instead, Kevin had gone all out to help her out of trouble, and she was determined to shine a light of (24) on his good deed!
"I was recently (25) when I got a flat tire."Dollie told the officer that Kevin spared no effort to (26) her on the roadside. "He lay flat on the ground to look under my car for (27) !" she explained. "What are you going to do for him "
Dallas must have been (28) by her insistence, because he and Kevin (29) Dollie at her residence to present her with a Sheriff's Coin.
When they arrived, Dollie (30) had a gift basket ready to give her"angel". The officers were (31) that Dollie not only noticed their small acts of service that often go unnoticed but that she went beyond to (32) acknowledge it. They thanked Dollie for (33) them with her gratitude and spirit. What a great reminder of how our heroes work (34) to keep things running smoothly every day-and of how much it means to show (35) for their efforts! A little sure goes a long way!
21. A. dropped in B. rang up C. settled down D. looked around
22. A. fun B. curiosity C. fear D. embarrassment
23. A. complain B. entertain C. approve D. inquire
24. A. comparison B. observation C. recognition D. reservation
25. A. walking B. riding C. playing D. driving
26. A. satisfy B. pick C. assist D. educate
27. A. damage B. safety C. shelter D. relief
28. A. distracted B. inspired C. amused D. disturbed
29. A. visited B. protected C. bothered D. persuaded
30. A. just B. only C. ever D. even
31. A. hopeful B. grateful C. forgetful D. regretful
32. A. publicly B. barely C. quietly D. naturally
33. A. comforting B. forgiving C. blessing D. encouraging
34. A. on the stage B. on the spot
C. behind the scenes D. behind the times
35. A. pity B. anxiety C. consideration D. appreciation
36. Words and sentences are important in communication, but we communicate not only in spoken and (1) (write) words, but also in body language. We often see unconscious body language, which (2) (vary) from culture to culture.
When introduced to (3) (strange), we use"learned"body language. Like other animals, we are on our guard until we know it is safe (4) (relax). So every culture has developed a formal way of (5) (greet) others, which helps show we are not aggressive (好斗的). (6) (traditional), Europeans and Americans shake each other (7) the hand, meaning they trust each other.
Greetings are different around the world. In China, people put the right hand over the left and bow slightly in ancient times. Today, people still use their hands in formal greetings, (8) also means trust. American youths often greet each other with (9) expression, "Give me five! "
Body language can convey (传递) more information than words, (10) people easily give themselves away by their gestures.
37. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。
When I was seven, I found a watch while walking down the hallway of my school. The watch was expensive-looking, set with gold. As I picked it up, greed (贪婪) suddenly came over me, and instead of turning it in to the office like I should have, I became the owner of the watch.
When I got home from school, I found Mom cooking dinner in the kitchen. Thinking that she would be impressed, I held out my prize for her to see with a feeling of excitement and pride. Mom, however, was far from impressed. Instead, she was angry at her son for keeping the watch instead of turning it in. Mom then ordered me to go straight back to school and take the watch to someone at the office. I started to argue, but after taking a good look at the expression on Mom's face, I realized that would get me nowhere. There was nothing left for me to do but obey.
I have to admit, I was rather angry with Mom for making me give up the watch. I felt that it was justly mine since I was the one who had found it. Yes, I knew she was right, but greed had forced me to keep the watch, and now pride wouldn't allow me to admit that I had done something wrong. But time passed, and I forgot all about the lesson that I learned from the watch until fourteen years later.
While I was attending college, I had managed to get a job at a Walmart pushing carts off the parking lot. One morning, I found a checkbook (支票簿) that had been left in a shopping cart. Quickly, I took it to the customer service desk and gave it to the employee there so that the customer who had lost it could pick it up.
Paragraph 1:
Later, as I was outside pushing carts, a man came up to me.
Paragraph 2:
Then my thoughts went back to the day when Mom had made me return the watch.
38. 假定你是李华,你的美国笔友Peter下学期将作为交换生到你校学习。他发来电子邮件向你询问中国日常生活中常用的一些肢体语言,请用英语给他回复。
【解析】1. 【文章大意】本文主要介绍了CWA照片大赛的奖品、要求和截止日期。
根据第一段中的we want to see your best photos on an archaeological topic(我们想看你关于考古主题的最佳照片)可知,照片的主题应该是与考古相关的。故选B。
2. 根据Rules部分中的Entrants (参赛者) can offer up to 5 images(参赛者最多可提供5张图片)可知,参赛者最多可提供5张照片。故选C。
3. 根据Rules部分中的By submitting(提交)...copyright holder and creator of the images(通过提交图像,您确认您是图像的版权所有者和创建者。)可知,对参赛者的要求之一是提交自己原创的作品。故选C。
【解析】1. 【文章大意】研究显示毕业后在选择职业时更看重拥有较多的时间的大学生会更快乐。
根据第一段中的He had two great offers. The first was…travel four hours a day(他收到了两份不错的邀请。第一份工作是在他家乡的一份政府工作,距离他的公寓骑车10分钟。薪水并不高,但他有时间陪伴妻子、侄子和年迈的父母。第二份是在邻近最大的城市找到一份工作。工资会高得多,但他每天要花四个小时。)可推知,面对两份很好的工作他必须作出决定。故选C。
2. 画线词所在句中的who prioritized time were happier(优先考虑时间的人更快乐)与下文中的Those who valued time were happier(那些珍惜时间的人更快乐)相照应,可推知画线词与valued意思相近,put...first意为“认为……最重要”,故选B。
3. 根据第三段中的who grew up in families fighting about money also are more likely to focus on money(在为钱而争吵的家庭中长大的人也更容易关注钱)可知,人们的家庭背景会影响一个人对金钱的态度。故选A。
4. 分析最后一段内容可知,前半段总结说明,再结合最后一句中的the data is clear: Valuing time is likely to bring us greater joy both in the moment and in the long term(数据很清楚:珍惜时间可能会给我们带来当下和长远的更大快乐)可知,此处是得出结论。故选D。
【解析】1. 【文章大意】加州研究人员开发了一款带有电子传感器的手套,它可以通过智能手机上的应用程序将美式手语实时翻译成英语。
根据第二段中的Unlike previous systems, the new one is light, inexpensive and long-lasting(与以前的系统不同,新的系统重量轻,价格便宜,使用寿命长)可知,新的系统与以往的系统相比更加轻便、便宜和持久。故选A。
2. 根据第一段中的translate American Sign Language (ASL) into English(把美式手语翻译成英语)和第三段中的Our hope is that...or people who use sign language to communicate...translate for them(我们的希望是,这为使用手语的人开辟了一种简单的方式,可以直接与不使用手语的人交流,而不需要别人为他们翻译)可知,这个系统是为美式手语使用者设计的,可以帮助他们直接与非手语使用者交流。故选C。
3. 根据第四段The system has thin sensors...run up each finger and turn the movements into signals...moves them over to a smartphone(该系统有由导电材料制成的薄传感器,可在每个手指上运行,并将动作转化为信号。这些信号被发送到被测者手腕上一个一美元硬币大小的电路板上,然后被测者手腕上的电路板将信号传输到智能手机上。)可知,第四段主要讲了这个系统是如何运作的。故选A。
4. 根据最后一段中的However, researchers said the glove would need to learn more vocabulary...sold in stores(然而,研究人员表示,这种手套需要学习更多的词汇,并能够更快地翻译标志,才能在商店销售。)可知,研究人员表示,为了在商店里销售,这款手套需要学习更多的词汇,并能够更快地翻译手势,所以未来研究人员需要提高这种手套的性能。故选D。
【解析】1. 【文章大意】本文主要介绍国际空间站的今昔变化及发展历程。
根据第一段中的The crew members soon discovered there was hardly any space for them to move around. The air was warm and humid, making them feel sticky (感到热得难受的)(船员们很快发现几乎没有任何空间供他们活动。空气又热又湿,让他们觉得黏糊糊的)可知,20年前的国际空间站空间很小,内部空气温暖潮湿,使站内员工感到热得难受。故选D。
2. 根据第四段中的The three-man crew spent most of their time trying to get the equipment to work(三名工作人员花了大部分时间试图让设备工作)可知,这些员工大部分时间都用在使设备运行方面。故选A。
3. 根据第五段中的The space station did not come close to hitting any space objects...top concern is the growing threat from space junk...avoid objects three times(Shepherd说,在空间站运行的近五个月时间里,空间站几乎没有撞上任何太空物体,空间站运行得相对不错。如今,NASA最关心的是来自太空垃圾日益增长的威胁。今年,国际空间站已经三次躲避物体。)可知,NASA最担心的是来自太空垃圾的威胁,怕国际空间站被太空中的物体撞到。故选C。
4. 本文主要介绍国际空间站的今昔变化及发展历程,故B项适合作本文的标题。故选B。
【解析】1. 【文章大意】本文举例说明了不同文化的肢体语言表达的意思不一样,学习肢体语言不能仅依靠课本,还要去这种文化中待一段时间。
根据上文中的Mr. Garcia slowly approaches Mr. Patton(Garcia先生慢慢地走近Patton先生)和下文中This slow dance...Mr. Patton is against the wall(这种慢舞一直持续到Patton先生靠在墙上。)可知,Mr. Patton一直向后退,故A项符合语境。故选A。
2. 根据上文中的Body language is one kind of nonverbal communication which plays a key role in communication(肢体语言是一种非语言交际,在交际中起着关键作用)可知,肢体语言在交流中是关键的,下文的举例说明肢体语言对于不同文化的人是不同的,D项与上文形成转折,引出下文的举例说明。D项(但这在所有文化中都不一样。)符合题意。故选D。
3. 根据上文中的In many American Indian...the eyes(在许多美洲印第安人和东亚文化中,不要直视对方的眼睛是表达尊重的方式。)可知,在美洲印第安人和东亚文化中,不直视他人的眼睛是一种尊重,空后的Because anything less than...in their culture(因为在他们的文化中,任何不充分的眼神交流都被认为是不尊重甚至是不诚实的。)说明空处与上文形成转折,F项中的the opposite is true表示转折,故F项(对西欧人来说,情况正好相反。)符合语境。故选F。
4. 根据下文中的In Vietnam and China, the gesture for...fun things may happen(在越南和中国,表示“过来”的手势与英语中挥手表示“再见”的手势非常相似。因此,当这两种文化的使用者离开对方时,有趣的事情可能会发生。)可知,不同文化的肢体语言可能有相反的意思,因此会发生一些有趣的事情,C项中的humorous与下文中的fun呼应,故C项(这可以产生一种幽默的效果。)符合语境。故选C。
5. 根据下文The best way to learn...how they say it(学习任何一种语言或文化的手势的最好方法是在一个外国呆上一段时间,不仅学习人们说什么,而且学习他们如何说。)可知,本段谈论学习肢体语言的方式,故G项(从课本上学习肢体动作是相当困难的。)符合语境。故选G。
【解析】1. 【文章大意】本文主要讲述Dollie对警官Kevin Lovett的帮助表示感谢的故事,及其带来的影响与思考的故事。
句意:当一位年长的居民打电话要求与副警长Kevin Lovett通话时,他有点害怕。A.dropped in顺道拜访;B.rang up打电话;C.settled down安下心来,定居;D.looked around四周看。根据后文As it turned out, 96-year-old Dollie Trent was not calling to (3) .可知,一位年长的居民打电话要求与警官Kevin Lovett通话。故选B。
2. 句意同上。A.fun娱乐,乐趣;B.curiosity好奇;C.fear担心,害怕;D.embarrassment尴尬。根据后文As it turned out, 96-year-old Dollie Trent was not calling to (3) . 可知警官Kevin Lovett接到居民电话,害怕是投诉电话。故选C。
3. 句意:结果,96岁的Dollie Trent并不是打电话来投诉的。A.complain抱怨,投诉;B.entertain娱乐,招待;C.approve赞同;D.inquire调查。根据下文Kevin had gone all out to help her out of trouble可知,警官Kevin Lovett全力帮助96岁的Dollie Trent脱离困境,因此她打电话来不是投诉。故选A。
4. 句意:相反,凯文全力以赴帮助她摆脱困境,她决心对他的善行给予表彰!A.comparison比较;B.observation观察;C.recognition认可,赞赏;D.reservation保留,预留。根据后文"I was recently (5) when I got a flat tire." Dollie told the officer that Kevin spared no effort to (6) her on the roadside."可知,因为警官Kevin Lovett全力帮助96岁的Dollie Trent脱离困境,因此她打电话来对他的善行表示赞赏。故选C。
5. 句意:“我最近开车的时候轮胎爆了。”Dollie告诉警察,Kevin在路边不遗余力地帮助她。A.walking走路;B.riding骑,乘坐;C.playing玩;D.driving开车。根据后文when I got a flat tire可知,Dollie开着车时,轮胎没气了。故选D。
6. 句意同上。A.satisfy使满意;B.pick挑选,采摘;C.assist协助,帮助;D.educate教育。根据后句He lay flat on the ground to look under my car for (7) !可知,Kevin不遗余力地帮Dollie修车。故选C。
7. 句意:Kevin平躺在地上查看车底下受损情况。A.damage破坏,损坏;B.safety安全;C.shelter庇护;D.relief宽慰,缓解。根据He lay flat on the ground to look under my car可知,Kevin平躺在地上查看车底下受损情况。故选A。
8. 句意:达拉斯一定是被她的坚持鼓舞了,因为他和凯文去多莉的住所拜访了她,送给她一枚警长硬币。A.distracted使分心;B.inspired激励;C.amused娱乐,消遣;D.disturbed打扰。根据下文he and Kevin (9) Dollie at her residence to present her with a Sheriff's Coin.可知,Dallas一定是被她的坚持所鼓舞。故选B。
9. 句意同上。A.visited参观,拜访;B.protected 保护;C.bothered打扰;D.persuaded劝说。根据句意可知,此处指他和Kevin去了Dollie的住处。故选A。
10. 句意:当他们到达时,Dollie甚至准备了一个礼物篮要送给她的天使。A.just仅仅,正好;B.only仅仅,只有;C.ever曾经;D.even甚至。根据后句.…had a gift basket ready to give her "angel"可知,Dollie甚至为她心目中的“天使”准备了一个礼品篮。故选D。
11. 句意:警官们很感激Dollie不仅注意到了他们经常被忽视的小行为,而且还公开承认了这一点。A.hopeful有希望的;B.grateful感激的;C.forgetful健忘的;D.regretful后悔的,遗憾的。根据后文had a gift basket ready to give her "angel".可知,警官们非常感激有人注意到了他们的善意。故选B。
12. 句意同上。A.publicly公开地;B.barely稀少地 ;C.quietly安静地;D.naturally自然地。根据语境可知,此处指Dollie不仅注意到了警察经常被忽视的微小服务行为,而且还公开承认了这一点。故选A。
13. 句意:他们感谢Dollie用她的感激和精神鼓励他们。A.comforting安慰;B.forgiving原谅;C.blessing祝福;D.encouraging鼓励。根据后句with her gratitude and spirit可知,警官们对Dollie表达感谢,感谢她用自己的感恩之心和精神对他们的鼓励。故选D。
14. 句意:这是多么伟大的提醒,提醒我们的英雄们是如何在幕后工作,使事情每天顺利进行,以及对他们的努力表示感谢是多么重要!A.on the stage在舞台上;B.on the spot在现场,当场;C.behind the scenes幕后;D.behind the times过时。根据常识可知,警官们是幕后英雄,他们每天默默无闻地工作保证一切顺利进行。故选C。
15. 句意同上。A.pity遗憾;B.anxiety焦虑,渴望;C.consideration考虑;D. appreciation欣赏,感激。根据后句A little sure goes a long way!可知,警察付出的努力需要得到人们的认可和感激。故选D。
to relax
【解析】1. 句意:但我们不仅用口语和书面语进行交流,还用肢体语言进行交流。written意为“书面的”。故填written。
2. 空前的which引导非限制性定语从句,指代body language并在从句中作主语。故从句谓语动词应用单数形式,且此处陈述客观的情况,故用一般现在时。故填varies。
3. 介词to后使用名词作宾语,且stranger为可数名词,空前没有限定词,此处应用名词复数形式。故填strangers。
4. 此处it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式,故填to relax。
5. way意为“方法,方式”,后接动词不定式或者of doing sth.作定语。故填greeting。
6. 空处应用副词,修饰整个句子。故填Traditionally。
7. shake hands with sb./shake sb. by the hand意为“和某人握手”,是固定用法。故填by。
8. 空处引导非限制性定语从句,且指代前面的整个句子,故填which。
9. 根据空后的Give me five!可知,此处表示特指,故用定冠词the。故填the。
10. 根据句意可知,空处前后为因果关系,故填so,表示结果。故填so。
37.【答案】 Later, as I was outside pushing carts, a man came up to me. He told me his wife had left their checkbook in a shopping cart the night before, and he wondered if it had been found. When he told me his name, I realized that he was the owner of the checkbook I had found. I explained to him that I had found his checkbook that morning, and that he could go inside and get it at the service desk. The man was so thankful that he pulled out his wallet and offered me some cash, but I refused.
Then my thoughts went back to the day when Mom had made me return the watch. Mom wanted to make sure that her son would always be honest, and never take what didn't belong to him. Because of her, I did the right thing when I found that checkbook, and I was rewarded with a feeling of self-worth that no amount of money could buy. I have come to realize that while we are growing up, some valuable lessons are often the ones that we don't appreciate until later in life.
①靠近:come up to/approach
②想知道:wonder/want to know
②自尊感:a feeling of self-worth/a feeling of self-esteem
①When he told me his name, I realized that he was the owner of the checkbook I had found.(When引导的时间状语从句;that引导的宾语从句)
②Then my thoughts went back to the day when Mom had made me return the watch.(when引导的限制性定语从句)
③I have come to realize that while we are growing up, some valuable lessons are often the ones that we don't appreciate until later in life.(that引导的宾语从句;while引导的时间状语从句和that引导的定语从句)
38.【答案】Dear Peter,
I'm glad to hear you'll come to our school as an exchange student next term. ①Since you want to learn about body language in our daily life, let me tell you some.
We usually greet each other with nods, smiles, handshakes and so on. ②During the conversation, it's good manners to have eye contact instead of staring directly at others. ③In class, students are required to raise their hands if they have any questions.
I hope my introduction can be of some help to you.
Looking forward to your arrival.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
①and so on等等
②be required to被要求做
③be of some help to sb.对某人有帮助
① Since you want to learn about body language in our daily life, let me tell you some.(since引导的原因状语从句)
② During the conversation, it's good manners to have eye contact instead of staring directly at others.(it形式主语;不定式作真正的主语)
③ In class, students are required to raise their hands if they have any questions.(if引导的条件状语从句)
①be concerned for/about关心/担心……
②be in harmony with sb.与某人和谐相处
①A smile can help us get through a difficult situation and find friends in a world full of strangers.微笑能够帮助我们度过难关,帮我们在一个充满陌生人的世界里找到知己。
②As the saying goes, "Practice makes perfect." Only by practicing will we make greater progress.俗话说“熟能生巧”。只有通过练习我们才会取得更大的进步。