Unit 3
Faster, higher, stronger
Developing ideas
1. Students could learn some words and phrases.
2. Students could get the main idea of this article.
3. Students could learn more knowledge of team sports and individual sports.
Learning Aims:
What is your understanding of this title?
Share you ideas with others
The Return of the Champions
It might be a story of Champions.
Before reading, please try to make a prediction of this passage.
It might be a story of Champions.
Brainstorming:Now look for more sentences with -ing as subject in the reading passage
1. Practising day in and day out helped Stephen sharpen his skills.
2. ... ...
Try to write your opinions in your notebook!
What’s happening in Chinese women’s volleyball team
1 “The atmosphere here at Rio de Janeiro is electric! If China wins this point, they will walk out of the stadium with an Olympic gold medal. Zhang Changning serves. Over the net, Popovic dives for the ball. She only just reaches it… and it’s sent straight back to her by the Chinese spiker Hui Ruoqi. Popovic can’t get the ball back this time… and that’s it! It’s over! It’s gold for China! Look how the crowd has gone wild. You can see the joy and pride on the faces of the Chinese fans. And there we see the Chinese players embracing, with tears of happiness in their eyes… It’s a dream come true for China! The Chinese women’s volleyball team is Olympic champion once again!”
It competed against a strong team and became the Olympic champion again.
Take notes quickly!
Rio de Janeiro 里约热内卢
walk out 退席,退场 ; 突然离开,抛弃 ; 出走 ; 罢工
gold medal 金牌 ; 金质奖章
Over the net 球过网
only just 仅仅 ; 勉强 ; 刚才 ; 刚刚
pride on 引以为豪 ; 为…自豪,得意于…
dream come true 梦想成真 ;
What happened in 1984
Los Angeles Olympics
2 The Chinese women’s volleyball team holds a very special place in the nation’s heart. In the 1980s, the team burst onto the international volleyball scene with several major world titles, and an amazing three-set victory over the United States in the final of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. They became national heroes overnight. There was gold once more at Athens in 2004. But winning gold in Rio paints the most vivid portrait of the team’s competitive spirit.
Take notes quickly!
special place 特别的地方 ; 特殊场所 ; 特别地方 ; 特殊地方
the international 国际 ; 跨国银行 ; 国际歌
United States 美国 ;
Los Angeles 洛杉矶
once more 又一次 ; 再次
paints 在…上刷油漆 ;
vivid 清晰的 ; 生动的 ;
competitive spirit 斗志 ; 竞争的态度
What’s happening in Chinese women’s volleyball team
It competed against a strong team and became the Olympic champion again.
3 In Rio, the Chinese women’s volleyball team needed all of its fighting spirit after it was assigned to the “group of death”, where it faced several strong opponents in the group stage matches. Despite reaching the quarter_x0002_finals as the fourth team in the group, with just two wins in preliminary matches, they were not going to give up. Every single member of the team gave their all to the fight, including Hui Ruoqi who had had heart surgery less than five months previously.
Take notes quickly!
fighting spirit 战斗精神 ; 战斗意志
assigned to 分配给 ;
group of death 死亡之组
opponents 对手 ; 竞争者 ;
give up 投降,认输,
member of 的成员 ;
heart surgery 心脏手术 ;
less than 少于,少于,不到
What’s happening in Rio
They faced several strong opponents in the group stage matches.
3 In Rio, the Chinese women’s volleyball team needed all of its fighting spirit after it was assigned to the “group of death”, where it faced several strong opponents in the group stage matches. Despite reaching the quarter_x0002_finals as the fourth team in the group, with just two wins in preliminary matches, they were not going to give up. Every single member of the team gave their all to the fight, including Hui Ruoqi who had had heart surgery less than five months previously.
What’s the ending
They played a close match against Serbia to seize gold in the final.
4 Their perseverance paid off with an epic comeback against the defending champion Brazil in the quarter-finals. Next, the Chinese team defeated the Netherlands in the semi_x0002_final matches, having lost to them in the preliminaries. At last, showing a strong will and the steeliest nerves, they played a close match against Serbia to seize gold in the final.
Take notes quickly!
perseverance 毅力 ; 韧性 ; 不屈不挠的精神
paid off 已付清 ; 见成效 ; 付清,付讫
comeback 重返 ; 复出 ;
defending champion 卫冕冠军
quarter-finals 四分之一决赛 ;
preliminaries 初步行动 ; 预备性措施
steeliest 强硬的 ; 冷冰冰的
match against 与…比赛 ;
What is Zhu Ting’s attitude towards team spirit
Teamwork is the key to China’s victory.
5 But fighting spirit alone was not enough to guarantee victory. Strong team spirit also contributed greatly to their success. Cooperation between team members is essential. If each individual does her job and works well with others, then the end goal can be achieved. In fact, strong team spirit is more important than the skills of individual players. Zhu Ting, named Most Valuable Player at the Rio Olympics, also identified this as the special ingredient in the team’s success: “Teamwork is the key to China’s victory. Thanks to my teammates’ hard efforts, I had the opportunity to show my spiking skills.”
Take notes quickly!
fighting spirit 战斗精神 ; 战斗意志
team spirit 合作精神 ; 集体精神 ; 团队精神
Most Valuable Player 最有价值球员 ; 最有价值球员奖
ingredient 组成部分,成分 ;
Teamwork 团队合作
key to 键到 ; 使…与…一致〔适合〕
Thanks to 幸亏;归因于
spiking 用尖物刺入 ;
What is the meaning of “ups and downs”
兴衰 ; 浮沉 ; 起落 ;
6 Together, the Chinese women’s volleyball team has fought their way through ups and downs. Led by well-known Chinese volleyball player and coach Lang Ping, they have continued to aim high. Lang is only too aware that as soon as a team steps off the victory podium, they need to start from zero to prepare for new challenges ahead. In this way, the team begins its journey to the next Olympics.
Take notes quickly!
ups and downs 兴衰 ; 浮沉 ; 起落 ; 悲欢
volleyball player 排球运动员
aim high 力争上游 ;
victory podium 授奖台;受奖台
start from 从…开始 ; 出发
prepare for 准备 ; 为…作准备 ;
In this way 用这个办法
What achievements by other Chinese sports teams have made the greatest impression on you Give an example of their sporting spirit.
They played a close match against Serbia to seize gold in the final.
What other fighting spirit do you know
strong will
give their all to
steeliest nerves
faster, higher, stronger
not give up
Try to think about others
Talk about your opinions with others.
Write your ideas.
Thank you!