人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet过基础·语基落实(含答案)


名称 人教版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 3 The internet过基础·语基落实(含答案)
格式 docx
文件大小 60.8KB
资源类型 教案
版本资源 人教版(2019)
科目 英语
更新时间 2023-04-05 13:55:19



1.engine n.  ____________
2.stream vt. ____________
vi. ____________
n. ____________
3.identity n. ____________
4.database n. ____________
5.software n. ____________
6.network n. ____________
vt. ____________
vi. ____________
7.resident n. ____________
8.plus conj. ____________
n. ____________
prep. ____________
9.function n. ____________
vi. ____________
10.battery n. ____________
11.troll n. ____________
12.cyberbully n. ____________
vt.& vi. ____________
13.false adj. ____________
14.define vt. ____________
2.________ n.慈善;慈善机构(或组织)
3.________ adj. 艰难的;严厉的
4.________ n. 会议;研讨会;正式会谈
5.________ vt.确认;使确信
6.________ n.按钮;纽扣
7.________ n.账户;描述;账目;说明
8.________ vt. & vi.点击
9.________ n. 目标;对象;靶子
10.________ n.准则;指导原则
11.________ n.作者;作家
12.________ n.盒;箱;情况;案件
1.We went over and put our arms around her, and she explained to us why she was so ________(伤心的).[2023·湖南师大附中模拟二]
2.He ________(按,压)his nose against the window and narrowed his eyes and glanced down at the pavement. (读后续写之动作描写)
3.Visiting the exhibition will help you get ________(熟悉) with the art of paper-cutting.
4.Welcome to be an exchange student at our school next year. As to how to learn Chinese, here come my ________(建议).[2023·雅礼中学模拟二]
5.He was back in the office, ________(更新) the work schedule on the computer.
6.I bought a pair of sneakers at a 30% ________(折扣),which was cheaper than expected.
1.convenient adj.方便的;近便的→________adj.不方便的→________n.便利;方便→________n.不方便
2.distant adj.远的;远处的→________ n.距离
3.private adj.私人的;秘密的→________adv.私下地→________n.隐私;私密
4.thief n.小偷→________n.偷(窃);盗窃罪
5.particular adj.特定的;特别的;讲究的→________adv.特别地
6.It was ________ of you to injure his pride last night,so you must make an apology to him for your ________.(rude)
7.Hearing his ________ speech,I was greatly ________. It gave me an ________ that I should start my own business. (inspire)
8.The girl felt ________ when seeing the ________ pictures.She turned away with ________.(embarrass)
9.The club is ________ to those who want to learn Chinese.Join it,and you will ________ a lot from it.(benefit)
10.The library in our school is ________ to students, and they can get easy ________to it when they want to look for needed information any time.(access)
1.____________  陪伴某人
2.____________ 既然;由于
3.____________ 经历;度过;通读
4.____________ 状况良好
5.____________ 掌握……的最新消息;了解……的动态
6.____________ 取笑;戏弄
7.____________ 牢记
8.____________ 博文;博客帖子
9.______________ (互联网上的)搜索引擎
10.____________ 身份证
1.Try to record the details of your life. Start a diary to ____________the beautiful things in your own life.
2.This couple had ____________ a lot of difficulties before they successfully set up their own business.
3.____________ that we should use online resources properly to make our study more efficient.[发言稿,2021·全国乙卷]
4.____________ we've come to Beijing, let's pay a visit to the Palace Museum.
5.To stay ____________,we should set aside some time to work out regularly in the fitness club.
·会积累 联想拓展·
①rude→ rudely
②polite→ politely
③wide→ widely
④fortunate→ fortunately
⑤entire→ entirely
⑥extreme→ extremely
①budget n.  预算
②account n. 账目;账户
③capital n. 资金;资本
④withdraw vt. 提取
⑤cheque n. 支票
⑥interest n. 利息
⑦finance n. 财政;金融
①account for解释;占(比例)
②apply for 申请
③call for 要求;需要
④care for 喜欢
⑤leave for 出发去
⑥arrange for 安排
⑦hope for 希望
句式背诵 句式仿写
句型1 so...that...引导结果状语从句 She was so inspired by the people she met online that she decided to start an IT club to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet. 她受到网友的启发,决定成立一个IT俱乐部来教年长一些的人们学习使用电脑和互联网。 1.我的英语说得很流利,与当地人交流毫无障碍。[2019·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达] I'm ________________________________________________ I have no trouble in talking to local people.
句型2 whenever引导让步状语从句 We can download software, documents, and images whenever we need them. 我们可以在任何需要的时候下载软件、文件和图片。 2.无论何时我遇到困难,她积极的生活态度和克服困难的决心总是让我受到鼓舞。(人物介绍) Her positive attitude towards life and determination to overcome difficulties always make me inspired ______________________.
句型3 Jan has started taking online classes to learn more about how to use the Internet to make society better. 简已经开始参加网上课程,学习如何利用互联网使社会变得更好。 3.我在想你们是否已经决定到哪里去度假了。 I wonder if you have decided ____________________________________________________________________________.
1convenient adj.方便的;近便的( convenience n.[U]便利;方便[C]便利设施 inconvenience n.不便)
(1)It is convenient for sb. to do sth.  某人方便做某事
(2)at one's convenience 在某人方便的时候
for convenience 为了方便起见
[练透] 单句语法填空/完成句子
①If it is convenient ____________ you, let's go outing next Sunday. [2021·北京卷道歉信]
②Would it be convenient for you ____________(pick) me up at four o'clock and take me to the airport
③To enjoy the ____________(convenient) of digital payment, many senior citizens started to use smart phones.
2benefit n.益处;利益;好处 vt.使受益 vi.得益于( beneficial adj.有利的;有益的;受益的)
(1)for the benefit of sb.=for one's benefit    为了某人的利益
(2)benefit sb./sth. 使某人或某物受益
benefit from/by... 从……中受益/获益
(3)be beneficial to...=be of benefit to... 对……有益;对……有利
[练透] 单句语法填空/一句多译
(1)You can also go over the knowledge at the same time and you are sure to benefit ________ it.
(2)As a result, ________ the benefit of your health,it is necessary that you should have enough sleep and rest.
①Undoubtedly, your professional and profound knowledge of English ____________________________.(benefit vt.)
②There is no doubt that your professional and profound knowledge of English ____________________________.(benefit n.)
③There is no doubt that your professional and profound knowledge of English __________________________________.(beneficial)
3distance n.距离( distant adj.远的;远处的;疏远的)
in the distance   在远处
at/from a distance 隔一段距离;从远处
at a distance of 在……远的地方
keep sb. at a distance 对某人冷淡;与某人疏远
within walking distance 走着就能到
[练透] 单句语法填空/完成句子
①It was difficult for the young to run so long a ________(distant), not to mention David with a brain disease. [2022·新高考Ⅰ卷读后续写]
②我们将于下周六在一家距我们学校两公里远的农场进行水果采摘活动。[2020·全国 Ⅱ,书面表达]
We'll hold a fruit-picking activity next Saturday on a farm which ______________________________.
______________________________________________________,I am writing to offer you some suggestions.
You can also visit the city museum, ______________________________________________________.
4access n.通道;(使用、查阅、接近或面见的)机会 vt.进入;使用;获取( accessible adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的)
(1)have/get/obtain/gain access to
(2)be accessible to
可接近的;可靠近的;可使用的[练透] 单句语法填空/猜测加黑词的含义/完成句子
①Our school stadium is ________to us students, and we can get easy ________ to it when taking exercise.(access)
②Many stations have wheelchair access from the car park or entrance to the station platforms. ________
Considering your keen interest in Chinese culture,I suggest you apply for Peking University,where you can__________________________________.
5account n.账户;描述
(1)account for 说明;做出解释;占……(比例)
(2)on account of 由于,因为
on no account 决不(置于句首时,部分倒装)
take account of(=take...into account/consideration) 考虑到……
give an account of... 叙述/描述……
[练透] 猜测加黑词的含义/完成句子/词汇升级
①Those who visit English-learning websites account for 12%.[2022·全国乙卷书面表达]
②All this accounts for why I choose Xiamen University, where I can major in Environmental Engineering. ________
I'm writing to __________________________ my unforgettable experience in a volunteer programme.
④I would appreciate it if you could consider my invitation into account.[2022·新高考卷Ⅰ应用文]
→ I would appreciate it if you could ________________________________.
6upset adj.心烦的;苦恼的;沮丧的 vt. (upset,upset; upsetting )使烦恼;使生气;打翻;搅乱
(1)be upset about/over/at sth. 为某事心烦
be upset to do sth. 对做某事感到不安
(2)What upsets sb. is... 让某人心烦的是……
It upsets sb. to do sth./that... 做某事让人心烦/让某人心烦的是……
[练透] 单句语法填空/完成句子/句型转换
(1)I was upset ____________ (find) that my pumpkin had been upset by her brother. [2021·浙江高考读后续写]
____________________,I stood silently,tears streaming down my cheeks.
(3)I was upset that a man with a stick beat my beloved dog Poppy without mercy.
→①__________________________ a man with a stick beat my beloved dog Poppy without mercy.(what引导的主语从句)
→②______________________ a man with a stick beat my beloved dog Poppy without mercy.(it作形式主语)
7case n.盒;箱;情况;案件
in case   以防(万一)
in case of 万一……,如果发生……
in any case 无论如何;总之
in no case 决不(置于句首时,句子用部分倒装)
as is often the case 这是常有的事
[练透] 单句语法填空/完成句子
①I have often seen cases ________ students have some trouble getting along well with others.
②________is often the case,senior three students feel anxious and upset before important examinations.
I have trouble getting along with my classmates, __________________________________.
__________________________ the disappointment in his eyes.(倒装句)
划重点 练全易错点
维度一 词形转换和动词形式变化
1.There is no doubt that spending too much time ________ (surf)the Internet or watching TV contributes to near-sightedness.
2.My suggestion is that we should try ________ (chat)online with foreigners or keeping an English diary.[2022·全国乙卷书面表达]
3.Knowing some ________ (tip) will help ensure that you have an enjoyable meal with friends or family.[2022·全国甲卷]
4.Hearing my ________(confirm), David beamed with pleasure and stumbled towards the starting line.[2022·新课标卷读后续写]
5.From your letter I know you take a great interest in Chinese characters and Chinese culture, which is ________(benefit) to you.[2023·洛阳市二模]
6.The hunter was aware that his ________ (rude) at the party had made his parents ________ (embarrass).
7.Those ________ (inspire) stories can be ________ (particular) helpful to those living in the neighbourhood.
8.The two scientists ________(click) the button and observed closely, ________(chat) about the progress they had made.
9.Only in this way can we enjoy the pleasure and ________ (convenient) of the shared bikes.
10.As a Chinese who is ________(particular) interested in travelling, I would like to introduce my favorite city—Beijing. [2021·天津3月卷书面表达]
维度二 固定用法和搭配
It is confirmed ①________ an IT company is launching a software update that ②________ (function) well. It will allow its network users to have easy access ③________ their home network anywhere for free. ④________ this case, surfing the Internet will become easier. The news will surely inspire those who have already benefited ⑤________ Wi-Fi. With the help of the new update, users will never be upset ⑥________ the network speed. Moreover, it will become more convenient for users ⑦________ (use) their home network safely and chat ⑧________ their friends wherever they are.
1go through 经历,度过;通读,浏览;完成;用完
go against   违背;违反
go by 逝去;过去
go on 继续;进行;发生
go out 出去;熄灯
go over 复习;仔细检查
go up 上涨;上升;攀登
[练透] 补全句子/完成句子
①As time goes ________,I am gradually aware of the importance of keeping a balance between study and health.
②As more and more greenhouse gases are released to the atmosphere,the global temperature is going ________.
③Lily went ________ her mother's wishes when she married Tony.
Not until Lucy ________________________________ the love for her family is important.
2keep/bear (...) in mind 牢记
change one's mind 改变主意
make up one's mind 下决心;决定
read one's mind 看出某人的心思
put one's mind to 全神贯注于;专心致志于
cross/come to one's mind 某人想到
[练透] 完成句子/词汇升级
①A bright idea for grandpa's birthday ________________(想到).
②Although he is very stubborn, I have determined to persuade him to ________________(改变主意).
③I assured him I would not let him down and he should only____________________(专心恢复健康就好). [2022·浙江高考读后续写]
④I am fully convinced that if we remember the tips above, we will become smart online learners.[2021·全国乙卷书面表达]
→I am fully convinced that if we ________ the tips above ________, we will become smart online learners.
(3)当so/such及其后成分放在句首时,主句用部分倒装。(教材)She was so inspired by the people she met online that she decided to start an IT club to teach older people how to use computers and the Internet.她受到网友的启发,决定成立一个IT俱乐部来教年长一些的人们学习使用电脑和互联网。
[练透] 单句语法填空/一句多译
(1)The exhibition displays ________ wonderful pictures that you can understand the art of traditional Chinese painting better. [2021·浙江高考宣传稿]
(2)________ much did the work consume me that there was a sense of challenge that completely overtook me. [2022·浙江高考读后续写]
(3)He is ________ smart a boy that he soon get familiar with the functions of the machine.
①Mother was __________________ her eyes were shining with tears of great joy.
②________________________ her eyes were shining with tears of great joy.(倒装句)
(2)the more...,the less...
the more...,the better...
……越多,……就越好(教材)However,the more polite you are,the less likely it is you will be attacked.然而,你越有礼貌,你被攻击的可能性就越小。
[练透] 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The more you practise, the ________ (well) you can understand.
②The ________ (hard)you work,the greater progress you will make.
________________________________________,her palms sweating and her heart pounding wildly.
划重点 练透热考点
维度一 单句语法填空/完成句子/词汇、句式升级
1.The purpose of this activity is ____________(show) our rich campus culture and the students' various talents.
______________________________________________________, I do believe the course will be very suitable for you.
Actually, there are ______________________________________ they well deserve our respect.
There exist rich learning resources online, __________________________________________.
(1)For one thing, I ______________________ Chinese painting, for my father is a Chinese painter.
(2)For one thing, Chinese painting ____________________, for my father is a Chinese painter.
(1)The man wondered who might come to ____________________________ when he was away.
(2)The man wondered who might come to ____________________________ when he was away.
维度二 应用文练习
①____________________________ (随着网络购物的迅速发展), there appear a number of problems including ②______________________ (身份盗窃). There is no denying that online shopping brings us ③________ (convenient) along with disadvantages. ④____________________________________ (牢记以下建议).
Firstly, it is ⑤____________________________________(非常有益) use strong passwords, which are hard to crack. Furthermore, do not use public computers to shop online or click on unfamiliar links, ⑥__________________________________ (以防你的私人信息被轻易泄露).
Just as the saying goes, “Better safe than sorry.” Hope the network can serve us better and more safely.
维度一 清除阅读障碍
A.n.小费  B.n.诀窍;实用的提示 
C.n.尖端 D.vt.付小费
1.After I had my hair cut,I gave the hairdresser a tip.________
2.Here are some tips on how to make friends.________
3.She tipped the waiter two dollars for his excellent service.________
4.And it was in Chile she discovered she could get last-minute cheap deals on ships going to Antarctica from the islands off Tierra del Fuego, the southernmost tip of the South American mainland. [2022·全国甲卷]
1.I stuck the chicken in the freezer. [2022·年新高考Ⅰ卷]
2.It is unlikely that the two sides will be able to bridge their differences.____________
3.Human speech contains more than 2,000 different sounds, from the common “m” and “a” to the rare clicks of some southern African languages. [2022·新高考Ⅰ卷]
维度二 读后续写微技能——情感细节描写之“尴尬”和“羞愧”
积 累 常 诵
形容词 embarrassed, awkward, ashamed, embarrassing
名词/动词 embarrassment, awkwardness, shame, embarrass
固定短语 ①in/with embarrassment 尴尬地  ②with/in shame 羞愧地  ③be struck dead with shame 尴尬得要死  ④hide one's embarrassment 掩饰某人的尴尬  ⑤blush with embarrassment 难为情得脸红
“She was truly a caring woman.” her husband said with a trembling voice, ______________________________. (名词+独立主格结构)
______________________________________________________ (形容词作状语+非谓语动词)
______________________________________________________such a caring lady
She rose from her chair, and hesitated for a moment, ____________________________________________.
She dropped her eyes and stared at her feet, ______________________________________. (形容词作表语)
With the color flooding her cheeks, ________________________________________________. (神态描写)
过基础 语基落实
1.引擎;发动机;火车头 2.流播;流出 流动 小河;溪流 3.身份;个性 4.数据库;资料库 5.软件 6.(互联)网络;网状系统;人际网 将……连接成网络;联播 建立工作关系 7.居民;(美国的)住院医生 8.而且;此外 加号;优势 加;另加 9.功能;作用;机能 起作用;正常工作;运转 10.电池 11.发挑衅帖子的人;恶意挑衅的帖子 12.网霸 网络欺凌 13.假的;错误的 14.给……下定义;界定;解释
1.chat 2.charity 3.tough 4.conference 5.confirm 6.button 7.account 8.click 9.target 10.guideline 11.author 12.case
1.upset 2.pressed 3.familiar 4.tips 5.updating 6.discount
1.inconvenient convenience inconvenience 2.distance 3.privately privacy 4.theft 5.particularly
6.rude rudeness 7.inspiring inspired inspiration 8.embarrassed embarrassing embarrassment 9.beneficial benefit 10.accessible access
1.keep pany 2.now that 3.go through 4.in shape 5.keep track of 6.make fun of 7.keep (...) in mind 8.blog post 9.search engine 10.identity card
1.keep track of 2.gone through 3.Keep in mind 4.Now that 5.in shape
1.so fluent in English that 2.whenever I am in trouble 3.where to spend your holiday
攻重难 解惑释疑
1.①for/to ②to pick ③convenience ④I would appreciate it if you could reply to me at your earliest convenience
2.(1)from (2)for (3)①will benefit the students greatly ②will be of great benefit to the students ③will be very beneficial to the students
3.①distance ②is at a distance of two kilometres from our school ③Learning that other students always keep you at a distance ④which is within walking distance of the hotel where you stay
4.①accessible access ②通道 ③gain access to the best Chinese culture
5.①占……(比例) ②解释 ③give you a full account of ④take my invitation into account
6.(1)to find (2)Upset and helpless (3)①What upset me was that ②It upset me that
7.①where ②As ③in which case I have to turn to you for help ④In no case shall I forget
划重点 练全易错点
1.surfing 2.chatting 3.tips 4.confirmation 5.beneficial
6.rudeness embarrassed 7.inspiring particularly 8.clicked chatting 9.convenience 10.particularly
①that ②functions ③to ④In ⑤from/by ⑥about ⑦to use ⑧with
1.①by ②up ③against ④went through real hardship did she realise
2.①came to my mind ②change his mind ③put his mind to getting better ④keep in mind
3.(1)such (2)So  (3)so (4)①so moved that ②So moved was Mother that
4.①better ②harder ③The more she thought about it,the more frightened she felt
划重点 练透热考点
1.to show 2.Now that you like Chinese classical literature very much 3.so many selfless people like Zhong Nanshan around us that 4.making it more convenient for us to improve our studies 5.(1)am quite familiar with (2)is quite familiar to me 6.(1)keep his daughter company (2)accompany his daughter
①With online shopping developing quickly ②identity theft ③convenience ④Keep in mind the following tips ⑤of great benefit/very beneficial to ⑥in case your private information is easily given away
测效果 素养提能
Ⅰ.1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C
Ⅱ.1.vt.(尤指迅速或随手)放置 2.vt. 克服 (障碍) 3.n.吸气音
①embarrassment written on his red face ②Hearing that, the woman sat there, ashamed, feeling her cheeks burning. ③How could she be angry with ④wondering how to hide her inner embarrassment ⑤hoping no one would notice how embarrassed she was ⑥she even had no courage to look into her husband's eyes
“She was truly a caring woman.” her husband said with a trembling voice, embarrassment written in his red face. Hearing that, the woman sat there, ashamed, feeling her cheeks burning. How could she be angry with such a caring lady She rose from her chair, and hesitated for a moment, wondering how to hide her inner embarrassment. Then, she dropped her eyes and stared at her feet, hoping no one would notice how embarrassed she was. With the color flooding her cheeks, she even had no courage to look into her husband's eyes.