人教版(2019)必修第二册 UNIT 1 Cultural Heritage学案(有答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修第二册 UNIT 1 Cultural Heritage学案(有答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 60.6KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-05 13:54:03



1.heritage n. ____________
2.temple n. ____________
3.relic n. ____________
4.mount n. ____________
vt. ____________
vi. ____________
5.clue n. ____________
6.dam n. ____________
7.committee n. ____________
8.fund n. ____________
9.issue n. ____________
vt. ____________
10.document n. ____________
vt. ____________
11.parade n. ____________
vi. ____________
12.mirror n. ____________
13.roof n. ____________
14.dragon n. ____________
15.digital adj. ____________
16.image n. ____________
17.cave n. ____________
18.quote vt. ____________
1.________ n.抗议 vi.& vt.(公开)反对;抗议
2.________ vt. 阻止;阻碍;阻挠
3.________ n.部;司;科
4.________ n.& vt.企图;试图;尝试
5.________ adj.值得做的;值得花时间的
6.________ vt.下载 n.下载;已下载的数据资料
7.________ n.过程;进程;步骤 vt.处理;加工
8.________ adj. 海外的 adv.在海外
9.________ n.出口;通道 vi.& vt.出去;离去
10.________ prep.各处;遍及;自始至终
11.________ adv.(far的比较级)更远;进一步
12.________ n.意见;想法;看法
13.________ adv.永远;长久地
14.________ n.对比;对照 vt.对比;对照
15.________ vt.& vi.(forgave,forgiven)原谅;宽恕 vt.对不起;请原谅
1.I felt so helpless and insecure because the ____________ (质量) of my life was affected.[2022·浙江卷1月]
2.I'm writing to invite you to join Talk and Talk. It is ten years since Talk and Talk was ____________(创立).[2022·全国新高考卷应用文]
3.As we all know, it is worthwhile to ____________(保存,保护) cultural relics and historic sites.
4.More importantly, it provides a wonderful platform to ______________(促进)exchanges between Chinese and foreign friends.[2022·全国新高考卷应用文]
5.Once the registration form is received and processed,we will send a confirmation email ____________(在……之内) two business days.[2022·新高考Ⅱ卷]
6.Some of his careless ____________(行为) led to the loss of the document,so he had to type another one within the limited time.
1.create vt. 创造→________adj. 创造性的;有创造力的;有创意的→________ adv.创造性地;有创造力地→________ n. 创造,创作
2.likely adj. 可能的 adv.可能地→________ adj.不可能的
3.contribute vi.& vt.捐献;捐助→________ n.捐款;贡献;捐赠
4.investigate vi.& vt.调查;研究→________ n.调查
5.appear vi.出现→________ vi.消失;灭绝;消亡
6.conduct n.行为;举止;管理方法 vt.组织;安排;带领→________ n.(公车)售票员;列车员;(乐队)指挥
7.enter vi.进入→________ n.入口;进入
8.history n. 历史→________ adj.历史上著名(或重要)的;有史时期的
9.compare vt.比较,比喻→________ n.比较;相比
10.We should pass down our ancient ________ and cultures,such as ________ foods during the Spring Festival.(tradition)
11.The writer personally ________£5,000 to the earthquake fund last week and all his ________ were gratefully received.(contribute)
12.Knowledge is ________,but my memory ________ me to remember only ________ information.(limit)
13.In our daily life, we should have a ________ diet. What's more, we should keep a ________ between work and relaxation for the benefit of our health.(balance)
14.The ________ generously ________ food and money to the poor family and his ________ helped them go through the hard time.(donate)
15.He was talented and became a ________(profession)member at the age of 17 with the hope of winning the qualification of entering the Olympic Games.
1.____________  参与(某事);参加(某活动)
2.____________ 让步;屈服
3.____________ 保持平衡
4.____________ 导致
5.____________ 提出建议
6.____________ 向……求助
7.____________ 阻止;不准
8.____________ 向……捐赠……
9.____________ 确保;设法保证
10.____________ 在世界各地
11.____________ 紫禁城
12.____________ 在……入口处
1.From my point of view,work and life are of equal importance,so you should ________ between them.
2.All the students in our school, who are interested in this activity, are able to __________ it.
3.__________ you will be devoted to the training and teamwork.
4.We should devote ourselves to __________ the endangered animals __________ dying out.
5.As to presents, I ____________that you (should) choose some with New Zealand features, which is bound to win your friend's affection.
·会积累 联想拓展·
①unfit  不合适的
②unfair 不公平的
③unusual 不寻常的
④unlikely 不可能的
⑤unfortunate 不幸的
⑥uncomfortable 不舒服的
①disagree vi.  不同意
②dislike vt. 不喜欢
③disappear vi. 消失
④disappoint vt. 使失望
⑤discourage vt. 使气馁
⑥discover vt. 发现
①result in
③account for
④contribute to
⑤lead to
⑥bring about
⑦give rise to
句式背诵 句式仿写
句型1 句式:There comes a time when... ……的时代已经到来 There comes a time when the old must give way to the new, and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future. 新旧更替的时代已经到来, 在走向未来的过程中, 我们不可能将过去的一切都保存下来。 1.人类共同保护我们的地球家园的时代到来了。 __________________________________________________________ we human beings work together to protect our homeland — the Earth.
句型2 It's said that... 据说…… It is said that it's a mirror that can tell right from wrong! 据说这是一面可以分辨是非的镜子! 2.上周,我们学校举办了一场5公里越野赛。据说500多名学生参加了这场比赛。 Our school held a 5-kilometer cross-country running race last week. __________________________________________ .
句型3 neither...nor... “既不……也不……” Neither people nor buildings last forever, but Chen Lei's photos can help us remember them. 人与建筑都不是永恒的,但是陈磊的照片可以帮助我们记住他们。 3.不从错误中吸取教训,我们既不能提高技能,也不能实现我们的目标。 Without learning a lesson from our mistakes, we would __________________________ realize our goals.
句型4 not only...but (also)...不但……而且…… Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past,but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow. 这些国家不仅找到了一条不以牺牲古迹为代价的未来发展之路,而且明白了多个国家合作创造美好未来的可能性。 4.通过参加汉语角,你不但可以提高自己的汉语口语,还可以交到新朋友。 By going to the Chinese corner, __________________________________________________________.
1balance n.平衡;均匀 vt.使平衡( balanced adj.平衡的;均衡的)
(1)keep/lose one's balance 保持平衡/失去平衡
keep a balance between A and B 在A与B之间保持平衡
(2)balance...against 权衡,比较
(3)keep a balanced diet 保持均衡的饮食
[练透] 单句语法填空/句型转换
①Before making the final decision,you'd better balance the advantages ________ the disadvantages.
②It would be a good idea if you could keep a ________(balance) diet to keep physically healthy. (应用文之建议信)
To study more efficiently, _____________________________________________________.
2likely adj.可能的 adv.可能地( unlikely adj. 不可能的 adv. 不可能地)
be likely/unlikely to do sth.   很可能/不可能做某事
It is likely/unlikely that... 有可能/不可能……
[练透] 一句多译
①____________________ you can understand the art of traditional Chinese painting better through the exhibition.
②____________________ the art of traditional Chinese painting better through the exhibition.
3limit vt.限制;限定 n.限度;限制( limited adj.有限的;受限制的 limitless adj.无限的;无尽的 limitation n.范围;限制)
(1)set a limit to/on限制……
beyond the limit 超过限度
There is a/no limit to ……是有限的/无限的
(2)limit...to... 把……限定在……范围内
[练透] 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Life is ________(limit),but there is no limit to ________(serve) the people.
②He was born in a poor family, and only received ________ (limit) education in his childhood.
You are required to __________________.If your essay is ________________,it will not be accepted.
4contribute vi.&vt.捐献;捐助;贡献;投稿;导致 ( contribution n.捐献;贡献;捐赠)
contribute to 有助于;导致; 捐款;投稿
(2)make contributions/a contribution to
[练透] 单句语法填空/完成句子
①In my opinion,reading the English newspaper regularly does contribute to ________(improve) my English level. [2021·新高考全国 Ⅰ应用文]
②I attempt to contribute three articles ________ the newspaper on a monthly basis.
I make a proposal that we ______________________________________ ocean protection.
5donate vt.(尤指向慈善机构)捐赠;赠送;献(血)( donation n.捐赠 donator n. 捐赠者)
(1)donate...to... 把……捐赠给……
(2)make a donation to... 向……捐赠
[练透] 单句语法填空/句式升级
①Now I am writing an e-mail to tell you something about our ________(donate)books.(告知信)
②Given the chance, I would make ________ (donate)to those who still live under the bottom line of the modern living condition.
③The old man ________________________(把大量钱捐赠给学校). It enables the students to return to their classroom.
→____________________________________________________________ .(分词作状语)
6attempt vt.& n.企图;试图;尝试( attempted adj.企图的;未遂的)
(1)attempt to do/(at) doing...  尝试(试图)做……
(2)make an attempt to do/(at) doing... 尝试做……
at the first attempt 第一次尝试
[练透] 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Soon the tea room became lively with every international student ________(attempt) to make their own tea.
②If you fail ________ the first attempt, there is no need to be upset about it.
In the next few days,we ____________________________________ our beloved dog Spotty in each and every corner,but in vain.
7worthwhile adj.值得做的;值得花时间的
(1)It is worthwhile doing sth./to do sth.做某事是值得的
(2)be (well) worth doing
(3)be worthy值得被做
[练透] 单句语法填空/一句多译
(1)It is worthwhile ____________(make) an effort to promote the public awareness of environmental protection.
(2)More importantly, the festival brought me lovely memories and friendships worth ________ (cherish) forever. [2022·1月浙江应用文]
①Jiuzhaigou National Park is a nature reserve that ______________________________.(worthy)
②Jiuzhaigou National Park is a nature reserve that ______________________________.(worthy)
③Jiuzhaigou National Park is a nature reserve that ______________________.(worth)
划重点 练全易错点
维度一 词形转换和动词形式变化
1.Before she ended her speech, the scientist suggested that we need to establish a committee of experts ____________________ (preserve) the cultural heritage and prevent it from __________________ (harm).
2.We met a ________ (profession) archaeologist at the ________ (enter) to the Great Pyramid, who explained to us ________ process of building such a difficult structure.
3.It is of great importance to have a ________(balance) diet and avoid eating ________(process) food.
4.The company, ________(establish) in 2000, ________ (donate) a great deal to charity in the past years.
5.By sharing so many ________ (photo) over the Internet, the group hopes to promote even ________ (wide) interest around the world in China's ancient history, culture, and ________ (tradition).
6.____________ (promote) deep research into the writing system, the organization ________(issue) a series of plans last week.
7.To introduce ________(tradition) Chinese culture, our school will hold a theme class meeting, which will be exhibited on the English website.[2021·全国甲卷]
8.Seeing his figure ________(disappear) into thick evergreen forest, I felt relieved.[2022·新高考Ⅰ卷读后续写]
维度二 固定用法和搭配
How to balance economic development ①____________ cultural heritage protection is likely ②____________ (be) a complex problem. In Egypt the proposal of building the Aswan Dam met with ③____________ (protest) for fear of damaging the cultural relics. Most people thought it worth the money ④____________ (spend) on it to preserve cultural heritage ⑤____________ being destroyed. It was thanks to the hard work and contributions of the ⑥____________ (globe) community that the project was completed successfully.
1lead to导致(to为介词)
lead sb. to do...  使某人做……
lead sb. to... 引导某人去……
lead the way 带路
lead/live a(n)...life 过着……的生活
[练透] 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Though the path ________(lead) to the farm was narrow, we were delighted to find our way home.
②Their lack of exercise leads ________ overweight, which leads them ________ (set) aside some time to work out.
____________________________,we finally walked out of the woods.
2turn to 转向;求助于; 翻到(书的某页);查阅;从事于
turn down  调小(音量等);拒绝
turn in 上交
turn up 调大(音量等);出现
turn off 关上
turn out 结果是;证明是
turn on 打开
[练透] 单句语法填空/完成句子
①At my words, with tears rolling down his cheeks, David turned ________ me and firmly expressed his determination to finish the cross-country run.[2022·新课标卷读后续写]
② My proposal was turned ________,which bathed me in extreme sadness.
③Anyone who is to take part in the activity must turn ________the relevant application within five days.
Though picking apples was tiring, ________________________________________.
3句型:There comes a time when...……的时代已经到来
(1)There comes a time when...可看成是一种语序倒装形式,即here,there等副词置于句首且主语是名词时,要把谓语动词提到主语前;
(2)用于该句型的其他动词:come,stand,lie,live,appear等词代替be动词。(教材)There comes a time when the old must give way to the new, and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future.
[练透] 完成句子
__________________________________________________________ by means of online learning.
______________________________________________,where we often appreciate the beautiful scenery.
________________________________________ on how to solve the difficult problem.
4句型:not only...but also...不但……而且……
(1)not only...but also...不仅……而且……,连接两个平行结构,当连接两个名词作主语时,谓语动词要根据but also 后的名词决定单复数(就近原则);
(2)not only位于句首时,not only后面的句子要用部分倒装,but also后面的句子不倒装。(教材)Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past,but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.
[练透] 一句多译/句式升级
①The English newspaper Youth not only ______________________________________________.
(2)The oceans not only provide us with abundant resources, but they also play a role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem. [环境保护,2022·全国甲卷书面表达]
→________________________________________________________________________ (倒装)
划重点 练透热考点
维度一 完成句子/句式升级/一句多译
The activity, ____________________, will take place on March the 23rd, Saturday .(定语从句)
I'm writing to apologize to you, ______________________________.
①If you come to our school, you __________________________ in your life.
②If you come to our school, ________________________some difficult problems in your life.(It作形式主语)
5.Through the exhibition, you can not only admire wonderful pictures, but it also enables you to understand the art of traditional Chinese painting better. [2021·浙江高考应用文]
→________________________________________________________________________ (用倒装句升级)
维度二 应用文练习
There is a heritage protection club ①__________________________________________________ (尝试保护全世界各地的文化遗产,定语从句). ②__________________________ (在……过程中) the digital survey ③________ (conduct) by the members, the members ④______________________________ (积极参加) heritage preservation and identify cultural relics and take photos. By sharing photos they not only arouse people's awareness of heritage preservation but they also work to raise funds ⑤____________________________________________________ (用倒装句升级黑体部分). What's more, the money ⑥________ (donate) is used to help ⑦____________________________________ (阻止历史建筑消失).
⑧____________________________________________________ (依我看,值得加入该俱乐部)
维度一 清除阅读障碍
A.vt.带领;引导 B.n.行为;举止 C.vt.传导
D.vt.实施,进行 E.vt.举止;表现
1.Recently, we conducted a survey concerning different ways to learn English beyond the classroom. [2022·全国乙卷书面表达]
2.The easiest way to accomplish this is to make sure you conduct yourself as a good neighbor should. ________
3.The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city. ________
4.As is known to us, most metals can conduct electricity. ________
5.Mr. Smith looked angry when I spoke of his daughter's bad conduct at school. ________
1.I must change my bed sheets now because they are so dirty.________
2.Many of today's sound professionals are sharing their knowledge and experience with professionals in other fields to create new products. ________
3.I must check my bank balance to find out how much money I have in my credit card. ________
维度二 读后续写微技能——情感描写之“紧张”
积 累 常 诵
形容词/副词 nervous, uneasy, tense, anxious, nervously
名词/动词 tension, anxiety, tremble, shake
固定短语 ①one's heart be/fly into one's mouth 心提到嗓子眼  ②a flood/wave of tension 一阵紧张 ③with/have butterflies in one's stomach 心里发慌 ④tremble with anxiety 焦虑不安 ⑤with one's heart in one's mouth 提心吊胆地 ⑥be full of anxiety 焦虑不安 ⑦with uneasiness不安地
When I was standing backstage, ______________________________. (无灵主语句)
When my name was called ______________________________.
__________ onstage, and I could ____________.
____________ My heart was pounding/thumping hard, ____________. (夸张的修辞手法)
____________________, wondering what to do next. (副词作状语+身体语言)
过基础 语基落实
1.遗产 2.庙;寺 3.遗物;遗迹 4.山峰 爬上;骑上 爬;登上 5.线索;提示 6.水坝;拦河坝 7.委员会 8.基金;专款 9.重要议题;争论的问题 宣布;公布 10.文件;公文;(计算机)文档 记录;记载(详情) 11.游行;检阅 游行庆祝 12.镜子 13.顶部;屋顶 14.龙 15.数码的;数字显示的 16.形象;印象 17.山洞;洞穴 18.引用
1.protest 2.prevent 3.department 4.attempt 5.worthwhile 6.download 7.process 8.overseas 9.exit
10.throughout 11.further 12.opinion 13.forever 14.contrast 15.forgive
1.quality 2.established 3.preserve 4.promote 5.within
1.creative creatively creation 2.unlikely 3.contribution
4.investigation 5.disappear 6.conductor 7.entrance
8.historic 9.comparison
10.traditions traditional 11.contributed contributions 12.limitless limits limited 13.balanced balance 14.donor donated donation 15.professional
1.take part in 2.give way to 3.keep balance 4.lead to 5.make a proposal 6.turn to 7.prevent...from... 8.donate...to... 9.make sure 10.all over the world 11.the Forbidden City 12.at the entrance to
1.keep a balance 2.take part in 3.Make sure
4.preventing from 5.make a proposal
1.There comes a time when 2.It is said that more than 500 students participated in the race 3.neither improve skills nor
4.not only can you improve your spoken Chinese,but also you can make new friends
攻重难 解惑释疑
1.①against ②balanced ③you'd better keep a balance between online learning and offline learning
2.①It is likely that ②You are likely to understand
3.①limited serving ②limited ③limit your essay to 800 words beyond the limit
4.①improving ②to ③(should) make joint efforts to make contributions/a contribution to
5.①donated ②donations ③donated a lot of money to the school The old man donated a lot of money to the school,enabling the students to return to their classroom
6.①attempting ②at ③attempted/made an attempt to search for/at searching for
7.(1)making/to make (2)cherishing (3)①is well worthy of being visited ②is well worthy to be visited ③is well worth visiting
划重点 练全易错点
1.to preserve being harmed 2.professional entrance the
3.balanced processed 4.established has donated 5.photos wider traditions 6.To promote issued 7.traditional 8.disappearing
①and ②to be ③protests ④spent ⑤from ⑥global
1.①leading ②to to set ③With the old man leading the way
2.①to ②down ③in ④it turned out to be rewarding and interesting
3.①There comes a time when an increasing number of people acquire knowledge ②There lies/is a small river at the foot of the hill ③Here are some suggestions/proposals
4.(1)①enriches my boring campus life but also strengthens my learning ability ②Not only does the English newspaper Youth enrich my boring campus life but it also strengthens my learning ability. (2)Not only do the oceans provide us with abundant resources, but they also play a role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem.
划重点 练透热考点
1.which aims to promote Chinese culture 2.I made a proposal that we should hold such activities to keep a balance between our study and entertainment 3.hoping you could forgive my impolite behavior 4.①are likely to meet some difficult problems ②it's likely that you will meet 5.Through the exhibition, not only can you admire wonderful pictures, but it also enables you to understand the art of traditional Chinese painting better.
①that attempts to preserve the cultural heritage all over the world ②In the process of ③conducted ④take an active part in ⑤not only do they arouse people's awareness of heritage preservation but they also work to raise funds
⑥donated ⑦prevent the historic buildings from disappearing
⑧In my opinion, it is worthwhile joining/to join the club.
测效果 素养提能
Ⅰ.1.D 2.E 3.A 4.C 5.B
Ⅱ.1.n.被单;床单 2.n.专业人员 3.n.余额
①nervousness/tension came flooding over me ②I could feel butterflies in my stomach ③My trembling legs brought me feel my palms sweating and heart racing ④The hall crowded with audience made me even more uneasy. as if it were about to pop ⑤I stood there so nervously that I felt my throat tight
When I was standing backstage, nervousness/tension came flooding over me. When my name was called I could feel butterflies in my stomach. My trembling legs brought me onstage, and I could feel my palms sweating and heart racing. However, the hall crowded with audience made me even more uneasy. My heart was pounding/thumping hard, as if it were about to pop. I stood there so nervously that I felt my throat tight, wondering what to do next.