Unit 4 Our School Lesson 1 教学设计
本课时是重大版小学英语五年级下册,unit4 our school的教学内容。本单元的教学目标是让学生能够结合所学的单词和重点句型,描述自己的学校,以及学校里的功能室,各功能室的位置和作用,同学们能在那里做什么。基于这样的教学目标,以及对教材的整体分析,我对本单元的教学设计做了一个大胆的尝试,把它设计成了一堂单元整体教学设计下的语篇综合语用课。即文本解构—文本建构—文本重构。所以,我这堂课并不是把教材文本的“全貌”直接呈现给学生,而是把两课时的内容合并处理后的骨架文本呈现给学生的,让学生同过预测文本,同伴讨论,听音记录关键词等一系列探究性学习活动,实现语言学习和自学能力的提升。 本单元讲的是学校,最终是让学生能够用所学的关键词语和句型描述学校以及各功能室的用途,所以,为了让学生对学校的建筑物和功能室有更加直观的理解,我的立足点放在了学生自己的学校,让学生从虚拟中走进现实。 本单元的重点是让学生能够听说读写teaching building, playground, garden, classroom等学校场所的名称,以及用到关键句型Where is… It’s…. We can …介绍学校。但是,如果只是用传统的问答方式呈现语篇,这样难免会有些单调和枯燥。所以,我将教材重新整合,其中,将四牌坊小学的融文化融入了其中,再结合学生之前所学过的Welcome…../this is等句型,然后进行文本再构,因为亲子解说是四牌坊小学的融文化之一,所以我最终以解说试文本的形式,呈现给了学生。
(1)学生能听说认读本课时有关学校设施单词:school、playground、teaching building、library、swimming pool、classroom、office。
(2)学生能听懂、会说以下句型:Where is the teaching building It’s on the right.并能在实际情景中运用。
(2)通过图片的帮助,学生观察和发现有效的学习策略,在小组活动中形成合作意识。 三、情感态度目标:
培养学生对自己学校的热爱,珍惜在学校的美好时光,并激发学生设计自己梦想的学校 四、文化意识目标:
教学步骤 设计意图
Greetings: 3mins T: Good morning, Boys and Girls. How are you S: I’m fine, Thank you, and you T:I’m fine, too. Thank you. T: Sit down, please. Warm-up: T: Now, let’s play a game. (打地鼠游戏)(说的同时PPT显示打地鼠游戏界面,游戏规则:看到单词就大声读出来,看到老鼠,就吼一声“啊!”) T:Now, can you remember these words Ss:…… T:There are some smiling faces on it, Please tell me who he/she is, where he/she is Ok Ss: OK! T:Ready Let’s go!(此时PPT播放学生笑脸快闪,然后随机定下来,让学生说出他是谁,他坐在哪里。目的既是热身,也是给学生复习本课时要出现的方位词 on the left/right/between/in front of/next to等。连续四次) T:Where is he/she T: Wow, you did a good job. 亲切合学生打招呼,让学生快速进入英语学习的状态。然后,进行学生都很喜欢的打地鼠游戏,把以前已经学过的方位词和形容词放入游戏中,快速唤醒学生的记忆,让学生在游戏的同时,将这些方位词和形容词复习一遍,为后面的课做铺垫。然后PPT播放学生笑脸快闪,然后随机定下来,让学生说出他是谁,他坐在哪里。在之前打地鼠游戏时学生已经复习了方位词,这里的目的是让学生对方位词有一个更加实际的定义,并能用完整的句子来描述被抽到的学生的具体位置。
Lead in: 1mins T: kids, let’s have a break and enjoy a video. Ss:…………. T:Wow,It’s so beautiful. Is it your school Ss:…… T:Do you love your school Ss…. T: Yes, me too. So, today, let’s talk about our school.(呈现课题Our School) T: At first, you should know the competition. 1.Try to collect the motto of our school. 2.Finish the motto, you win. 播放学校的宣传短片, 一是让学生对学校更加热爱,二是为接下来我们自己的学校做铺垫。 接下来告诉学生本节课的比赛方式,就是集齐我校:厚德、自强、好学、求真八字校训。集齐者获胜。让学生在比赛的同时牢记我校校训。
Presentation & practice: 20mins T:And let’s watch another video carefully and quietly. Then should think about what you can see from the video. T: Wow, what a nice school! Ss:…… T: So what can you see Ss:…… T:You find so many things from the video. That’s good! T:What’s this T:Yes, It’s the gate. Wow, the gate is cool! T:And what’s this T:Yes, it’s a garden! And where is the garden T:Yes, it’s in front of the gate. T:Look, what’s this T:Yes, it’s the teaching building. And where is it T:It’s on the right. T:What about this (手指着操场) T:Yes, it’s the playground. It’s on the left. And we also can say the garden is between the playground and the teaching building. T:What else can you see T:Now let’s go in inside the teaching building. T:Oh! What’s this T:Yes, it’s a classroom. T:What can we do in the classroom T:We can study in the classroom. T:And look! What room is this T:It’s IT room! What can we do in the IT room T:Yes, we can play computers in the IT room. T:Now, this way, please. What room is this T:Yes, It’s art room. And we can draw in the art room. T:Oh, What’s this T:Yes, It’s music room. T: we can sing and dance in the music room.Can you sing a song for me T:Ok, there is a chant. You can practice in groups and the show it. T:Ok, it’s your show time. Please stand up! T:Wow,sounds good! T:Now please take out your papers. Let’s listen and circle. T:Have you got it T:Now,let’s check. I’ll give you a sticker if you are right. T: We can study in the classroom, we can draw in the artroom. we can sing and dance in the music room. We can play football on the playground. T: So this is the culture of our school.此时PPT上呈现坊小融文化:融和教育,春播未来。 PPT播放出我校介绍学校的亲自解说微视频,介绍内容为本单元重构后的语篇。直接播放亲子解说视频,从篇入手。然后,抓细节,在抓细节这个过程中,我首先把部分学校场所的重点词汇提出来,用图文声结合的方式教授学生, 结合方位词,用where is…/what can we do.. 引导学生 说出文本中的句型it’s…we can….。 新单词的呈现,除了学生自然拼读外,让学生将学校的卡片自己贴到黑板上的相应位置,并能够用本节课的重点句型完整的将学校方位描述出来。这一整套的练习,为后来chant的输出做铺垫。将所有单词和重点句讲完后,把单词和重点句型编成了一个chant。这里有第一次小组练习。练习chant 及动作。 chant强烈的节奏感更能够激发学生操练句型的兴趣。 chant之后,再回到篇,总听文本,圈出听到的学校场所的词。然后,是第一次情感的升华,通过学校场所的学习,功能室的介绍,让学校深刻理解坊小的融文化:融合教育,春播未来。
T:Sounds good! But there is another school, it’s different from our school. Do you want to see it T:Now let’s fly to another Country! (此时PPT播放加哩加哩,飞机飞到泰国。) T:Do you know the country (在学生不知道的情况下T:I used to work in Thailand. This is the school where I work.(说的同时显示出泰国图片,并介绍,图片上同时配上中英文。) T:Here is my student. (此时播放泰国学生介绍泰国的视频。) T: Is she lovely Do you love the school Ss:….. T:Yes, me too. This is the map of the school. Please remember it as quickly as you can, and then fill in the blanks. I’ll give you 10 seconds to remember.(给学生20秒记忆平面图,然后填空。) T:Have you remembered T:Now, please look at part2. Fill in the blanks. 再次深入文本,通过我曾经在泰国支教的经历,把学生带进泰国的学校,让学生能够进一步加深对文本的理解和运用,接下来的文本产出打下基础,同时,不同国度的学校建筑,强烈的视觉冲击,更能激发学生的兴趣和表达,也更能激发出学生的想象力。视频是我在泰国的学生录制的一段全英文介绍学校的视频,里面的句型包含了我们这堂课学生需要掌握的句型, 20秒速记泰国学校的平面图。让学生场所所在的方位有一个整体的回顾。然后让学校选择填空,将单词写到横线上。这里目的是让学生在巩固的同时,练习书写
Production 10mins Group work: Step1: design your dream school. 1.Fly your imaginations, design your dream school. 2.Everybody takes part in. 3.Stick the word cards on the board. T:Boys and girls, you know you will leave our school after a year. So can you design your dream school T:Ok, work in groups, you have two mins to design you dream school. Step2: describe your dream school. 1.Describe your dream in groups. 2.You should use these sentences: Welcome to...school. The way, please. The...is....the... We can.... How...the school is! 3.Everybody takes part in. T:Now please describe your dream school in groups. Step3: describe your dream school. T: Kids, It’s your show time! Please come here and introduce your dream one by one.(让每组学生站到讲台上用所学句型介绍自己梦想的学校。) Summarize & Emotional 3mins T:Well done! I think all of you are good designers. Now, which group has the eight words T:Wow, you are the winner! This is the motto of our school. Now please read it loudly!(让学生读出我校校训) T: I hope all of you can remember the motto of our school. Ok T:And I hope all of you enjoy yourselves ,study hard! T:That’s all for today. Goodbye kids. 在初识文本和再次深入文本后,就是输出,让学生设计出自己梦想的学校,我给每一组准备了一些学校场所的单词卡,但是刻意留了一些空白,目的是不给学生设限,如果有他们自己想到的有关学校场所的词,可以自己写上去或者画上去,让学生充分发挥自己的想象。这里也是第二次情感升华:让学生憧憬未来。 第二阶段,让学生小组内描述自己设计的学校,必须要用到之前文本中提到的句型。为最后让学生分享自己设计的学校作铺垫。 最后分小组向全班同学介绍自己设计的学校,这是文本的最终产出。用亲子解说的方式呈现文本,用介绍异国的学校再读文本,让学生感知到坊小的教育融内融外,再结合到评价方式。我将坊小厚德,自强,好学,求真八字校训作为评价方式,集满这八个字为胜。让学生在无形中记住坊小的文化校训。最后,希望学生珍惜学校的美好时光,好好学习
Homework: 1. Find out the other words of school. 2.Introduce your school to the others. 让学生发挥想象的空间,尽可能的去了解与学校有关的更多的词汇,然后用所学句型向他人介绍自己的学校。